Everything might turn out okay..maybe.

I'd Tell you I Hate you but then I'd be Lying


~Third person POV~
Everything seemed to freeze. Any movement seemed to stop, every sentence didn't finish.
The brothers searched each other's eyes, looking for any type of emotion. But before either actually spoke, the younger ran out.
"Taemin!" Key shouted. He was confused of course, the only ones who knew about Taesun's family problems were Minho and Amber.
The next person to run outside was Minho. Key ran to Taesun, confused and upset.
"What the hell was that?! What just happened?"
Taesun sat emotionless while Amber bolted up in his defense. "Calm down Key."
"Why is my best friend crying just at the sight of you? Do you know him? What did you do?!"
"I know him very well" Taesun whispered under his breath. Everyone fell silent again and he walked out, but in a different direction of his brother and friend.
He didn't listen. Amber sat down an upset Key and confused Jonghyun and Onew.
"What is Taesun to my baby" was the first thing he said calmly.
Amber rubbed her temple. "Look at the two. Can you honestly not tell?"
They sat in silence until the three finally realized an obvious truth. Taemin was Taesun's brother.
~Taemin POV~
I was starting to run out of breath, I've never ran this hard in my life. But it was my desperation that kept me going, I just had to get away from that room, knowing the fact that my brother was there.
I didn't stop trying to get away, even when a strong hand gripped me by the wrist and pulled me.
"Taemin stop-"
I tried to wriggle out of Minho's grasp but he was bigger and stronger. I gave up and slid to the ground, crying in his shoulder. He just pat my head.
My hurting chest was rising and falling rapidly while I tried to calm down. I felt like a kid who didn't get what he wanted.
When I calmed down enough and my cries were reduced to sobs, Minho shook my shoulders, and that's when I noticed how close we were. Of course, that was the last thing on my mind.
"Do you know?"
He just nodded.
"Since when?"
"I met your brother when he first came here. He told me about you then."
"When you saw me dancing on the streets, did you know who I was?"
It was a question that surprised both of us but he shook his head. "No."
"Is Taesun a reason you hate me?"
He was quiet for a long time. "I don't hate you Taemin."
I didn't trust his words but I went along with it for now.
"Do you want to go back to the cafe?"
I shook my head. "I just want to sleep right now. I'm too tired."
I moved to stand up but before I could Minho swooped down and picked me up bridal style.
I was surprised but still sleepy so I didn't yell. "What are you doing..?"
"You're tired right? It's fine, you're really light anyways."
I wanted to protest but my hoarse voice wouldn't let me so I allowed Minho to haul me back to the dorm.
The tears that had been let out earlier when I was running stopped as my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep against Minho's chest.
~Jonghyun POV~
When Amber was done explaining to us the Lee family situation, we sat in silence.
"I knew Taemin had a brother..but we never talked about him." Key said, looking sad.
"Taesun also mentioned a brother but he always avoided it when we asked about him.." Onew confessed.
"I can't believe it" I sighed, burying my face in my hands. "Of all people, I don't want to believe that things like this happened to Taemin and Taesun."
"Sunnie told me a year after I met him. He said that as much as he loved you guys, he trusted me and Minho the most. He tried a lot to forget Tae but it never worked so he decided to never speak about him again."
"Now I feel bad for all those times I asked about his brother.." I mumbled.
Taesun was an important person in our circle of friends. If he never comes back to us, what would happen then? And of course, Taemin is important to us too now. If we ever had to choose between them, what will happen to all of us?
Key rubbed the back of his neck. "What now? Isn't Minho with Taemin?"
Amber tensed up a little bit, which was only slightly visible but I noticed it right away. "Is there something you left out Amber..?"
All eyes stared at her but she only glared back.
"It's honestly something you guys should not worry about. Taesun made Minho promise something but you guys should not have to know about it."
"So how do you know?" I asked curiously.
"I was there."
"Amber. Taesun, Taemin, and Minho are all close to us. We know now every important thing about them. I think it'd be fair to tell us this one thing."
Still, she said nothing but all eyes continued to pry at her.
"Okay" she sighed. "Just stop staring at me.."
We did and she mumbled hesitantly. "Taesun made Minho promise he wouldn't fall in love with Taemin.."
"What?!" Key slammed his palms on the table. "Why? If that frog boy does anything to Minnie, I will not hesitate to claw out his big eyes and feed them to-"
"Kibum" Onew sat him down and his hair. "Calm down. I'm sure there's a good reason."
We were all surprised at Key's sudden outburst but I particularly felt jealous of how Key relaxed at Onew's touch, like a cat almost.
Amber sighed and explained what Taesun had told her just earlier.
"O-oh.." Key mumbled.
"Do you have any idea who 'this guy' is?" I asked.
She shook her head. "He wouldn't name him."
"Why don't we try finding him" Onew suggested. "We can talk to him a little."
"About what?"
He blinked like he hadn't thought of it.
"Well..like..his relationship with Taemin and Taesun..?"
"Where will that honestly get us Jinki?" Amber sighed.
He frowned in defeat. "Well what should we do then?"
"I think.." I stood slowly. "This is something for them to deal with. Let's leave it alone, we can sleep on it."
They all agreed as we went our seperate ways, after we apologized to the cafe workers for all the noise.
Key looked stressed the whole way back to the dorm. "Key, you'll get wrinkles if you keep your face like that."
"I can't help it" he replied. "It's a lot to think about."
