Make up, Shake up, Break up

I'd Tell you I Hate you but then I'd be Lying


~Jonghyun POV~

The next morning was an awkward one for me and Key. He always looked so deep in thought, his eyebrows low and his chin jutting out just the slightest bit. I think he looked adorable but I knew something was bugging him.

"Key." He didn't hear me. I waved my hand in front of his eyes, making him blink.


He turned to me with a diva look on his face. "What you want?"

I pouted. "I'm hungry."

While he walked off to the kitchen, mumbling about me being a lazy and can't cook food, I went to get ready.

Today, I was going to dance class with Key and Taemin and Minho. We all decided to go to see what will happen when Taemin sees his brother, and what'd we do.

Maybe we should just leave them alone.. it might be best for them to solve their own problems.

"Jjong! Your food!"

"One sec" I called back.

I stripped my shirt and looked for a loose clean new one in my messy closet.

"Jonghyun, your food's gonna-"

Of course Key would walk in witout knocking but it was weird for him to stop in his tracks. Normally, he'd keep talking whenever he saw me half , we live together so it's not unusual.

I found a shirt while keeping my eyes locked with the diva. "Yeah Key?"

He turned quickly but I could see his ears turning red. "Your food's gonna get cold if you don't eat it already."

I felt myself smiling smugly at the thought of Key being embarassed about seeing me half . He dissapeared as soon as he came and I slipped my shirt on while still smiling.

But if that's happening, that means something must've happened with Onew hyung..

'Aish I can't get that out of my head' I thought, frustrated.

We ate breakfast like any other typical morning, with him nagging me and me talking back and going back and forth in a playful argument.

While we (mostly Key) were washing up quickly, knocking sounds came from the door.

I wasn't surprised to see Minho and Taemin, my best friend looking as tough as ever and Key's best friend looking just the smallest bit shy.

"Good morning Jonghyun hyung.."

I pat his head and smiled. "Morning Tae. Key's in the kitchen."

He smiled and thanked me before skipping to his umma.

"How is he?" I asked when Minho and me were alone. He rolled his eyes.

"As annoying as ever."

"Min you know you like him."

"Not true."

That was a big lie and it was so obvious to everyone. We could all see how protective Minho was growing, and how fond of the kid too.

~Taemin POV~

I was scared as to what umma would think when he saw me today, and Jonghyun too. I bet they know now, us being brothers and me being alone.

But when I poked my head into the kitchen and Key saw me, he definitley didn't hesitate to throw his arms around me.

"My baby! Are you okay? Did you eat? How are you feeling? I didn't want to bother you yesterday so I didn't go to your dorm but-"

"Kibum" I said seriously, almost scarily. He knows I never call him that, it's always Key or Umma, so when I said his name he looked at my face, confused and surprised.

I burst into a smile. "I'm fine, don't worry please."

He squeezed me again and kept saying over and over how worried he was.

I helped him cook breakfast after he stopped giving me his death grip and nudged him.

"So what'd you do yesterday? Some noonas told me they saw you walking with Onew hyung."

Key's face turned beet reed but he waved it away. "Ah nothing, we got to know each other over hot chocolate at his office."

Something about yesterday was definitley the reason he was blushing.

"And then?"

He laughed. "He walked me home, and well might've..I don't know Tae" he sighed heavily and held his face.

"What would happen if I thought I liked Onew hyung..?"

~Jonghyun POV~

"What would happen if I thought I liked Onew hyung?"

The words went right through my head, echoing and making me feel confused. I didn't hear wrong did I..?

My fists were clenched with anger and jealousy. Onew..he might have known I like Key and yet he did something to him yesterday that turned this sophisticated diva into a blushing high school girl.

I had to see him, right now. I might really like Key after all.

"Where you going Jjong?" a sweet voice asked me as I slipped my shoes on.

I looked at Key who seemed concerned. Even in the early morning, he looked flawless.

I didn't want to be mad at him and I couldn't lie so I said "Onew's office. Just to ask him something."

