Melted ice heart + talk = Date(?)

Let me love you {Sequel of Lust}
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Vixx headed off to school with Sooryun. They began chatting normally while Sooryun walked in front with her ear plugs on.

Ravi didn’t participate in the conversation and only looked at his sister’s back.

*I can’t believe I said such mean words to her* Ravi thought, unknowingly sighing.

s looked at him, feeling sorry.

“Hey Ravi. You know we can’t change the past right? What’s done is done, you can’t take it back. She forgave you, didn’t she?” N consoled him and Ravi just nodded slightly

“I just, can’t help but feel bad you know?” Ravi explained and s just nodded in understanding.

“Did something happen to her in the morning? She had this cold aura surrounding her” Hyuk pouted slightly and Ravi just shook his head.

“She seemed pretty deep in thought. Then her personality just changed like that after she showered” Ravi explained and s look at the girl’s back

“Do you think she ever has negative thoughts? Maybe that’s why she was so out of it” Ken asked.

The rest looked at him like he just gave them a life-saving answer,

“Should we do something to cheer her up?” Hongbin finally spoke up. The rest looked at each other and smiled.

“What do you have in mind?”



Sooryun inwardly smiled at that voice. Despite it embarrassing her, she’s happy that this person cares.

“Su min unnie” just Sooryun saying her name made Su min almost tear up as she gave Sooryun a very big hug.

“Don’t do that. I was so scared I thought you successfully killed yourself” Su min cried and Sooryun just patted her back.

“How could I leave you behind?” Sooryun whispered and Su min just continued crying.

They stayed in that position until Su min’s cries died down. When Sooryun pulled away, she noticed BTS behind Su min, looking awkwardly at them.

She gave the boys a tight smile in which they returned happily

“Sooryun, do you feel better now?” Jin asked and she nodded slowly.

“Sorry for worrying you guys. I hope you didn’t get sick” Sooryun said, looking at Jimin, who avoided her gaze

*He likes her…*

“Its okay Soo~ we all go through that phase once don’t worry about it” Hoseok replied happily and Sooryun just gave him a small smile.

“I’m sorry but can I know who are they?” Namjoon asked when he saw the 6 guys standing behind Sooryun like her bodyguards

(A/N: Ravi – I am not her bodyguard authornim! Me – Hush you and get back into character *pushes Ravi away* XD)

Sooryun turned her head and glanced at the guy behind her.

“They’re my brother and his friends. They just came back from America and they’re enrolling here” Sooryun explained and VIXX waved awkwardly.

BTS waved back with a smile.

“Hi, welcome to Seoul High. I’m Namjoon, some people call me Rap monster but I prefer my real name” Namjoon introduced himself and VIXX smiled.

N came up and shook hands with Namjoon.

“I’m Hackyeon, but you can call me N” he smiled and Namjoon nodded with a smile.

They introduced themselves to each other. When Ravi introduced himself as Sooryun’s brother, Jimin tensed slightly.

He met eyes with Ravi, who just gave him a small smile

*Does he know that I like his sister?* Jimin thought worriedly and bit his lips

He then met eyes with Sooryun and she gave him a small smile. He felt his heart flutter and he gave her a smile back.

*Park Jimin your feelings for her are so obvious* Ravi thought as he saw the two exchange smiles as if they were lovers.

“Let’s get you guys to class. What classes are you guys in?” Jin asked.

“Leo and I are seniors in class 5G

Ken and Ravi juniors in class 3A

Hongbin is in Sophmore class 2D

And Hyuk is in freshmen class 1B” N said and BTS blinked.

“No way! You guys are having the same classes with one of us!” Taehyung said excitingly.

Sooryun glanced at Hongbin who would be in the same class as her.

*I swear he looks familiar. Where have I seen him before?* she thought.

The bell snapped her out of her thoughts and BTS and VIXX began walking to class. Su min was caught in between Ken and Hoseok.

Sooryun just walked slowly to class, not to near or far from the talking group.

Jimin turned around and looked at Sooryun. He noticed her zoning out. He stopped on his tracks and waited until Sooryun was next to him before walking next to her.

“Are you feeling better?” Jimin asked and Sooryun looked at him, a little shocked at his sudden appearance.

