Just Help Me!

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Remind me why they make me take these classes if I have no powers?

The door creaks open as twelve girls give me their signature glares and turn to their desk partners, snickering silently and giving a second glance over to me, laughing, as if they finally got the joke by looking at me or maybe only needed reinforcement.

Speaking of which, there’s my desk, all the way in the back. The class is set up in a vertical rectangle like room, with the teacher’s desk and the chalkboard at the top of the rectangle and desks going in rows of 6 in pairs of 2. Then there’s my desk since I’m the 25th student in the back with no desk partner. That was the only place they could put it. There’s also some motivational posters and a couple A grade essays posted on the white walls around the room but scattered.

As I near my desk I can outline some writing on it and inwardly groan. They did it again. Writing on my desk with marker. As I sit down on my chair and pull out a wipe I can hear even more snickering and sigh.

This is going to be a long day.

“Hey, who the hell did this to your desk?” A familiar growling voice asked and I almost banged my head against the desk itself.

“Kris, go away before it becomes more of an issue. We’ve got 5 minutes to class and I really don’t want another lecture. Also, you need to get to the Institution part of the building before you get in trouble.” I say and Chen walks next to him, rolling his eyes.

“Do you ever stand up for yourself? Once?” He asks and I scoff.

“I do in extreme cases.” I respond and almost jump at the hand laid on my left shoulder.

“You don’t, and we’re getting worried over the bullying situation.” Suho lectured but I shooed his words away, swatting like I was trying to hit an annoying fly for the tenth time.

“It’s no use, she doesn’t listen to anyone but herself, which is quite surprising when a bug has more powers than her. Don’t try and make the useless feel better.” Luhan hissed and I flinched at his harsh words.

Ouch, why you gotta be like that Luhan?

There used to be a time when I first got here that I was best friends with you guys. s.

For now, I have to get rid of these comments. Am I really a fat ?

As lunch rolled around I brought out a purple and pink polka dotted lunch box and opened it to see just a plain old turkey sandwich, I didn’t even put pickles or lettuce, and I didn’t even put tomatoes. Just turkey and cheese.

I’m too lazy.

I hear a noise of disgust behind me and look over to see Chanyeol eyeing my sandwich like it was Kryptonite to Superman and Chanyeol was his sidekick.<

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Fillers, fillers, fillers, really... When do they END?!


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k_nana #1
Chapter 10: This story is starting out great and I'm getting curious as the story goes, so keep it up :)
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
CinaLeena #3
Chapter 8: update soon (>U<)/
Exquisitely #4
good story!