Taemin elbowed Key knowingly. "Why don't you go with him umma?"

He smacked the boy lightly and shook his head, then waved his finger at me. "No breakfast for you then. Just be back in time so we can go to dance together."

I agreed but I didn't know how long it would take, much less what I was going to do. Yell at him? I can't yell at a guy for falling in love with someone like Key. He's already gotten multiple love letters since he got here.

~Onew POV~

My peaceful nap was ruined by the sound of feet shuffling outside my door.

"Onew!" Jonghyun called.

I grunted as I got up, shaking my head at the stupidity of this guy.

"I was sleeping Jjong" I mumbled while I rubbed my eyes.

"What did you do to Key?"

Well that surprised me, but this was turning interesting. I smiled. "What do you mean?"

"He came home all blushy and acting like..a girl!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So why do you want to know?"

He walked in and sat on the couch, looking pouty and mad. "I just do. Hyung, just tell's been killing me."

"Why don't I show you" I joked as I leaned in extremely close to the confused boy.

He got the hint and stood up angrily.

"You did not.."

"Mehrong" I sighed sticking my tongue out. "I wouldn't do that, I just met this guy. And it wasn't even anything big, don't worry."

He was silent for a long time and he was still here.

"Do you like him?"

I smiled at the thought of that cute energetic boy that I'd always seen around campus, jumping around and acting funny and silly, without giving a care in the world. "Maybe."

When I turned around, he was staiding right in front of my desk, palms down and staring at me intently.

I smiled back at him stupidly. "Why? Are you jealous that I make him blush that much?"

"What did you-"

"I kissed his hand. And he turned as red this bow." I interrupted, holding up my dorky neck bow.

He looked angry at me. "I won't lose to you."

"Don't count on that shorty" I teased.

He frowned and left. I sat back at my desk to get ready for this morning's class, humming to myself.

'This will be interesting..'

~Key POV~

Jonghyun was taking too long so we left without him, on our way to dance class together.

I couldn't stop fixing Taeminnie's hair and tell him to stop being so tense, he was as stiff as I was being with Onew.

'Get him out of your head Kibum' I repeated in my head. 'I need a clear mind for dance and school.'

When we walked into the locker room, I found Jonghyun stripping himself of his shirt for his dance one. He looked deep in thought.

"Well thanks for walking with us Jjong" I huffed as I opened my locker next to his. He smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I thought it'd take less time to just walk here from Jink's office."

His cute smile made my heart soften and I found myself mirroring his expression.

God, Jonghyun has such a cute smile. And eyes too.

After everyone got changed, we walked into dance class and started warming up, something Jonghyun and Minho were not used to as Minzy and her friends had to push them into uncomfortable posistions to get them more flexible.

It was after the warm ups and learning more techniques and moves that Onew hyung walked in.

None of us saw him at first, Taemin and I were too busy breezing through dance while Jonghyun and Minho struggled a little more than we did. But the girls squealed quietly and the whole class turned to see a coconut colored hair, neatly and nerdly dressed man leaning against the door frame, showing off his adorable bunny teeth smile.

Taeyang raised an eyebrow. "Jinki? Don't you have a class?"

He shrugged. "We finished early. Can I borrow a student?"

"Let me think. Nah."

Onew laughed. "That's cute, you think you have a choice."

He beckoned toward me, making my throat a little dry but I walked smoothly anyway.

The rest of the class continued working while my hyung pulled me outside. I gave him my best smile.

"What's up Onew?"

He pouted. "I see everyone left music for dance."

I sighed and explained the situation with Taemin and he merely nodded.

"Ah okay. Well I just want to make sure we're good on dinner."

Right, we have a date. "Of course."

"Great" he winked and again, took my hand and kissed it. "I'll see you later then."

The tickle of his lips again on the back of my hand made me tingle inside but I felt fuzzy and warm, even out here in the late winter cold.