When we walked into our room I wrapped my arms around him from behind, enveloping into a bear hug.
"Calm down~" I mumbled into his shoulder since I was slightly shorter than him.
He didn't resist my hug and I felt his hand on mine.
"I'm so worried for Taemin. I've never seen him so upset."
"I've never seen you so upset either."
He only grumbled in response as we waddled to the living room, my arms still around him.
"Why don't you let go" Key laughed, seeming happy finally.
"You're warm, it's cold out~"
"Yah Jjong, let g-"
Before we knew what was happening, we tripped over each other, falling in a tangle of limbs on the floor.
"Agh..sorry Key. Are you o-"
I stopped there when I saw how dangerously close we were. He was hovering over me, our chests still pressed together but his knees were against the floor. He held himself with his elbow as his bewildered face was only an inch from mine.
Wow Jonghyun, what a smart thing to say.
He was visibly turning red but he still didn't get up which I didn't mind at all. That just made me sound like a ert.
After another moment of staying in that posistion, he lifted his torso up but he was still kind of on my lap. "S-sorry.."
"It's fine" I replied awkwardly as I sat up too. Without knowing it, I touched his hair, which he flinched at the tiniest bit.
"I didn't notice until now but you have a little red highlight on your hair.."
He laughed. "Oh, that. Yeah I've always wanted to try it so I did. People called me hot head for it."
I laughed and that's when his fingers got tangled in my hair. "Your hair color is pretty though" he hummed. "I'd want my hair to be yellow like this."
I could feel him twirling his fingers in my hair, making me audibly gulped, praying that he didn't notice it.
Thankfully, he got up and walked lazily to his room. "I'm going to have a nap..I'm exhausted."
"Er..okay" I called back in response.
When he left I collapsed on the couch. What's wrong with me? I feel like I'm going to lose control around Key and..do something.
It all started with that one kiss..
I blinked like I had a sudden realization. What would happen if I kissed him again..? Would that make things better?
I had no idea why I did it before, that's when I started feeling weird around him. But if I do it a second time, when I do know what I'm doing, maybe there'll be a difference..?
Or maybe I'm just making up excuses to kiss him again.
I'm over thinking this I told myself. I only want to be around him, that's why I'm going to go again to the city with him. Maybe take him to the music store where Onew and I met. Or the park where I played as a kid.
I realized how funny I looked then, sitting on the floor talking to myself in my head. 'I'll sleep on it. Also, what to do with Taemin and Taesun.' I decided.
I walked slowly to my room but not without peeking the slightest bit into Key's room.
He was fast asleep in sweats and a band T shirt, laying in a curled up posistion so that he was almost touching his toes.
He might get cold..I walked over quietly and noticed he was on his blanket.
Should I wake him? I probably should, he could get sick and complain about it later.
"Key" I whispered as I shook him softly. He still snored softly away.
I climbed over him gently, but was careful as to not get too close.
"Kibum.." I stared closer at his face and tickled his cheek which only made him twitch a bit. When I got a closer look, I stared for a bit longer.
His delicate cheekbones stuck out just the smallest bit and his long eyelashes flaunted over his deep double eyelids. But really, I couldn't stop staring at his perfect cupid bow's lips.
"How pretty.."
The second the words quietly, almost silently, left my mouth, his feline eyes batted and opened slowly, only halfway though.
My brain wasn't telling my body to move and I found myself stuck, awkwardly hovering over my roomate.
Think brain, why won't you say anything. "Umm..you might catch a cold so..the blanket.."
He didn't listen and closed his eyes again, but this time, he took me with him as he flopped his arm lazily over my waist and pulled me down.
"Nngh, just sleep mkay?"
I was surprised at the sudden move but then again, he was barely concious. "Key..we'll catch a cold.."
"Doesn't matter" he mumbled as he snuggled his tiny frame into my chest. "You're like a huggable heater.."
I blushed suddenly at how close we were, but I didn't back away at all.
He only mumbled gibberish in return as he started snoring away again.
I chuckled quietly to myself at how cute Key can be like this. He seems so vulnerable now like a kitty but when he's awake and going, he's as vicious as a wild cat.
I hugged the younger boy tighter in my arms and kissed the top of his head. "Sweet dreams~" I sang softly.
~Minho POV~
I set the sleeping Taemin on my bed gently. His own bed was still being delievered.
'Poor thing..' I thought in my mind. It was only his second day at S.A. and he's already ran into his brother.
I sat on the bed, my back against the kid. What should we do..? Our relationships with the both of them could be ruined from this. One of them might even leave S.A. Or both. They might even not look at each other until Taesun graduates next year, then they'll never speak to each other again.
But that's not right. They're brothers, they share blood. They should be close, not far apart. They should be talking and laughing, not running and crying. Instead of me being here, it should be Taesun.
But if we force them together, we might push it enough to break. This won't be easy to think things through smoothly but for them we'll try.
I'd developed something for Taemin already, ever since I watched him dance. I feel like I need to protect him, like I'm a body guard. But body guards can't fall in love with the one you're protecting. It'll only lead to something awful in the end, and I want to make sure that Taemin won't feel like that. I can't fall in love with Taemin. I'm just a protector now, for someone too innocent and hurt to help himself.

