Chapter 17

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

The months that they had spent apart had gone by too quickly and they had no intension of meeting. It was fate that they met like this.

Joon looked at Hyosung and she looked at him. They stood in silence as the people passed them on the busy sidewalk and the fading spring breeze swept between them. It had been too long. She broke the silence with her smile, like she had always done so before.

“How have you been?” she asked.

Joon didn’t immediately respond but merely took in her presence. She was still the same as before. He looked into her eyes once more and showed her a small smile.

“I’ve been good” he replied.

It was as though a magic spell was suddenly cast upon them. He smiled more and she laughed as he stepped forward and she opened her arms. They hugged in the heat of the moment and Hyosung felt the tears fall while Joon felt the weight lift off his shoulders. They pulled away.

“Why are you crying?” he asked, slightly teasing.

“Because we are here…like this” she replied and wiped her tears.

He knew what she meant. They both wanted to see each other but thought the moment would come. They were afraid of each other because of what had happened long ago.

“How are you and Kikwang-ah?” he asked.

“We are doing great. We’ve been together almost 8 months.”

Joon gawked.

“Really? Has it been that long? I guess time has passed more quickly than I thought.”

They laughed once more.

“Are you seeing anyone?” she asked.

Joon rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

“No…but I think I’m interested in someone.”

“Really? Who?”

Joon caught her eyes and he almost blurted out the name of the person who had been haunting him the last couple of months. Hyosung looked at him with suspicion.

“Why so quiet?” she asked with a small smirk.

Joon looked at her, slightly surprised.

“D…do you know?” he asked.

Hyosung looked at him, studying him up and down. She noticed his nervous expression, which meant that he was afraid that she knew the girl and the only person Hyosung knew that also knew Joon was Hyuna. Not to mention, Hyuna and him have nearly spent every day together these past couple of months.


Joon froze and Hyosung smiled in victory.

“Am I right?! Is it Hyuna?”

Joon sighed and nodded, blushing.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t get her out of my mind. I think I’m going crazy.”

“You’re not going crazy, you just like her.”

They looked at each other once more.

“This is weird” he whispered.

Joon rubbed his head as he thought about what he should do next.

“I think you should tell her how you feel.”

Joon shook his head.

“I can’t do that. She told me she liked me a long time ago but I rejected her. She moved on. She even had a boyfriend for a while before he cheated on her.”

Hyosung bit her lip to stop herself from speaking. She knew about Hyuna’s little plan.

“Then now is your chance. I know she isn’t seeing anyone right now. Why don’t you take her out on a secret date?”

“Secret date?” he asked in confusion.

Hyosung rolled her eyes at him.

“Yes, a secret date. Take her out and just do what people on dates do, but let her know it’s a date.”

Joon pondered the idea for a moment but then shook his head.

“No, no, no….we always do something like that.”

Joon sighed in disappointment. He finally wanted to take the chance to tell Hyuna about the feelings he had been experiencing for the last couple of months. He had finally admitted it to himself and not to mention Hyosung. And then it suddenly hit him. He looked at Hyosung and smiled widely.

“I know what to do. I need your help.”

“Me? Okay, anything to help you both” she replied.

Joon grinned and then laughed.

“Okay…then let me ask you a question.”

Hyosung saw his eyes and stiffened up. He was definitely planning something devious.


Hyuna perked up at the sound of the door opening. She ran out of the kitchen and smiled at Joon as he stepped into the apartment.

“Where were you oppa? I called you.”

“Eh? You did? Sorry. I was a little busy” Joon replied as he walked past her.

Hyuna pouted but followed him into the kitchen.

“Busy?” she asked.

Joon looked at her and became nervous.

“Yeah. I met up with someone.”

Hyuna froze at those words.

“Oh? Someone from work?” she asked in a hurried tone.

She made her way over to the stove where she was currently cooking some ramyun. Joon remained silent for a moment.

“Well…I met them at work.”

They looked at each other and Joon smiled. It caught Hyuna off guard because his smile was so bright.

“What? Why are you so happy?” she asked, a small smile reaching her lips.

Joon shook his head and waved his hand at her to dismiss the subject.

“Tell me” she urged as sweetly as she could.

Joon smiled once more and then sighed happily.

“I met a girl.”

The words hit her hard and she almost lost the ability to breath.

“A-…a girl?” she asked in disbelief.

Joon nodded, not noticing her change of tone.

“I think I like her. She isn’t like anyone else.”

He looked at Hyuna but she didn’t respond.