Jimin chuckled at her reaction and Sooryun just smacked his arm with a pout

“Don’t do that. You shocked me” Sooryun frowned and Jimin just ruffled her hair.

“Well you were so distant. I wanted to make sure you’re okay” Jimin said and Sooryun just made a face.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me” Sooryun replied and Jimin gave her a look. Sooryun just rolled her eyes.

“Forget about what happened yesterday okay? I have my days” Sooryun muttered and Jimin just poked her cheeks.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not judging you. Just don’t, don’t do that again. You really scared us, scared me” Jimin mumbled the last part.

He thought Sooryun hadn’t heard it, especially since she just nodded her head, but she actually did and she felt her heart tingle slightly.

*You can’t Sooryun, it’s dangerous to fall in love with him* Sooryun thought and bit her inner cheeks worriedly.

“Are you okay? I heard you tried to find me in the rain. Don’t do that, you’re sick now aren’t you?” Sooryun asked, her voice sounding slightly worried.

Jimin couldn’t afford to tell her the truth and just looked down, cheeks turning slightly red.

The walk to class was silent between the 2. The others were having a nice chat unfortunately for Jimin, Sooryun was pretty quiet.

Once they arrived to class, Sooryun sat at her usual sit. The teacher soon came in and introduce Hongbin to the class.

Sooryun didn’t pay attention as usual. Fortunately this teacher didn’t mind because despite her not listening, Sooryun still got top scored in exams.

Sooryun’s POV

I stared outside again and saw the usual sight. Students being late, Gym students and the campus couple.

I waited for that feeling of jealousy to rush to my heart again but strangely, I felt calm.

*I’m not growing soft am I?* that thought kinda scares me a little. I mean me, growing soft? Never gonna happen, at least I hope it won’t

I tore my gaze off them and looked at my teacher who was teaching math with a little difficulty. I rolled my eyes at how pathetic she looked like.

I looked around class to see some of my classmates dozing off, some playing and joking around with their friends while some were trying so hard to concentrate.

My eyes unconsciously went to Jimin. He was gripping his pencil tightly and he didn’t look too happy about the noisy class.

It somehow made me annoyed as well. I felt the class got more and more noisier each second.

“YAH TONE IT DOWN!” I shouted. The class looked at me, baffled but lowered their voice. The teacher looked at me as thought I just grew 2 heads.

“So its wrong now for me to concentrate in class and help you dear teacher?” I taunted her and she just blinked and shook her head.

“Thanks uh Sooryun-ah” she smiled and I just gave her a sarcastic smile back. Picking up my pen, I began writing some notes.


When class was over for that day, I packed my bags and didn’t wait for Jimin or Hongbin. I just wanted to be alone after the thoughts I had in the shower.

I can’t believe the dad I love, even if he wasn’t blood related to me, is dead. I can’t believe despite all the ice cold walls I built, my brother managed to melt it so easily.

Not to mention, overreacting over how Ravi and his friends were half when I saw guys fully a lot of times.

*You’re pathetic sometimes Sooryun* I mumbled, looking like a complete idiot sitting on the swings in my uniform and talking to myself.

“What makes you think you’re pathetic noona?” I looked up and saw Jungkook there. I gave him a small glare for shocking me but he remained unfazed.

Sighing, I patted the swing next to me. He looked at it briefly, before sitting there, slowly starting to swing himself.

“You didn’t answer my question noona” Jungkook looked at me with curious eyes. I just gave him a smile and shook my head, saying its nothing.

“Oh come on noona. I made sure Jimin, Ravi and the other hyungs didn’t follow me” Jungkook bribed me but I just giggled and shook my head again.

“What can I do to make you say it then noona?” Jungkook asked but I just chuckled.

“Its just my negative thoughts Kookie” I told him. Jungkook just kept silent.

“Can I tell you a story noona?” Jungkook asked me and I just nodded.

“There was this hyung of mine who actually fell in love with this girl who we thought was actually very mean and a huge playgirl. She was a total and I wondered why he loves this girl so much” I just nodded.

*Why do I feel like he’s talking about Jimin and me?*

Yeah, I knew Jimin likes me. Ever since we had in my room, its been pretty obvious to me that he likes me.

