A Tear is Made of Water and Feelings

Trust Me

Days went as usual after this little incident. Or at least, that's what Youngjae wanted to believe.

Jaebum started to think that their destiny was to run into each other. Whenever he was walking in the corridors, he ran into the younger one. Not that it bothered him, though. But Youngjae seemed annoyed whenever he saw his face.

And Jaebum could only understand him, after what happened.

Friday came, and Youngjae felt something wrong as soon as he woke up. He checked his phone only to see that he was late, really late. Grumbling silently, he dressed as quickly as he could and didn’t bother to eat something. He only ran the whole way to school, and arrived exactly when the bell rang.

Jaebum was the first person he saw that day, and Youngjae could feel his mood getting better. Why ? He didn’t know.

He quietly sat on his chair, and the lesson started – boring, as usual.

Break finally came and Youngjae let out a sigh, putting his head down to sleep a bit. But he soon heard voices, cheering on something he didn’t have interest in. He only opened his eyes when he heard his name.

“- Youngjae oppa…

Getting up slowly, he looked at the person in front of him. A girl, actually. He didn’t even know her name.

“- Oppa ? Can I… talk to you ? asked the girl.

Go ahead. You already disturbed me, so at least make it useful.”

His tone was cold, and the girl was apparently taken aback, but that didn’t stopped her from her disturbance.

- I actually wanted to tell you this in private… Only the two of us.

Say it here or never do, said Youngjae, who started to get annoyed.

Well okay… I just wanted you to know that I really like you… And… That’s embarrassing, but can you please be my boyfriend ?


He didn’t even had to think about it.

“- I’ll treat you well… I’ll be nice, I promise ! begged the girl.

No means no.”

Putting his head back on his table, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes. He only heard the girl’s last words, and fell asleep.

“- You’re cruel.”

Cruel ? No, he didn’t think he was. Hurt ? Broken ? Yes, that was it. He already loved too much someone he now lost, so why should he love someone again ? That was stupid.

Classes started again, but Youngjae didn’t wake up until lunch. He, as usual, went on the rooftop to smoke a bit. It would be a lie to say that Youngjae didn’t expect Jaebum to come. But the older one never showed up there since that day.

Youngjae was all alone with his thoughts, and they naturally went to his brother. He couldn’t help but think about it all the time. He felt somehow guilty, and their last talk had been running in his head since his death.


“- Youngjae ?

Hello hyung ! Why are you calling me ?

Nothing really important. Are the parents home ?

Youngjae received a late phone call from his brother this night, but he never asked him why.

“- They’re not. You’re coming back with us hyung ?

Is there any money you can send to me ?

Hyung ! I won’t give you our money. Is your job not enough ?

Youngjae, you must give it to me. Or else I’ll die.

Youngjae knew his brother had financial problems – but his parents didn’t want to help him, and he didn’t want them to be mad at him.

“- Don’t say things like that hyung. You’ll earn a lot of money soon.

The line went dead, but Youngjae wasn’t worried. His brother never really liked talking.

And when, the next morning, Youngjae woke up to these news, he couldn’t help but feel like everything was his fault.


Youngjae’s tears rolled on his cheeks for the first time this day. His brother committed suicide because of him, he was sure of that. He never told anyone that he was the last person who talked to his brother when he was alive, but the culpability was growing up every day, and he soon wouldn’t be able to control it.

Luckily for him, the bell rang and he went to his locker to take his books. He again ran into Jaebum’s worried eyes, but he quickly looked away and arrived at his locker. What he took then wasn’t a book – but a little piece of paper.

Black makes you look like a vampire. If you want to act emo, just do it at home. Don’t break another’s one heart because yours is. You’re so pitiful.”

Youngjae felt his eyes becoming wet, and ran in the toilets to let them flow. He soon heard a voice, his voice, and couldn’t help but feeling reassured.

“-Youngjae, please open. It’s me. Jaebum.”

He opened the door and ran into Jaebum’s arms, hitting him on the chest.

“- Why are they so cruel ? Why is life like this ? Why ? Why does it hurt like this ?

He soon went tired of hitting Jaebum’s chest and just broke down in Jaebum’s arms, holding him as if he was the only thing he could hang on. Because he was, after all.

Jaebum never answered his questions, he wasn’t able to do so. He didn’t know the answers himself. He took the younger one in his arms and only murmured reassuring words to him. After a few moments, he felt Youngjae calming down. Youngjae soon stopped shaking and quickly walked away, embarrassed, his eyes still red and puffy.

They said nothing to each other this day. But Jaebum made sure to be beside the younger’s side, even if he never asked. And Youngjae was glad to have someone, for once.





Hello everyone ~ Here's chapter two :D It's a little bit longer than the previous one, I hope you enjoyed it ^w^ 

Sorry again for the grammar mistakes ♥ And thank you again for your support ^^

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Bilaaaa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for this kinaaa !! Finally they are together yeaaaayyyy ^^
Thanks for the good story, i will wait your other stories with 2jae is the main hehehe
Keep writing and keep fighting babe :*
Chapter 8: Well okay first I DID NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS FEELS TRIP. Every chapter hit me right in the heart. But I'm glad you made the epilogue, i enjoyed it and it gives a nice ending to the story. Thank you for this!
chillaxdiva #3
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh~ thank you for this lovely epilogue!!! <3 it's nice seeing them together again and patching things up!! Thank you for your hard work on this~ you've really done well!! >.< I enjoyed reading this!

looking forward to your future 2jae/youngjae stories :)
Bilaaaa #4
Chapter 7: Kinaaaaaaa why you made them separated ? Aaaaakkkk so sad, but its a good onee !!
ilsandgg #5
Chapter 7: So sad!! This is so sad...but it makes sense ! Which makes me more sad!
Good job on writing it :)
.....even though it's heartbreaking
Chapter 7: I'm crying a river because this chapter is so dang beautiful and I'm a ing mess right now.
I think this is the right thing to do as an ending to this fanfiction, it place every piece together and despite being sad as and making me cry like a baby, I really really love this. I love 2jae angst althought it's my OTP.
Thank you so much for writing this authornim ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Fml my heart is aching so bad.
It hurts.
chillaxdiva #8
Chapter 7: i cry... i cry for 2jae TT_TT
Chapter 7: so sad,,i really want a happy ending for them T.T

if you want do happy prologue..i will never say no ><
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 6: Why?!?! This is so sad!
But of course, good job!