~Amber POV~

I knocked on the door but still, no answer.

"Taesun" I sighed. "Please open up."
I'd called him multiple times and even texted his roomate but he was at music class.
"It's open" he shouted lazily.
I was surprised that he finally spoke and went in anyways. "You know if you leave your door open and unlocked, a theif could easily come in."
"We're in S.A. What theif."
He had a point. I walked to the curled up boy under the thin sheets on his room.
"Your room door is open too."
He stayed silent as I sat on the bed by him. "Are you okay?"
Quick answer. "Well how come?"
"Everything I feared would happen just unraveled for real in front of my eyes. Tae really does hate me. He's still upset about how I just left him like that.."
"Okay that's it."
I pulled Taesun with one hand even though he refused to get up.
"Amber..what are you doing?
"We're going somewhere."
"A place."
This was a longshot but I can only try. Taesun followed willingly even though he complained about how he looked like a mess with his ruffled hair and wrinkled clothes.
"Just keep walking." I sighed. He did and we eventually reached the fence dividing the high school division from the middle school division. He had a kind of scared look on his face.
"Amber..you know I never go with you guys off campus. This is-"
"I met you in middle school. We're going alright."
He was resistant but I finally got him to climb the fence when we made sure absolutely no one was around.
"Remember they tighten security at the beginning of the week. But I know a secret way, follow me."
We manuevered through trees and prickly bushes, but I had to deal with Taesun's whining the whole way.
"Amber, I'm really tired and sleepy and I just wanna-"
"We're here."
He stopped in his tracks and looked around, smiling along the way.
An old playground buried deep in the forest. That's where Taesun and I first actually met.

He was on the swing set and I just came up to him. We started talking a lot and he learned to trust me. This playground was our meeting place.

"Amber" he laughed. "After these years you still know the way."

