The Talk

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“What the hell?” Kris asks, seeing me leaning on Leo and almost falling asleep to the lull of his breathing and his hands through my hair. I sit up straight in shock and look at him as well as the group of girls sneaking around behind him and my Team.

“Who is he?” N whispers over to me and I signal for him to be quiet while standing up and brushing the grass off of my jeans.

“It’s actually not what it looks like to be honest….” I start but Kris holds up his hand to stop me while closing his eyes and sighing.

“Really? You just lying in between his lap dozing off is not what it looks like. While this other dude talks to you, what are you, some kind of ?” Luhan starts up next to Kris, his eyes glaring into my soul. N and Leo stand up and start squaring their shoulders, and glaring right back at the group of 12 men.

“Me, a ? I don’t even get to have many friends because you guys control my life, yet bully me to the point of separation. Just once will you let me choose what I do and don’t do. I had a life before this team! These guys are my life. They’re my brothers!” I scream, getting closer to Luhan’s face and finishing it off with heavy breathing. As I stare into Luhan’s eyes, I can see them getting wider by the second and I felt satisfied at the looks of the boys surrounding him too.

I look over to Chanyeol and he tilts his head, knowing that I didn’t want to tell the others about this, but I shake my head, reminding myself later to explain why I only let this detail about my previous affairs go.

“There. That’s it. These are my brothers, I have a whole family. I’m not alone like you think. I have them, plus 11 more.” I state, moving back in-between N and Leo who both looked like they were ready to kill Luhan.

“Why didn’t you tell us you had brothers?” Suho asked, while Lay just looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

“It’s a complicated mess, and it’d bore you to tears. But I do have brothers. This is N, and this is Leo, they’re both older than us and they’re also starting as interns.” I explain further, trying to remediate the uncomfortable situation. It’s at this moment when I re

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Fillers, fillers, fillers, really... When do they END?!


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k_nana #1
Chapter 10: This story is starting out great and I'm getting curious as the story goes, so keep it up :)
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
CinaLeena #3
Chapter 8: update soon (>U<)/
Exquisitely #4
good story!