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“Tell me why again I’m doing this?” I ask and Sora rolls her eyes, slapping my . Ow.

Sora is definitely one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever met, but she has a tendency to cuss like a sailor.  Sora likes to dye her hair, so it’s always changing from blue to purple to red to black. Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out how she gets the hair dye if they only let us out few times in the year. Even then they check our bags for anything unruly. That includes hair dye. Strict school I know. They’ve seem to have given up on Sora though. Sora is a skinny girl, but eats like a pig. She wears the school uniform correctly, but at extracurricular and events she’s…. You get the idea.

Can’t judge, I’m the same, always cursing. At twelve boys.

They put us on teams from elementary, and those are the people we stick with until the end of the academy, where we move on to institution. And then from there they keep the teams, or put us on triplets or twin teams, in extreme cases, there are solos.  If you’re team has a dramatic difference in ages, yet all apply to stay the same team and not split up, then they take the oldest and make them a team, and one by one the younger members can move into the older team.

The teams are put in twelve, different ages, same gender, so no romantic relationships get in front of the team. You can still have relationships, and it’s very common for there to be relationships. They pick twelve can evenly split them in twins o

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Fillers, fillers, fillers, really... When do they END?!


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k_nana #1
Chapter 10: This story is starting out great and I'm getting curious as the story goes, so keep it up :)
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
CinaLeena #3
Chapter 8: update soon (>U<)/
Exquisitely #4
good story!