A happy ending?

Let me love you {Sequel of Lust}
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With only a week more to the wedding and handing over ceremony, Sooryun became more and more anxious

There were arrangements made for her and she was briefed by the heads about her parent’s evil doings that had increased throughout the years

They will be captured and news will be spread like wildfire however, the agency had assured her that her name won’t be affected and Kim Enterprise would still go strong and be fully under her

Fortunately for the both of them, the marriage would not be registered, only roleplayed out so that they could split ties without having to get a divorcee title

Sooryun is now heading to a local café to get herself a drink. She had just finish her dress fitting and Suho had to go for a meeting so Sooryun left to go to her office to complete her work

“Can I have a large caramel macchiato decaf and a bagel please? Thank you” Sooryun ordered swiftly and paid.

As she waited, she felt someone gazing at her back. Sooryun shifted uncomfortably because she can’t recognise who the person was.

Her thoughts travel back to the guys her and her palms started to sweat. Once her order came, she immediately dashed out of the store

Sooryun was sure now that someone was chasing her because she can hear someone running after her. Her heart beat fast and her legs were starting to hurt since she was wearing heels

Sooryun saw a corner and turned, hoping to get the guy off her trail. Once she didn’t see anyone, she took her phone out and wanted to call Suho when someone placed a hand over .

Sooryun muffled a scream and her tears started falling. She struggled against the person’s tight hold.

“Relax, I won’t hurt you” the voice said and Sooryun slowly stopped struggling. Once she stopped struggling, the person let go of her and Sooryun immediately turned to see Hongbin

Sooryun’s eyes widened and she immediately backed away but Hongbin managed to grab her hand before she managed to ran away

“Stop trying to run away from us. There’s no one here right now so tell me, what was on your mind the day you followed your parents?” Hongbin said seriously

Sooryun couldn’t meet his eyes and she didn’t know what she should do. Suho told her to keep it a desperate secret because her parents have eyes everywhere

*I’m sorry I have to do this oppa. I’ll explain it to you soon* Sooryun thought sadly and her eyes turned cold again

Sooryun roughly disconnected her hands from Hongbin’s and glared at him. Hongbin gave her a hurt look and Sooryun almost felt guilty but she had to do it

“You’ll know my reason the day I take over that company” with that said, Sooryun hurriedly ran off, for fear she exposed anything else

Hongbin gazed and Sooryun’s fading back as her words began running through his mind.

*She’s taking over in a week, the same day as her wedding…What are you up to Sooryun-ah?*



As Sooryun stood in front of the mirror in her wedding gown, her smile faltered.  When she first saw the dress, she fell in love with it. It was sad though, she won’t be wearing it to marry Jimin

If she even can. She really hopes Jimin doesn’t do anything stupid within this weeks. She doesn’t know what she would do if she can’t explain to him why she did what she did

The door opened and her parents came in. Sooryun couldn’t help but freeze however, her parents had smiles on their faces, sad smiles

“Mother, Father?” Sooryun looked at them curiously and they went forward, her mother giving her a hug

Sooryun was expecting it to hurt, like the usual hugs she gave but it was a normal hug and her mother was tearing up?

“Mother why are you-”

“You’re beautiful my dear. Have a blessed marriage with Suho okay? Don’t worry about us anymore” her mother said and Sooryun grew curious but eventually nodded

Her father was looking behind until her mother told her to go forward and they had a group hug. This was the first time since forever did she receive a hug from her parents

The kind that didn’t hurt of course

“Good luck princess” her father said and Sooryun nodded, a light smile formed on her lips. She didn’t know what got into them but she was glad that she managed to at least see their loving side again

The door opened again and in came Suho’s parents and his sister. Since Sooryun didn’t have any other female siblings and her best friend is overseas, not that she told Su min about this anyways, they decided to appoint Suho’s sister to be the maid of honour instead

That way, if anything happens while going down the aisle, his sister could always protect Sooryun

Suho’s parents and sister gave Sooryun a hug and congratulations before they all made their way to the hall

Sooryun’s mum left after giving her another hug and left her alone with her father, who was going to walk her down the aisle

Sooryun felt tensed standing next to her dad. When she first got to know him, she liked him a lot until the abuse starts setting in

If they hadn’t participated in the underworld, they could’ve lived happily. The company would be taken over by Sooryun without any threats or marriage

*Why did you guys ruin your own future?* Sooryun thought sadly as she gazed at her ‘father’ that was tying his tie

It had been a dream of hers to get married and have sleepovers at her parent’s house. The next morning she would cook breakfast with her mum and when its time to go to work, the girls would help adjust the guy’s tie before setting off

Unfortunately, its not going to happen

“Could you help me with this? Your mother usually helps me I’m annoyed by this tie” her father groaned and Sooryun couldn’t help but chuckled slightly

She made her way to her father and helped him adjust his tie slightly, making it look more presentable

 Her dad looked at her and wanted to say something when the cue for the bride to enter was given. Sooryun linked her arms with her dad’s naturally and they entered the hall

The guest were all smiling when she entered the hall. Half of them were from Suho’s company and the other were from her own

Despite Suho’s company being just a decoy, some of the workers actually plan on staying so when Sooryun takes over, they are going to stay under Sooryun’s company to work instead

Sooryun’s eyes met Suho’s and for a while she thought she saw a look of desire. Not the bad one but the good one where he wants her to be his, officially his

Sooryun knew of Suho’s feelings for her because he once confessed about it however despite it she just can’t accept Suho

She forgave him for all his ‘violation’ because she knew he had no other choice but to do it but she just can’t get over Jimin and that’s what was stopping her

Sooryun could only give Suho a genuine smile and when she finally reached him, her hands linked with Suho as the priest began his speech


“You may now kiss the bride” Suho gave Sooryun a small smile before dipping in and claiming her lips. The crowd cheered and once Suho pulled away, he carried Sooryun up in his arms, earning a shocked gasp from the girl, and ran out of the hall

Once they were outside, Sooryun smacked Suho’s arms while laughing.

