8. Hot Chocolate

Pink Prodigy

Seungcheol- S.Coups

Hansol- Vernon

Jisoo- Joshua




Notes: Don't confuse Haneul with Hansol. 


. . .



“How is it? Is it fun?” Minseo’s soft-spoken voice projected through the phone. It was on loudspeaker while Jihoon listened and ate his dinner on his bed. He had brought back food from the dining hall and he was currently the only one in their dorm room.


“It’s fine, Min. Just really boring.” Jihoon chuckled softly and took a quick glance at his bandage-covered arm. He absentmindedly took a sip of his soup, his eyes downcast. “I’m more interested in how you’re doing.” Jihoon spoke quietly and tried his best not to make it sound like he was begging her to tell him some good news, but he knew that if there was any news to tell, he would hear from his mother or father first.


“Yeah, yeah. Maybe you’re just the boring one.” Minseo teased and then she sighed from over the phone and stifled a yawn. “It’s okay over here. Except it’s…” Minseo hesitated. “really boring.”


Jihoon laughed loudly, “Is that so? Who’s the boring one now?” He asked and he could hear his little sister sigh exaggeratedly over the phone. She mumbled something incoherent and Jihoon could hardly keep his smile at bay. They sat in calm silence as his sister tried to think up something to talk about.


Somebody was playing low music in the room next door, an original composition that Jihoon didn’t recognize. Soft piano music with violin accompaniment floated through the air and Jihoon listened quietly, his soul calmed by the crying instruments. A few moments passed and Jihoon was startled out of his melancholic state when he heard actual crying. His heart dropped and he listened as his sister stifled her sorrowful sobs, soft melodies were now the background music to her sadness. Jihoon’s voice was caught in his throat and he wanted to ask her why she was crying but instead he listened to her sniffle and laugh a little in embarrassment. He pulled the phone closer towards himself and silently took a deep breath to calm his too-fast heartbeat. If he talked to her right in that moment he was sure his voice would crack and cause his sister to spiral into a hysterical state.


“Sorry.” She hiccuped, “I...I don’t” She sighed heavily and let out another sob, “I don’t want to scare you.”


Jihoon took the phone off of loudspeaker, pushed his food away, and brought the device to his ear. “Min.” Jihoon spoke, quietly, very quietly, so that he would not frighten her, “It’s okay. I’m here no matter what. I mean it.” He rested his head against the wall as he sat curled up on his bed.


“I know.” She whispered back to him as if they were both sharing secrets. A silent promise between siblings that no one would ever hear.


“Why are you crying Min?” Jihoon asked gently as if his voice was going to cradle her and perhaps allow her to fall asleep within its depths. She hiccuped again, once or twice and Jihoon allowed the silence between them.


“I’m scared. That…” silence, “That.” She stopped her sentence altogether and Jihoon’s heart raced. “I’m scared that when I die, you won’t be here.” She forced her words from , and so quickly that Jihoon could barely catch his breath after the confession. She had used that word, a word that she had never once uttered before and Jihoon didn’t know how to handle it, especially because it came from . He felt a slight gasp stuck in his throat, he felt a tightness in his chest and he balled up his fists and forced himself not to shed a single tear. The music that floated through the room was doing enough crying, enough praying, for the both of them.


“I’ll be here for you, Min. No matter what.” Jihoon spoke with a smile, so that it would hopefully reach his voice. He gave her this promise so that it would reach her heart. And maybe, she would believe him. “Like I said, I meant every single word.” Jihoon didn’t want to lie, because in his mind, when someone gave such an open and raw confession there was no other way to react than with truth. If he had said, ‘You’re not going to die.’ Would she really believe him, when even he didn’t believe it himself?


“It’s not bad. Not right now, it isn’t. I’m just scared for when it does get bad.”


“I know, but we don’t have to worry about that yet. Okay?” Jihoon asked and his sister replied back with a small noise of acknowledgement. Jihoon comforted his sister until he made her laugh, and then they said their ‘goodbye’s’ and their ‘I love you’s,’ and he sent his sister off to bed with what Jihoon had hoped was a reassured smile. But Jihoon laid down on his bed, although it wasn’t time for him to sleep. He lay there, and he was not reassured. He kept picturing his sister saying that word and he wondered when she had given up, when she figured out that those healing potions and stones in her story books weren’t real. Back then, she had even highlighted places and clues as to where they might be located. But now she had said ‘when,’ she had said ‘die,’ as if she had written a date on her life, on her soul.


