A Bird Can Only Fly If It Has Wings

Trust Me

Monday morning.

Youngjae let out a growl, and rolled over his bed, still in his blankets. He put out his arm to set the alarm off, and stayed in this position for almost five minutes before waking up totally. He then jumped in the shower and let his frustration flow away with the water. He suddenly heard his mother’s voice outside the bathroom, calling him for breakfast. He quickly dressed in his usual clothes : black jeans, black shirt, black shoes. Colours literally disappeared of his life.

He quickly ate a little bit, even though he had lost appetite a long time ago. Checking the time, he went upstairs to take his bag and ran outside his house, not wanting to be late.

The day went as usual. He talked to nobody, and nobody went to talk to him. They never did. Not that he cared, though. His classes were boring, and he even slept a little bit in history class which was, for him, the worst one. The teacher only let out a sigh when he saw Youngjae’s head lying on the table, but he was so used of it that he didn’t care that much.

When the lunch bell rang, he didn’t follow the other students to the cafeteria. He went where nobody ever went : the rooftop.

It was actually the only place Youngjae could be alone with his thoughts, and the only place Youngjae felt free. Home wasn’t a place where he could be happy again. His house was full of memories, even though he just wanted to erase them all.

He quickly ran up the stairs and sat up on the only bench in the area. He still didn’t know who brought this bench here, but he was glad someone did. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked to the fence over the place. From there, he could see the streets and everyone who walked in them. He could observe everything about them. The way they walk, what they were doing.

And somehow, Youngjae found them pitiful.

Taking out a cigarette and his lighter, he sighed loudly – knowing nobody could hear him.

He let out the smoke contained in his mouth, watching the dark clouds that were coming on them.

The cigarette was soon out of his mouth though, a hand taking it away from Youngjae.

“- Do you really want to die ?

Sighing at the voice, he turned his head, already knowing who was by his side.

“- If it means that I won’t suffer anymore, then yes.

It was Jaebum’s turn to sigh at the younger’s words. He felt the same urge years ago. This urge to destroy yourself because you think nothing could hurt more.

“- Listen, suddenly said Youngjae. Can’t you act like you didn’t meet me that day ?

  - No, answered Jaebum in a firm tone.

  - Why ? We don’t even know each other. You have nothing to do with me.

  - Because I promised to myself that I would protect you. And if that means taking all your cigarettes away, then I will.”

Youngjae looked into Jaebum’s eyes for a long moment, and the older guy didn’t look away, not even for a second.

“- Just forget me, begged Youngjae. I don’t need you by my side.”

Youngjae walked away from Jaebum for the second time since they met each other. But at this moment, they were both thinking of the same thing.

Youngjae’s last words were a lie ; and they both knew it.






Hello everyone, author here ♥ I just want to say that I'm really happy with this chapter. I know it's short, but I'll start chapter two as soon as I finish posting this. 

I'm sorry about all the grammar mistakes, but hey, I'm not english xD

Even though, I'm glad some of you will stick with me until the end ♥ I received so much support already *cries* and it really gives me strenght hehe ♥ I already have everything in mind (which never happens when I start a story) and I'm really happy to write this fanfic !!

Thank you again ^^ I hope you guys liked it ~

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Bilaaaa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for this kinaaa !! Finally they are together yeaaaayyyy ^^
Thanks for the good story, i will wait your other stories with 2jae is the main hehehe
Keep writing and keep fighting babe :*
Chapter 8: Well okay first I DID NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS FEELS TRIP. Every chapter hit me right in the heart. But I'm glad you made the epilogue, i enjoyed it and it gives a nice ending to the story. Thank you for this!
chillaxdiva #3
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh~ thank you for this lovely epilogue!!! <3 it's nice seeing them together again and patching things up!! Thank you for your hard work on this~ you've really done well!! >.< I enjoyed reading this!

looking forward to your future 2jae/youngjae stories :)
Bilaaaa #4
Chapter 7: Kinaaaaaaa why you made them separated ? Aaaaakkkk so sad, but its a good onee !!
ilsandgg #5
Chapter 7: So sad!! This is so sad...but it makes sense ! Which makes me more sad!
Good job on writing it :)
.....even though it's heartbreaking
Chapter 7: I'm crying a river because this chapter is so dang beautiful and I'm a ing mess right now.
I think this is the right thing to do as an ending to this fanfiction, it place every piece together and despite being sad as and making me cry like a baby, I really really love this. I love 2jae angst althought it's my OTP.
Thank you so much for writing this authornim ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Fml my heart is aching so bad.
It hurts.
chillaxdiva #8
Chapter 7: i cry... i cry for 2jae TT_TT
Chapter 7: so sad,,i really want a happy ending for them T.T

if you want do happy prologue..i will never say no ><
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 6: Why?!?! This is so sad!
But of course, good job!