The First Night

Till Death Do Us Part


Chapter 2


{ p a r k  y o  u n g m i  P O V }

Struggled with my life, clawing at the sand and trying to push away from the killer. While watching his followers carry joons life less body into another car. I was screaming at the horrible man but it sounded like gibberish through my aggressive sobs. Then the killer shoved me into his car. With my breath scattered, I flushed as tears kept pouring down my cheeks. As I cried quietly he told me about joons past. This man dares to tell me the man he killed, the man I love was the leader of a vicious gang of murderers. What a complete load of bullcrap.  After a few minutes of clamming down and collecting my thoughts I finally spoke.

 "How can you do this to me?" I grumbled angrily. "How can you say Joon is the killer, when you murdered him right in front of my eyes?"

I kept spewing. "Why'd you kill him? He was such a good guy, he'd never do anything to hurt me. He was the most kind, generous guy you could ever meet."

The killer clenched his fists tightly against the steering wheel. "You don't know what Joon's done. You've only known him for a couple years. You don't know all the stuff he's done in the past."

"What stuff? What kind of stuff could lead you to kill him? Tell me what horrible stuff he did!" 

"You've already gone through too much! I think it's too much to tell you right now."

My head burned in fury. "Tell me what he did! How could I believe you if you don’t tell me the truth." 

"Can't you see it's for the best if you don’t know. If I tell you now you wouldn’t believe a word I say."

“Tell me or I’ll.. I’ll jump!” I said shocked at my own response.

I grabbed the car door lock. "If you don't tell me, I-I'll jump!"

"Jump! I dare you!" he said with a menacing glare on his face.

I was shocked by his response to my threat, but it wasn't a time for me to give up now. I opened the door so it was slightly ajar and gave him a threatening look.

I mustered up the courage and was about  to jump when he swerved the car so the door slammed shut.

Out of the force of the car I banged my head against the steering wheel making my head throb in pain. I’ve gone through so much today I can’t even focus anymore. But if I were to remember one thing is there was no way was I gonna believe a word of what this man says. 

After awhile the car slowed to a stop, I gaped when I saw the house. The towering beige bricks and an enormous water fountain was in front of me.

He led me through the line of maids and butlers, who were all simultaneously greeting this gentleman (whom I still don’t know the name of). In a haze, I smiled. I’d call him Spock.

Spock yanked me upstairs into a bedroom, aggressively pushing me away. The room was simple; yet elegant with a masculine vibe.

 “We’ll be sleeping here,” Spock announced plainly, throwing off his suit jacket.

My eyes widened. “We?”

 “Well there is, so you can slept here with me or, sleep on the floor.”

I eyed the floor and pouted. How could I possibly sleep on such a hard surface? My head swam with so many thoughts, so many emotions, that I shut down. It was as if I was too tired to deal with anything anymore.

“Fine! But only if you tell me your name.”

He sighed, but gave in to her arguement. “Choi Seunghyun”


“Choi- Seung- Hyun.”

“Oh…  well my names Park Youngmi,” I mumbled as went to the bathroom. There was a set of PJs placed neatly on the sink.

Once I changed I entered the bedroom and sighed in annoyance.

 There he stretched out on the bed with nothing but a pair of boxers on. I quickly covered my eyes.

“…Spock, could you please get dressed,” I asked aggravated, not bothering to remember his name.

“Why, you don’t like my pajamas?” he drawled in a alluring, y voice.  

“ Not really,” I mumbled as I felt around for the bed. I didn’t care enough to argue cause I was so tired and I had such a huge headache I felt like I was going to pass out any minute.  Once I got into bed, I turned away from him, facing the solid gray wall.

 See, tonight won’t be too bad, I told myself. I drifted off, all the stress and terror of today pulling me into sleep. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and warm breath brush against my neck. Although I wanted to break free, I gave up after I realized his strength. I just felt like I wanted to sleep forever.

{ t  h e  n e x t  d a y }

I woke up to an empty bed and sunshine pooling on my face. “Joon? Where are you?” I kept mumbling. He was nowhere in sight. I got of bed and started walking around calling joons name softly. I just needed him so I could settle my horrible nightmare. As I started to get my senses back I realized that this wasn’t joon’s house so I started walking faster and called this name louder in panic. After to long I crashed into a wet, muscular torso. I looked up expecting to see joon smile down to me but to my surprisea man stood in front of me, wearing only a bathing towel around his waist. Staggering backwards to the wall, I saw the guy smirk. He had short blonde hair and was definitely skinny.

 “Hey baby,” he said in a thick English accent, grinning as he trapped me between his arms against the wall. I could feel his breath on my lips, him leaning closer. My eyes squeezed shut while I waited for him to kiss me. Then the weight was gone;  someone pulled him away from me. The man from my dream. It was Choi Seunghyun.

Seunghyun pushed the ert away. “G-Dragon, don’t ever touch her again.”

G-Dragon smirked with playfulness. “Yeah, that’s gonna happen.” He stalked away back into another room, winking at me on his way out. I stared into space, my nightmare is real?!

 “Who is that?” I asked after accepting my horrible nightmare and feeling slightly embarrassed about Spock interrupting.

“Just ignore him, he’s a ert.” He shook his head, firmly taking my wrist and pulling me to another room.

Looking around the walls, I stared at the rows and rows of wedding dresses and boxes of wedding rings.  -

“What is this?” I gaped, a few dresses distractedly.

“This is for our wedding.”

Our wedding?!

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nice background!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww OMG they stopped fighting for her!!! Aweee seunghyun actually loves her! Lols update soon
blueducttape #3
...............................<br />
leaving loaves.<br />
Omg u updated omg joon just leave her alone and TOP y didn't u kill him????? Update soon
Gahh you need to write more!
KatieRose380 #6
Loving this story.... great job...... :) <3
wow that was fast!!!! lols update soon
lolitabunny #8
they found her because she ordered pizza...right???<br />
awesome!!!<br />
blueducttape #9
I need a friend... girl i need a friend...<br />
the P word.<br />
update sooonn