“I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend.”

Hyuna felt the silver spoon slip from her grasp and hit the tile floor. Joon looked at it and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he bent down and picked up the spoon.

Hyuna turned away from him and started to undo her apron.

“I have to go” she said and threw the apron on the counter. Joon reached out and grabbed her arm.

“Yah! Are you upset at me or something?”

Hyuna snatched her arm away from his grasp and pushed him away, though he hardly moved from the force of her push.

“I thought you were just acting dumb but maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are a complete idiot Joon-oppa.”

“What?! A complete idiot?! Yah!!”

Hyuna rolled her eyes at him and grabbed her things from the couch.

“You’re a complete idiot!! Can’t you see I was waiting for you?!”

They both froze at those words.

“What? Joon asked, his eyes widening.

He managed to let out a small chuckle.

“You’re joking right?” he asked.

Hyuna gaped at him and then threw the television remote at him, hitting him on his forehead. Joon yelled out in pain. Hyuna almost apologized but she was too angry right now.

“Have fun with your new girlfriend! Jerk!” she yelled out and then left the apartment, slamming the door in the process.

Joon stared at the door and smirked. His plan was going well.


Hyosung jumped as she heard the front door slam shut, followed by loud thumps and angry cursing.  She poked her head out from her room and saw Hyuna throwing her things all over the place.

“Hyuna-yah, what’s wrong?”

Hyuna kicked her shoes across the room and threw her head back and let out a small scream of frustration.  She looked at Hyosung and immediately latched her herself to her unnie.

“Unnie…I hate him” she said.

“Who?” Hyosung asked as she hugged Hyuna back.

“Lee Joon” Hyuna replied and pulled away.

Hyosung looked at Hyuna in shock.

“Why? What did he do?”

“He likes another girl that isn’t me!” Hyuna screamed, catching Hyosung by surprise.

“He said that?”

“Yes and I am pissed off unnie!! I liked him since we first met and I even waited for him when you guys broke up. I’ve been around him nonstop and did everything for him to notice me and he still didn’t get the hint that I still liked him! UGH!!”

Hyuna let go of Hyosung and started ranting around the apartment. Hyosung tried hard to suppress her laughter since she knew this was all part of Joon’s plan. She straightened herself out and went into Hyuna’s room and found Hyuna angrily going through her closet.

“Going somewhere?” Hyosung asked.

“I’m going to a club. I need to vent out this frustration” replied Hyuna as she pulled out a green strapless dress that looked way too short.

Hyosung stepped forward and put the dress back. She pulled out a nice black halter dress and handed it to Hyuna.

“We can match if you wear this.”

“Match?” asked Hyuna.

“Yeah. I’m going with you.”

Hyuna jumped up and down in excitement and then suddenly stopped.

“Wait, won’t Kikwang-oppa be upset if you go out clubbing with me?”

“Nah! He’s working tonight and he knows he shouldn’t get jealous. Plus, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” replied Hyosung.


“WOOOOOO!!!” yelled Hyuna as she downed another shot of alcohol.

Hyosung pulled Hyuna back and grabbed the small shot glass.

“Yah!! Where did you get this? Who gave it to you?”

Hyuna didn’t reply and only smiled at Hyosung. She had only had 5 shots but she was already feeling dizzy.

“Unnie…I hate Joon.”

Hyosung nodded.

“I know” Hyosung replied and checked her phone.

Hyuna frowned.

“You have been checking your phone all night. Are you not having fun?” she asked.

Hyosung waved the question.

“I am. I just don’t want us to stay out so late.”

Hyosung checked her phone once more and smiled as she saw a message. She looked at Hyuna and grabbed her hand.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Hyuna protested but didn’t seem to have the strength to pull away. She followed Hyosung out of the bar they were at and out onto the street. The night air hit her bare skin and suddenly she could think clearly. She had spent the past couple of hours in the bar, dancing and trying to do anything to keep her from thinking about Joon. She looked over to Hyosung.

“Come on, I know the perfect place to go” Hyosung said.

Hyuna nodded and began to walk down the sidewalk with Hyosung. Hyosung grabbed Hyuna’s hand and quickly made her way down the streets towards the town park. It was filled with people and lit up with lights. It was the middle of summer and so there were a lot of festivals being held in the park. Hyuna marveled at all the activity and all the happy people in the park. Hyosung continued to pull her along until they push their way into a crowd. Hyuna felt Hyosung let go of her hand. She stopped and tried to look for her.