"Of course" I smiled proudly. "So listen.." I sat him on the swing we always sat on as junior high students.
"About Taemin..tell me honestly what you want."
He sighed. "I want to be his hyung again. He seemed to have lost my trust. I just want it back to give it to him again."
"Okay good, now how do you think we can do that?"
He was silent for a while. "I really have no idea.."
"Exactly" I nodded. "That's our problem. That's what we need to figure out."
"Well, that's kind of obvious Amber.."
I blinked. It was..? I asked that out loud and he just laughed.
He smiled. "Thanks though for the effort, I liked coming back here. It always made me forget everything bad."
"You're welcome" I smiled.
We sat on the swing set together like we did as kids, thinking. What could we do to bring the brothers together?
~Key POV~
I woke up to hear my phone alarm but when I opened my eyes, I realized my face was pressed against Jonghyun's chest.
I blushed when I remembered he cuddled me before we both fell asleep. Backing away slowly as to not wake him up, I reached for my phone and saw it was a text from an unknown number.
'Anngyeong Kibum, it's Onew. '
I smiled at the text and replied.
'How did you get my number?'
'Jjong gave me it. Can we meet right now?'
I was curious on why he wanted to see me but I just said okay and he told me to go to his office.
I got dressed and left a note for Jonghyun before walking out.
~Jonghyun POV~
I woke up to nothing in my arms, to my dissapointment. "I wanted to see your smile when I wake up.." I mumbled to myself.
I wondered where he had gone until I found a note attached to the door. "Jonghyun, Onew wanted to meet me so I'll be back later~"
The slightest bit of jealousy went through me, even though I shouldn't do that.
But still, Key always seemed to smile around Onew hyung. Why not he do that with me?
I pouted as I poured myself some cereal and watched TV. Maybe Key's just reacting to Onew's natural behavior, I mean, he's so gentle and calm like. Not to mention dorky and clumsy. But he was a great guy nontheless.
Thinking about Key reinded me that I should take him out again. Maybe later this week, since things are still tense with Taesun and Taemin.
I smiled to myself, thinking of all the things Kibum and I could do together.
~Key POV~
I shivered as I entered Onew's music room.
He came out from a door in the back and looked at me worried. "Omo Key, I'm sorry to make you come here when it's still cold out. But why don't you have a coat?"
"I forget one". I sneezed and he looked even more worried.
"Wait here, I can go get you something hot."
He left and I sat on the comfortable couch in his office, taking a look around.
There were photos on his desk, I noticed one of him and another boy, looking happy as they made Vs with their fingers and flashed cheesy smiles.
I chuckled at it and looked closer, noticing the boy looked very familiar. When I realized it was Jonghyun I just started laughing. "Aw, how cute~"
There were other pictures, of what seemed to be his family and a puppy I guess he once had.
I waved to Onew hyung as he carried two mugs and a jacket over his shoulder. He put the cups down and draped the slightly bigger hoodie over my shoulders. "This is just my old jacket, I thought it would keep you warm."
I smiled up at him and thanked him when he handed me the hot chocolate.
"So why did you ask me to come over?" I asked as I defrosted. He shrugged.
"I thought I'd get to know you better. And you seemed really upset earlier at seeing Taemin like that."
I nodded sadly.
"Yeh, it was so weird for me to see my baby crying like that. I've never seen him like that before, he always seemed to be so happy."
He nodded and patted my head. "The ones who smile the most might be the ones who have the most problems."
"But hyung, you smile a lot."
He chuckled. "That's only because I'm a dork like Jonghyun says, and I just smile at anything."
"Aw Onew you're not a dork, Jonghyun's just being stupid and mean."
He showed off his cute cheeky smile again. "Aw thanks Key. Speaking of Jonghyun, how is he?"
"He's the king of skinship" I stated blantly.
"Yep. He'll do that."
We spent two hours together, talking and laughing and sharing stories. I've never really met someone like Onew, he was fun and cute and dorky and just great to be around. Okay, Taemin is cute and fun and so is Jonghyun but I really think Onew is more special.
"Oh, it's time to close the music department." He sighed sadly. I frowned. I really liked being with him.
He walked me back to the dorm even though I insisted he didn't have to.
"Nonsense, there are weird people at this school."
"Hyung, you're as weird as it gets."
"Kibum, that's not nice."
