Warrior and the Elf

Jong Kook and Ji Hyo

The band was busy preparing for their last mission. After this, they will retire from their adventure life and lived a peaceful life.

The leader clad in red and black walked confidently around carrying his giant sword. He was known as a warrior, as a sword man. He had grown up with the elves and they had taught him elven magic, though he had hidden that fact from his men. Jong Kook turned round to his band and started going through the items they had to prepare.

Jae Suk, the residential wizard, rolled his eye. Jong Kook was starting his nagging again. Been a powerful wizard, he always though there is something magical about Jong Kook but he was not about to confront the strong man. Resigning to the nagging, he silently started preparing what Jong Kook wanted.

Suk Jin tried to calm the leader down. Been the band’s cleric, he was able to heal the band during tough battles, but the battle to come would be the hardest yet. He needed his leader's collected wits to see through this mission.  But he had managed to agitate the leader even more and given up, he slipped beside Jae Suk to do what the leader had task.

The black thief, Haha, tried to crack a joke. However, no one even cracked a smile under the heavy atmosphere. Jong Kook gave him a stare which could have killed him instantly on the spot if had it been a dagger. He quickly shut his mouth and hid behind the blue wizard and brown cleric to continue what he was doing.

Gary, the green ranger, sensed the leader wont not gave up his nagging until the job is completed perfectly, which is not an easy task. He would wonder why did he join the band and why did not leave the band wherever he tried to live up to the leader standard. He can only shout stress in his heart.

Kwang Soo was the lanky brown monk. He wanted to complete the task without been a clumsy man he always been. He had not been noted as the most trustworthy person in the band and he was trying to change that image. But today had not been his day, the leader had given him another stare when he again dropped his charge to the ground.

Ji Hyo, the archer elf dressed in a simple white dress, had better sense than to agitate the leader more. She handed him a glass of warm water attempting to tame some of his nerve. He looked at her thankful and gulped down the drink. She then continued the tasks beside him. She always had this calming effect on him. The irony between Jong Kook and her is that she is an elf that had grown up with humans. Her childhood had been a happy one but there is a regret she had never stepped on elven ground. Jong Kook had promised he would bring her there once this mission was over.

Finally, everything was done to Jong Kook satisfaction. They would start on their remaining of their journey tomorrow towards the dragon lair. They settled around the fire having their dinner. Haha and Jae Suk had hunted down a wild boar and they managed to make a decent meal out of it. Jong Kook had his fill and took out his lute and sang his favourite song. The rest of band fallen quiet and listen to the leader strong voice filled the camping site. The song had also managed to release some of the pent up stress so far.

As the night deepened, the wizard cast a protection spell over the band and the monk blessed the band with a much needed peaceful sleep. The band had woke up the next morning feeling refresh and confidential about the mission ahead.

The journey to the dragon lair had been rather uneventful. The walk took three days and the band grew more cautious when they got nearer to the lair.  They had agreed on the strategy to take down the dragon and Jong Kook had volunteered again for the most dangerous task. He had not seen the concern in Ji Hyo’s eye.

On the third night, Jong Kook was not able to sleep; he slipped away from the band camping site. Ji Hyo had not been able to sleep either and she silently followed Jong Kook. Jong Kook had decided to practise his move under the moonlight. It was breath taking for Ji Hyo and she was spell bounded.

“Hi there” Ji Hyo said softly, breaking the spell. That had startled Jong Kook.

“Hi there yourself. Why don’t you rest early?”, he asked.

“Like you, I am too anxious to sleep” she answered. “That was beautiful”

He blushed. “That’s get back to camp”. He turned to walk towards camp.

She caught his arm; he turned and look at her. He saw her eyes filled with indescribable feelings. “Please be careful tomorrow. You had promised to bring me back. Promise me” She demanded a promise from him to be safe.

“I will, you had to be careful tomorrow too” Jong Kook fought the urge to cup her face and kiss her on her lips. That will inappropriate for colleagues, though he knew he had feelings more than colleague for her. He would gladly die in her place if danger presented itself on her.