“Unnie? Hyosung-unnie?!”

The crowd was too thick for her to see Hyosung or even push her way through. She push past a couple of people and finally managed to get to a clearing. She looked around for any sign of Hyosung but couldn’t spot her. She checked her phone and saw a message from Hyosung.

‘I’m by the lake, in front of the statue.’

Hyuna smiled and made her way over to the spot. She loved that statue. It was a simple statue of a fish but it was really detailed and beautiful. She rushed over to the spot and frowned when she didn’t see Hyosung. Suddenly, a cloth covered her eyes.

“Don’t worry” said Hyosung’s voice.

“Unnie? What is going on?” Hyuna asked.

Hyosung didn’t answer. Hyuna heard several footsteps and hushed whispers.  After a few moments, the cloth was removed from her eyes and she gasped as she saw lanterns lighting up the area and the fountain spewing out colored water. She turned her attention to the person in front of her and realized it was Hyosung, holding a small note pad. She cleared .

“Lee Joon, the perfect man” she said and then clapped her hands.

From behind a tree, Hyuna saw Joon step out and yawn.

“Aigoo…I’m such the perfect man. I work hard and I am very good looking. All the girls want to go out with me.”

Joon and Hyosung turned their attention towards the tree but nothing happened.

“Ahem. I SAID, I work hard and I am very good looking. All the girls want to go out with me.”

Once again, they looked at the tree but nothing happened.

Hyosung quickly rushed over and yelled something out and the next thing that Hyuna saw was Kikwang flying out in a wig and a dress over his normal clothes. He seemed beyond embarrassed as he looked around. Hyosung threw a rock past him and he seemed to have gotten the message. He turned to Joon.

“Oppa! Oppa! You’re so handsome. Will you be my boyfriend?” he said, almost dying from embarrassment.

He clung on to Joon’s arm and snuggled his face on Joon’s cheek.

“Oppa! Don’t you like me?”

Joon smiled and cupped Kikwang’s cheek.

“You are really pretty. You’re smile is nice, your body is also good but I don’t think so.”

“What?! Oppa who will be more perfect for you than me?” Kikwang asked in a high pitched voice.

Joon pushed Kikwang away and Kikwang dramatically fell to the ground. Joon looked around and his eyes landed on Hyuna. They finally locked eyes and Hyuna froze as he made her way towards her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to Kikwang.

“Your body compared to hers is nothing. Her smile lights up the darkest of places. Her eyes are bright. They sparkle when she laughs. She never thinks about herself. She is generous and patient. She made me smile when I was too weak to do anything else. She loves me.”

Joon looked into Hyuna’s eyes.

“And I love her.”

Hyuna gasped and off in the distance, Hyosung clapped.

"The perfect man Joon finally finds the girl of his dreams and confesses" she read out.

“Hyuna. I’m sorry it took so long for me to do this. But I thought maybe you didn’t like me anymore. But then I ran into Junhyung and he told me the truth. Hyosung-ah also confirmed it. You lied about him being your boyfriend, to make me jealous. I admit that I was very jealous and when I found out the truth, I lied and said I was interested in someone else. So let's get this straight. You love me, and you haven’t stopped loving me. After all I put you through, you still love me so now I know that you are meant to be with me. You waited long enough. I’m finally here. So Hyuna, I have one question to ask you.”

He pulled Hyuna close and looked deeply into her eyes. Hyuna gulped as she looked into his eyes, almost getting lost in them.

“Let’s stop playing these games…will you be my girlfriend?”

Hyuna felt the tears on her cheeks as she smiled and nodded.


They both smiled at each other and Hyuna hugged him tightly and he wrapped her arms around her.

Hyosung cheered and jumped up and down. She turned to Kikwang and saw him with his back to all of them.

“Oppa?” she asked.

His shoulder shook slightly. She turned him to face her and was surprised to see him wiping his eyes.

“That was so beautiful” he wailed out.

Hyosung rolled her eyes.

“You big baby” she said and took his hand, pulling him away to give the new couple a moment alone.


Apologies all around for taking so long to update and for not responding to the comments. I suffered from HUGE writers block and lack of free time. Anyway, yay!!! Joon and Hyuna are finally together!!!! I know I didn’t have any Minki in this chapter but this story has one last chapter and I will include everyone. Look forward to it!!

********Chapter song inspiration time!!! I think that it is no secret that I LOVE 4Men and these two songs are some of my favorite from them. They made this chapter possible!

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(