A Trap That I Cannot Get Out Of


HyukJae’s POV


I stood behind the wall, looking at your face… You were smiling… But it wasn’t for me…


I looked around you; Girls.


They made me jealous.


They could talk to you and make you smile.


But I can’t.


It was so hard to face the fact that you were straight and will never fall for me. I regret it.


I regret confessing my love for you…


I thought the bond between us was special when you told me all of your problems – your life.


I thought you liked me too, because I knew more about you than your other friends.


Yea… I thought and I thought… These thoughts were stupid…


I crept behind the wall and peered into you classroom, hoping that you would find out I was looking at you.


You turned, and for a moment I thought our eyes met, only to realize that another girl had called you from behind.


Girls again.


I ran to my classroom which was beside yours.


I couldn’t help but slid down on the floor and cover my eyes.


Stupid tears… No.


Stupid me.


You had rejected me a million times and yet I can’t get out of it. My tears soaked my collars wet.


Million thought of us laughing together in the past ran through my mind.


I ped my bag and reached in, taking out my black penknife with trembling hands.


Should… I…?

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Finallllllly, and I'm sorry, I been gone since forever from your story!!!!!T^T<br />
It was good and I love it!!!!XD They're a couple and yay, cute moment!!XD
aww...<br />
So romantic..<br />
Yeeeaayy.. They're official now wkwkwkwk..
Together at last! So sweet!!<3<br />
<br />
And KyuMin got it going on~<br />
Lol<br />
<br />
AkkiyamaChiz #4
Finally ~ Eunhae >:D
Finally!!!<br />
*cries tears of joy*
Waaaa umma this chapter is so sweet! Looking forward to more. C:
Fishylover #7
Awwewwe....TOO CUTE!
He's here, they're here, together!<3