A Trap That I Cannot Get Out Of

DongHae’s POV




Silly boy, of course it’s me.


“Hyukkie who asked you pick up broken pieces with your bare hands? Don’t you know you will hurt yourself easily?”


I took out a plaster from my wallet, tore open it and stuck it on Hyukkie’s cut.


Aish this guy never fails to worry me…


“H-Hae…?” Hyukkie touched my arms so delicately that I wanted to bring him into a kiss.


“Yes baby?” I ruffled his hair which he smiled.


“It’s really you…” Hyukkie ran his fingers through my hair and flashed his gummy smile – my favorite.


“Yes it’s me, your one and only Hae. Hyukkie are you alright? Why are you working here? What time does your work end?


Hyukkie looked at his finger and smiled again, “Yes I am, Hae. Well, I think the answer is obvious to why I’m working here… My work ends at 10pm. Why do you ask?”


I care for you, obviously…


“Do you want to live with me?”


“Ahem, sorry to interrupt you two but HyukJae is supposed to be working…”


Both of us turned and the ahjumma had her hands both folded. Uh oh is she going to scold Hyukkie? NO!!!


“Sorry ma’am, I will talk to him later, please don’t reprimand him. Thank you.”


I purposely gave Hyukkie a chaste peck on his cheek before heading to a table.


I remembered Hyukkie blushing furiously as the ahjumma was gaping at our little scene.


HyukJae’s POV


Did Hae just kissed me in front of the ahjumma???


Kya so embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hae is so sweet!!!~


I got back to washing dishes thinking that Hae will be back some time later but no! Hae was seating at a table smiling!


What was he thinking anyway…?


I suddenly thought of what Hae said earlier… “Do you want to live with me?”


I guess Minnie will be fine…


I took out my phone and dialed Minnie’s number, then used my shoulder and my head to hold onto the phone.


“Hyukkie, what’s up? Aren’t you at work?”


“Yea I am. You see… Hae came to look for me and… he asked me to live with him so…”


“So you’re going to live with him?”


“Yea, I guess so… Erm, could you help me pack my things? Wait there isn’t any to pack…”


“Yea but if you want I could give you some clothes.”




“Yes for real. So I will pack them and after work you gonna come and collect them or…?”


“Yea. Thanks Minnie!!!”


“Welcome! See you later!”


DongHae’s POV


I saw Hyukkie calling someone but I wonder who?


Never mind I don’t want him to think I want to control him.


The sky soon turned dark and the ahjumma served Hyukkie dinner. Maybe she isn’t that bad after all…


Hyukkie came over to me and brought the plate of dobokki in front of us and gave me the fork and spoon.


“Hae you haven’t eaten right? Faster eat, I’m alright my work’s going to end in 2 hours time.”


I shook my head and gave the utensils back to him. How can I eat his food when he’s the one working?


“Just have a little?” Hyukkie poked a piece of dobokki and put it in front of my mouth.




I opened my mouth and chewed the food.


My Hyukkie’s just like my wife! ~


Hyukkie ate his food and fed me occasionally; making me push the food back to him because I was afraid he would be hungry.


2 hours passed in a flash and Hyukkie was getting ready to get off from work.


“Hyukkie are you tired? Let me carry you,” I kneeled down on the floor, waiting for Hyukkie to climb onto me.


I bet Hyukkie’s face was tomato red before he climbed onto me and hung his arms around my neck.


“Baby, where should we go?” I felt shy as I had never called anyone ‘baby’ before but I’m calling Hyukkie ‘baby’ so naturally.


“Minnie’s house. It’s just 2 blocks away from mine.”




I ran toward the address Hyukkie gave me which caused him to laugh along the way.


As I allowed Hyukkie to get off me, SungMin opened the door and we were both shocked to see KyuHyun in there as well.


“Hyukkie here are the clothes.” SungMin smiled at Hyukkie which Hyukkie gladly took the bag of clothes, I assume.


“Thank you Minnie!” Hyukkie walked in for a hug which made me jealous because Hyukkie and I had not officially hugged yet.


“Oh and why is Kyu here even though it’s late?” Hyukkie asked as both of them released each other.


“H-Huh? E-Erm…” SungMin stammered at Hyukkie’s question. I smirked; the answer was kind of obvious though.


“Hyukkie let’s go! Let’s not bother them, we can meet up again some other day.”


Hyukkie pouted before nodding his head.


“Ok then. Bye Minnie!!!” Hyukkie waved to SungMin as I took the bag and held his hand.


HyukJae’s POV


Hae brought me to his house – The place which I had missed terribly.


“Hae, where will I be sleeping?” I held his arm which he stopped and smile at me.


“With me, baby.” He brought me to his room which was oh-so-gigantic!


He held my hand as he led me to his bed and he sat on it, gesturing me to follow.


Hae asked me to lie on his laps which I shyly smiled before doing so.


“Baby you don’t have to be shy…” He combed his fingers though my hair.




“Yes baby?”


“Are we a couple now?” Hae hasn’t asked me yet so I don’t know if…


“Can I be your boyfriend?” Hae my cheek so gently.


I nodded my head and covered my face with my hands because it felt like a dream come through.


Hae pried my hands off and leaned down towards me.


“I love you… Forever…”


Our lips met and oh gosh! His lips were so soft, I felt myself melting into our sweet kiss...


I love you too Hae, forever.







A/n: Hey peeps! Finally updated as I tried to make this chapter a little longer... I'm not sure if I should end this story here so... I need all of you to answer this poll! Please answer truthfully! I think this poll will end before Chrismas beacuse I will be on a holiday after that so... If I see that majority wants me to continue the story with either or both pairings, I will try to update tomorrow. But if majority wants me to end the story, I will! A gigantic thank you to all of my supporters!!! *bows*


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Finallllllly, and I'm sorry, I been gone since forever from your story!!!!!T^T<br />
It was good and I love it!!!!XD They're a couple and yay, cute moment!!XD
aww...<br />
So romantic..<br />
Yeeeaayy.. They're official now wkwkwkwk..
Together at last! So sweet!!<3<br />
<br />
And KyuMin got it going on~<br />
Lol<br />
<br />
AkkiyamaChiz #4
Finally ~ Eunhae >:D
Finally!!!<br />
*cries tears of joy*
Waaaa umma this chapter is so sweet! Looking forward to more. C:
Fishylover #7
Awwewwe....TOO CUTE!
He's here, they're here, together!<3