“You didn’t have to do that you know” Sooryun giggled and Suho just chuckled and shook his head, telling her he wanted to do it and was too caught up in the zone

Their parent’s joined them afterwards and requested for Sooryun to change so that they could head to the reception and transfer over ceremony

Sooryun nodded in agreement and went to change into a beautiful turquoise dress that her mum had picked out for her

Sooryun entered the car with Suho and made their way to the reception area. On the way there, Suho briefed her on what to do and Sooryun listened attentively

“And if they ask for a final hug or kiss, give it to them. They deserve a final hug” Suho smiled and Sooryun nodded her head in understanding

“They acted really strange today. Their hugs, don’t hurt. Their grips don’t either. I was surprised actually” Sooryun muttered and Suho chuckled slightly

“That’s because their dealer bailed on them. They know they’ll get caught today actually. They’re just waiting for the time

That’s why I told you to hug them if they ask for it” Suho replied and Sooryun can’t help but feel guilty

Suho noticed her sudden change and held her hands, his thumb lightly caressing her knuckles.

“I know you’re feeling guilty but they have to be stopped. They didn’t kill anyone so they’re not going to be sentenced for life in jail or get killed

At most 10-20 years? They should learn their lesson by then” Suho said soothingly and Sooryun smiled, nodding her head

“You’re right. Well, we’re here. Are you really leaving after this?” Sooryun asked softly. She didn’t want to be selfish and hold Suho back from his career

She was used to his presence, mainly because he helped her so much throughout the years. Her anxiety attack, trauma and depression, he helped her get off most of her medication

To suddenly have him move away and not be next to her feels so foreign to her

Suho parked the car and sighed, knowing very well he won’t be able to avoid this from happening. As much as he wanted to stay, he had to leave

He loves Sooryun to bits but she has someone in her heart and he doesn’t want her to be in a dilemma because he’s the type of person who will fight for the person he loves

And he loves Sooryun. He doesn’t want her to get hurt so its best if he moves away from her

“I have to Sooryun. But hey, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends right? I can always skype you if you need me” Suho smiled and Sooryun pulled Suho in for a hug

Suho could just pat Sooryun’s back lightly, muttering ‘its going to be okay’. Once Sooryun let go, Suho smiled and caressed Sooryun’s cheeks lovingly

“You’re going to make the company great again and get Jimin back. I believe in you” Suho said and Sooryun teared up slightly

Suho wiped her tears away and inched in closer to her. Sooryun knew what he was trying to do and as a thank you, she went forward and gave Suho a final kiss, pouring all her gratitude in it

Once they pulled away, Suho smiled and caressed Sooryun’s cheeks

“I love you, remember that okay? Now, let’s go. We have a mission to do” Suho smiled gently, wiping away Sooryun’s tears

Sooryun smiled back and nodded. They got out of the car and linked arms before making their way up to the reception area

Their parents were already there and Sooryun saw the tremor in her parent’s hands. She had to cover her guilt by sticking close to Suho all the way

The ceremony kicked off and the 3 pairs of couples made their way on stage where there was a long table and 6 chairs. On the table, there were the official documents

Their parents signed it first, showing it to the camera before handing them over to their respective children, who signed the document with no hesitation

Sooryun and Suho had to sign another document, in regards of the new company name and ownership.

Once the photos were taken and Kim Enterprise is now officially in the hands of the couple, the wedding reception start

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Hi angels! I've edited the first 2 chapters so please check it out cause there's some minor details that i changed in the story ^^


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Chapter 6: Awww, i need friends like bts and sumin irl ╥﹏╥ they are so sweet, they are seriously friendship goals o(╥﹏╥)o... I wanna punch that teacher in the throat, what kind of a ing teacher that person is ಠ_ಠ... Poor sooryun :( she needs help from an actual professional, what she's dealing with is a serious case \(;´□`)/
Chapter 5: Lmfao at A/N (≧∇≦)/ poor ravi XD

Jungkook is such a brat lmao, its so cute that even tho sooryun keeps on ignoring and pushing them away, they just don't care and still comes to her and casually hangs out and talks to her, they are so sweet (´∀`) and its funny that taekook knows more about her than chim himself lmao, poor mochi XD ..even his parents knows his inlove with sooryun, oh boy jimin XD what are u doing XD

..and also, this story is so good i don't understand why this doesn't have alot of views ⊙︿⊙
Chapter 4: Wtf, she got ?! And her parents didn't even care?? What?! (╯︵╰,) omg soo, ╥﹏╥ .... And i thought the previous ch was already too depressing, this was worse, i feel so bad for soo ಥ_ಥ
Chapter 3: This was so depressing af _(ㄒoㄒ) now i feel bad for thinking of her so badly (╥_╥)
Chapter 2: Same chim, what do you really see in her to be head over heels for her “ψ(`∇´)ψ but... at the same time, I kinda see why you love her (´∀`)
Chapter 1: Ooohh so she's rich af (・∀・)