The Proposal

Till Death Do Us Part


Chapter 1

{ k i m   y o u n g m i }

“Hi, honey,” Joon murmured before briefly pressing his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, smiling.

His face seemed to glow as he pulled back. "There's something I want to show you." He covered my eyes once we got into the car.

“Where are we going?” I giggled excitedly.

“It’s a surprise,” he teased me making me even more eager.

We got out of the car and he let me open my eyes. We where at the beach, but it seemed deserted on a Saturday evening; just a table, candles, and a bottle of wine. I stood there speechless, with Joon just grinning at me.

"What's this for?" I asked when my voice returned.

"It's for you, you dummy." Joon embraced me in a warm hug, saying, "You're my everything."

But before I could respond, his strong arms carried me off my feet and towards the water. I squealed and squirmed until I was thrown into the cold, no, FREEZING water! Sputtering out a mouthful of salt, I turned, half yelling his name.

Joon, with the sloppy wet hair and goofy grin was on the edge of the shore. Kneeling down before me with a little black box in his grip.

“Joon where did yo..?”

Then it hit me, the day I’ve been waiting for my whole life was here. With the perfect guy and perfect day.

“Park Youngmi, will you please be my wife?"

“Ye-” was all I could squeak out before I heard a single gunshot. I was confused for a blur of time, until I heard Joon screaming at the top of his lungs in pain. I whirled, the sight I saw hitting me like a lightning bolt. Joon was crumpled on the floor, blood streaming out of his chest.

“Joo..n...? JOON!!” I screamed, tears starting to erupt from my eyes.

I hunched over him, staring into his eyes as I shook him desperately. "No, no, no!" I shrieked, but stopped at the look of his face. Joon smiled faintly, staring back warmly into my eyes.

“ You can’t die, not today. It just can’t happen this way!” My throat clenched forcing me to spit out my words between harsh sobs.

"I love you," he breathed, “and you know that.. this is the best way I could leave the world. Next to you.” and shut his eyes for the last time.

“No.. No!” I croaked one last time.

Gone, he was gone from my life and I didn’t want to believe it. I wouldn’t believe it. I started to shake him and continued to repeat his name, tears streaming over my cheeks. Out of nowhere, aggressive hands shoved me to the cold sand, away from Joon. 

{ c h o i   s e u n g h y u n }

The deafening sound of the gun struck me, along with a wave of triumph. Finally after all these years, I’ve done it. He's gone for good. Lee Joon was killed, by me.

But, who was the girl? Was the almighty Lee Joon actually proposing to a girl? From a distance, I watched her break down, body shaking from sobbing.

That girl really thought he loved her? Complete load of bull.

Approaching the scene, I grimaced. That face, the seemingly handsome one girls fall for, the face that will never function again, never say one word again--

No one can know about this, he'll be buried and done with in the matter of hours. But what to do with the girl, the witness of everything.

I reached for my gun; it'd be easy, one shot right through the back, directly at the heart. A simple cover-up, the two were drunk and drowned in the ocean.

But I couldn't do it. An innocent girl, just like Joon had murdered.

I couldn’t just ruin her life or her love. Only if she loved someone else she would be happy. What if, what if she loved me?

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nice background!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww OMG they stopped fighting for her!!! Aweee seunghyun actually loves her! Lols update soon
blueducttape #3
...............................<br />
leaving loaves.<br />
Omg u updated omg joon just leave her alone and TOP y didn't u kill him????? Update soon
Gahh you need to write more!
KatieRose380 #6
Loving this story.... great job...... :) <3
wow that was fast!!!! lols update soon
lolitabunny #8
they found her because she ordered pizza...right???<br />
awesome!!!<br />
blueducttape #9
I need a friend... girl i need a friend...<br />
the P word.<br />
update sooonn