Meeting his parents

Let me love you {Sequel of Lust}
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Saturday flew by in a breeze and before Sooryun knew it, she was already getting ready for the party Jimin’s parents are having

“Sooryun they’re here!” Su min called out and Su min told her she’ll be down in a minute.

Making sure her phone is with her, Sooryun took one last look at herself before grabbing her purse and heading down

When she went down, she saw Hoseok and Jimin sitting on the couch with a nice tuxedo on talking to Su min

“About time you slowpoke” Su min teased and the boys looked at Sooryun. Jimin froze while Hoseok just gave her a smile and complimented her dress

Sooryun thanked him and stood in front of Jimin, giggling when he wouldn’t stop looking at her

“You look beautiful” Jimin awed and Sooryun blushed slightly, thanking him while looking down, embarrassed

Hoseok rolled his eyes and groaned while Su min just giggled at their cheesiness.

Jimin smiled at Sooryun’s shy side and placed a kiss on her cheek, making her blush even more.

“Let’s go?” Jimin asked and Sooryun nodded. Jimin slipped his hands into hers and they began walking to the door. Sooryun locked their front door before walking to the car with Jimin

“Your parents must be rich” Sooryun joked when she saw the limo and Jimin just blushed slightly and shook his head

“We’re well off. The party is actually just an auction to raise money for an orphanage” Jimin explained and Sooryun nodded in understanding

Jimin helped open the door and Sooryun slipped in, sitting in front of Su min. Jimin came in and closed the door, sitting next to Sooryun

“I’m guessing you guys are very well off too?” Su min joked and Hoseok and Jimin just chuckled and shook their head

“I like your hair” Sooryun complimented and Jimin just smiled and flipped it slightly, making her roll her eyes

“Never mind, Hoseok’s one is better” Sooryun joked and Jimin gave her an offended look at tickled her

Sooryun started laughing and Su min giggled along while Hoseok looked at them in envy

“Jimin you’re going to ruin my dress” Sooryun managed to say out and Jimin just chuckled and stopped tickling her

The ride to the hotel was fun and before they knew it, they were standing in front of a pretty and grand looking hotel with cameras flashing

“Here comes the Park and Jung enterprise’s heirs, Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok with their dates. Beautiful ladies for such handsome guys” the announcer said

Jimin just held Sooryun close to him and smiled at the camera. Sooryun stayed close to Jimin and smiled slightly

Once they were in the hotel, Sooryun let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding

“I’m sorry for the buzz…” Jimin apologised and bit his lip. Sooryun just smiled and shook her head, telling him she was fine

Once Hoseok had already came in with Su min, who doesn’t really look so pleased at the press, they headed into the ballroom where the auction is held

“Sooryun! Su min!” they all turned and saw the rest of BTS with their dates. Sooryun and Su min smiled and waved at them while Hoseok and Jimin pouted

“I thought you knew us before them” Hoseok whined and the girls laughed when the rest of BTS rolled their eyes

“Guys, meet our dates, this is Bomi, my date” Jin introduced and the girls bowed slightly while the guys smile

“Apink, long time no see. Where’s Chorong noona?” Hoseok asked and Apink smiled

“Chorong unnie has her destined partner already remember?” Bomi said with a wink and they, excluding the 2 lost girls, laughed

“Where are our manners? Complete the introduction guys, the two are lost” Eunji said and BTS almost smacked themselves for leaving Sooryun and Su min out

“Su min noona, Yunnie-ah, they’re Apink, our childhood friends. Bomi noona is Jin hyung’s date as you know. Eunji noona is Yoongie hyung’s date

Naeun noona is Namjoon hyung’s date, Namjoo is Taehyung’s date while Hayoung is Jungkookie’s date” Jimin introduced and the girls smiled a nodded

“Hi I’m Su min and this is Sooryun, she’s my best friend. I’m Hoseok’s date and Sooryun’s Jimin’s date” Su min introduced and the two girls bowed

“Aye don’t be so formal with us. Treat us as friends~ We’re going to see each other more anyways now that someone’s dating” Namjoo teased and they laughed at Jimin and Sooryun’s red face

“Jimin there you are, we were looking fo-oh you must be Sooryun” Jimin turned and saw his parents. They were smiling at Sooryun and she gave them a polite bow

“Its nice to meet you dear. I hope you’ll find the party fun. You’re so pretty I approve of you already” Mrs Park said and Jimin flushed red in embarrassment while Sooryun smiled and thanked her

“No worries. You don’t mind us stealing your date for a bit don’t you? You could tag along if you like” Mr Park smiled and Sooryun shook her head

“I’m fine Mr and Mrs Park. I have BTS, Su min and Apink to hang around with” Sooryun replied politely and Mr and Mrs Park smiled, giving Jimin a teasing look

“Just call us omma and appa” Mrs Park winked and before Jimin or Sooryun could react, Mr Park had already pulled Jimin away with Mrs Park

In a distance, they could hear Jimin scolding his parents and laughed

“Ooohhh someone already has their in laws figured out already” Jungkook teased and Sooryun smacked his back, making Hayoung laugh

Jungkook pouted and gave the two girls a look

“How could you two? I believed in you guys” Jungkook faked a sob and Hayoung just laughed harder while Sooryun rolled her eyes

“No one messes with Sooryun noona. Her hit hurts” Jungkook pouted and Sooryun just rubbed his back as an apology

Jungkook sulked and Sooryun giggled at how cute he’s behaving

“Kookie, forgive me please” Sooryun whined and Jungkook still continued to sulk. Sooryun shook her head and gave him a short hug

Jungkook’s eyes widened, before slowly smiling and hugging her back before Sooryun was pulled away

“Hands off my girlfriend maknae” Jimin muttered and Sooryun just giggled at Jimin’s jealous look. Jungkook just stuck his tongue out playfully and Jimin almost hit him if it wasn’t for Sooryun

The group couldn’t stop laughing at how silly the two were behaving

Time passed and the auction was at their mid-section. Jimin’s parent’s announced a short break and music started playi

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Hi angels! I've edited the first 2 chapters so please check it out cause there's some minor details that i changed in the story ^^


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Chapter 6: Awww, i need friends like bts and sumin irl ╥﹏╥ they are so sweet, they are seriously friendship goals o(╥﹏╥)o... I wanna punch that teacher in the throat, what kind of a ing teacher that person is ಠ_ಠ... Poor sooryun :( she needs help from an actual professional, what she's dealing with is a serious case \(;´□`)/
Chapter 5: Lmfao at A/N (≧∇≦)/ poor ravi XD

Jungkook is such a brat lmao, its so cute that even tho sooryun keeps on ignoring and pushing them away, they just don't care and still comes to her and casually hangs out and talks to her, they are so sweet (´∀`) and its funny that taekook knows more about her than chim himself lmao, poor mochi XD ..even his parents knows his inlove with sooryun, oh boy jimin XD what are u doing XD

..and also, this story is so good i don't understand why this doesn't have alot of views ⊙︿⊙
Chapter 4: Wtf, she got ?! And her parents didn't even care?? What?! (╯︵╰,) omg soo, ╥﹏╥ .... And i thought the previous ch was already too depressing, this was worse, i feel so bad for soo ಥ_ಥ
Chapter 3: This was so depressing af _(ㄒoㄒ) now i feel bad for thinking of her so badly (╥_╥)
Chapter 2: Same chim, what do you really see in her to be head over heels for her “ψ(`∇´)ψ but... at the same time, I kinda see why you love her (´∀`)
Chapter 1: Ooohh so she's rich af (・∀・)