Chapter 15

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

“What the hell was that?”

Hyosung jumped as she heard Kikwang speak. She turned around and faced him.

“What do you mean Kikwang-ah?

Kikwang looked over to the guy who had just walked past Hyosung and had said something to her. He had walked away with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Who was that guy?” he asked.

Hyosung smiled despite the situation.

“Are you jealous?” she asked.

Kikwang remained silent and crossed his arms.

“You are jealous!”

Kikwang sighed in frustration and grabbed her arm. Hyosung placed her hand on top of his, stopping him in his tracks.

“He asked me if I had seen his girlfriend. He wasn’t hitting on me.”

Kikwang looked at her in slight disbelief.

“Really?” he asked.

Hyosung nodded. Kikwang looked her up and down and narrowed his eyes, causing Hyosung to roll her eyes.


“What did you call me?” he asked, his anger quickly fading.

“I called you Oppa” she replied with a smile.

Kikwang had been called oppa before but never from Hyosung or even Min. Hyosung grabbed his hand in hers.

“I didn’t really think you would be the jealous type, oppa.”

“I don’t want you taken from me” he replied.

Hyosung smiled. She always smiled when Kikwang said something. It was as if his voice was magical. She squeezed his hand and then kissed him on the cheek.

“My eyes aren’t always going to look at you. My thoughts won’t always have you in them. However, I could like you everyday.”

Kikwang showed a small smile at her words. He looked at her eyes that can’t always be looking at him.

“Okay” he replied.

“So don’t be jealous. I don’t want you to be jealous anymore. You’re the only one I want to be with okay?”

Kikwang nodded. He had never been comforted like this. When he was with Min, he always felt as though at any moment, she could leave. Kikwang stood up, bringing Hyosung along with him. She grabbed her bag from her chair and followed him out of the school campus without another word.

They walked down the street, hand in hand and with smiles on their faces. The days seemed to have passed quickly for them. They had been dating almost 2 months but it felt like the first day. Kikwang became suddenly tense when he noticed a group of guys staring at Hyosung. She seemed to notice too. She tugged his arm and he looked at her. She lifted his arm and draped it around her shoulders. She didn’t look at the guys and continued to look at him.

“What would you have done in this situation if I was Min?”

He was surprised by the question but answered anyway.

“I would have been jealous. I would have been rash and maybe I would have fought those guys” he replied.

“What about now? What will you do?”

Kikwang scanned her face. She was looking at him with bright eyes. She was in his embrace and she was serious and not playful like Min would have been. Kikwang remembered the words that Hyosung had said earlier and shook his head.

“I’ll continue to walk down the street…like this.”


“Because I know you only like me and you only have eyes for me.”

He sounded cocky and arrogant but his words made Hyosung smile.

“Let’s go” she said.


Hong Ki cringed as Min slammed the door shut. She pushed past him and made her way into his living room.

“I forgot” was all he said as he made his way into the living room.

Min glared at him and crossed her arms.

“We both finally get a day off from work and you end up planning a trip with Yoseob-oppa instead of remembering our date!?” she yelled.

Hong Ki winced at her screams and quickly ducked out of the way from a flying shoe.

“Yah!!! That was a killer high heel! You could have done some real damage!”

Min responded by chucking the other high heel at him.

“Baby!” he yelled and tried to stop her from throwing other things.

Min wrestled with him for a while for the candle she wanted to throw but he managed to yank it out of her hands. She threw a pillow and a small stuffed animal, which managed to hit him. He stumbled backward and tripped over the shoes, causing him to fall. Min stopped and quickly ran to his side.

“OMO! Are you okay?!” she asked as she helped him up.

He rubbed his and cringed from the soreness.

“Why did you throw that stuffed animal so hard?” he asked.

Min tried to suppress her laugh but failed and ended up laughing out loud.

“Was that funny?” Hong Ki asked, slightly glaring at her.

She simply nodded and laughed some more. Hong Ki sighed and just watched her, trying to hide his own smile from surfacing.

“This means you forgive me, right?” he asked.

She stopped laughing.

“I guess…but next time I won’t. I’m busy with school and work and you’re busy with work too. I just wanted to have a nice date with you.”

Hong Ki just smirked and hugged her.

“Chagiyaaaa~ don’t be mad. I love youuu~”

They both laughed at his words but neither of them became awkward. They looked at each other.

“We’ve been together 2 months….should I hold back my words?” Hong Ki asked.

Min pretended to think but then she smiled and shook her head.

“No…it suits us perfectly.”

He laughed.

“Why are we becoming like this?”

Min raised an eyebrow.

“Are you complaining?” she asked.

Hong Ki smiled.

“If I say yes….you’ll throw your shoes again won’t you?”

Min nodded and Hong Ki sighed.

“You’re lucky you’re my girlfriend.”

