She's Already Taken

Long chapter ahead:) Enjoy^^




The next morning, Sehun felt like something was off. He wasn’t sure what, but something just felt… off.


At breakfast, he was pleased to not see Kyungsoo, however, Kai continuously looked around throughout breakfast and Sehun couldn’t help but wonder if he was just naturally like that or if he was looking for something.


“Kai, are you alright?” he asked.


Kai raised an eyebrow and looked at him “Fine, thank you.” He answered.


Sehun pursed his lips “Kai, Sehun is going to take me to see the city today, you are welcome to come along if you’d like.” Luhan then spoke and Sehun about glared holes in his head, Kai, however didn’t look at him.


“I am fine princess, please go and enjoy yourself today. I will stay behind and catch up on some sleep.” He said almost instantly and Sehun was quite pleased.


Luhan giggled a little “Alright.”


Sehun turned to her “Once breakfast is over, change into something comfortable and we will go, there are many things to see in Wisteria.”


The time Sehun spent talking to Luhan during breakfast, Kai had other things on his mind. Like a certain owl-eyed beauty.


Kai found Sehun distasteful and didn’t like him much, he didn’t like how he spoke to Luhan when he was engaged to Kyungsoo, however, at the same time, he was happy, because that made it so the two were always occupied with each other and left Kai alone to hopefully see Kyungsoo again.



It felt like forever before the two love birds finally left and once they did, Kai went to the kitchen “Hello,” he bowed and one of the ladies looked at him surprised “May I ask something?”


She smiled “Of course dear, what can I do for you?”


Kai smiled “I’d like to bring the princess breakfast if that is alright?”


The head cook smiled fondly “Of course dear, just give me a second and then you can take it to her.”


Kai nodded and waited patiently while he watched her make something that looked very delicious, something that he also hadn’t seen before that looked really good. “Here you go, thank you by the way.” She smiled handing him a plate with her food and drink.


Kai smiled “I should be thanking you.” He said before excusing himself and making his way to the west wing of the castle.


He knocked gently on her door “Kyungsoo?” he asked.


No answer.


He tried again “Kyungsoo?”


Still no answer.


“I’m coming in, okay?” he said a little louder and slowly opened the door.


He was enveloped by the feeling of Kyungsoo as soon as he opened the door, her room was sweet and simple, yet screamed her name. Her room was still somewhat dark and he took a look around and found the apple of his eye peacefully sleeping cuddled up in bed.


He stared at her for a moment before a small smile graced his lips. He made his way over to her bedside table and carefully set the tray down, trying to be as quiet as possible. Once he’d set down the tray, he glanced around her room, he found a notebook sitting on her desk, he quietly went over to it and grabbed a pen and scribbled a small note and set it by her food and then quietly left her room.



She’d slept in that morning. There was no point in waking up early, she wasn’t allowed to leave her room anyway.


Slowly opening her eyes, a very sweet and appetizing smell filled her nose and she sat up confused and looked around, her eyes landing on the tray of food sitting on her bedside table. It was still warm and smelled amazing. She sat up completely and leaned back against the head board of her bed she reached for the food when she saw her notebook sitting next to it.


Confused, she grabbed it, but smiled when she saw the note on the page.


The prince has left with Luhan for the day, you and I are the only ones in the castle, would you mind if I borrowed your company for the day?

If so, I will be waiting in the library, come after you’ve eaten.



Kyungsoo bit her lip to keep her from smiling too happily at the note. She set her notebook next to her before she brought the tray of food into her lap and began eating.



It was half an hour before Kai heard the door to the library open and he turned to see Kyungsoo wandering in, her hair was down, but she’d put some into a small bun at her nape, she wore a simple red dress with white ribbon under her s that tied in the back and around her neck. It was a beautiful and Kai found it even more so because Kyungsoo was wearing it. 


“You came.” Kai smiled standing up.


Kyungsoo returned the smile “Of course I did. Thank you for the breakfast by the way.”


Kai rubbed the back of his neck a little flustered “It wasn’t a problem, I did think you’d be awake though and I apologize for entering your room without permission, it was very ungentlemanly of me to do so.”


“It is alright, I do not mind.” Kyungsoo said softly looking at him.


Kai smiled with a nod “Did you enjoy your breakfast?”


“Yes, it was very good, thank you.”


“Come, let’s sit.” Kai gestured to the chairs and couches.


Kyungsoo nodded and went over and sat on the couch bringing her legs up with her sitting on her side leaning against the arm rest while Kai sat in the arm chair next to her. “Did you sleep well?”


