Chapter 14

At The End of This Road, You Must Love Me

“Yah Joon-oppa I told you not to do that!”

Joon winced in embarrassment. He had tried his hardest to not get caught. He slowly turned around to face Hyuna, who was now glaring at him.

“Put it down” she warned.

Joon became flustered.

“Yah! I’m your Joon-oppa!” he argued.

“I said put it down!!” Hyuna screamed, slightly scaring Joon.

She stepped forward and he panicked, quickly stuffing the object of his desire into his mouth. She froze and he chewed very slowly. Hyuna watched in silence as Joon continued to chew the cookie he had just swiped from her cookie tray. When Joon finished, he flashed his adorable smile but she continued to glare. She finally sighed and just shook her head.

“Whatever Joon-oppa” she said and moved past him to collect the tray of cookies.

Hyuna placed a few of the cookies in a small bag and left the rest on the tray.

“Where are you taking those?” Joon asked as he eyed the bag.

Hyuna smiled and just shrugged.

“Just to someone” she answered.

Joon furrowed his eye brows in confusion.

“Who?” he asked, this time narrowing his eyes a little.

Hyuna walked past him once more and made her way to the living room and Joon followed. He saw her check her phone and she cursed underneath her breath. She grabbed her purse and then looked at Joon.

“I have to go.”

“What? Why? You just got here” he replied and then looked at his watch.

It was early, barely 4pm and it was Saturday. He knew she didn’t have to work today. She had come over to see him and now she was leaving.

“I know but I have to meet someone” she replied.

“Who? Is it Hyosung?” he asked, going silent after he said her name.

He had not spoken to Hyosung since their break up, which was over a month ago now. He still thought of her, of course, but nowadays he seemed to be able to think of her without hurting and that for him was both sad and joyous. He was getting over her and that made him sad but also happy because he was going to be alright after all.

Hyuna almost frowned when he mentioned Hyosung. She couldn’t help but feel a little jealous even though she could clearly see that Joon was getting over Hyosung. Hyuna smiled, despite her feelings.

“If you really must know, I’m going out on a date.”

Joon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“A date?”

Recently, even though Hyuna was at his apartment every day, she seemed to be distant with him. Her sudden change in attitude happened since the night he had seen her with another guy. Joon crossed his arms across his chest.

“Are you going out with that Junhyung guy again?” he asked.

Hyuna looked away and smiled, lightly pushing him.

“Oppaaa” she said cutely, trying to avoid the topic.

Joon frowned in slight disgust. Inside her mind, Hyuna patted herself on the back for her brilliant performance. In reality, she had not seen Junhyung since that night at the club, since he was busy with his actual girlfriend.

Joon scoffed at her and shook his head.

“How well do you know that guy huh? I don’t like him, understand?” he warned.

Hyuna brushed him off.

“I like him and he treats me well” she replied.

She made her way towards the door but Joon stopped her.

“Hyuna-yah, do you want some vanilla ice cream? Let’s go get some! Ditch that guy and hang out with me.”

Joon cutely pouted but inside he was very serious. He felt like Hyuna was abandoning him. She always clung to him but now it seemed she was happy to part from him.  

Hyuna wanted to take the offer but she knew that her plan would not work if she just gave in to his every wish. She needed to make him realize that she was a great catch. Hyuna shook her head and Joon pouted even more.

“Joon-oppa, you can’t offer me what Junhyung-oppa can.”

Joon raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened in shock.

“W-what?!” he screamed.

Hyuna kept her composure and opened the door.

“What I mean to say is….the type of things I do with Junhyung-oppa are things I can’t do with you. They are things that are intimate.”

Joon gaped at her and Hyuna patted his head.

“Silly Joon-oppa, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hyuna closed the door behind her and once outside on the street she let out the huge breath that she had been holding in. She fanned her face and cringed at her words.

“Why did I say those things?!” she asked herself.

Hyuna checked her phone once more and sighed in frustration. She had nowhere to go. Hyosung was gone and Hara was with Junhyung on a real date. Hyuna sighed once more and just walked towards the town.


Kikwang wiped his hands off on his pants for what seemed the millionth time. He looked around and then looked at his watch.  He was early, maybe too early. He tore his eyes away from his watched and forced himself to focus on something else. He was too nervous right now and that scared him. He didn’t want to sound cocky but ever since he figured out that he was good looking, he went out on countless dates and was never ever nervous, until today. Kikwang wiped his palms once more and bit his bottom lip. He started to pace, his eyes scanning the area for the familiar face he desperately wanted to see. The minutes ticked by and he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled out his phone but just when he was about to press the call button, her voice called out to him.


Kikwang whirled around instantly smiled as he came face to face with Hyosung.  He waited until she was finally close enough to him before he spoke.

