
Till Death Do Us Part


{ S e u n g H y u n P O V}

“!” I kicked Joon’s car out of fury and told my team to surround the safe house.

Slowly I opened the front door, not sure of what mess might have happened on the other side.

As I walked in, I heard yelling voices on the other side of the door to the bedroom. I got my men ready, but I didn’t want them to fire. Young Mi was in there and she was much more important than revenge at that moment.. 

I busted through the door and saw Joon and G-Dragon wrestling each other to the ground, Young Mi tried to push them away while crying.

I stormed in, pushing Joon up to wall aiming my gun to his face. I felt Joon’s men all have their guns point right at my back.  I turned for a second to look at Young Mi. She looked frail, weak, and scared. Her skin plastered white and her eyes looking up at me in pain, I couldn’t take it all in until she collapsed against the hard floor.


3:52 am

“Do you think she is okay?” Joon asked, so scared that his words sounded like small gasps for air.

After four lonely hours in the hospital waiting room, those were the first words spoken to each other.

I was sitting with G- Dragon and Joon but we weren’t fighting.

We slowly realized how important Young Mi was to all of us, so nothing about our past mattered.

“You may come in now,” The nurse said having us all stand in unison.


“What the hell happened?!” Young Mi cursed, causing me to flinch. Her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“Just relax, you got sick from all this stress. Don’t make it  worse.” Joon said, trying to calm her down.

 “W-why ar-aren’t you guys fighting an-anymore” Young mi asked through sobs.

“We want what's best for you." He cast a long side glance to Seunghyun. "At least I want what's best for you. And I know how much you care for us. Even... Seunghyun.”

I let Joon do all the talking. I was afraid of butting in cause I knew Young Mi was still mad at me for the honeymoon. 


{Young Mi POV}

After an hour of arguing and commotion, we all calmed down and talked face to face. It felt like Joon was the only one talking while Seunghyun and G-dragon seemed tense. Maybe the fact that Joon knew me the longest. Hmm.. who really knows. 

“We went to high school together, the three of us,” said Joon, “and we stopped talking after some miscommunication." He continued to make blatant lies that were really starting to piss me off.

“Shut up Joon, I know about the gangs and the violence, so don’t treat me like I'm stupid. That was why those men broke into the safe house with you.” Joon looked at me, stunned.

Then Seunghyun finally spoke.

“Maybe you should tell her how you killed my sister,” he hissed.

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nice background!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww OMG they stopped fighting for her!!! Aweee seunghyun actually loves her! Lols update soon
blueducttape #3
...............................<br />
leaving loaves.<br />
Omg u updated omg joon just leave her alone and TOP y didn't u kill him????? Update soon
Gahh you need to write more!
KatieRose380 #6
Loving this story.... great job...... :) <3
wow that was fast!!!! lols update soon
lolitabunny #8
they found her because she ordered pizza...right???<br />
awesome!!!<br />
blueducttape #9
I need a friend... girl i need a friend...<br />
the P word.<br />
update sooonn