
Trust Me

One year had passed.

Everything had calmed down, but they both didn’t forget what happened. These memories followed them like a shadow follows his owner.


“- Youngjae !” shouted someone across the place.


The young boy turned around, a smile on his lips as he saw one of his numerous friends running towards him.

After Jaebum left for another school, everything went well and Youngjae felt better days after days. He learnt how to live in the present, in the future, instead of the past.

He sometimes still cried himself to sleep, thinking about his brother, about his now lost love, but he was okay. Or at least that’s what he made everyone believe.


“- Yes, Jin’ ? he asked, still smiling.

  - I know you asked us to not mention his name but, Jaebum’s aunt is at the hospital. She fell in the stairs. Pretty bad actually, she has a big-


Jinyoung didn’t have time to finish his sentence, as Youngjae took his bag and started running towards the hospital where he left Jaebum forever, one year ago.

Or at least that’s what he thought.

His mind was running as fast as his legs, trying to think about what he would say to the older boy.

But when he reached the hospital, his mind got blank and nothing could escape his lips.

As he tried to enter in the building, he bumped into someone. And somehow, his scent was familiar to Youngjae. Looking up, he met these dark eyes he would have killed for.


The older one was obviously surprised to see Youngjae, but after a few seconds of silence, he took him in his arms.
They were together, finally.


“- Why did you go ? Youngjae asked, tears scrolling down his cheeks.

  - I… I thought you knew me better. I thought you knew I would never let you go until you get tired of me. And apparently you did.

  - I never got tired of you. I thought you betrayed me. You said you would help me with my scars, but you opened a deeper one.”


Jaebum looked at the younger one for the first time since they ran into each other. He realized how he matured when he wasn’t there. Youngjae looked so much older, but also relieved, peaceful.

Even with tears in his eyes, he was beautiful.


“- You left when I needed you the most. But I would have been selfish to ask you to stay, to come back. In fact, I couldn’t even say those words. Jinyoung told me you asked him to take care of him, but the one I needed… was you, confessed Youngjae in a shaking voice.

  - I didn’t want to leave you forever. I just wanted to give you a little bit of time to build yourself again, and I think I hoped to see your smile in the arms of someone who would love you as much as I do, since I can only bring tears to you. And… I guess I never found the courage to come back.”


Youngjae closed his eyes and sighed. He was experiencing so many emotions at the same time, and he couldn’t think straight.


“- I know you won’t forgive me but-, started Jaebum, interrupted by Youngjae.

  - I loved you.”


Jaebum’s heart broke at the past tense.


“- I mean… I still do. And I’m not mad at you. I just wanted explanations. I thought something was wrong with me. And maybe it was my fault. I never asked  you to come back.”


Youngjae broke down, and Jaebum took him in his arms shyly.


“- You’re perfect Youngjae. I was wrong.”


Jaebum took the younger one’s face in his palms, and leaned slowly towards him, waiting for any sign of protest from Youngjae. His lips finally met his, and he closed his eyes, feeling Youngjae responding to his kiss.


“- I love you. I’m sorry for what I did, he murmured.

  - Can you promise you’ll never leave me anymore ? Youngjae asked with eyes full of hope.

  - I promise. I missed you too much.”


Youngjae smiled, kissing Jaebum again.

They were together, and that, was what mattered.




Hello everyone ♥ So yeah some of you asked me for an epilogue, so here it is ! I kinda like it actually :) So I hope you guys will like it too !

It's time to close this story forever. I loved this adventure, I discovered a lot of things about me, my writing, what I'm capable of. I may not be that proud of this, I still like it, and I'll never forget this amazing trip I had with all of you.
Thank you, thank you guys so much for your support ♥

*wipes tears*

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Bilaaaa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for this kinaaa !! Finally they are together yeaaaayyyy ^^
Thanks for the good story, i will wait your other stories with 2jae is the main hehehe
Keep writing and keep fighting babe :*
Chapter 8: Well okay first I DID NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS FEELS TRIP. Every chapter hit me right in the heart. But I'm glad you made the epilogue, i enjoyed it and it gives a nice ending to the story. Thank you for this!
chillaxdiva #3
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh~ thank you for this lovely epilogue!!! <3 it's nice seeing them together again and patching things up!! Thank you for your hard work on this~ you've really done well!! >.< I enjoyed reading this!

looking forward to your future 2jae/youngjae stories :)
Bilaaaa #4
Chapter 7: Kinaaaaaaa why you made them separated ? Aaaaakkkk so sad, but its a good onee !!
ilsandgg #5
Chapter 7: So sad!! This is so sad...but it makes sense ! Which makes me more sad!
Good job on writing it :)
.....even though it's heartbreaking
Chapter 7: I'm crying a river because this chapter is so dang beautiful and I'm a ing mess right now.
I think this is the right thing to do as an ending to this fanfiction, it place every piece together and despite being sad as and making me cry like a baby, I really really love this. I love 2jae angst althought it's my OTP.
Thank you so much for writing this authornim ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Fml my heart is aching so bad.
It hurts.
chillaxdiva #8
Chapter 7: i cry... i cry for 2jae TT_TT
Chapter 7: so sad,,i really want a happy ending for them T.T

if you want do happy prologue..i will never say no ><
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 6: Why?!?! This is so sad!
But of course, good job!