“I didn’t think you would come” he said.

Hyosung couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why wouldn’t I come? It’s our first official date.”

She blushed and Kikwang couldn’t help but find her suddenly turning even more beautiful before his eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck and smirked. He decided he needed to be brave and so he reached out and grabbed her hand in his and she showed him her gummy smile.

“Come on” he said and tugged her along.

He intertwined their fingers and made his way down the sidewalk. Hyosung noticed there were a lot of people heading in the same direction.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Kikwang remained silent and Hyosung just waited.

They walked a bit more before Kikwang finally stopped and smiled down at her.

“We’re here.”

He pointed off to the distance and Hyosung looked, instantly smiling and jumping up and down.

“I’ve always wanted to go to an amusement park!”

Kikwang laughed.

“Well then, come on.”

They walked into the amusement park, buying their tickets and finally deciding what to ride.

“I want to ride a roller coaster ” voiced Hyosung as she looked up at Kikwang. He smiled slightly and nodded. She smiled widely and started walking towards the ride. Kikwang watched the ride with a hint of fear in his eyes. He remained silent as he and Hyosung stepped onto the ride. It was only when he finally sat down that Hyosung noticed his stiff stance.

“Kikwang-ah…are you okay?”

Kikwang didn’t say anything and just merely nodded.

“Kikwang-ah…are you scared? Let’s get off.”

Hyosung stood up and grabbed his hand but he resisted. He pulled Hyosung back down to her seat.

“It’s okay…I will be okay.”

The ride jolted alive and Kikwang tightened his grip on the bar in front of him. As they slowly made up their way to the first drop, Kikwang knew he wasn’t going to be okay. He cast a small glance towards Hyosung and she looked back at him. When the roller coaster plunged down, his scream was louder than everyone else’s and he no longer cared about how he looked, he was scared. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, the proof picture they both saw after the ride was enough to make him want to die. Kikwang watched as Hyosung thanked the person selling the photos. When she finally made her way to him, he didn’t say anything.

“Kikwang-ah you look so cute in this picture.”

She tried to show him the picture but he refused to look.

“That is an uncool picture of me. I don’t want to see it” he replied and closed his eyes.

They shared a moment of silence until he heard Hyosung giggle and he opened his eyes. She was no longer in front of him and instead off in the distance with a random couple…laughing at his picture. He rushed over and snatched the picture out of her hands and looked at it. He was surprised to see a picture of other people on the roller coaster.

“What?” he asked and looked at Hyosung.

She smiled and pulled him away from the other people. Once alone, she took the picture and pointed towards a particular spot. He looked and saw himself and her looking at each other right before the roller coaster plunged down. He looked at Hyosung.

“You got this picture…why not the other one?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it. You want to look good” she replied.

Kikwang smiled and grabbed her hand.

“I want ice cream” he said and led her towards a small ice cream stand.

He ordered two ice cream cones and handed one to Hyosung and then his one ice cream. He glanced at Hyosung and noticed she was enjoying her ice cream with a smile. Kikwang smiled too because she looked so sweet. He took another of his ice cream and then leaned forward and put his ice cream to her cheek.

“Ah! Kikwang-ah!”

Kikwang laughed and continued to swear his ice cream on Hyosung’s cheek. He took a of his ice cream and smiled.

“MMMM! This tastes better now!”

Hyosung pushed his face away.

“It tasted so sweet because it’s my makeup!” she said as she wiped away the ice cream

Kikwang coughed and she laughed.

“That would teach you to be corny!”

“If you don’t want me to be so corny then stop being so attracting” he retorted.

Hyosung rolled her eyes.

“I can’t stop” she replied and laughed.

Kikwang shook his head smear his ice cream on her again only this time he did it on her lips and swiftly kissed her before she could it away. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. When he pulled away he bit into his ice cream, getting some on his lips. He looked at her expectantly.

“My turn!”


Hong Ki leaned down and kissed Min on the forehead and pulled away. She blushed and looked at him.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“Just because” he replied.

She smiled and then threw her arms around him, hugging him from behind. He bent down and scooped her legs up, giving her a piggy back ride. She was aware that people were now staring but she didn’t care. She was having the time of her life right now.

“You know, I’m really having a great time” she voiced.

Hong Ki laughed.

“You’re going soft on me. Do you like me that much?” he asked.

He was teasing her but she had no complaints.

“Let’s just say I’m not tired of you” she replied.


They both laughed.

There was a moment of silence and then Hong Ki spoke up.

“I think I’m starting to love you.”