Jihoon angrily threw his phone away from himself. She broke down so suddenly and Jihoon realized that his sister must now have a lot of thinking time on her hands. He was worried, very, very worried.


An hour must have passed and Jihoon could only barely figure that out by the now cloudy almost-black sky that had been painted outside his window. His soup had gone cold, his appetite was now missing, and if only he could lock his door and sleep for a few months….


“Hey! Jihoon, I’m back.”


Jihoon acknowledged Seungkwan who had just walked through their unlocked door. No sleeping for him.


“The rain finally let up, but who knows for how long….I brought you a few extra bottles of water, and I even stopped by the store to get you some candy.” Seungkwan hesitated as he noticed that Jihoon wasn’t being very responsive. “Um, I didn’t know which one you liked, so I bought all of them.”


It was still silent and Seungkwan plopped the bags down by the front door and cautiously walked in the room. “I guess when Halloween comes, we don’t have to worry about running out of candy…” Seungkwan joked as he awkwardly placed his hand on his neck as it felt to him like he was talking to air. “That is...if we actually celebrated Halloween huh…Jihoon?” He asked and his aloof roommate sat up in his bed and ran a hand through his hair. Jihoon completely ignored Seungkwan because if he didn't, he was sure his kind roommate would sense something else was off. His own breathing didn't even sound normal. The last time he checked, he wasn't underwater but why did it feel like he was?


“I’ll leave it here for you.” Seungkwan motioned to the bags by the door. He then quietly walked around the room to gather his things. He made sure to throw a bright blue coat over his shoulders, stuffing the pockets with his phone, wallet and a few pieces of candy (more than a few) that he had stolen from Jihoon’s get-well-soon gift that he had thrown together. Seungkwan continuously threw glances over his shoulder to see Jihoon curled up on his side watching him with curious eyes. He now seemed more calm, as opposed to the tense form he had witnessed just a few moments ago.


“Where are you going?” Jihoon asked quietly and Seungkwan smiled brightly at his question.


“There’s uh-” Seungkwan threw a thumb behind him and then stopped his sentence immediately. “I don’t know how to say this without sounding creepy but there’s a small cliff nearby that everyone goes to. Well, not everybody goes there but...you know what I mean.” Seungkwan laughed nervously when Jihoon gave him a ‘isn’t that dangerous’ look. “I know it sounds like an accident waiting to happen but I’ve been there before and it’s fine.”


“Outside of the walls?” Jihoon asked with wide eyes and Seungkwan laughed loudly with his arms over his stomach, a few pieces of candy fell out of his pockets.


“Yes, it’s outside of the walls and don’t be so over-dramatic. This isn’t Attack on Titan, there are no Titans that are going to attack me- or you...if you want to come with me?” Seungkwan slipped a dark blood red scarf on over his neck and he went to sit next to Jihoon on his bed.


“You’re going by yourself?” Jihoon asked, concern laced his voice.


“No, of course not. Outside the walls, after dark, alone? I may be brave, but I’m no Eren Jaeger. There will be people there and food probably. Hopefully some actual drinks or something because last time Wonwoo brought water. It’s no fun staying hydrated when you’re at an after-dark get-together.”


“How old are you again?” Jihoon had his eyebrows raised as he listened to Seungkwan ramble.


“Don’t get any ideas, I don’t mean alcohol. Seungcheol doesn’t allow people to bring alcohol. And I was born in 98’ for your information.” Seungkwan huffed and then glanced at the time and stood up in a hurry. Jihoon barely noticed that ‘his’ name was brought up again, this time he had no reaction to it at all. “If you want to go we should leave soon.” Seungkwan took Jihoon’s leftover food off the bed and set it on the desk before he rummaged in Jihoon’s closet and brought out a nice patterned jacket, which just happened to be one of his more expensive pieces of clothing.


“You know we only met a day ago, right?” Jihoon asked in reference to the invasion of his privacy and Seungkwan sheepishly held out the jacket for his roommate. Jihoon didn’t ponder for long, even though he knew Seungcheol was going to be there, probably Seungkwan’s friends and whoever else. But if he could leave the school campus, out of the suffocating room he was in, he would take the opportunity. Avoidance was key, as long as he didn’t have to interact with Seungcheol, he would be okay.


