
Trust Me

When he opened his eyes, all he could see was a grave. His dry cheeks suddenly went wet when he read the name on the grave.

No matter how cold he was, he didn’t want to leave his side. Not when he suddenly left him.

He heard a voice calling his name, and felt a hand taking his. But all he could see was the stone in front of him. How dared he ? How dared he leave him when he was all he needed ?

“- Mom ?

  -Yes, sweetie ?”

It took a few minutes for Youngjae to say something, realizing how his mother’s voice was shaking.

“- Why ?

And he suddenly felt heavier. This word was everything he wanted to ask to him but couldn’t now that he left. Youngjae felt his mother breaking down by his side.

After a few minutes she got up, feeling her son’s needs to be alone with his brother.

“- I’ll be in the car. Take your time.

  -Thanks mom.”

She wanted to let her son alone, but in fact he wasn’t.

When Youngjae got up, a long time after his mother, he felt someone’s eyes on him. Turning his head, he only saw a dark figure due to the lack of light. Night fell minutes ago, but Youngjae wasn’t bothered at all. He even felt better in the dark.

Because it was his heart’s color after all.

The figure didn’t move at all, and Youngjae started to freak out. He was alone with this man in a cemetery. His mom was away. He was scared.

The shadow suddenly moved and the young guy took a step back. He now could see a face – and he really didn’t want to see him today.

Im Jaebum. The popular guy of his school.

Youngjae actually didn’t want to talk to him. He knew that Jaebum had the power to turn Youngjae’s life into hell.

But maybe he was already in hell.

“- Do I know you ?

Jaebum knew Youngjae. But from where ? And why did he care ? Youngjae turned away, wanting to escape his gaze. Today wasn’t the day.

“- I’m talking to you, Jaebum tried again.

  - School.”

Youngjae’s mind didn’t want to talk to him, but apparently his heart wanted to.

“- Oh you go to my school ? Strange. I never saw you before.

  - So because you never saw me I don’t exist ? shouted Youngjae, surprising the young guy in front of him.

  - Wait no that’s not what I wanted to say…

  - Nevermind.”

Youngjae only wanted to go away from him, from this place. From this pain. He suddenly started to walk away, trying to erase his urge to run faster. But Jaebum’s voice cut him again.

“- Who ?

Youngjae froze – how dared he ask a question like that ? Apparently he never heard of privacy.

“-Brother, he sighed.

  - Older ?

  - Yes.

  - How ?

Youngjae felt his tears coming back in his eyes and turned his head to Jaebum.

“- Who are you to ask me that ?”

Jaebum stood there in shock. He didn’t know how to answer.

“- I’m sorry, said the older one. I only wanted to

  - Leave me alone please.”

Youngjae was being mean – he knew it. But he couldn’t help it.

He turned away and started to run. His thoughts were going crazy. He, was going crazy.

It’s only when he got in his mother’s car that he thought about it. Jaebum was alone, in a cemetery. What was he doing there ? Who did he lose ?

Youngjae was suddenly curious – but he never pitied Jaebum. Because after all, it was Jaebum. The heartless and popular guy of his school. A little bit of suffer wouldn’t hurt him a lot.


But Youngjae couldn’t be more wrong. 


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Bilaaaa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for this kinaaa !! Finally they are together yeaaaayyyy ^^
Thanks for the good story, i will wait your other stories with 2jae is the main hehehe
Keep writing and keep fighting babe :*
Chapter 8: Well okay first I DID NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS FEELS TRIP. Every chapter hit me right in the heart. But I'm glad you made the epilogue, i enjoyed it and it gives a nice ending to the story. Thank you for this!
chillaxdiva #3
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh~ thank you for this lovely epilogue!!! <3 it's nice seeing them together again and patching things up!! Thank you for your hard work on this~ you've really done well!! >.< I enjoyed reading this!

looking forward to your future 2jae/youngjae stories :)
Bilaaaa #4
Chapter 7: Kinaaaaaaa why you made them separated ? Aaaaakkkk so sad, but its a good onee !!
ilsandgg #5
Chapter 7: So sad!! This is so sad...but it makes sense ! Which makes me more sad!
Good job on writing it :)
.....even though it's heartbreaking
Chapter 7: I'm crying a river because this chapter is so dang beautiful and I'm a ing mess right now.
I think this is the right thing to do as an ending to this fanfiction, it place every piece together and despite being sad as and making me cry like a baby, I really really love this. I love 2jae angst althought it's my OTP.
Thank you so much for writing this authornim ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Fml my heart is aching so bad.
It hurts.
chillaxdiva #8
Chapter 7: i cry... i cry for 2jae TT_TT
Chapter 7: so sad,,i really want a happy ending for them T.T

if you want do happy prologue..i will never say no ><
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 6: Why?!?! This is so sad!
But of course, good job!