Chapter 16

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

Little Moments: Kikwang and Hyosung


“Are you staring at me?”

Kikwang smiled.

“Yeah” he replied.

Hyosung blushed and playfully hit his arm. He didn’t budge and stared at her.

“Yah…how could you admit that so easily?” she asked in a hushed voice.

Kikwang reached over and pulled her close. He looked down at her face, then her lips.

“Because you look so good” he whispered.

He leaned in to kiss her but she pushed him away.

“I don’t think so” she replied and stood up from her couch, taunting him with a smile.

Kikwang grabbed her hand and pulled her back down.

“You like to tease.”

He grabbed her chin gently and aimed for her lips once more but right when he was going to capture her lips, the front door opened. She pushed him away, knocking him to the ground. Hyosung stood up quickly and smiled as Hyuna entered the living room. As Hyosung completely turned her attention to Hyuna, Kikwang couldn’t help but grumble underneath his breath. He didn’t hate Hyuna. She was a sweet girl, but at the moment, he didn’t like her too much. Hyuna seemed to notice his sudden mood change and as she locked eyes with him, she smirked in triumph.

“ert…she’s mine” she mouthed out while she hugged Hyosung.

Kikwang was jealous.


Kikwang winced as he coughed but even though he was sick, he pushed away the medicine that Hyosung offered him.

“Yah, Lee Kikwang!” she yelled out in frustration.

Kikwang ignored her and pulled the covers over his face, snuggling into the bed. Hyosung sighed and pulled at the blankets.

“You have to take this medicine and get better!!”

Hyosung tugged the covers but couldn’t manage to pull them off of Kikwang. Kikwang tightened himself into a small ball.

“I don’t want that medicine” he managed to say.

“If you don’t take the medicine, you will only get worse.”

Kikwang continued to ignore her and she was starting to get annoyed. She clutched the covers that engulfed his body and started pulling with all her force. She pulled and pulled, finally managing to rip away the blankets, leaving him spread out on his bed. She climbed onto the bed and pulled away his hands from his face. He stared up at her. She bent down her head as if she was going to kiss him and then suddenly she smacked his forehead. Kikwang yelled out in pain which was when Hyosung took her chance and put the pills in his mouth, clasping her hand over his mouth to prevent him from throwing them out. He narrowed his eyes at her and grabbed her wrist but she didn’t budge.

“Are you going to swallow them?” she asked.

Kikwang shrugged his shoulders and looked away. Hyosung sighed in frustration and finally Kikwang nodded his head once he realized how annoyed she was. Hyosung pulled her hand away carefully and then handed him a cup of water. Kikwang took the cup and drank it down, swallowing the pills in the process.  When he was done he placed the cup down on his nightstand and looked at Hyosung with a funny look.

“What?” she asked in confusion.

There was silence and then she rolled her eyes playfully.

“Ah! You must be mad, right Kikwangie?”

She laughed at the nickname but he only continued to looked at her.

“What?” she asked once more.

Kikwang slowly smiled and nodded in understanding before he spoke.

“You love me” he stated, catching Hyosung off guard.

“What?” she whispered.

“You, Jun Hyosung, love me, Lee Kikwang. It’s obvious now.”

She blushed and then hit his arm.

“Does Lee Kikwang love Jun Hyosung?” she asked.

Kikwang didn’t respond but merely kissed her.

“Of course” he whispered against her lips.

He mentally patted himself on the back for being so romantic. Yet Hyosung frowned and pushed him away, surprising him.

“YAH!! Now I’m going to be sick!! Hand me that medicine!”


Hyosung sighed as she exited as she locked the door to the bakery that she was now working at. It was closing time and she was in charge of locking the door. It had been a long and busy day at the bakery. She was so busy that she couldn’t even find the time to call Kikwang. She hadn’t seen him in almost two weeks. She was busy with her last couple of days of school and also with her job. She was just happy that she was going to graduate in a couple of days and would be less busy. She quickly made her way down the street. She only lived a block away and so it wasn’t long before she finally entered her home. She was greeted with silence. She glanced at the clock and noticed it was 9pm, which meant Kikwang was at work. Hyosung frowned at the realization that she was not going to be able to talk to him tonight. Her phone played her message tone and she instantly looked at it, smiling when she saw a message from Kikwang.

‘Yah! Don’t wear that skirt anymore unless you’re with me!!’

Hyosung’s eyes widened and she looked down to see her skirt.

‘How did you know I was wearing a skirt?’

‘Think about it’ he replied.

Hyosung searched her memory for the answer and it suddenly dawned on her. Right before she left the bakery, she noticed a guy across the street and while she was walking to her home, she noticed him once more. Was it Kikwang? Her phone notified her of another message.

‘Yes, it was’

Hyosung’s eyes widened once more. Was Kikwang becoming a mind reader?!

‘I’m on my way to work. When will you see me? I get tired just watching you from afar.’

Hyosung smiled.

‘Soon…why? Do you miss me?’

‘I always miss you’ he replied.

Hyosung blushed.

‘Will you wait for me to come to you?’

