

"Lost love. It feels familiar. So very familiar."



So Masterpiece is a fanfic I've been waiting to start for ages. I didn't really have the time nor the inspiration, and I finally felt like givint it a shot.
I'mma tell you how this fanfic was created.
So an amazing person (96.youngjae on Instagram) wrote the prologue and I loooooooooved it. I asked her if I could continue this and turn it into a fanfic, so here it is ! I'm so happy she said yes, because this story is amazing.

Anyways, I hope you'll like it as much as I do !

All crédits to her for this (amazing) prologue.


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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 6: I love your writing so much....
Chapter 5: It make me kinda sad knowing you have suffer through that. Get well really soon, author-nim! Anyway no need to rush cause we can wait. Your health is your main priority now. Find strength :)
chillaxdiva #3
this looks promising!! can't wait~~

let me grab something i've thought of when i read the prologue :)

thanks for making a story out of the prologue <3