I walked back into class and took my spot, everyone was seated now and glancing at me as I walked past. Knowing the feeling of his hand kiss, I was able to maintain my blush this time, though my heart was leapi

"What did Jinki want" Taemin asked curiously, wiggling his eyebrows in a funny way.

I laughed at his silliness and slapped his shoulder. "Nothing. What's going on?"

The dance instructors were fighting again, I couldn't catch what they were saying though because they were talking at once and too loud.

Minzy waved her hands, done with her friend, and clapped.

"Okay class anyways. We wanted to let you know that yeah it's that time of year where everyone needs to be tested."

Everyone pouted and made dying whale noises in opposistion to Minzy's words.

Taemin and I however, not knowing what was going on, stared at her quizically and she quickly explained.

"Around this time of year, the dean wants to see how we're doing. So every student has to either go to music or dance classes for the next 2 weeks. After that, everyone has to show the dean and all the other teachers, either via video tape or in person, their routine. This year, to speed up the process, we'll be doing..duets."

Everyone cheered as a wide knowing smile spread across Taemin's and my face.

We are going to be partners of course, we didn't even have to say anything.

"Yah Minzy" Taeyang sighed. "You're still a student too. You need to test."

"I know" she frowned. "You are too! Don't just look at me!"

They started bickering again as the class's voices grew in excitement to the performance.

My baby and I turned around to sit with Jonghyun and Minho who looked dead.

"Only music and dance class for the next two weeks..goodbye soccer."

"Calm down man" Jonghyun sighed, patting Minho's head. "Now wer're partner's okay. What do you want to do, a singing and rapping duet?"

"Wow" my eyes sparkled. "Minho, you're going to let me listen to you rap okay."

He looked embarassed and waved me away. "Why should I?"

I smiled cutely. "Because then I won't sneak into your dorm at night and slit your throat. Or blow you up with air. Or pop your soccer ball."

He shivered at my creepiness and protested no more as we continued class.

We were still talking about the duets when we were leaving.

"Tae do you wanna do it over video or in person?"

He bounced. "In person. Via video is too boring and-"

He stopped in his tracks, with his words and walking. His face turned as pale and he looked like he was seeing a ghost.

"Taemin?" I followed his line of vision until I found what made him stop in place.

There was his brother, mirroring his surprised expression, standing not that far away.

~Third Person POV~

Everyone stopped. Every thing stopped, again just like the last time their eyes met. Taesun obviously wanted to say something, his mouth was open but no words flowed out. He must've been dumbstruck.

Taemin meanwhile, just stood where he was, in place, not moving an inch. Key, Minho, Jonghyun, and Amber, who'd apperantly gone to music class to practice her rapping, waited patiently for someone, anyone, to move or speak.

And someone did. It was Taemin. "Taesun..hyung.."

That seemed to have shocked Taesun into a reaction because immediately, he practically flew to his younger brother, tackling him. Luckily, they were walking on the field so the grass cushioned their fall.

"Taemin" he gasped as they both sat up, the youngest obviously not surprised by the blow. "I-I'm just really sorry I left, I wanted to stay but I couldn't get away and I wish I could make everything better but Aunt Eun Mi had to take care of you and I knew you hated me, at least that's what she said, and so I tried to forget about you because I could tell you forgot about me and.." Taesun went on rambling until a small giggle made him stop.

It was cute and sounded like a child. He looked up surprised to see his younger brother, laughing into his hand to contain his foolish chuckles. Everyone of course, was confused.


Taemin waved his hand and cleared his throat. "Ah hyung..I might have already forgiven you. I'm just happy you apologize like this, it means a lot to me."

Taesun's mouth dropped, surprised by how easily Taemin had said that. "R-really?"

He looked to the ground guiltly. "I may have been over reacting all this time. I was ignorant as to how you wanted to stay. Anytime someone so much as mentioned your name, I left the room. I've made you feel horrible all these years. I'm sorry hyung.." he looked up through his feminine eyelashes. "Can we start over?"