‘I can’t go anywhere without you…so I guess I will wait. Come to me quickly’


Little Moments: Hong Ki and Min


There were many things Hong Ki would do for his girlfriend Min, but sometimes he wondered if she took advantage of him. As he stared down at the basket, he was sure that this time, she really wanted to take advantage of him.

“Why?” he weakly asked.

Min rolled her eyes.

“Please? I’m really busy and I will really be happy if you do this for me by the time I get off work.”

Hong Ki frowned.

“You don’t work late tonight. We can do this tonight when you get home.”

Min looked at him with a disappointed look and Hong Ki knew he said something wrong. He quickly waved his hands in defense.

“I’m sorry. I will do it” he said.

Min instantly smiled and hugged him.

“Thank you babyyyyy” she said.

She grabbed her purse and put on her shoes. She handed Hong Ki her house keys and then gave him a quick kiss before she left her apartment. Hong Ki sighed in slight frustration as he looked over to the basket.  It was Min’s dirty laundry and he had agreed to wash it for her.

After minutes of staring at the basket, he finally picked it up and exited the apartment, making his way down to the washing room. It was empty and for that he was grateful. Even though he and Min have been dating for a while, it was embarrassing to touch Min’s clothes, especially her delicates. He opened a machine and dumped the basket in, surprised to see nothing but bras and . He blushed red and was extremely thankful that no one was around. Min had fooled him. She had placed a couple of shirts and pants on top of the basket. Hong Ki quickly dumped in some detergent and shut the machine.

He spent the rest of the time alone in the room and when the clothes had finally been washed and dried, he scooped up the basket and exited the laundry room. He smiled in triumph. He had survived a potentially embarrassing moment without a hitch. As he happily walked back to Min’s apartment, he slammed into someone and the basket spilled out onto the floor. He looked up in horror and saw a girl looking down at the clothes. She looked up at him with slight disgust before she continued on her way. Hong Ki watched as she spoke to a guy on the elevator and pointed at him. They laughed at him.

“It’s my girlfriend’s!!” he yelled out as the elevator doors closed.

Min owed him big time.


Min grabbed her shirt, slowly starting to pull it up but Hong Ki reached out and stopped her.

“What are you doing?” she asked in confusion.

“I should be asking you the same thing” he replied.

“Well you wanted me to spend the night. I though you wanted to-”

“No” he said and smiled at her.

“What?” she asked, even more confused.

Hong Ki chuckled and grabbed her hand, leading her over to the bed. He pulled her down with him and pulled the covers over the both of them. He hugged her close and rested his chin on her head. She seemed uncomfortable.

“I’ve never done this before” she said.

“Done what?” he asked.

“This…just laying here like this.”

“Never?” he asked in shock.

She shook her head.

“Never. The guys I dated seemed to want something else in these situations.”

She was quiet. Even when she was with Kikwang, she never spent the night with Kikwang without having . Hong Ki chuckled a little and just pulled her closer. He grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his waist.

“Just close your eyes. I just want to do this.”

Even though Min had never done this before, she was glad that Hong Ki had been the first guy to ever cuddle with her just like this. She had surely changed because before she would have been annoyed with a guy who wanted to cuddle. She was grateful to Hong Ki this sort of thing made her smile now.


“What…what is this?” she asked in amazement.

Hong Ki grinned as he saw her face.

“Exactly what it looks like” he responded and nudged her to take it.

She smiled and grabbed the box he was holding out. It was a ring box with two rings inside.

“Couple rings?” she asked.

Hong Ki nodded and took the ring that was hers. It was silver and had something inscribed on it. She looked at it and smiled as she read the name on the ring.

“Lee Hong Ki”

Hong Ki grinned wider and showed her his ring which had her name on it.

“Happy 5 month anniversary” he said as he slipped the ring on her finger.


Little Moments: Joon and Hyuna


Hyuna was surprised to see Junhyung standing in front of her.


He noticed her and smiled awkwardly.

“Hey Hyuna-yah.”

She had not seen him since that eventful night many weeks ago. It was awkward between them now.

“Are you okay?” she suddenly asked.

He nodded.

“I’m sorry about what happened that night” she voiced.

“It was my fault. I was trying to help you out. I thought that maybe if I made it seem like I was cheating on you it would cause him to stand up for you. Although I imagined it all differently.”

They both laughed.

“So…any progress with him?”

Hyuna thought about it. After that night, Joon had become more open to her, like how he used to be when she had first met. He did seem happier too.

“A little. Nothing major though” she replied.

Junhyung nodded in understanding.

There was a moment of silence but Hyuna looked around the grocery store they were in and remembered why she was here in the first place.

“I have to go Junhyung-oppa.”

“Yeah, me too. Hara-yah wants some cake.”

Hyuna smiled and bowed to him, surprising him.

“Thank you for trying to help. I should have never let it happen but thank you anyway. See you around.”

Hyuna quickly left the aisle they were in and made her way towards the cashiers to pay for her things. She was out in a short while since the store wasn’t so busy today. She quickly made her way towards Joon’s apartment. She entered the apartment to find Joon sitting on the couch watching television. He smiled at her and made his way over to her.

“I didn’t know you were coming over” he said as he took the bags from her.