When he first started annoying me, trying to befriend me, I really thought his motive was to sleep with me again.

But as time passed, he seems pretty sincere about being friends with me, so I gave him a chance.

“Noona?” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Jungkook with a poker face.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked and I just nodded, telling him to continue.

“Well, we got to know this girl a bit better and she wasn’t as bad as we thought, surprisingly. It also made this hyung of mine fall deeper in love with her

He fell so deep in love with her, that he got a scorching fever but still went to school so he can personally see that she’s fine. He wants her to know that she matters, that its not too late to love again” Jungkook smiled lightly to himself.

To be honest, half of me felt touched while another half of me felt the need to not feel a thing.

It’s a very tough decision. I really didn’t know what to answer next. My mind and heart were torn apart.

*Are you really going to waste all your effort on this silly guy Kim Sooryun?* I could only bite my lip and the thought that came into my mind.

“Noona?” Jungkook called out again and I could just give him a tight smile.

“Did your hyung end up with the girl then?” I asked and he just smiled lightly to himself.

“Well, my hyung is a scaredy cat and the girl can be kinda scary” Jungkook replied and I just chuckled inwardly.

“Well your hyung would have to buck up now if he wants to date the scary girl huh?” I joked and Jungkook just chuckled.

“We learned not to judge a book by its cover. She’s really sweet on the inside and they’re perfect for each other” Jungkook smiled to himself.

I know that he was talking about Jimin and me. I’m a little happy that there’s a lot of friends supporting Jimin, no matter how bad my status was.

Part of me wonders if they’re crazy and another part of me is touched that they don’t really care about my status.

“I know he needs to try hard and we’re trying our best. I just hope the girl would accept him and all. Its really frustrating to see him act that way and not do anything” Jungkook rolled his eyes and I somehow managed to laugh

I didn’t know what came over me but my laughter slowly turned to sniffles and the next thing I knew, I was sobbing in Jungkook’s arms.

“Noona, you’re really a fun person to be with and I’m glad that we finally to get to know each other better” Jungkook patted my back but I could only cry more.

We sat there for about half an hour or so. All Jungkook could do was hold me and I felt ashamed that I’m crying in front of a guy a year or so younger than me

Once I was done, I couldn’t help but look away because 1. I pretty much look ugly, puffy eyes and all. 2. I hate it when people see me cry

“Its okay to cry noona. You’ve probably kept all of that in for so long” I could feel him smiling just by the way he said it.

“Pretend you never saw this and don’t tell Jimin or anyone about it” I said and Jungkook just nodded.

“Maknae’s promise” he held up his palm.

I wiped my tears and

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Hi angels! I've edited the first 2 chapters so please check it out cause there's some minor details that i changed in the story ^^


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Chapter 6: Awww, i need friends like bts and sumin irl ╥﹏╥ they are so sweet, they are seriously friendship goals o(╥﹏╥)o... I wanna punch that teacher in the throat, what kind of a ing teacher that person is ಠ_ಠ... Poor sooryun :( she needs help from an actual professional, what she's dealing with is a serious case \(;´□`)/
Chapter 5: Lmfao at A/N (≧∇≦)/ poor ravi XD

Jungkook is such a brat lmao, its so cute that even tho sooryun keeps on ignoring and pushing them away, they just don't care and still comes to her and casually hangs out and talks to her, they are so sweet (´∀`) and its funny that taekook knows more about her than chim himself lmao, poor mochi XD ..even his parents knows his inlove with sooryun, oh boy jimin XD what are u doing XD

..and also, this story is so good i don't understand why this doesn't have alot of views ⊙︿⊙
Chapter 4: Wtf, she got ?! And her parents didn't even care?? What?! (╯︵╰,) omg soo, ╥﹏╥ .... And i thought the previous ch was already too depressing, this was worse, i feel so bad for soo ಥ_ಥ
Chapter 3: This was so depressing af _(ㄒoㄒ) now i feel bad for thinking of her so badly (╥_╥)
Chapter 2: Same chim, what do you really see in her to be head over heels for her “ψ(`∇´)ψ but... at the same time, I kinda see why you love her (´∀`)
Chapter 1: Ooohh so she's rich af (・∀・)