We laughed walking up the few flights of stairs, he told me he lives in the building where all the other teachers live at S.A., in the middle of the 3 divisions.
"Hyung, that's really far isn't it?"
"I don't mind" he smiled. "And don't call me hyung so much. Just Onew is fine."
We stopped in front of my and Jonghyun's room. "Just call me Key then and you have a deal. And sorry, I know you should get home before it gets dark, you really didn't have to walk me."
"No problem." There goes that cheesy smile again. He took my hand and kissed it gently. "I like spending time with you."
I exploded into a blush, the warmth of his lips on my hand spread through my body until I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't know what to say next but thankfully the door opened and Jjong leaned against the door frame.
"Hyung, Key. That was a really long meeting."
"Ah yeah Jonghyun, sorry. We got caught up."
Jjong only nodded before Onew waved to me. "Bye Key~ I'll text you."
I only managed a weak smile back before Jonghyun pulled me inside.
"Soo what did you guys do for two hours?"
I snapped out of my dazed-ness.
"Oh, just talk."
"Who's jacket is that?"
I noticed I was still wearing Onew's hoodie and felt my face heat up when I remembered his cute smile. "Onew's."
"Oh, mkay." And without another word he went into his room.
I walked into mine calmly until the door was closed. Then I jumped on the bed with my beet red face pressed hard against the pillows.
'That was definetly a surprise' I thought to myself. What did it mean? Was he just being nice? Or does it mean he like me..?
I shook my head and hugged the pillow harder. It was just a peck on the hand. Not a full out kiss. I'm not over reacting right?
..But if he does like me, do I like him back? WOAH WAIT, what happened to Jonghyun? He kissed you full on Key! And in your sleep! That could be counted as for crying out loud.
But wait, I don't feel the same thing around Jonghyun as I did around Onew. And when he kissed me, my heart wasn't going as fast as it is now. And it wasn't even a kiss Onew gave me. Not to mention I practically cuddled Jonghyun like a big teddy bear in our sleep. As well as the falling incident before that.
I started punching the pillows in frustration when I heard a knock on the door. Knowing Jonghyun, he probably already let himself in anyways.
"What are you doing..?"
I sat up and fixed myself. "Nothing."
"Did something happen between you and Onew?"
I managed to maintain my blush. "Nope, why do you ask?"
"Nothing.." he walked over and sat on the side of my bed. "You know, it's not nice to leave me Key-less while sleeping."
I giggled. "Sorry Jjong."
"Mm, it's fine. I'm hungry, let's eat okay?"
"Well what do you have in your cabinets?"
He looked down. "Just ramen and junk food."
I rolled my eyes. Of course. "That's unhealthy Kim Jonghyun."
"Yah, I usually go to the little resteraunts. They have meat and other real food."
"Sure. I'll just go make ramen okay?"
"Want me to help?"
I looked my roomate up and down. He really didn't look like someone who knew how to cook. "No that's okay.." I giggled as I went to the kitchen.
While the ramen was cooking, Jonghyun watched TV as I sat on the kitchen countertop, thinking still.
'Maybe Onew's just like that' I thought. 'Maybe he's just like Jonghyun, he likes skin ship.'
~Jonghyun POV~
*A little earlier*
Onew and Key were awfully close outside the door. I could hear them laughing together from my room.
But what made me slightly confused and jeaous was how hard Key was blushing. Even I didn't make him blush that hard. What has Onew been doing to my Key? ..Okay he's not mine but he is practically. Almost.
Key even had his jacket. What on earth were they doing that whole time?
"Just talking". My .
..This isn't nice at all. Onew's my best friend, he saved my life when I had nowhere to go. If Key likes him, so be it.
Even if the thought made me angry. When I walked into Key's room, he was punching the pillows and still turning red. 
Something's definetly up.
~Key POV~
Jonghyun and I made small talk while we ate our noodles in front of the TV. I managed to push Onew out of my head so I can keep my face color at its normal tone.
I started to put dishes away when my phone buzzed.
When I saw who had texted me, I still somehow managed to not blush.
'Hi Key~ today was fun (: let's do it again someday? Are you free tomorrow?'
I banged my head against the sink in total shock. He wants to do this again..?
I looked at Jonghyun who looked at me from the living room weirdly.
"Uhh..the sink wasn't working so I uh.."
"With your head."
"You know, my aunt taught me this trick so shut your mouth" I snapped back. He just laughed before turning back to his show.
'Sure, that'd be great ^^ where will we go?'