“Hyosung-unnie is working and I didn’t want to be by myself.”

They made their way towards the kitchen and began to prepare things to cook.

“I saw Junhyung-oppa at the market.”

Joon froze in his actions and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Before you jump to conclusions, we had a small chat and nothing else happened. I just wanted you to know.”

Joon sighed in frustration and decided not to say anything. He didn’t want her associating with that guy anymore. He would always get angry whenever she mentioned him and this time it was no different. He looked at her once more and saw her cutting a few carrots. She sensed him and looked up to see him but immediately yelled out as the knife went into her finger. Joon rushed over and pulled her over to the sink and rinsed the blood off before he ran out of the kitchen. He returned with bandages and other supplies.

“Aish!! You have to be more careful!”

He was scolding her but all she could do was watch as he treated her cut.

“Does it hurt a lot?”

Hyuna shook her head. Joon showed some relief and lightly squeezed her hand in his.

“I’m glad you’re okay” he replied.


Joon wondered what Hyuna was doing. He looked over to his clock and noticed it was getting late and she had not shown up at all or even bothered to call him. It felt weird to be without her so suddenly. She was always here. He glanced at the clock again before he finally sighed and decided to sit up from his bed.

Lately he couldn’t stop thinking of her because she was everywhere. He was really grateful to her for being by his side. He didn’t know how he could have managed without her.

He picked up his phone and checked it but there were no missed calls or messages. He suddenly froze. What if she was with that Junhyung guy again? She had mentioned him a few days ago. Joon balled up his hand in a fist. If only he could have the chance to punch that guy again, he would. However, Joon did feel some guilt towards Hyuna. Maybe if he hadn’t acted out the way he did, she could have worked things out with Junhyung.

Joon sighed and plopped back onto his bed. Did he even want Hyuna to work things out with Junhyung? Joon sighed once more and rubbed his face. He wasn’t thinking straight. He looked at his phone and decided he would call her once and for all. He called Hyuna but she wasn’t answering.

“She must be working” he said out loud with some disappointment.

He tossed the phone off to the side and closed his eyes. There was no point in doing anything today since he wouldn’t be able to function without her.


Joon frowned as Hyuna coughed once more.

“Are you getting sick?” he asked in concern.

Hyuna shook her head and continued to walk down the street. Joon jogged up to her and grabbed her arm, stopping her from going any further. He examined her face and his frown deepened.

“Yah…you look sick. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Joon-oppa I am fine. Stop nagging.”

Her voice sounded weak and distant. She reached up and pulled his hand away but he grabbed her hand in his and lifted his other hand to her forehead. He lightly touched her forehead and looked at her in shock.

“Liar! You’re really burning up. Come on, I’m taking you home.”

Hyuna resisted.

“No! I want to go to that musical you promised me!” she whined out.

“Yah! Don’t argue with me!” he replied and pulled her once more.

Hyuna didn’t budge. Joon bent down in front of her and urged her to hop on his back but she still refused.

“Don’t make me drape you over my shoulder” he warned.

“You won’t do it” she countered.

Joon shot up and smirked before he pulled her forward and picked her up, draping her over his shoulder. She screamed in shock but he ignored her and made his way towards her apartment. He suffered all the way up to her apartment since they were both so stubborn. He didn’t want to admit that she was really heavy and she didn’t want to admit that she actually had no strength to stand on her own anymore. They had made their way up to her apartment in silence. Once inside, Joon quickly ushered her into her room.

“Get changed and get into bed. I’ll go find some medicine.”

He returned minutes later and gave her some flu pills before he sat down on the floor next to her bed. They remained silent because they didn’t need words to explain. He looked up at her and she gave him a weak smile before she closed her eyes. He watched her as her breathing slowed and started to lightly snore. He smiled because he found her incredibly cute at the moment. He was upset that their plans were ruined but he was also grateful for the chance to be with her in any way. He reached out and brushed away some of her hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her face.

She was soft and angelic and even though he didn’t know what was pulling him towards, he couldn’t help but admit that it felt right as he leaned in and planted a small kiss on her nose. He pulled away, stunned at his action. He stood up from the floor and made his way out. He turned off the lights in the apartment, locking the door as he opened it and stepped out onto the hallway. He sighed as he looked at the door. He didn’t know what had come over him but he tried to explain to himself that the reason his heart was pounding so fast was because maybe he was getting sick too.


I can’t remember the last time I updated…..was it a week ago?!?!? GAAAH! So I finished my first week back at college. Bleh! I live 20 minutes from my campus but I found it very hard to get up and drive there this past week. ANYWAY!!  I had some MAJOR writer’s block for this chapter. Every time I wrote a page or so, I just didn’t like it and deleted it and started all over again…..many, many, MANY times. Also, I think the next chapter might be the last one >_< I’m not quite sure yet but if it is the last chapter, then expect A LOT of action and romance and tears and all that good stuff!! Also, is it just me or is Joon starting to like Hyuna??? Hmmmmmm???? I promise to update soon! With any luck, I will update again before the weekend ends!

**************Chapter song inspiration time!! Okay…so like where has this song been hiding all along?! I love it and I thought it would go perfectly with this chapter.

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(