The train ride

Jong Kook and Ji Hyo

Ji Hyo looked up from her phone and noticed a guy in the corner of the train; he was engrossed in listening to his music. What had attracted Ji Hyo is his muscular body, strong jaw and his small eyes. He smiled and Ji Hyo can’t help but stared at him. He was not very handsome but his charisma seemed to be emitting from him.

“Ding Dong, next station arriving, next station arriving.” That broke her stare and she lower her eyes, feeling embarrassed for staring at a guy. When she looked up again, she saw that he had already got off the train and she was disappointed.

The next day, Ji Hyo was on the same train and same cabin. She scanned the cabin looking for him and disappointed that she could not see him. The next time, she looked up from her phone, he was there again. Engrossed in his music, Ji Hyo could not help but stared again. His head swayed with the rhythm of the music. Ji Hyo decided to be more subtle this time, she hid behind a taller guy and occasionally stole glances at him.  She noticed he got off 3 stations later.

On the third day, Ji Hyo was on the same train and same cabin. Every stop she will look at the door and waited for him to get on the train. Finally he did, 2 stops later. She was delighted. This time, she had moved nearer to the place he usually stood. But he didn’t get off at his usual stop, she was thrilled. He got off the same stops as hers. He walked the same way as hers. He went into the same office building as hers. He and she went into the same lift and their fingers touched as they pressed the same floor. Their eyes met and they smiled both shyly at each other.

She heard him asked for the HR manager and wondered if he was here for interview. Slightly later in the morning, her manager introduced her to a new colleague. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Jong Kook, he will be joining the team as the new officer today. Ji Hyo, can you please show him around and also how our work is done?” “Ok,” Ji Hyo was overjoyed. A chance to be near him was not something she will pass by.

“Hello, I am Ji Hyo”

“Hi, I am Jong Kook. Thanks for your help”. Ji Hyo showed Jong Kook around and they got to know each other better.

The next morning, Ji Hyo wondered whether she should go for the same cabin, she finally decided what the heck, she wanted to get to know him more. She went to the same cabin and waited patiently for him. His stop finally came and he got on the train. She had to use all her might to stop the urge to say hello to him as she was feeling flustered. When their stop came, she was a bit embarrassed and got off behind him. They walked the same way to office and waited for lift together. They greeted good morning to each other and started small talk while waiting for the lift. Ji Hyo spent another day with Jong Kook teaching him the ropes.

After nearly two weeks of taking the same train, finally Jong Kook noticed that he was on the same train as Ji Hyo and he moved to where Ji Hyo was and said hello. Ji Hyo was elated. Finally he noticed her! From then on, they will see each other on the train and chatted their way to office. Jong Kook was in charge of another account and they hardly had time to converse during office hours. But during their morning and evening ride and lunch time, they could spend time with each other.

Suddenly one day, Jong Kook was very bashful when he got on the train. He didn’t seem like his usual self.  Ji Hyo wondered what was wrong. “Ji Hyo ah, are you free, this Friday evenings,”, he asked. “Mm yes I am free, what’s up” she tried to lighten up the mood, her heart was beating very fast, is he asking her for a date?

“Well, …. My sister gave me two tickets for a movie, she could not make it. ..  I was wondering if you want to watch it with me” he asked.

Ji Hyo shouted Yes in her heart, but she shyly replied, “Well ..  I would love it”

Jong Kook looked please “then we go for dinner before we watch the movie, ok?”. Ji Hyo nodded, that was their first date. After that came second, third, forth ….

Ji Hyo wondered when Jong Kook will ask her to be his girlfriend, they had been going out for three months now but he seemed to treat her as friend. They would talk to each other every night. He was becoming her best friend. She wondered is that will be all they will become, best friend. She sighed. Jong Kook wanted to bring her to somewhere special today. He said that is his favourite spot in the whole universal. She was happy that he shared it with her.

When they got off from the bus, Jong Kook took a piece of handkerchief and covered her eyes. He then led her all the way into the forest. Ji Hyo had completed trust in him and she knew he was protecting her during whole journey. Finally he stopped and removed the handkerchief.

She was speechless; in front of her was a waterfall, dropping from the sky into a river. The waterfall was blue and there are flowers by the side of the waterfall. “it is beautiful” she exclaimed.

“But it is not as beautiful as you, Ji Hyo” Jong Kook said, looking intensive at her. “I had been noticing you on the train a long time ago. I was ecstatic when I caught you staring at me." Ji Hyo faced turn all shades of red. He continued " I was glad that we became colleagues. The first day when you were assigned to help me, I thought I have died and gone to heaven. Such a pretty lady and yet you are so caring, I could not help but fall in love with you. I had to use a two weeks to muster my courage to say hello to you on the train. i had fallen head over heels for you.” He took a deep breathe. Ji Hyo took a deep breathe too.

“Ji Hyo ah, …… Can you please be my girlfiend” he asked timidly.

Ji Hyo was so happy that she jumped and gave Jong Kook a hug with all her might. “Yes, of course, yes !! I am beginning to wonder maybe you just wanted to be friends”

Jong Kook hugged her back with all her heart. He raised Ji Hyo face with his hands and look at her eyes with deep love. They felt the time had stopped and he slowly lowered his lips and gently pressed on hers. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss.

They were finally a couple.

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Chapter 20: I love the oneshots! :)
love__kjk76 #2
Chapter 1: I really agree with this chapter,, everyone will be under his spell for well hehehe
summerblue #3
Chapter 3: so jaesuk is like miss cupid in here for make they to be together. Push jungkook esp to confess his feeling.
summerblue #4
Chapter 2: awww so sweeeeeeeetttttttttttttt *sobs*
summerblue #5
Chapter 1: you such a something who can take all of the things beside you ro close with you... Really can't reject your charm jung kook.
Chapter 20: Love the confession and the plan...
kangjungah #7
Chapter 20: What are loving confession<3 so sweet...
372 streak #8
Chapter 20: so the confession cute n brave jihyo be...update soon..thank you..
spartace_suki #9
Chapter 20: Kyaaaa.... i'm squeaking and blushing cause joy and happiness :D if only this is what happen in real life
Chapter 20: soooooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet im happy :)
update soon