A Trap That I Cannot Get Out Of



HyukJae’s POV


SungMin lent me his uniform for today. Well, luckily his uniform was a little oversized for him.


I couldn’t concentrate at all in school. My mind was wandering somewhere.


To be exact, DongHae.


All I ask for is the friendship between us… Maybe that was impossible in the first place…


However, I can’t help but think about those words he said to me once again.


“What? Are you kidding me? You’re gay?!”


Yea… Only for you…


“Listen HyukJae, I will never like you and don’t ever look for me again. You’re annoying and irritating, and most of all, I hate gays! Now get out of my sight before I bash you up!”


Why does he hate me so much?


Is it because I like him?


Is liking someone a sin?


Maybe it is for liking someone who would never like you back…


Tears had already formed at the corner of my eyes. I was losing the will and power to fight back.


I couldn’t stop them from flowing.


I’m crying… again…


Useless fool!


I was so lost in my thought that I did not realize what was happening.


“HyukJae-ssi? HyukJae-ssi are you alright? Do you want to go and wash your face?”




SungMin had raised his hand and stood up, “Sir, I’ll bring him to the toilet.”


SungMin came to me and dragged me out of the class, to the toilet.


The class shot me disgusted glares as I was pulled out.


No one likes me.


I sighed.


“Were you thinking about him again? How many times have I told you to forget him?!”


SungMin shouted at me. I felt bad towards him. He was one of the only few friends that I had in this school.


I splashed water on my face, cleaning away all signs of me crying.


SungMin patted my back and tried to comfort me.


Why can’t it be DongHae doing so?


Just as we were going out, DongHae came in.




We stood still as we stared at him walking past us, brushing his shoulder against mine then walk off with a “Tsk”, as though I was transparent to him.


I gulped down my saliva as I prevented myself from crying once again.


SungMin pulled me off and ran back to class, causing the class to stare at us once again.


“HyukJae-ssi are you feeling better?”


“Y-Yes Sir. Thank you.”


After school, I had dance practice.


Again, I had to walk past his class. Since the younger once were released early, I could see him in his class, paying his fullest attention to the teacher.


Same, I could not concentrate during dance practice.


The so-called top dancer is such a useless thing.


After dance practice, a few of DongHae’s friends whom I know, came to look for me and told me to follow them.


Their classmate, KyuHyun, who is a friend of mine and in dance too, decided to tag along.


As the boys ran, I decided to run along too.


Later did I know, I was running into their prank.


As soon as they ran into the computer lab, I had no choice but to stand like a dumb fool outside.


DongHae… DongHae was standing with them, right in front of me!


I frowned as I mentally cursed myself for getting prank by them for the third time after we fell out.


“Why did you come here in a rush huh?” One of them teased.


“Looking for someone eh?” Another pushed on.


DongHae just stood there, shook his head and turned away. And I caught a glimpse of his smirk.


I turned around and ran away to KyuHyun, who was watching everything at a corner.


As I met him, one of them ran out again, “Wow I spot a couple! Shall take a picture and post on Facebook! ~”


“Stop teasing HyukJae, you !”


KyuHyun held my arm and brought me away.


We sat down on the stairs as he handed me his handkerchief to the sniffling me.


“KyuHyun-ssi… Thanks…”


He patted my back and snatched back his handkerchief when he saw I was done.


Typical KyuHyun-ssi…


He put out his hand in front of me.


“Yes KyuHyun-ssi?”


“Treat me to a nice meal since I helped you. Oh, and call me KyuHyun. Drop the formalities.”


“Do you mind if I call another friend also?” I wanted to call SungMin, since he helped me earlier on today also…


“So as long as I get my food, I don’t mind.”






A/n: Probably not gonna update tomorrow so here's the double update! Thank you to all my supporters (I know I don't have many...) ! Oh and, this story will probably have less than 20 chapters:/ I don't think I can write that long:/ Thank you anyway! Hope to see more comments and subscribers appearing! :D

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Finallllllly, and I'm sorry, I been gone since forever from your story!!!!!T^T<br />
It was good and I love it!!!!XD They're a couple and yay, cute moment!!XD
aww...<br />
So romantic..<br />
Yeeeaayy.. They're official now wkwkwkwk..
Together at last! So sweet!!<3<br />
<br />
And KyuMin got it going on~<br />
Lol<br />
<br />
AkkiyamaChiz #4
Finally ~ Eunhae >:D
Finally!!!<br />
*cries tears of joy*
Waaaa umma this chapter is so sweet! Looking forward to more. C:
Fishylover #7
Awwewwe....TOO CUTE!
He's here, they're here, together!<3