Min threw another shoe at him, this time it was his and this time it hit him.


Joon sat across from Hyuna with a blank expression. She smiled and then pouted from his lack of response.

“Joon-oppa don’t be mad!”

Joon sighed in frustration.

“How can I not be mad when I just did all of this!?”

He pointed to the table which was filled with food, a cake and a present. Hyuna bit her lip.

“The food is cold. You were supposed to be here 3 hours ago. It’s my birthday…” he stated.

He crossed his arms, making Hyuna feel worse.

“I’m sorry…but I had a date with Junhyung-oppa.”

Hyuna looked away from Joon. She had actually spent the day locked up in her room.

“Is he your boyfriend now?”

Hyuna glanced at Joon and noticed he wasn’t even looking at her.

“No…” she answered.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

“No? But you have been on a lot of dates with him these past few weeks.”

Hyuna panicked. She hadn’t thought of that. Every day that Joon contacted her, she would say she was with Junhyung so of course it would be weird if they weren’t a couple by now. She bit her lip and Joon noticed she was nervous.

“Hyuna-yah, what is going on with you and that guy? He is just playing around with you or what?”

Hyuna let out a nervous laugh.

“Of course not Joon-oppa! T-to be honest, we are officially together but we think it’s weird so we try not use terms like boyfriend or girlfriend.”

Joon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.


Hyuna waved it off and suddenly her present in his face.

“Open it!”

Joon grabbed the present and though he wasn’t content with her answer, he decided to just listen to her. He carefully unwrapped the present and smiled once he saw what it was. It was a photo frame but not just any photo frame. It was a frame his mother had made with her own hands and given to him when he set out on a new life. Though he treasured it dearly, he accidently broke it one day and ended up throwing it away.

“Thank you Hyuna-yah…but how did you get this? I threw it away.”

Hyuna smirked.

“I made it.”

His eyes widened.


“I knew it meant a lot to you. The one you threw away wasn’t fixable and so I made an exact copy.”

Joon smiled and went over to her, pulling her into a hug.

“Thanks” he whispered.

Hyuna felt as though she was flying. She hugged him back briefly and then let him go, but he held on to her. He hugged her tightly and closely to him. He rested his chin on top of her head. They remained in that position for a few minutes until Hyuna’s phone rang. He let her go and watched her as she made her way to her phone. She answered and he looked back towards his present. No one had ever done something like this for him. He looked back up when he heard her gather her things.

“Are you leaving?”

She paused in her actions and slowly nodded.

“I’m sorry Joon-oppa. I need to step out for a few minutes but I’ll be back, don’t worry. Just wait here for me!”

She grabbed her coat and quickly left.

She ran down the stairs and out into the street. She ran down to the corner and saw Hara and Junhyung there, waiting for her.

“Hyuna-yah! Over here, quickly!!” said Hara.

Hyuna smiled at them.

“Hey guys. What’s up?” Hyuna asked.

“We’re going to the amusement park, wanna join?” Hara asked.

 Hyuna shook her head.

“It’s Joon-oppa’s birthday today. I want to spend it with him.”

Hara nodded in understanding.

There was a moment of silence and then suddenly they heard footsteps.


Hyuna turned and saw Joon standing there.

“Joon-oppa?” she asked, her voice cracking.

Joon looked at the three of them and they all froze as he looked at Junhyung. He looked down and saw Hara and Junhyung holding hands. His eyes narrowed. He looked at Hyuna and saw her scared expression.

“Yah….what the hell is going on here? Is he cheating on you Hyuna-yah?”

Hyuna shook her head and waved her arms around.

“No, Joon-oppa. This isn’t what-”

“Yeah, I am”

Hyuna and Hara stared in shock as Junhyung stepped forward. Joon didn’t respond.

“I don’t want her any-”

Before Junhyung could finish his sentence, Joon punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Both Hyuna and Hara screamed in horror. Joon reached out and grabbed Hyuna’s hand and dragged her back to his apartment, leaving Hara and Junhyung behind. Hyuna protested the whole way up to his apartment. Once inside his home, he let her go. He turned to her, his face serious.

“From now on, you forget about him.”

Hyuna tried to protest but he shook his head.

"Forget about him...I'll be here for you. Let's not talk about this anymore."

He walked past her and sat down at the table. He placed a smile on his face and took a deep breath.

“Let’s have some cake.”


So I have finally updated wooooo!!!! I’m sorry I taking longer and longer to update but I’ve been trying to enjoy my last few days of freedom before starting my new semester of college on Monday. ANYWAY!!! Who’s excited for Hyuna and Joon to officially become a couple!?!? So sorry I hurt Junhyung >_< OH OH OH!! I want to give a special shout out to christinovalya for making the fanfic poster up above. I feel so honored and so, many many thanks!!

**********Chapter song inspiration time!!! Alex!!!......Enough said!!!


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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(