Some of the words spoken was a low blow to Taesun but otherwise, he was touched to the very point where he could cry. And after a few minutes, he did as he hugged Taemin.

"Taaaeeemiiiin" he bawled into the younger's shoulder. Tae laughed in response and pat his back as everyone smiled lovingly around them.

There were no more problems, Taemin could enjoy his life here at S.A. with his friends and brother.

Nothing else was wrong.

Nothing. At. All.


Wrong. There was one thing, one thing Taemin didn't know about but a few people did. The promise.

Ignorance really is bliss.

~Onew POV~

I smiled at students as I passed by, grinning and showing off my eye-smile. The teachers always say that I'm the most popular instructor, even if I'm only an assistant teacher.

When I reached his dorm building, I skipped up the steps, humming along the way. I was in a good mood, hopefully Jonghyun won't ruin it for me.

He's getting jealous when it should be me who's envious of him. He can have Key all to himself yet he's not taking the oppritunity right now.

I knocked on the door twice and tucked my hands in my pocket, excited to see Key's pretty face. When the door opened, there he was, dressed in a loose purple v-neck and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Hi Onew" he smiled.

I smiled back and was about to say hi too when the door opened further and Jjong leaned against it, smiling forcefully.

"Hey Jinki"

"Jjong" I smiled back. I turned to the younger. "Hello Key, ready to go?"

"Umm give me one sec" he said sheepishly as he trotted back inside, leaving me and the dinosaur puppy. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I still won't lose."

I rolled my eyes, expecting he would say that. He was such a kid, it was cute and annoying. "Jonghyun, you can win if you play the cards right."

He looked surprised at my statement and was about to ask further when Key skipped past him, giving him a small smile. "Hyung, I can bring you something back if you'd like. Anything you want?"

He shook his head humbly. "Nah, just go have fun." he gave me a look. "But be back by nine. For roll call."

I rolled my eyes again. Yeah, that's why he wants him back at that time.

When we walked down, we discussed school things. Grades, his struggle with honor's classes, and the testing.

I groaned. "Those are a pain. I have to sit through the videos and grade them exactly, along with the other teachers in the music building."

"Don't worry hyung, it'll be fine." His words gave me comfort, even though they might not be true.

We talked a lot more and laughed at stupid things until we reached the resteraunt, a nice little American style diner.

"Wow~ there are even writing in english" he said as he looked around. Now that he mentioned it, he did say something about studing abroad in the states. When I asked him about it, he nodded.

"Yeah, I went to America to study for a while, a little after I met Tae. My english is rough but okay."

"I know english too" I smiled. He looked at me like he didn't believe it so I decided to show him.

"Excuse me miss" I said in awkward yet still fluent english. "Table for two please."

The waitress, who appeared to be blonde with blue eyes, nodded and showed us to a booth by the window, handing us menus.

"Show off" he chuckled as we went through the food.

I was getting the fried chicken of course, that's what I always get when I come here so I put the menu down without reading it and held my chin in my hands, my elbows resting on the cold table.

I watched the cute boy in front of me, tapping his pretty lips, wondering what to get. "The ribs look good" I said. He looked up and sighed.

"Ah, there's so much to try. But I guess I'll just get that."

The same american waitress came and took our order, smiling at the both of us as she left. A small, flirty, call-me smile. I wondered why she was here, I haven't seen her around. Maybe she played sports at this school.

I was still staring at Key which of course he noticed and blushed a little.

"Why are you staring at me like that" he giggled.

I smiled with my eyes closed. "Because you're cute."

When I opened my eyes again his blush deepened as he pushed his short bangs from his face. "Aw thanks Onew. You're cute too."

I smiled to say thanks and we talked again, about our personal lives this time.

He had me laughing so hard at times I was crying and my stomach hurt. He was so honest, so confident about everything, that I didn't expect what happened at that moment.

A boy, maybe a junior, tall and muscly stoppd at our table with his circle of friends.

"Hey" he smiled at my dongsaeng, completly ignoring me. "You're Kim Kibum?"