Together they silently walked back to the camp.

The morning came, the band did a last minute check and proceed to dragon lair. As expected, the dragon fought hard but they also had executed their plan perfectly and the effects went well. The dragon had been seriously injured. Ji Hyo had decided to aim the arrow at the dragon eye to distract it from Jong Kook sword which is aiming towards its heart. The arrow hit the dragon eye and Jong Kook successfully buried the sword in its heart.

In its last breath, it slashed it's tail aimlessly. Jong Kook saw the tail coming towards Ji Hyo and quickly ran towards her. His body wrapped hers and took the dragon last anger on his back. The rest of band quickly completed the mission before rushing to the pair side. Jong kook was checking whether Ji hyo was hurt and when he learnt that they had completed the mission, gave the order to take as much of the dragon's treasure as possible before fallen down to the ground.

The cleric had run out of healing spell but he quickly poured a healing potion generously on Jong kook's back. Ji Hyo’s eyes had turned red and refused to leave unconscious Jong Kook side. The rest of the band quickly fulfilled Jong Kook order and retreived his sword before carrying the unconscious Jong Kook away from the dragon lair.

They arrived at the camping ground the day before. The cleric gave Jong Kook more potions, while they rested for the night. Tomorrow he promised Ji Hyo he would mend Jong Kook. However, Ji Hyo still refused to leave Jong Kook side. The day's battle had taken most of her strength and energy and she fell asleep on top of Jong Kook.

In the morning, Jong Kook woke up, he felt something heavy on his chest and his back pain like hell. He opened his small eyes only to see a beautiful face in front of him, sleeping peacefully. He chuckled and then hissed as he felt the action bought him more pain. That immediately woke up Ji Hyo.

“Yah! Why did you do that” Ji Hyo shouted at him with tears in her eyes.

“Because there is no way I would allow my love to be injured” he answered, looking into her eyes.

She blushed. The rest of the band had woken up by Ji Hyo and creeped as far away from the pair to give them more privacy. “l…o…v..eee” she shuttered.

“Yes, my love. I rather get killed than seeing you get injured.” He emphasised.

“Don’t you dare do that. I would not bear to see my love dying before me” she whispered.

He smiled. She loved him too. This is better than all the treasure in the world.

The cleric thought he better perform some healing spells on the leader before she came after him. The spell had healed most of his injuries and he was able to walk with Ji Hyo helping him.

The cleric thought that Jong Kook should be able to walk by himself and not be like a baby. However, he don’t dare to say it. The rest of the band had walked in front of the couple and pretended nothing had happened. They equally divided the treasure among themselves when Jong Kook fully recoverd.

They found a place they wanted to call home and decided they shall stay together. Jong Kook had decided to take Ji Hyo back to Elven land and maybe stay there for good if Ji Hyo likes it there.

The elves had welcome the pair back gladly. Ji Hyo was the lost elven child, the elves was glad that she return to her homeland. They understood the pair love and was willing to accept Jong Kook as the mate for Ji Hyo. Finally, Ji Hyo had fulfilled her wish.

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Chapter 20: I love the oneshots! :)
love__kjk76 #2
Chapter 1: I really agree with this chapter,, everyone will be under his spell for well hehehe
summerblue #3
Chapter 3: so jaesuk is like miss cupid in here for make they to be together. Push jungkook esp to confess his feeling.
summerblue #4
Chapter 2: awww so sweeeeeeeetttttttttttttt *sobs*
summerblue #5
Chapter 1: you such a something who can take all of the things beside you ro close with you... Really can't reject your charm jung kook.
Chapter 20: Love the confession and the plan...
kangjungah #7
Chapter 20: What are loving confession<3 so sweet...
372 streak #8
Chapter 20: so sweet...love the confession part...so cute n brave jihyo be...update soon..thank you..
spartace_suki #9
Chapter 20: Kyaaaa.... i'm squeaking and blushing cause joy and happiness :D if only this is what happen in real life
Chapter 20: soooooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet im happy :)
update soon