Chapter 11

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

As Hyosung opened the door, she was greeted by the sound of silence and the lack of light. She closed the door behind her and switched on the light. She instantly gasped at the mess that was in the living room. There were broken objects everywhere. She carefully stepped over the trashed objects and made her way towards the bed room.

“Joon?” she called out.

She was afraid of what she might find. What if someone had broken in?

“Joonie, are you here?”

There was no response. She opened the bed room door and sighed in relief when she saw Joon sitting on the edge of his bed.

“Joonie…why didn’t you answer me?” she asked as she walked up to him.

She stopped when her foot connected with an object. She looked down and saw countless bottles of alcohol. Some were broken and there was glass everywhere. Hyosung finally looked around the room and saw it was in the same condition as the living room.

“Joonie, what happened?”

He remained silent and unmoving.

“Talk to me” she whispered and reached out to touch him.

Joon instantly reacted and harshly grabbed her wrist. Hyosung gasped in surprise. Joon finally lifted his head and looked at her, glaring at her.

“Don’t touch me” he said and pushed her away.

Hyosung stumbled back, grabbing her wrist and wincing from the pain. Joon stood up from the bed and turn his back on her. He walked over to his window and pulled the drapes away to look out. He only glanced for a brief second before he let the drapes fall back in place and turned back around.

“Leave. I don’t want to see your face.”

Hyosung stared at him as he took a drink from the bottle in his hand. He was drunk and she immediately blamed herself. She had tried to call him last night but he never answered. She had rejected him but she never thought he would take it so hard.

“Joonie, don’t drink anymore” she whispered and reached for the bottle.

Joon pulled away and laughed.

“Don’t drink anymore? I don’t think so. It’s all I can do.”

He took another drink and then smiled to mock her.

“I’m sorry I rejected your proposal yesterday Joonie. I’m really sorry.”

Joon’s face instantly changed at the mention of yesterday and Hyosung noticed it. Had she been correct? Was he like this because she rejected him?

“You’re sorry?” he whispered


He let out a small laugh.

“You’re sorry…because you rejected my heart felt proposal?”

He talked to her in an irritated voice. Hyosung felt a shiver go up her spine at the way he spoke. He laughed more as he saw her troubled expression.

“You’re sorry because I poured my heart out to you and you rejected me…”

He glared at her.

“But you’re not sorry you ran to Kikwang?”

Hyosung’s eyes widened.

“K..Kikwang?” she asked in surprise.

“Yeah…Kikwang” he replied as he stepped closer to her.

“What does he have to do with this?” she asked.

Joon furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

“I saw you with him yesterday. I saw how you ran to his apartment and how he ran down to see you. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead….you cried in his arms!!”

He threw the bottle at the wall and grabbed Hyosung’s wrists.

“Joonie, stop!”

Joon tightened his grip on her small wrists and Hyosung winced in pain. Joon yanked her closer.

“What were you doing with him? Huh?!”

Hyosung remained silent. She felt so guilty. No matter what, she never wanted to hurt Joon. Joon shook her.

“Answer me!!”

He was holding on too tight and she felt as though he would break her wrists.

“Joonie, you’re hurting me.”

Joon threw her wrists down and turned his back on her again.

“Just leave.”

Hyosung bit her lip as she felt her tears slip down her cheeks.

“I never wanted to hurt you Joonie.”

He turned around so fast that it surprised her.

“You never wanted to hurt me?!”

He laughed once more before he stared her down.

“What is going on with you and him? Tell me!! Do you know him from long ago? Are you LOVERS?!What is it!?”

Joon had cornered her now against the wall.

“We’re not lovers.”

“Well you fooled me because it sure did look like it.”

Hyosung looked into his eyes.

“We…kissed at the party…we like each other.”

Joon backed away in a sort of shock.

“You kissed him?”

Hyosung felt her tears continuing to drop. She silently nodded. She could no longer meet his eyes. Joon picked up a random bottle and threw it against the wall and suddenly grabbed Hyosung by her arms, surprising her.

“Did I mean nothing to you? How could you do this to me?”

His tone was harsh but his voice was laced with hurt.

“I love you Hyosung. I loved you for so many years! How could you get my hopes up like this?!”

“I’m so sorry” she said as the tears kept flowing.

“Don’t you love me?!”

“Of course I do Joonie! I love you!”