Key backed away a bit, his strong headed personality tearing away a little. "Yeah..?"

"Wow you're as pretty as they say." he smirked. I recognized him, he was on Minho's soccer team.

I frowned at him but he didn't notice and continued talking. "I'm Joon, I've seen you around campus-"

"Yeah how can I help you?" Key interrupted. Joon was surprised by Key's rudeness but smirked playfully.

"Nothing. Just wanted to say hi~ I'll see you around okay?"

Key just nodded but turned back to me and shivered. I looked at him concerned.

"Key does this happen a lot?"


"You getting hit on."

He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Yeh. People always hit on me at my other school. I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm so easy. Which I'm not."

I'm sure he wasn't but he just looked so cute right now, pouting and fuming, that I suggested something that made him blush into a deep red.

"Why don't I be your boyfriend?"

~Jonghyun POV~

"Jjong this is absolutely pathetic" Minho hissed at me as he wrappd his jacket around his muscly frame. People stared at us as they passed and some said hi but I just ignored them and slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up, no it's not."

Or maybe it was. Onew had taken Key to the American diner, I remembered going there a lot with him. He loves the chicken.

The waitress was a friend of mine, I asked her watch their date and serve them. Even give flirty smiles and flutter her eyelashes. And now here I was with a complaining frog, 

out in the cold outside of the resteraunt, looking through the window my hyung and roomate were sitting near. Okay so it was pathetic. But he got me so jealous.

Minho pointed out Joon who was clearly trying to pick up Key's interest. Of course, he denied him. But what really made me wonder was why Key blushed so hard when Onew said something.

'Something's up' I thought in my head as I stood from the freezing bench where we sat.

"Let's go" I huffed as I started walking away. I didn't wanna see anymore, I was 99% sure Jinki would not do anything with Key that would ruin my chances with him. He was too good a friend to do that.

'Play your cards right and you could win'.

I guess I have a few cards of my own to throw out. I'll take my chances soon enough knowing that.

~Key POV~

Did I hear right..?

I must've. My hearing is perfect and my hyung was still smiling stupidly.

"Sorry..what do you..huh?"

I stumbled over my words, my tongue got twisted in knots and I think I stuttered too when I tried to speak. I hate stuttering.

He waved his hands. "Ani. I meant like..we could pretend to be dating so guys could leave you alone."

I sighed, almost relieved. But wait, why was I relieved?

"Ah hyung that's okay" I laughed nervously. "I can always tell those people to back off."

He shrugged and nodded. "Okay, whatever you want Kibum."

Still though, those words surprised me a lot. They're probably buried into my head now.

The food arrived and we continued talking and laughing happily. The atmosphere was light and fluffy, like I could be my total self aroung Onew, which I really liked.

I might really like him, if I didn't have to constantlly think about Jonghyun.

~Onew POV~

It was probably a bad idea to ask that but I had to find a way for him to look embarassed. After all, Jonghyun was outside, watching/stalking us.

It would've been fun to be his fake boyfriend but whatever he wants to do I'm fine with.

I liked everything about Key. His apperance, his attitude, his opinion on things, the way he looked at the world, and even the way he claps when he laughed.

This wasn't just a game to me like how I said to Jonghyun. But to win him over I had to play, and play fair.

So I did.

We ordered milkshakes after we finished our food. He was rambling cutely about one of his favorite dramas when I noticed he had whipped cream on his cheek, very close to his lips.

"Ah Key, you have something there" I interrupted, pointing to the side of his mouth.

He reached for a napkin but before he got to it, I took his wrist lightly and smiled.

"No need, allow me."

Leaning over the table and taking Key's chin in my free hand, I pressed my lips right next to his. Not on, just where the cream was.

I could practically hear his heart jumping from where I stood. I pulled back slightly and smiled but we were still very close. And as expected, he was a very very bright red.

"Ah.." was all he managed to get out.

I sighed and sat back, still smiling. "No worries, it's gone now."

