
Unexpected Roommate
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Chanyeol's POV

Sharing a dorm room with eight other people was hard. I wanted a place to call my own. Don't get me wrong, we're like brothers but sometimes they could go too far.

I was about fed up with all of their crazy antics and pranks. It was mostly Baekhyun and Chen that would prank everyone in the dorm room, while Sehun was the grumpy one.

"Yah! Chanyeol!" Yelled the maknae from across the living room. Speak of the devil...

"I'm your hyung," I said annoyed as I swiveled around from facing the computer to face the very demanding maknae.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Can you get me a glass of water?" he asked as he changed the channel on TV.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Could you please get me a glass of water? You're the closest one," he shrugged as he placed his feet on the coffee table.

Huffing, how dare the maknae treat me, no us like this. As if we were HIS dongsangs or whatever. Pushing myself up, I went towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet, I the faucet and filled the glass with tap water. Turning off the faucet, I dragged my feet back towards the living room where the maknae was still channel surfing.

"Here," I said walking over and handing him the glass of water.  He happily took it and took a sip, but before I could even go back to the computer, he spits the water back out.

"Is this from the faucet!?" He glared at me as he held the glass from the rim with the tip of his fingers.

I smirked a little as I shrugged. "Maybe," 

"Man," he set the glass down on the coffee table. "Just forget it," he waved me off and I simply glared at him.

This maknae I swear...

I went back to the computer and sat down on the desk chair. Casually, I was browsing the internet—going from tab to tab looking at different things all at once. I was simply looking at potential apartments that appealed to me. I knew I wasn't going to find anything soon since rent was super expensive. I considered the idea of living with a roommate.  But I wanted a roommate that wasn't crazy saesang or freak or anything in that nature.

Though I should be resting since we just got from our schedule, I just had a few things on mind.

As I refreshed the page and scrolled down, a really nice apartment complex came up and me being the curious type clicked on it.

It showed various pictures of how the apartment floor plan looked and it was really really nice; the rent seemed rather expensive but even so it was nice.

Scrolling further down, I noticed that there was an ad for that very apartment looking for a roommate.

Eager, I clicked on the link and a post came up.

'Looking for one other Roommate. The apartment is really spacious. It's fully furnished so no need to worry about furniture. Everything is brand new too. It has 3 beds and 3 baths. For more information please don't hesitate to contact me,'

The post was rather simple and it did lack some important information, but it didn't really matter to me because maybe this was my chance to get away.

I checked what time the post was made it was only made about 2 hours ago.

Hopefully, no one else applied. I sent a silent pray as I copied the email address provided and opened a new tab to open my email account. I logged in and posted the email address into the 'Recipient' space.

I quickly wrote a message and pressed send. Hopefully, the person who posted it would respond quickly.

10 Minutes Later...

Sighing and running my fingers through my hair, I sat back in the chair. I was seriously starting to grow impatient because it was taking too long for that person to respond. Then again, I did just send the email ten minutes ago and they probably didn't even see it yet.

Maybe they're busy?

Sighing, once more before closing everything out and logging out of the computer. It was a computer that we all shared but we each had our own logins so that way no one would be snooping around in our search history or whatever we were looking at. Not that we had something hide, it was just awkward when they would see what you were looking at.

Once I saw Lay looking at some Calvin Klien underwear. It wasn't anything crazy but it was pretty funny to have seen his reaction.

Getting up, I stretched my long limbs before dragging my feet towards the room that I shared with Baekhyun. He wasn't in the room, which I was slightly thankful for as I laid down and draped my arm across my head.

It was only 5:30 PM but I was kind of sleepy. Since we were up early these past few days, it was really taking a toll on all of us. I was even surprised that Sehun was even up because he's usually the first one to knock out.

The rest of the members were either sleeping or were out buying food with the manager.

Just when I was about to fall asleep my phone vibrated several times before calming down. I groaned as I reached over to the nightstand to grab my phone .

I unlocked it and noticed that I had received an email; jumping up I quickly opened the email.

It was the reply that I was waiting for!

'Hello there! I'm really glad that you decided to apply to be my roommate. You're actually the only person to apply so... Here's my number if you need to directly contact me. 010-3518-9462.

Rent is due the 1st of every month. We're going to be splitting the rent so don't worry about having to pay a large sum every month.

If you want or can, you can move in immediately. I need someone to move in ASAP and I think you're the best fit. 

Please text me when you plan on moving in so that way I can have everything neat and clean! Well, have a nice day!'

Smiling from ear to ear, I was super excited because I would be finally moving out and leaving these idiots that I call members and friends behind! I mean I do love them all but it's about time!

I copied the number on my phone and quickly sent that person a text.

Hi! I'm the one who applied to be your roommate. I just received your email. I'm probably going to move in this weekend if that's fine with you?

In no time, that person texted me back. I hoped I could move this weekend. That would mean I only have less than two days to move out and give notice to everyone my plans.

Hello. This weekend? Alright. I'm probably not going to be home since I'll be working this Saturday, but the passcode to the apartment is 0725. I'll leave everything in place. I will even have a sticky note on which room is yours :)

I can't believe this is really happening! I quickly sent a text back.

Thank you! :D

I jumped up in glee and I was smiling like a mad man. Suddenly the door flies open and Baekhyun walks in with his diva-self.