Seungkwan happily helped Jihoon into the jacket, being mindful of his arm, and then ushered him out of the room as they met up with Mingyu and Wonwoo at the end of the hallway. It was all very routine and Jihoon couldn’t help but wonder just how often that they all met up for late night gatherings.


They all used the stairs and Seungkwan, Wonwoo, and Mingyu all made small talk. Jihoon checked the time on his watch, it was a little past 9 pm already. Jihoon must have talked to his sister for longer than he realized, but that didn’t bother him too much, he could talk to his sister all day if she had the energy to. They all made it to the bottom floor and made their way towards Jungkook who was holding a clipboard and going room to room.


“Jungkook, were accounted for. Jihoon’s with us, too.” Seungkwan casually mentioned and Jungkook rolled his eyes before silently checking off all of their names.


“Yeah okay. Be careful guys, make it back before the storm hits, okay?” He asked and all of them nodded.


“Hey, has anyone else from dorm 2 left yet?” Wonwoo asked and Jungkook shrugged.


“Yeah, the usual. You guys are the last ones probably.” Jungkook then patted Seungkwan’s head and walked off to the next set of doors to account for more students. Jihoon wasn’t surprised by all the secrecy, not anymore at least. For all he knew, the head of the school organized these late night meetings. Yeah, wouldn’t that be bull.


“Okay, let’s go. I hope they already started the fire.” Mingyu mentioned as Wonwoo and Seungkwan animatedly agreed with him. Jihoon had no clue what was going on, and it almost sounded like he was being led to a sacrifice with him being the main meal.


It was completely dark outside as they left the dim lighting of the dorm houses. When they stepped out onto the pathway, it was completely silent and only a few crickets could be heard. The wind wrapped around them tightly and cold bursts of air hit them every so often. The scent of the rain was still strong, and it was beautiful seeing all the dorm houses in the night. Most of the windows were still lit up and music escaped from a few of the open windows. It was interesting hearing rap and pop music come from one house, and then when you turn your head, someone was practicing the violin in another house.


Mingyu and Wonwoo walked up ahead and Seungkwan followed. Jihoon kept his eyes trained on the three in front of him so he wouldn’t get lost as they all stuck closely to the dark spaces between the houses as they strayed from the main pathway. It was completely dark and even more pitch black up ahead. Jihoon supposed that the school didn’t suspect anybody would be out there behind the houses at night, and even less that students would be sneaking around by the walls.


Jihoon followed as they jogged quickly into the densely packed trees behind the dorms. Mingyu and Wonwoo fell into step with one another as they expertly dodged tree limbs and heavy foliage. Jihoon had a difficult time seeing in the dark, but he just followed the bright blue pinata in front of him. It wasn’t so difficult to see Seungkwan in his blue jacket anyway, he flailed his body every so often when he felt spider webs or leaves slap him in the face. It saved Jihoon a lot of trouble, that was for sure.


“Wonwoo, did you ask anyone to bring actual drinks this time?” Seungkwan inquired as he pushed away a flimsy tree branch which narrowly missed hitting Jihoon in the mouth. Wonwoo didn’t answer and Seungkwan quickly hit him in the back like he was planning on doing it anyway.


“Ouch. Seungkwan, it’s me.” Mingyu exclaimed and hurried up to escape Seungkwan’s slaps.


“Oops, sorry. Wonwoo get over here.”


“Shh, there might be security lurking around somewhere.” Wonwoo warned and they all quieted down before they emerged from the stretch of heavy trees. Seungkwan looked back to make sure Jihoon was still following. They all finally jogged over to the tall walls ahead of them.


Wonwoo, Mingyu and Seungkwan all glanced up at the wall that they had probably climbed many times over. “Don’t let Seungkwan go first, it’s bad luck if we let him-”


“What did you say?”


“You first.” Wonwoo ignored Seungkwan as he pushed Mingyu over towards the wall. It looked surprisingly easy to climb over, probably because of the higher ground and low trees that leaned against the walls. Mingyu first climbed up on the uneven stone and concrete below to balance himself. He then reached up and grabbed onto the hanging tree branches to pull himself over. He made it look easy, but then again, Mingyu was too tall for his own good.