I probably would've kissed him full on just then, being so close to his face and staring into his embarassed deep brown eyes. But I had to pull him in closer so I didn't push it.

For the rest of our date, he acted fairly normal but I noticed him avoiding eye contact with me which was kinda cute.

After we walked out and started our way back to his dorm, he fell silent.

"What's wrong?" I asked. It was not normal for him to act like this.

He fiddled with his thumbs. "Um..I just..I'm confused."


"Well..I mean..why do you keep kissing me?"

I almost roared with laughter at how he asked that. He doesn't know yet, the real reason?

I stepped in front of him and leaned in close. He was startled as his eyes grew and his cheeks tinted.

"Because.." I didn't smile this time. I wated to appear serious. "Kisses are how you show affection to the person you like."

I'd think he would've passed out considering how shocked he looked. He turned his head to his feet.


Why is it that he always acts perfect, without even trying?

I said no more but smiled and continued walking.

We got to the dorm quickly and he bowed. "Thanks for today Onew, it was fun."

"Yeah" I said. "So let's do it again sometime..?"

He giggled and looked at me. "I'll see."

The way he looked at that moment, it wasn't fierce and y like usual but cute and innocent. So I pulled him into a hug and pat his back.

After all, I've done enough damage for one night.

But when I pulled away, I just softly pressed the lips against his forehead. "Night."

He smiled. "Goodnight." then he hurried inside.

Once he was gone I sighed heavily. Try to beat that, Jonghyun.

~Third Person POV~

Key had wasted most of his energy for the day on dance, school, and the date. All he wanted now was to sleep.

But there was a sleeping dinosaur on the couch, which he just couldn't ignore.

Key sighed and laughed. "This person.."

He walked to Jonghyun and kneeled beside the couch, where his hyung was snoring away peacefully.

"Jjong" he shook him lightly and when he still wouldn't budge, he hit him gently.

"Hyung, go to your bed already" Key laughed when his eyes finally opened a half millimeter.

But still, Jonghyun only grunted as he pulled Key on top of him, much to the younger's surprise.

"Jjong" he laughed.

"Just sleep.." he grumbled in response, barely concious as he started snoring again.

"No hyung, go to bed" the diva sighed in response.


He rolled his eyes and tried to get away from Jonghyun's tight playful grip. "Yes it's me hyung."

"Oh.." he sighed, still 99% asleep. "Mkay~"

Key was about to say something else but he was cut off. With his hyung's lips against his own.

The second kiss of the night for Kibum, they were only making things harder for him.

~Taemin POV~

"Hyung how do you think umma's date is going" I sighed as I wrote down the answer to number five.

"Beats me."

I pouted and put down my pencil. Minho is always quiet but he still acts like he doesn't like me.

I pushed my rolling chair to where he sat, at his desk doing his own homework. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hyung why do you really not like me?"

"I don't not like you." Then he waved me away so he could finish his homework peacefully. But I didn't move an inch.

"Tell me." I blew air into my cheeks. The last time I remembered, Minho was a very kind frog prince.

He even knows that I remember him when he saved me, I was stupid enough to blurt it out earlier. Buut we hadn't uttered a word about it since then.


I was cut off with a knock on the door.

We both turned our heads and he gave me an 'are-you-gonna-get-that' look.

I rolled my eyes and went to the door, smiling when I saw who it was.

"Hi hyung~" I sang as Taesun waked in. Everything had gone back to normal with him and me, we were going to spend time catching up for the next few days.

He grinnd. "Hi Tae, sup Minho."

Minho nodded in his direction.

"Taeminnie?" he asked.

"Mm" I said as I skipped back to my desk. He followed and spun me.

"Could you let me talk to Minho for a bit?"

I was curious why but I knew it was none of my business so I nodded.

"Minho" Taesun beckoned to him as they walked out into the hall, leaving me inside the room alone.

I turned up my music and nodded my head to it as I finished my math homework but it didn't block out the sounds of Taesun and Minho's loud voices in the hall.

