Pizza pizza!

Till Death Do Us Part


Chapter 7


{C h o i s e u n g h y u n  P O V}

“How the heck are you alive YOU JERK!!” I screamed at my opponent’s face. Joon’s light brown eyes were glaring into my skin. Taeyang and Seungri held him down, Joon’s arms going behind his back.

I didn’t care about the incident in high school; I could care less about that. I just didn’t want him to take Youngmi away from me.

“You know I was trying to live a normal life? A life with the friends I love and a life with MY WIFE!” He shouted angrily. I ignored him.

“So I’m gonna ask you politely where she is?” Joon raised an eyebrow, lip curling in a feral way at me. He seemed to be fine, but his eyes were full of fear for Youngmi.

I smiled, enjoying Joon’s weakness. “Have we ever resolved anything peacefully? She’s mine now; you lost your chance with her. She doesn’t even care about you anymore; she’s in the palm of my hand.”

“I don’t believe it! What’re you doing to her?! Where is she?” Desperation flooded his voice.

“What do you think I’m doing to her?” I snickered, holding Seungri’s phone. A picture on the screen showed Youngmi and I making out in the pool.

I smirked while looking up at the man, his face filled rage and anger. Mission complete.

“Well I must be going.” Still smiling plainly, I gathered my things and started leaving.

Joon struggled again, shouting, “Just let me talk to her!”

Turning back around, anger filled my face as the thought of her talking to him entered my mind. “Never again.”

I heard a gunshot.

Nothing hit me, no sounds of pain.

 Poor Lee Joon never had good aim.


“Hyung, what happened?!?” Daesung whined to me with some cheesy aegyo.

“Let just say, I angered the pretty boy.”

“I think we should hide in the safe house with G-Dragon and Youngmi so they can’t find us and then we’ll do a surprise attack in a couple weeks when they’re off guard,” Seungri said, trying to be involved.

“Are you stupid?! We need to stay here and wait to see if anything comes up, if we go to the safe house there might be a chance we’ll be spotted, and the thing we least want is to give away where Youngmi is hiding.”

{Y o u n g m I P O V}

“Hey, I’m really hungry. What can we eat?”

G-Dragon searched through the mini fridge until he threw me an apple. It was starting to rot and slightly bruised.

“Eww! I’m not gonna eat this. Can we order pizza?”

“We do that and our location will be revealed!”

“How? It’s just the pizza guy!” I snorted. “It’s not like he’s gonna be some secret agent and gun us down!” I joked.

G-Dragon looked at me in a serious tone. “And how do you know he doesn’t work for them?”


“Oh-h. Never mind. I guess one pizza. Thats it!” G-Dragon left and went to the office to work.

He was so serious. The exact opposite of the day I met him, the day he attacked me. I thought I would feel awkward around him here. But surprisingly enough, I felt really comfortable. Maybe it’s ‘cause I never see him.

…Yeah that’s why.

{ L e e J o o n P O V}

“I'm gonna kill that BASTARD!” I scream while slamming a chair into a mirror. They let me go a couple hours ago. The reflection of me crumbled with my life, mirror, and my love. The guards all backed up to the door afraid my rage will cause them harm.

“Get my crew!”  I growled at them.

One by one they filed in.

“Did any of you see where they went?” I demanded.

“No, but I’m guessing it won’t be hard to find out where they’re hiding,” stated G.O.

I thought about the picture of Youngmi and him. “God, this is gonna be impossible to get her from T.O.P., he’s frickin’ sealing her from all life.”

 “I MISS NOONA SO MUCH!!” Mir started bawling his eyes out.“She was my best friend, well beside you guys of course,” he sniffled when everyone gave him a weird look.

“You’re such a ,” Thunder slapped his back.

Seungho glanced up from looking at his phone.

“Guys, I think I found her!

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nice background!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww OMG they stopped fighting for her!!! Aweee seunghyun actually loves her! Lols update soon
blueducttape #3
...............................<br />
leaving loaves.<br />
Omg u updated omg joon just leave her alone and TOP y didn't u kill him????? Update soon
Gahh you need to write more!
KatieRose380 #6
Loving this story.... great job...... :) <3
wow that was fast!!!! lols update soon
lolitabunny #8
they found her because she ordered pizza...right???<br />
awesome!!!<br />
blueducttape #9
I need a friend... girl i need a friend...<br />
the P word.<br />
update sooonn