“I did, thank you, though breakfast was rather uneventful, Prince Oh isn’t much for company, I hate to admit.” Kai said shaking his head a little making Kyungsoo heartedly laugh.


“That boy is never much for company.” She said between laughing.


Kai liked the sound of her laugh, it was sweet and pure and he couldn’t help but smile “So, what would you like to do today, Kyungsoo?”


Kyungsoo pondered the question for a moment before she smiled “Care to join me for a walk around the grounds?”


“Of course.” Kai smiled as he got up and offered his hand to Kyungsoo.


She gently took it and stood up “Off we go!” Kai chuckled.


Kyungsoo just giggled at his somewhat childish self, finding it rather adorable.







“How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking of course.”


“I am twenty three. May I ask you the same?”


“Twenty four.”


Kai looked at her almost shocked, she was older than him? She looked like she was maybe twenty, not twenty four. “You do not look it. You look quite young, no offense intended of course though.” Kai said.


Kyungsoo chuckled “Thank you, though I know, I look young for my age, my mother says it’s my eyes that make me look so young.”


“I like your eyes. They are very pretty.” Kai said softly with a smile making Kyungsoo look down at her hands as they walked for a moment in attempt to hide her embarrassment.


“Thank you.”


Kai just smiled.


The two continued walking until they came around the west gardens where they’d met the night before. Kai led her to sit with him in the warm sunlight of the early afternoon “May I ask you something?”


Kyungsoo glanced at him a little confused “Of course.”


“Does it bother you?”


“Does what bother me?”


Kai pursed his lips picking his words carefully “Prince Oh and Luhan.”


Kyungsoo shrugged “Honestly, I have yet to come to the point in my life where I care about what Sehun does or anything of the such. And I have a feeling I never will. The only reason I am here is because of my father’s will for me to marry the best man fitting. Well, it quite obvious, even to you, someone who doesn’t hardly know him, he’s not fitting. At least not for me.”


Kai nodded “So if you were to receive another marriage proposal before your wedding and your father found him better per say, who he change his mind?”


Kyungsoo chuckled “I would think so, however, I can’t ever figure out what my father is thinking sometimes. I had no idea of this engagement until the day before I left for Wisteria. If by chance my “Prince Charming” as the stories call him is out there, I have yet to meet him.”


“And if you meet him?”


“I’d at least like to know him. I won’t ask for anything. His name, hobbies, likes, dislikes. Simple things. Just meeting him is fine with me.”


Kai nodded before laying his head back and looking up at the clouds “I can’t help but feel that something is going to happen while we’re here. Luhan is the one deciding how long we stay, however, I feel it may be quite some time as she’s taken a liking to Prince Oh and I don’t know how she’ll handle that.”


“If she does, then my only hope is that he treats her the way she deserves to be treated.”


“That’s admirable of you. He’s your fiancé yet you’re hoping that if the girl he seems interested in likes him that he treats her right. Most women would be furious regardless of their feelings toward him.”


Kyungsoo chuckled “Well, maybe that’s what makes me not a part of the “Most women” category. I have no such feelings for Sehun, I never have and I never will and it’s quite obvious that it’s mutual. If he wishes to be happy with Princess Xi, then I wish them both the best.”


“What about you though? Aren’t you hoping for your own fairy tale?”


“Of course I am Kai, I just haven’t met the man I’m supposed to marry yet is all.”


“Did you have any other suitors?”


“I don’t know. Father never talked of it, mother wanted me to marry someone from your kingdom, she said she knew the perfect boy for me. But father wouldn’t have it. Sehun was the best fit in his eyes.”


“A boy from my kingdom?”


“Mm, mother said when she used to teach there was a boy who would always come and play with her students with his friends, she loved that little boy and I guess she thought he was perfect for me.” Kyungsoo said softly “Though, I have never met him, nor do I know his name or even what he looks like, so I am clueless when mother talks about him.”


Kai frowned “Hm, that’s strange. Have you ever asked her about him? Say pictures or anything?”


“Of course, but she always says if it’s meant to be, I will meet him on my own and I will fall for him the way she thinks fate will allow me too. Though, after living with my father, it is very hard to believe such pleasures.” She sighed.


“Do you want to meet him?” Kai asked looking at her.


“I don’t know.”  Kyungsoo answered.


Kai simply nodded. “What about you though? Do you have at least a lady friend?” Kyungsoo asked with a smile turning to sit facing him.