Joon looked into her eyes. He clearly saw the change in her eyes. Before, they were always so bright whenever he looked at them. Now, they seemed dim as they looked at him.

“You love me…but you don’t love me in the way I want you to.”

Hyosung didn’t respond and that made him angry. He forcefully pushed her away and she stumbled over the rubble. She tripped and hit her face up against the night stand. She looked up at Joon and he saw her face. She had a gash on her cheek that was already showing signs of bruising. He walked over to her and dropped down onto his knees. Hyosung flinched as he reached for her and grabbed her face. He looked at the gash on her face and then looked into her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her but she seemed to struggle against him. It was too much for him to handle. He pulled her up with him and forced another kiss but she didn’t respond. He kept his eyes closed as his hand moved up over her face. He felt the tears she was crying and the blood on her face. He heard her sob softly. Then he felt his own tears slide down his face. He took his hands away from her face and finally opened his eyes.

They stared at each other for a moment and then Joon dropped onto his knees once more, this time, his arms wrapped around her waist.


He let out a soft sob and pressed his face against her stomach to muffle his cries. Hyosung stared at the wall on the other side of the room. She couldn’t look at him right now.

“Hyosung-ah…I’ll forgive everything. I’ll forget everything, I swear.”

He tightened his hold on her.

“Just promise me you’ll forget him…and I will forgive everything.”

Hyosung shook her head and even though he couldn’t see her, Joon took her silence as an answer.


Min smiled as she read the text in her phone.

‘I ate a cupcake today…I pretended it was made by you.’

She had been texting Hong Ki for the past day and she never got tired of re-reading his texts. She wanted to see him, even though she knew she shouldn’t. Kikwang walked into the room and she quickly turned her phone off.

“Oh, you’re back from the store?” she asked and stood up from the couch.

She headed over to him and helped him with the bags.

“Thanks” he said and made his way to the kitchen.

Min followed after him and placed the bags on the counter. They silently put the things away, enjoying the silence.

Kikwang glanced at her.

“Something good happen?” he asked, catching her by surprise.

“Why do you ask?” she said, her heart beat rising.

“You have a big smile on your face” he voiced.

Min laughed a little.

“Oh, I just got a message from a friend and it just cheered me up. That’s all.”

Kikwang nodded in understanding and then stretched.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

Min watched as he made his way past her and into their bed room. She turned her phone back on and smiled as she saw she had another message.

‘I’m suddenly wondering…do my messages make you smile?”

Min bit her lip to stop smiling because her cheeks were hurting so much already.


She hit the send button and silently squealed. Her moment was interrupted by Kikwang’s phone ringing. She made her way into the bed room and wondered why the phone sounded muffled. She continued to listen to the song that was playing, trying to find it. She moved over to the bed and heard the phone ringing from underneath his pillow. It stopped ringing and she reached under the pillow and pulled it out. She wondered why it was there. She looked at the caller id and saw it was Kikwang’s boss that had just called. Min shrugged it off and lifted the pillow to place the phone back but stopped when she saw an earring. She put the pillow and the phone aside and picked up the earring. She examined it closely and instantly knew it wasn’t one of hers but that she had seen it somewhere before. She put the phone back underneath the pillow but kept the earring in her hands. Min continued to examine it closely. She remembered one time when Kikwang stuffed something underneath his pillow but she didn’t bother to pay any attention then.

Minutes later when Kikwang finally came out of the shower, dressed in sweats and a tank top, Min was sitting on the bed waiting for him. She caught his eyes.

“What is this doing underneath your pillow?”

She flashed the earring and Kikwang looked at it.

“It isn’t mine” she said.

Kikwang continued looking at the earring and then turned his head to look at her.

“It’s Hyosung’s earring” he said and made his way to his dresser.

“Why do you have Hyosung-unnie’s earring?”

Her voice had risen.

“Is this from the party?” she asked, this time standing up.

“No” he replied and looked at her as he continued to speak.

“It’s from over a few weeks ago when I walked her to the bus stop after she came to the club.”

Min raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

“Then why haven’t you given it back to her?”

“Because I didn’t want to” he replied, stunning her with his words.

“What do you mean you didn’t want to? Kikwang, what are you trying to say here?”

Kikwang let out a sigh. He turned fully towards her and walked closer to her until he was only a few inches from her.

“I kept the earring because I wanted to have some kind of part of her…since I couldn’t have her.”

Min felt her hand clench around the earring.

“Are you saying…that you like Jun Hyosung?”

