Together, But Not So Much

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Chapter 8

QUICK INFO: Got7 and Vixx will be their original ages, however, Exo’s ages will be morphed to fit the plot of this story.


“……..N…?” I squeal out, running towards the teen in front of me and almost crying.

“What the hell? Where have you been? Where are the others? Oh my god. N!!” I question and N just laughs at me before moving out of my embrace and kissing my forehead. A sign of close friendship and almost sibling affection.

“I’ve been wandering around a lot lately, trying to find the others, in fact…” N states, moving out of the way to make room for another standing behind him.


“Hey Selin,” Leo calls out, ruffling my hair as Kyuhyun comes from the back to smile at the reunion, but then he makes a face and starts frowning.

“Do you know where the other guardians are? Are you by yourselves?” Kyuhyun asks, and the boys’ faces become grim.

“We have no clue, the only lead we have is Hongbin’s old journal, and… That’s it.” N finishes, concluding his pause with a side glance to Kyuhyun. There’s something more, but it’s gonna have to wait until later.

“Well, what we need to figure out now is if the school would be willing to put you three into a group. Or if she stays with her own group.” Kyuhyun states and I fidget around, looking at the others and then to the door of the Headmaster’s Office. This is going to be a long day.

“I’m sorry, but the groups have been settled and there’s nothing else I can do until we find the other children and guardians. Besides, you have been making progress with your team have you not Selin?” The Headmaster asked and I gave an inaudible huff under my breath.

“Barely Headmaster, they all still hate me. Why am I not allowed to go to where I belong?” I ask, sitting straighter in my seat and talking a little more professionally to get my point across.

“Despite these bizarre circumstances, I cannot allow the school to go under exemptions and regulation changes because of this event. The school must remain the same as it has been for the past decades. I will allow the removal of your team when you are of age to decide solo, duo, or team. Or, if the rest of your team manages to be found and you are sent back to the training grounds.” He concludes firmly, making no room to try and talk him out of it.

“Yes Headmaster.” I try to stop my tears, but they keep coming out, N places his hand on my shoulder and shakes his head while Leo stands protectively on my other.

“However, N and Leo will become temporary interns of this school, as it had been that they are too old for our teachings, and they will be admitted into classes without fault, I may not give you the blessing of your original team at the moment, but I will try my best to bring your group back together, as that is the duty and promise of this school. We have realized that you were telling the truth back then, and have since tried to fix our mistake admitting you as one of them.” The Headmaster declares, and I side hug the both of the boys to my side.

“Mr. Kyuhyun, I entrust these boys to you as your interns, the details are revealed in the papers here.” The Headmaster continues, giving the papers to Kyuhyun, and then settling back into her chair.

“This is all. Selin, you

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Fillers, fillers, fillers, really... When do they END?!


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k_nana #1
Chapter 10: This story is starting out great and I'm getting curious as the story goes, so keep it up :)
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
CinaLeena #3
Chapter 8: update soon (>U<)/
Exquisitely #4
good story!