Two intertwine souls

Jong Kook and Ji Hyo

Two intertwine souls dropped from heaven. One dropped into Kim’s household; a healthy baby boy Kim Jong Kook was born. The other hovered near the Cheom’s household waiting for its turn. Finally, a few years later, a cute pretty girl, Cheom Seong-Im was born.

Both souls continue their separate paths, never meeting each other. In his dreams, he often seek to reach out to his mate, the soul wonder have she forgotten him. In her dreams, she often felt that he was near and yet she didn’t know how to respond, the soul  wonder will he give up on her.

In reality, both lived a building apart and yet they never met each other.

This continued for thirty years. He and She both never bother to look for someone else. They were waiting for each other.

He was thirty-five and she had just turned thirty.  On that fateful day, her birthday, she had decided to run on a different route to celebrate her thirtieth birthday. On that fateful day, he had decided to run in the morning. On that fateful day, they met in the park. He was immersed in getting the right song on his mp3 player, She was immersed in the view of the beautiful park. He had run straight into her and both fell. To redeem the situation, he put his arm around her and quickly turned so that he will be one who fell onto the ground. With a thud, he hit the ground, she fell onto him, her face centimetres away. Their eyes met.

The souls recognised each other, the humans didn’t. Yet, they stared at each other before a stranger broke the silent between them. He offered his apologies, she often hers. They smiled and make friends, on that fateful day.

She started to run on that route every morning; he would run extra rounds waiting for her to join him. On weekdays, they will leave separate for work after the run. On weekends, their run would end with a simple breakfast at the café near the park. He finally asked for her numbers two months later and they exchanged contacts.

He started sending her text messages, they would exchange the day happening. The text messages slowly become phone calls. Their weekend breakfast meetings slowly become weekend dates. They started going everywhere together, exploring new places.

He asked her to be his girlfriend in the park, right where they met. He was not romantic yet he had his little moments to let her knew he cared deeply about them. She had said yes immediately and rewarded with the flowers she loved most, purple lilacs. He took her to dinner and ended the date with their first kiss. He had kissed her forehead but she pressed her lips against his. Their sweet kiss ended when they run out of breathe. She had shyly waved good bye and ran to her apartment lift. He was smiling idiotically, waving good bye to her. The kiss lingered on his lips through the night.

He would steal kisses from her during their dates and ended the night with passionate kisses on her front door. He couldn’t think of a better way to describe their love, she completed him making him whole. She couldn’t think of a better way to describe their love, he was like air, she needed him. Of course, they have lover quarrel now and then. Sometimes, he gave in, sometimes she did. They couldn’t bear ending their day in a unhappy mood and kisses after are often the best, re-promising their love for each other.

Their friends envy their relationship, their family asked them to quickly marry. But he wanted to wait for the perfect moment, he thought, on their third anniversary, he would ask for her hands in marriage.


Possibility 1

Fate is a strange. They had happily gone for a holiday, he was planning to proposed. He was driving the car and both of them were singing to their favourite songs. A drunk driver lost control of his car and the car came straight towards theirs. He had tried to avoid it but it was too late. As they sat in the car, enjoying their last moments as humans together, holding their hands together. Theirs eyes speak of what they voice cannot. The firemen found them, eyes and hands interlocking. Their souls left the bodies of the human. Both souls intertwine again, closer than before, raised to heaven together again.


Possibility 2

He had a perfect plan to propose to her. He took her to a cozy little cottage by the sea. Under the meteor shower, listening to the peaceful seas, he sang her his favourite song, the one he was looking for when he bumped into her. He asked her for her hands and she agreed. They decided their marriage would be a simple affair. They had a small garden party in the park, where their family and closest friend will witness their exchange of vows.

Life after marriage is like other couples, they had issues with daily problems but yet they managed to keep their love alive. They reared a boy and a girl together.

After sixty years of blissful marriage, she became bed ridden. He wouldn’t give up on her. Singing her songs, reading her books, helping her with daily necessity.  But that didn’t keep her by his side longer, not to prolong her misery, he told her that its ok for her to leave first but she had to wait for him over the other side. She left her human body with a smile on her face. He grew old and weak overnight. It seems like he is no longer interested in life without her by his side. His health deteriorate in amazing speed, and in a week, he was so sickly that he soon left the world. Both souls intertwine again, closer than before, raised to heaven together again.

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Chapter 20: I love the oneshots! :)
love__kjk76 #2
Chapter 1: I really agree with this chapter,, everyone will be under his spell for well hehehe
summerblue #3
Chapter 3: so jaesuk is like miss cupid in here for make they to be together. Push jungkook esp to confess his feeling.
summerblue #4
Chapter 2: awww so sweeeeeeeetttttttttttttt *sobs*
summerblue #5
Chapter 1: you such a something who can take all of the things beside you ro close with you... Really can't reject your charm jung kook.
Chapter 20: Love the confession and the plan...
kangjungah #7
Chapter 20: What are loving confession<3 so sweet...
372 streak #8
Chapter 20: so the confession cute n brave jihyo be...update soon..thank you..
spartace_suki #9
Chapter 20: Kyaaaa.... i'm squeaking and blushing cause joy and happiness :D if only this is what happen in real life
Chapter 20: soooooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet im happy :)
update soon