'How about dinner?'

My forehead met the sink again. Is this a date?
'Okay, that sounds fine'
'Great, see you tomorrow Key~'
I can practically hear his voice in my head..
"You okay?"
I jumped a mile into the air, grabbing my chest. "Jonghyun! You scared me!"
He laughed. "I can see that." He glanced at my phone.
"Mm? Was that Onew?"
I nodded calmly. "We're gonna have dinner tomorrow, so if you want I can get take out for you too."
He frowned. "Sure, leave me behind then."
He made the cutest puppy face that I just had to hug him. "D'aww, sorry Jjong."
He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Ehh, it's okay. At least you and Onew are getting to be friends."
I smiled at that. "Yeah." Just friends.
~Taemin POV~
I was blinded by the light that had slithered its way into my eyes. I squinted at the sun, hating it for waking me from my peaceful sleep.
Or at least I thought it was peaceful. I remembered seeing Taesun and running away and faint memory of Minho carrying me all the way back here.
I groaned and stuffed my face into the pillows, realizing yet another strange thing, I was in Minho's bed.
'Great' I thought as I threw the covers off. 'I feel horrible and I'm not even allowed to stay in this comfortable bed.'
I found my hyung on the couch, he was extremeley kind for helping me from what I remembered. In my sleep I always felt a dip on the side of the bed and a soft hand caressing my cheek and heard small whispers.
I didn't want to wake the sleeping Minho so I went into the kitchen to quietly make food.
I was shocked at the time though, it was only late afternoon. 'I must've been asleep for only a few hours' I thought in my head, remembering that it was only noon the last time I was concious.
I started to wonder if Minho would even be awake to eat but then I heard mumbling from the living room.
He sat up and rubbed his big eyes. He didn't notice me in the kitchen and went into the bedroom but when he saw I wasn't there, he went into a little panic.
I giggled at the fact that he couldn't see me and got the idea to hide and see how far he'd go. I slipped into the pantry and closed it shut, pressing my ear against the door to hear Minho's loud foosteps and worried shouts.
I knew I was evil for doing this but it was just so fun hearing Minho worried at the sight of me missing. It also was very caring.
A few more minutes went by, he even called Umma and Jonghyun but thankfully there was no answer.
I decided to get out finally so I cracked the door open the slightest bit. Minho was standing in the living room, looking frustrated as he typed away on his phone.
I crept up slowly, thank goodness I was extremeley light on my feet.
I peered over his shoulder, I can't believe he still hasn't noticed me. He was sending me a text that seemed to have sound angry. How cute.
"Whatcha doing hyung?"
The frog jumped and shouted at the sound of my vocice, turning around immediately when he heard me.
I batted my eyelashes and smiled innocently.
He just gave me an unbelievable look.
"Taemin! Where..I was.."
"Yes hyung?"
He sighed heavily and slinked to his room. "Nevermind."
Once he shut his door I laughed as silently as I could, happy that he was worried about me and trying to hide it behind his tough apperance.
He came back out when I went back to the kitchen, now he was wearing sweats and a sports tee.
"I made sandwiches" I smiled as I set them on the table with glasses of water.
He sat across from me, still silent and what appeared to be sulking.
"Are you okay hyung?"
He furrowed his thick eyebrows at me.
"Stop calling me that so much. It makes me feel old."
"You are old hyung."
He sighed as I giggled, liking the light atmosphere in the dorm. It helped me to get my mind off things.
"Okay Minho, are you okay?"
He picked at his food. "Are you honestly okay with everything that happened earlier..?" he asked hesistantly.
The air grew a little tense and I pouted. "Well..I know I have to talk to him. Honestly, I know I've been over reacting all these years. I want him to be my brother again."
It was the truth and I couldn't deny it at all.
What raised my spirits was when I saw a small smile flick across Minho's face before he went back to his as always cool and serious expression.
I rolled my eyes secretly at him, knowing that really, he was just like a burnt marshmallow. He would be hard and tough on the outside but on the inside, he was as soft and as kind as a person can get.
Chapter 13~
Woot, 100+ subscribers, I hope people enjoyed the bonus chapter yesterday ^^
I started school yesterday, so I'll have to cut down on my time for writing. I already got homework today ._.
I like OnKey, I'd ship them a lot if I wasn't such a diehard Jongkey shipper.
Oh and I also got a new Kpop (mostly SHINee) tumblr~
Anngyeong (^.~)


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Sorry, couldn't update before 0923 OTL TT^TT writer's block .


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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and love it so much! >w< plz update soon!
Chapter 19: You're not gonna update this?! TT____TT I miss is soo muuuch?!?! TT______TT
Chapter 19: Please update! It's been sooooooooooo long! Pretty please~ >.< <3
Chapter 18: I just answered the question but i thought you asked if you should continue the ff so i answered of course yes -_-
i think many people misread like me so please continue and please update :)
Chapter 19: OMG Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update this REALLY SOON...
HiBirdSong #6
Chapter 19: It was Heechul!? I thought it would be Kai... I'm so surprised! Please update soon! Hwaiting!
HiBirdSong #7
Chapter 12: Every time I read my user name in the A/N I'm like OMG!how!? Even though I now it's my user name since I'm reading it while online but still... It amaze me every time..
HiBirdSong #8
Chapter 3: When I read that his hobby was rapping at first I thought 'he likes to ____ people? And Jjong think its cool!?' Haha my bad ^^'
HiBirdSong #9
Your inspiration was Gakuen Alice? Then I must read it!