She spoke in a hushed voice as if saying it any louder would result in the whole world knowing. Kikwang looked at her with sadness and slowly nodded.

“I like her so much…that I cheated on you. I kissed Hyosung at the party because I couldn’t take it anymore.”

Min scoffed at his answer.

“You say this so casually? Don’t you have any shame?!”

She launched the earring at him, hitting him in the chest.

“Me and you are a couple, Lee Kikwang. How dare you do this to me!? Do you know how many guys like me?! I turned them all down for you!”


“Shut up” she cut him off

  Though she didn’t want to, she found herself in tears.

“You can’t leave me Kikwang-ah. You just can’t.”

Kikwang couldn’t look at her. She knew she was being selfish because even though she wasn’t so bothered that he cheated, she didn’t want to lose him.

“If you leave me, who will I have left?”

Kikwang finally looked at her.

“What about Lee Hong Ki?”

Min gasped and looked at him.

“I saw the way you looked at each other. I also saw when he kissed you.”

Min shook her head in disbelief.

“You…saw? Why didn’t you say anything then?”

“What could I say?” he asked.

Those words hurt her because not only was he aware of her wavering feelings but he was also aware that he just didn’t care in that way anymore. She turned her face away from his.

“I have to leave” she said and walked out of the room and out of the apartment.

He didn’t follow her.


Hyuna stood in shock as she watched Hyosung walk in.


She ran to Hyosung and gently touched her face.

“What happened unnie?!” she asked as Hyosung gently pushed her away.

Hyosung set her things down on the floor before she turned to look at Hyuna.

“Go to Joon” she whispered.

Hyuna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.


“Go to Joon. He needs someone by his side.”

“Then why aren’t you there with him?” Hyuna countered, her eyes narrowing.

She glanced at Hyosung’s face.

“Did…did Joon-oppa do this to you?”

Hyosung shook her head.


“Then what happened unnie?! Talk to me! Tell me!”

Hyosung couldn’t hold it in anymore and finally let her tears drop.

“I did something…and hurt Joon, very badly. I’m sorry.”

Hyosung let out a heart wrenching sob as Hyuna pulled her arms away from Hyosung. She grabbed her coat and cast Hyosung a sad look.

“I asked you to never hurt him…” she said before she opened the door and left.


Joon looked up as he heard the door slam shut and seconds later, he saw Hyuna in his bed room doorway. She looked around at the mess in the room and finally looked at him. The sight in front of her brought tears to her eyes.

“Hyuna-yah…I’m drunk and heartbroken…I don’t want to see anyone.”

Hyuna rolled her eyes just made her way to him. She kneeled down and herself within his arms, hugging him close. He tried to push her away but she didn’t budge and only hugged him tighter. She pulled away to look at him but he didn’t even look at her. She cried a little bit more because he was hurting. She didn’t know what happened but from now on, she was going to make sure it never happened again.


Min impatiently knocked on the door. She looked around but found no one out in the hall. She raised her hand to knock on the door once more but it finally swung open.

“Min?” Hong Ki asked in shock.

Min looked at him and tried to control herself.

“Suzy told me where you lived. I just needed to see you.”

Min bit her lip and Hong Ki could tell she was going to cry. He pulled her into the apartment and closed the door. She was about to speak but he silenced her. He turned off the lights and then pulled her into a hug.

“Suzy told me once…that you don’t like anyone seeing you cry.”

Min buried her face into his chest. As she felt the tears finally falling, she was never more grateful for her heartache.


The scenes with Joon….freakin’ killed me!! I read the comments and everyone feels so bad for Joon!! I feel bad too!! But luckily Hyuna is here to the rescue and I have to wonder…how will things turn out for those two? And also for Kisung and Minki. I made Joon not so nice in this but I wanted to show his heartbreak. I went through something like this once because the guy I liked didn’t feel the same and I had liked him for a couple of years. I went crazy, and by crazy, I mean I had a couple drinks and cried in a field in the middle of the night and tearing up pictures of him. Oh the memories…XD Sorry I took so long to update since I usually update every day or every other day, but I have been wrapping presents and making plans to hang with friends. A little heads up, I should be able to update either on Christmas eve or Christmas day! That will be your Christmas present from me!

**********Chapter song inspiration time!!! So I totally ripped off this video XD But the song really captured what I wanted to happen! I love Tablo!! I’m so glad he came out with an album after so long!

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(