Please wait for me

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*sighs* Sorry I haven't been updating any stories, since August 25th I haven't had a computer due to giving it to a less fortunate family member over in Turkey(yes it's a country, no we don't celebrate thanksgiving, that's only Canada and USA.). Please wait faithfully for the stories to continue after October 15th. I know this is a late explanation, but school had started a week later due to construction so it's been hectic. Thanks crazy American school system. I'm really sorry...

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Fillers, fillers, fillers, really... When do they END?!


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k_nana #1
Chapter 10: This story is starting out great and I'm getting curious as the story goes, so keep it up :)
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
CinaLeena #3
Chapter 8: update soon (>U<)/
Exquisitely #4
good story!