The declaration took Min by surprise. Since they decided to start dating, there was not a day that went by that they weren’t together in some way. She went out of her way to go see him and he went out of his way to search for her. She was reminded of Kikwang. He did the same for her but things were different between them. She never looked for Kikwang and he only came to her for necessity. Min smiled. She knew her relationship with Hong Ki was different right from the start and this type of relationship was ideal for her. She snuggled her head on his back.

“If you start…don’t stop” she said.

She didn’t know why, but she felt as though he smiled widely and maybe he blushed too.

“You’re so corny” he snorted out.

“Yah!” she yelled and squeezed her arms around his neck a little more.

“Okay, okay I’m sorry!”

They laughed again but their laughter was cut short when they both saw the couple in front of them. Eight pair of eyes widened and stared at each other. Min looked at the couple in front of them and couldn’t help but feel calm.

“Kikwang-ah….Hyosung-unnie…how have you been?” she asked.

“Good…and you?” asked Kikwang as he looked between her and Hong Ki.

“Great! Is this your girlfriend Kikwang-hyung?” asked Hong Ki.

Kikwang nodded.

“Hi I’m Hong Ki. I’m Min’s boyfriend.”

"Hi, I'm Hyosung."

He and Hyosung shook hands. Min looked at Hyosung and smiled at her, surprising Hyosung. Hyosung bowed.

“I’m sorry” she said.

Min waved it off and hugged Hong Ki from her position.

“I’m not” she replied.

She looked at Hong Ki and he seemed to understand.

“We will be going now” he said.

“Maybe we will see each other soon…somewhere” Min said and looked at Kikwang and Hyosung.

The two of them smiled and nodded.

“Have fun on your date” said Hyosung.

Kikwang nodded his head in agreement with what Hyosung said and then grabbed her hand.

The four of them said goodbye and went on their separate ways. Min didn’t look back and neither did Kikwang. Min suddenly hopped off Hong Ki and also grabbed his hand. He looked down and smiled.

“I think I’m starting to love you” she said and then dragged him towards a ride.


Hyuna sighed as she kicked off her high heels and plopped down on the couch. She had spent the whole day wandering around town. She didn’t want to be home alone and she had no one to spend the day with. It wasn’t until Hyosung had called her that Hyuna decided to head home. She looked around and noticed that Hyosung wasn’t home yet. She sighed once more and checked her phone when it beeped. She turned it on and noticed Joon had sent her a message.

‘What do you want for dinner tomorrow?’

Hyuna bit her lower lip as she thought of what she could say. She knew she had to play hard to get and try to make him jealous.

‘Joon-ssi, Hyuna is on a date with me right now. Call her later.’

Hyuna hit the send button and then screamed when she realized what she did. She waited and waited but Joon didn’t reply. She finally gave up and buried her face into a pillow.

“What am I getting myself into?”

She reached into her bag and pulled out a cookie and stuffed it in .

While she sulked into her couch, Joon looked at his phone and frowned. He didn’t know what to say and didn’t know how to reply. He glanced at the time and saw that it was really late at night and yet Hyuna was still out with this guy. Joon sighed in frustration and just threw his phone to the side.

He would call her tomorrow.


YER YER YER YER!! On the way to some Joona and I threw in some more sweet Minki and Kisung!! Woooo!! Like I mentioned before, this story is almost at its end! I am getting sad. However, the show must end someday…er whatever. I'll update very soon!

*****Chapter song inspiration time!! I had never heard this song before until a few days ago when I suddenly got lost in youtube. I don’t regret it!

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Chapter 18: yaaaayyyyy<3 i'm in love with this story!!
Chapter 1: Oh. I thought it was Hyuna. oops.

I mean, Hyuna's a good dancer
Chapter 9: I've read this story before and
I wanted to read it again because I really LOVE
This Story !>.< Ahhhhhh I soud so lame hahahaha:)
Chapter 18: Three words: LOVED THIS STORY!^_^
Chapter 17: And ofcouse lee joons plan was genious! So devious^^
And so happy that hyosung and lee joon are speaking again;-)
Chapter 17: The kikwang part was Soo funny i could just imagine it!:-D i had to muffel my laugh because its in the middel of the night here and my mother and baby bother are sleeping....
Chapter 15: What a cute chapter! Loving kisung minki and soon to be joonA!
And my Joker is so smart! :-D
Chapter 13: Joon was so brave for doing that and being so calm while talking to kikwang!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for joon when hyosung said yes to kikwang...but dont get me wrong im a huge kisung shipper!!
Love the HyunA and Junhyung part couldnt help but find it cute^^
Chapter 12: Aigoo this chapter made me cry like a litlke baby >_<
My heart just broke for all of them!! And HyunA is soo sweet for doing all of that for joob!! And im happy that kikwang and minie ended on good terms... And joon and hyosungs ending was soo... Heartbreaking!! :-\ :'(