"What's with you?" he asked raising an eyebrow as he dropped everything that he was carrying on the floor and laid down on his bed.

"I'm moving out," I smiled.


Myung Hee's POV

The weekend approached rather fast and she had to wake up early to make sure everything was clean and in order. When she woke up it was about to be 7:46 A.M. She groaned because she wanted to sleep more since she didn't have to start work until noon.

She hated the fact that she had to work this Saturday, of all days. Myung Hee didn't understand why they chose her to work this Saturday anyways. She was still new to the job in a way.

Groaning, she didn't want to get up at all, but she didn't want her new roommate to think that she was a pig or something. So she pushed herself out of bed and went towards her bathroom to wash up and change out of her pjs.

Dragging her feet out of her room, she went towards the kitchen to clean up a bit.

She washed any dishes that she might have left in the sink overnight; she dusted the furniture and vacuumed the entire apartment. She even cleaned her bathroom and cleaned the others just in case.

It was the first official clean of her new apartment and she was actually enjoying herself. Even though she doesn't really like cleaning, but this was something she had to do so she did it in style. She jammed out to her favorite music. Jay Park's latest single 'My Last' was playing and was dancing and singing along. She just hoped she could finish in time, to wash up again and get dressed for work.

The previous day, her new roommate, whoever it might be, texted her saying that he/she would move in around 2 o'clock. She was going to be at work, so she couldn't properly greet her new roommate until she got off which would be around 4 o'clock.

Since she doesn't go in until noon she had some time to get dressed and get a taxi to go to work since it was barely even 9:30. Surprisingly it didn't take her as long as she thought. Maybe she could sneak in a nap before having to leave.

Myung Hee quickly finished vacuuming and put everything back into its rightful place before heading towards her room to wash up again and dress for work. In her work clothes, she laid down on her bed and set an alarm just in case. She checked the time once more before dozing off.


Chanyeol's POV

I was so overly excited to finally be moving out. The day before I broke the news to the other members and the manager. They were all taken aback. Maybe even sad? Who knows... 

They asked me several times if I was really serious. I don't even know how many times I answered them. I even called the CEO to tell him about my decision. He said it was fine with him so I was happy.

It just seemed as if the others didn't take the news very well. Especially Baekhyun.

"Are you really leaving us?" he asked as he lifted his head from his pillow.

"I'm not leaving you guys. I'm just going somewhere else to live. I'll still go to all the practices and what not. I just won't be in the some space as all of you," I said as I packed the last of my clothes and hats. I even had a separate suitcase for my hats.

Baekhyun groaned as he his side to face me. "But we can still visit you right?" he asked his eyes gleaming.

"I guess. You just have to call first," I shrugged

Baekhyun smirked a little. "Alright, but..." he paused as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked turning towards him as I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know who your roommate going to be?" he smirked.


"You don't? So you don't know if it's a girl or a guy?"

Realization dawned on me. My eyes widened as I looked at him. I slightly blushed.

"No... I don't," I rubbed the back of my neck. I was caught up with the fact that I was moving out that I didn't even stop to think about who my roommate could be, even more so what gender they are.

Baekhyun burst out laughing. "Oh, my god. Imagine it being a creepy saesang! We would never see you again!" he was laughing harder.

"Don't say that!"

He got up laughing and went towards the living where everyone else was watching TV.

"Yah you guys! Can you believe Chanyeol doesn't even know the gender of his new roommate! Or his/her identity!" he laughed. I didn't even dare go out. Who knows what they could be saying about me right now. This is so embarrassing.

I heard a few faint laughs. How could I have been so reckless like this?

"Chanyeol!" I heard Suho yel

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Hey guys! I'm going to start editing the story! So if you see that there aren't as many chapters don't fret! I'm only making them longer for everyone to enjoy! Thank you so much for your support!


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Chapter 13: Ahh I love this i wish it was longer as it says you have completed it (:
Chapter 13: aw this is such a nice ending!!
DreamerGirly #3
Chapter 13: Thumbs up...
Chapter 12: *CLAPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS* I am dyin if this happens to me. oh gahdd!!! By the way, thanks for this CUTE last chapter :))))))
Jaslynn #5
So cute, :) I adore this couple. I will definitely check out more of your fanfics!
Chapter 11: Oh my godness. This is like ALL KILL. Lol. Too much sweetness!!! Yep, it was kind of too rush. But it's fine as long as we can read their moments. Chanyeol ughhhh, he killed me already T.T idk, but i'm-almost-blushing when he said that he is the rapper of exo. OMG Thankyouuuuuu :* and goodluck :)))
Chapter 10: This story is so cute....really excited for the next update....good luck with your college life
jc803288 #8
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: yahhh I'm gonna fall off this clif hanger !!!
Great work author-nim FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 10: ohmyfgoddddddd. update another chapter and I will stop reading the last part over and over again. im kidding, take yr time but still.. cliffhanger T^T chanyeol is really something and i just imagined how chanyeol hovered over ahem me or reader. byuntaee lol, anyway thanks for the great chapter!
DreamerGirly #10
Chapter 10: Wow u left us with such a cliffhanger huh?
Take your time and update when you free :) I'm curious hehe