A Trap That I Cannot Get Out Of


EunHyuk’s POV


I was still crying as Minnie brought me into his house. He ran to his kitchen and brought a cloth, some ice, and strawberry milk. He cleaned my tears and wrapped the ice with cloth, then gave it to me to put in on my stomach.


It seriously hurts!


“Ok Lee HyukJae, tell me what the heck happened?” It sounded more like a demand than a question.


I explained everything, staring from how I met Hae and… well until how I got here…


“WHAT THE FU- NGH!!!” I covered his mouth before he could continue.


“And I thought your uncle was a nice man…” I bit my lips as I reached out my hand to take the carton of strawberry milk.


“So… you will be living with me I guess. I don’t think it is safe for you to live with that bastard. Who knows, he might find you an eyesore again and… Well…”


Our thoughts were interrupted when a sudden ringing of a phone was heard loud and clear in the house. Which was coming from…my phone?


I looked at the caller ID, mouthed ‘Hae’ to Minnie and was about to answer it when Minnie took my phone away and put it on the table, letting my poor phone ringing non-stop.


My phone had ringed and stopped continuously for more than 10 times when Minnie finally flared up and answered it.


“Lee DongHae-ssi, please stop calling and bothering HyukJae. Thank you.” He hung up, took out the batteries and smiled to me, “See, all done.”


I didn’t know Minnie was this…


I cleaned away my tears. I miss Hae. I really, really miss him. I want to hug him now, I want him to hug me, and tell me that everything is fine… Hae…


DongHae’s POV


It has been more than an hour and Hyukkie did not call me so I called him.


Eh? I’ve tried calling him for more than 10 times and he did not pick up his phone?


Did anything happen to him?!


I tried calling him again and whew, he answered it. But wait, this isn’t Hyukkie’s voice!


“Lee DongHae-ssi, please stop calling and bothering HyukJae. Thank you.”  What the?! Before I could even respond, I only heard the beeping, telling me that the person on the other side had already hung up.


What the is happening?!


I tried calling Hyukkie again but the phone wasn’t switched on.




I wore my jacket and ran out looking for Hyukkie.


I ran to his house and knocked furiously on the door but no one opened.


Hyukkie is not at home?


I ran to the school but it was closed too.


I went to all the places Hyukkie might be – Those where we had went together, but still no Hyukkie!


“HYUKKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed his name in all sorts of directions, in hopes of him hearing me.


I squatted on the floor, tears on the brink of falling.


Hyukkie… Where are you?! Who is that guy who picked up your phone? Why?! Why is this happening?!


Hyukkie… Hyukkie…


Think DongHae! Think! Who is Hyukkie close to?!






Ah ! I don’t have his address!


I searched for his number and phew… Ok God, this is my last chance.


I called SungMin but WHAT?! His phone is switched off too!




I paced up and down the pavement. Maybe Hyukkie is just not feeling well… I’ll see him in school tomorrow… Yea…


I tried to convince myself as I dragged my feet home.


Sorry… Hyukkie… I’m sorry… I’m… I’m such a useless fool… Hyukkie… Please, I miss you… Tell me where you are now!


I threw myself on my sofa and cried my lungs out. I’ve never felt like this for another person. Except now, for Hyukkie…


So, this was how Hyukkie felt when I was being a jerk… No… I am still one now…


So, this is love…






A/n: Sorry for not updating for the past few days! Was busy!!! So... yea here's the update you all have been waiting for. I hope you guys continue supporting me AND THANK YOU kyushipper FOR BEING MY 50TH SUBSCRIBER!!! THANK YOU PEOPLE! Hope to see more comments coming up!!! <3

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Finallllllly, and I'm sorry, I been gone since forever from your story!!!!!T^T<br />
It was good and I love it!!!!XD They're a couple and yay, cute moment!!XD
aww...<br />
So romantic..<br />
Yeeeaayy.. They're official now wkwkwkwk..
Together at last! So sweet!!<3<br />
<br />
And KyuMin got it going on~<br />
Lol<br />
<br />
AkkiyamaChiz #4
Finally ~ Eunhae >:D
Finally!!!<br />
*cries tears of joy*
Waaaa umma this chapter is so sweet! Looking forward to more. C:
Fishylover #7
Awwewwe....TOO CUTE!
He's here, they're here, together!<3