Kai chuckled and did the same resting his arm on the back of the bench “I do not. My family isn’t as pushy, I would say about marriage. My mother is very adamant on me finding the one instead of marrying a girl I do not know. My father. Well, he fears my mother’s wrath so he goes along with it.” Kai grinned and Kyungsoo laughed.


“You’re mother sounds like quite the character.”


“Oh she is. Her and my sisters are one in a million.”


“You have sisters?”


“I do. Three.” Kyungsoo started laughing.


“That must be rough.”


“Oh it is. Thankfully I’m not the youngest, but I still get crap for being the only boy.”


Kyungsoo smiled fondly, she liked talking with Kai. His voice made her calm, forget that she was almost living as a prisoner.


“Oh, I have another question for you.”


“And what would that be Kai?” Kyungsoo asked with a playful tone making Kai chuckle.


“How come you are never around when Prince Oh is home, or it seems like you are hiding?”


Kyungsoo pursed her lips, she contemplated lying, but Kai already knew, he probably already suspected what was really going on “It’s a little like being under house arrest…. Only it’s in your room. Sehun specifically told me to stay in my room or hidden when you and the princess where here. Meeting you last night, was not supposed to happen. I thought everyone in the castle was asleep so I took that chance to get some fresh air. Only to meet a very attractive man who happened to be here as a guest.” She chuckled.


Kai smiled and reached out, tucking her hair behind her ear “You’re a very sweet girl, Prince Oh seems to be nothing but a bit of an idiot if you ask me. If I were you, I would not continue to stay hidden. Luhan is a sweet girl, and if it becomes known to her that you and Prince Oh are engaged, she will back off and not pursue any further.”


Kyungsoo sighed “But, the thing is. If she fancies him, then that is her choice. I know what it’s like to find yourself falling for someone and then finding out they are taken. It’s not enjoyable and I do not wish that for her. If Sehun makes her happy then I am glad. Every princess deserves her prince charming if you ask me, and I’m not just saying that because I am a princess as well. Every girl deserves a chance at true happiness with the person she loves.”


“Have you ever been in love Kyungsoo?”


“No, but I hope I can experience it someday. Have you?”


“Not yet. But hopefully soon.”


Kyungsoo smiled “You’re a very sweet guy, the girl who gets your heart of gold is very lucky.”


Kai chuckled a little embarrassed.


“Let’s go back inside, we’ve been out here for over an hour now and it’s getting a little hot.” Kyungsoo chuckled standing up with Kai following suit.


The two made their way back inside and up into the foyer where Kyungsoo spent most of her time during the days “This is like my spot in the castle. Sehun never bothers me here. He says he finds no interest in the foyer and wishes to be nowhere near it.”


“So we will not have to worry if the two return early?”


“Not unless the Princess goes looking for you.”


“She won’t, she, I’m sure will be taking this time alone with him to the fullest. Most likely wanting his undivided attention.”


“I can agree with that. it is rather nice being the center of attention of the man you like. It’s a nice feeling really..”


“So, what does princess Kyungsoo do in the foyer during her days? There does not look like there is much to do I must say.”


Kyungsoo laughed at his words and way of expressing his evident confusion in their new location “Well that depends, what would you like to do Kai?”


“Talk. I’d like to know more about the mystery girl I met in the gardens last night.”


“Oh? And what would you like to know?”


Kai chuckled opening his mouth to ask- “Kai?”


Both Kai and Kyungsoo whipped their heads to the doorway “Luhan? Are you alright?” came Sehun’s concerned voice and his appearance a moment later.


He narrowed his eyes at the sight of Kyungsoo.


Sitting with Kai.

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111 streak #1
Chapter 9: Aaaaahhhhh I want more :(((
momiji2075 #2
Chapter 9: Sweet update!
momiji2075 #3
Chapter 9: Sweet update!
imemyself07 #4
Chapter 9: So happy to see the update. I loooooove this stow!
totallynotMyaSoriano #5
Chapter 9: Yes!!!!! Why is Kai and kyungsoo clueless that they are are the right one for each other?!
bff43ver #6
Chapter 9: Freaken hell yes!!!! That mess has cleared some more!!!! I'm loving kaisoo!!!
xin_wei20022002 #7
Chapter 8: Pls update soon haha
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 8: Sehun called for Kyungsoo. Maybe apologize or break the engagement haha.
Chapter 8: Awe poor hunnie he probably feels guilty