A Trap That I Cannot Get Out Of


HyukJae’s POV


 I prepared for work the next day. I wouldn’t want to be late on my first day of work after all…


Working is my source of income.


As well as a distraction from Hae…


I took my wallet and phone, and skipped out of the house, since SungMin’s at school.


Speaking about school… My mind wanders to Hae again…


Aish, forget him HyukJae!


DongHae’s POV


I just can’t find nor contact Hyukkie.


Where the heck is he?!


In school today, I kept pestering SungMin to tell me his address but he just walked away.


I practically looked like a desperate fool in front of SungMin and KyuHyun.


Speaking of which, why is KyuHyun tagging SungMin every single day?


Argh that’s not important.


Hyukkie’s the important one!


“SungMin it’s alright if you don’t tell me your address but could you please tell me where Hyukkie is?” I almost went down on my knees when he answered.


“I already told you n-”


“Yea judging by the time now… he’s probably still at SM Restaurant.”


Did KyuHyun just say SM Restaurant?


Oh yes SM Restaurant!


“Thank you KyuHyun! I owe you one!” I shouted as I ran off to SM Restaurant.


I stood outside the restaurant and peeked into the window.


Aha! And there he is! My Hyukkie is seriously freaking dashing in his waiter uniform.


How I wish I could just rush in and squish him right now!


I went to the café opposite the restaurant, sat by the window and ordered a large cup of hot chocolate.


I looked at my watch and it read 3pm. Wonder when Hyukkie’s work will end…


I stared at the restaurant, looking at Hyukkie walking everywhere giving the orders.


Gosh he’s so cute when he’s serious!


Before I knew it, Hyukkie had already come out of the restaurant.


Kya I can’t let him get away!


I quickly took my cup of hot chocolate and ran out of the café, getting ready to stalk him.


Since when did the almighty Lee DongHae become a stalker?


Since after he fell for Lee HyukJae…


I stood behind the walls just as Hyukkie turned around.


Turns out he turned to the mall.


WHEW I thought I got caught…


With my beanie, sunglasses and mask, he won’t be able to recognize me anyway.


Hyukkie went to buy a sandwich from the convenience store and rushed out of the mall.


Did he find out?


I hid behind the wall and peeked out.




He was in the roadside stall and he was wear gloves.


Is he going to cook?


Ooh I wanna taste his cooking!!!


But wait, he’s sitting on a small tiny chair and washing dishes…




I felt like rushing over and give that ahjumma a slap but wait, am I seeing Hyukkie smiling?


Hyukkie is smiling!


I was enjoying Hyukkie’s smile when suddenly, a vague crashing sound was heard.


My eyes widen when I saw Hyukkie trying to pick up those sharp broken bowl pieces.


I can’t help but ran over.


HyukJae’s POV


I keep having feeling that someone was stalking me today but I don’t see anyone behind me.


It feels weird when there’s a feeling of a pair of eyes staring at you non-stop.


But oh well…


Work at the restaurant turned out great! I made new friends and gosh all of them were older than me.


I ran to the mall after work at the restaurant to buy a piece of bread as tea break and then to the roadside stall.


I was humming Super Junior’s No Other while washing the dishes when suddenly the bowl in my hands slipped and broke upon hitting the floor.




The ahjumma looked at me and sighed.


“Are you hurt? It’s alright it’s your first time isn’t it? Just clean up and carry on your work.”


Oh my God luckily the ahjumma was a nice person.


I picked up the broken pieces when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my finger.


Crap I’m bleeding!!!


I quickly washed away the blood and turned to the side and the only thing I saw was Hae.


“Oh my, baby you’re bleeding!” Hae took my finger, put it in his mouth and began the blood away.








A/n: I think the story's gonna be fluffier from now on so... Sorry angsty supporters!!! I don't know why I kept using 'suddenly' in this story. Perhaps someone could tell me if there is another word that can replace 'suddenly'? Hehe, I managed to write this chapter a little longer. Oh and and and, please comment and I hope that you don't unsubscribe! Thank you so much!!! <3

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Finallllllly, and I'm sorry, I been gone since forever from your story!!!!!T^T<br />
It was good and I love it!!!!XD They're a couple and yay, cute moment!!XD
aww...<br />
So romantic..<br />
Yeeeaayy.. They're official now wkwkwkwk..
Together at last! So sweet!!<3<br />
<br />
And KyuMin got it going on~<br />
Lol<br />
<br />
AkkiyamaChiz #4
Finally ~ Eunhae >:D
Finally!!!<br />
*cries tears of joy*
Waaaa umma this chapter is so sweet! Looking forward to more. C:
Fishylover #7
Awwewwe....TOO CUTE!
He's here, they're here, together!<3