"Are they fighting..?" I wondered aloud.

I went to check if everything was okay when I stopped suddenly to the sound of Taesun's voice say my name.

"You didn't do anything to Taemin right?"

"No hyung" Minho sighed.

I pressed my ear against the door. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but it was almost my business right? It'd be fine.

"How long am I supposed to keep this promise?" Minho's voice. What promise?

"Only until 'he' falls for him." Taesun's voice.

Who is 'he'? What are they talking about? What kind of promise? And what do I have to do with it?

"Will you at least tell me who it is?" Minho.

"I can't. I promised I wouldn't." Taesun.

"Hyung..I don't know how to do this anymore." It sounded like Minho was getting frustrated.

"Please Minho. Just keep doing what you're doing. I owe this guy a lot. I feel horrible for keeping him from Tae."

They're definetly talking about me. But what is going on?

"Taesun, this is stupid."

"But Minho-"

"I'll try. But it's not exactly easy to not fall for him."


"I know.." Taesun sounded upset. "But I could tell my brother is picking up an interest of you already."

My heart thumped. How did he know..?

Minho said nothing for a while then spoke in his serious tone.

"I'll try."

"Thanks Minho. I promise you'll get your chance but for can't fall for Taemin. And he can't do the same."

My heart dropped. Let me see if I got this right..Minho made a promise he wouldn't fall in love with me. I can't fall in love with him either.

I walked slowly back to my desk and soon enough, Minho walked back in and went to his.

Taesun stuck his head in and waved. "Bye Taemin, I'll see you tomorrow."

I put on my best smile and said bye back. After he left, the dorm was silent. I had shut off my iPod, not in the mood for music. Not in the mood for anything anymore.

"Hey..Minho hyung..?"

He turned around as I walked to the bathroom to wash up for the night. I should sleep early so I could get enough energy for tomorrow. I turned around to face him. "Please don't worry."

He looked at me confused and I continued. "I won't fall in love with you. You can keep that promise with my brother."

He looked shocked and stood up but stopped when he saw my obviously painful and forced smile.

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when I slammed the door accidentally.

I slid to the floor, hugging my knees to my hurting chest, taking evrything in. A promise. Minho can't fall in love with me because of a promise. He's been acting like this because of a promise. A stupid yet important promise.

I should hate him for it. Not Taesun though, because I know he only cares about me. I should tell Minho I won't fall in love with him. That I hate him.

But I'm such a bad liar.

Chapter 14~
Happy September! Wow this story is getting hard to follow..
I'll be making things simpler from now on ^^
I wanted to throw Joon in randomly. Because he's just so good looking >A<
Key is stuck in a love triangle..I just had to..keke..
2min moments are going to happen~ as well as other characters appearing!
And the chapter image..ashvwhr I can't wait til Dazzling Girl <3
Anngyeong (^.~)

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Sorry, couldn't update before 0923 OTL TT^TT writer's block .


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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and love it so much! >w< plz update soon!
Chapter 19: You're not gonna update this?! TT____TT I miss is soo muuuch?!?! TT______TT
Chapter 19: Please update! It's been sooooooooooo long! Pretty please~ >.< <3
Chapter 18: I just answered the question but i thought you asked if you should continue the ff so i answered of course yes -_-
i think many people misread like me so please continue and please update :)
Chapter 19: OMG Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update this REALLY SOON...
HiBirdSong #6
Chapter 19: It was Heechul!? I thought it would be Kai... I'm so surprised! Please update soon! Hwaiting!
HiBirdSong #7
Chapter 12: Every time I read my user name in the A/N I'm like OMG!how!? Even though I now it's my user name since I'm reading it while online but still... It amaze me every time..
HiBirdSong #8
Chapter 3: When I read that his hobby was rapping at first I thought 'he likes to ____ people? And Jjong think its cool!?' Haha my bad ^^'
HiBirdSong #9
Your inspiration was Gakuen Alice? Then I must read it!