The Safehouse

Till Death Do Us Part


Chapter 6

{ c h o i  s e u n g h y u n }

“I’m pretty sure the building’s over here,” Taeyang said, pointing to a gray concrete building. 


Seungri shook his head. “How can Joon seriously not die? You had the perfect shot.”


“And you had the perfect ,” Seunghyun shot him a glare. “You guys remember the plan, right?”


“As long as GD follows through with the plan, and doesn’t let MBLAQ trace her,” Taeyang said, a hint of distrust in his voice. “Why’d you leave her to him, when he’s such a ?”


It was obvious that Taeyang was the top choice to leave with Youngmi. He was responsible, quiet, obedient, the exact opposite of Jiyong. But G-Dragon will always be the man I trust.


{ f l a s h  b a c k }


Running up the stairs, I took a quick glance back at my pursuers. Men clad in suits raced up after me. “GET BACK HERE YOU RETARD!”


I scrambled up higher. I was so stupid. The money was gone. I’d left it out on the counter in an envelope. Then it was gone. 


I gasped for air, clutching the railings. They were getting closer. The stairs ended on this floor. I slipped between cars, huddling and breathing hard. 


“Little Seunghyunn!” I heard them sing menacingly. Taking a peek, I saw the three of them with various bats and a light reflected off a single object in one of their hands.


My heart pounded faster, and I ducked when they headed closer to my hiding place. The only thing that was going through my head was not to breathe. They walked straight past, and I let out a breath.


“There you are,” a gangster grinned, quickly rushing and placing a hand around my throat. “The money, you say, is gone?”


I couldn’t speak. He was suffocating me. The others raised their bats as he let go, throwing me the ground. One crashed down on me. “Get him.” I felt fists and bats rain on me in tons. 


In a row I heard 3 gunshots. My eyes where tightly shut afraid of the pain to come. Then nothing until I heard I boy about my age call out.


“Are you stupid? You could have gotten killed!” He grimaced while handing me the gun. His eyes were wild, the cold experience gleaming out of his too-young eyes.


“What's this for?” I gasped, looking at the dangerous weapon in my hands. My heart raced even harder.


"What, so you're just gonna let him go to catch you later?" He stared me straight in the eyes. "Or are you gonna kill him like he deserves, and actually have some respect?"


His words stuck in my head, ringing everytime the gunshot rings in my ears. After hesitating, I pointed the gun at the last member of the horrible gang, all alone. The man seemed weak and helpless.


Then I pulled the trigger.


{ e n d o f f l a s h b a c k  / pov y o u n g m i }


“Welcome to your new home, at least for awhile.” G-Dragon joked, sleepily running a hand through his hair and plopping on a embroidered couch. He widened his arms and put his head back to stare at the chandelier. "Isn't it nicee?"


I set my bag next to the white wood-trimmed floor. Everytime I went to one of his houses, I was surprised. Who on Earth has this much money?


“I know this place isn’t perfect, but we won’t be staying here for long. And don’t worry, you’ll see you new hubby soon enough.” G-Dragon joked as he sat down next to me. 


“I don’t want to ever see him again!" I shouted.  "After he brought me to this island for what was supposed to be our honeymoon, but ended up being just for work.” I murmured in a huff. 


“Look, I know your angry over that, but something more serious came up and we had to leave.”


“Like what?" He glanced away, ignoring me. "Why can’t I know about it?” I insisted.


“It’s i-i-it’s nothing. We just picked a bad place for your honeymoon.”


G-Dragon lifted himself off of the couch and guided me over to a small room.


“You can sleep here. I’ll sleep on the couch.” 


“Okay, good night,” I said before cuddling into bed. I had trouble getting to sleep. I felt so lonely and the bed was so empty.

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nice background!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww OMG they stopped fighting for her!!! Aweee seunghyun actually loves her! Lols update soon
blueducttape #3
...............................<br />
leaving loaves.<br />
Omg u updated omg joon just leave her alone and TOP y didn't u kill him????? Update soon
Gahh you need to write more!
KatieRose380 #6
Loving this story.... great job...... :) <3
wow that was fast!!!! lols update soon
lolitabunny #8
they found her because she ordered pizza...right???<br />
awesome!!!<br />
blueducttape #9
I need a friend... girl i need a friend...<br />
the P word.<br />
update sooonn