Seungkwan went next and with much difficulty, he made it over. Then up next was Jihoon. He had to climb a bit higher up the wall to grab onto the branches but he eventually eased himself over the wall and jumped down on the other side, his legs immediately went a bit wobbly but at least he wasn’t bent over on the ground searching for the candy that he dropped from his jacket, otherwise known as, Seungkwan.


Jihoon pulled his jacket closer to himself and followed after Mingyu once Wonwoo made it to the other side. Seungkwan hurried after them and Jihoon took his time looking around. Right outside of the walls was the road that stretched on left and right. The sight of empty road that stretched on and on gave Jihoon an eerie feeling but he pressed forward. They crossed the road and headed into another stretch of trees on the other side. Jihoon didn’t notice himself stick closer to Seungkwan until their arms had touched. The freezing air and the darkness of the small mountain in front of him made his skin turn cold.


This time they started to walk up an inclined slope. They walked in silence for a few minutes until they got to a flat, open area. They continued walking to the right from then on. It only took a few seconds when-




“Shi-” Jihoon took in a sharp intake of breath at the same time Seungkwan shrieked.


“Oh sorry, did I startle you? I was just going to say Boo Seungkwan…” A very handsome boy emerged from behind the trees and laughed charmingly. Jihoon could only barely make out his features but he knew the boy was very good-looking.


“That’s not funny Haneul. I think I need to change my pants.” Wonwoo sulked, ignoring Mingyu’s disgusted face.


“Anyway. You guys are late. The party started already.” Haneul turned and began to walk with their little group. He peered into the darkness at Jihoon’s face. “Oh? Who’s this?” he asked as he walked on the outer end, next to Jihoon.


“That’s Jihoon, and what were you doing away from everyone? That’s against the rules.” Seungkwan asked Haneul. Said boy shrugged and looked up towards the trees.


“Nobody plays by the rules anyways.” Haneul grumbled. “Besides, I wanted to see if I could star-gaze but there’s too many clouds out tonight. You guys know it’s going to rain, right?” Haneul asked as he lifted up a pink umbrella. The other boys shrugged their shoulders. “By the way, nice to meet you Jihoon.” Haneul then ran ahead and led the others towards the top of the little mountain.


“Yeah...you too.” Jihoon whispered just as they came across a clearing. Jihoon could hear small chatter but it was rather quiet for a gathering, Jihoon wondered if it would be a small get-together but just as he finished that thought music began to play in the distance. Wonwoo and Mingyu suddenly became excited as apparently, they had arrived just in time for the real fun to start. Both students ran off in another direction and Jihoon took his time to take in everything.


Lights and lamps were hung in the trees on low branches. There was a small fire that lit up most of the area and a lot of people were surrounding it, probably trying to stay warm. One person that Jihoon recognized was Joshua and his guitar, he was sitting on one of the many chairs that were scattered around the area. Jihoon looked to his right where containers labeled ‘hot chocolate’ were lined up on a makeshift table. Plastic cups were also available, along with some kind of food that Jihoon couldn’t immediately recognize. Seungkwan bee-lined for the warm drinks and Jihoon stood there in darkness next to the guy named Haneul who didn’t seem bothered at all by the awkward atmosphere that just enveloped them. Jihoon looked up and seen that the spot they were in was covered thickly by trees. It was completely hazardous to have a fire in such an enclosed space but Jihoon wasn’t about to play Mr. safe guy. Besides, it would keep them all out of trouble, as nobody from afar would see the light or the little smoke that escaped. He couldn’t say the same about the music they were playing though, but he doubted that anyone could hear it.


“Why don’t you go have fun?” Haneul asked, he jogged in place to warm himself up. It was very cold, and Jihoon was glad that Seungkwan picked out a more expensive jacket for him. Jihoon shrugged in response to the guy’s question. He was just glad that his mind was elsewhere for the time being. “Let me guess...introvert? That or you just really hate people.” Haneul paused, “Is there a difference?” Haneul spoke mindlessly as he opened and closed his pink umbrella, he seemed rather amused that it matched Jihoon’s hair.


“I...don’t know.” Jihoon walked over to an empty chair and sat down. He wrapped himself up in his jacket and enjoyed the warmth, after all, he didn’t wear it often. The over-priced jacket was surprisingly worth the money he had spent on it. Haneul smirked a little and then walked off somewhere else. Jihoon took a few moments to himself to breathe the frigid air into his lungs. He observed everyone who was there, but he could only see one half of the gathering. There were more people on the other side, where Wonwoo and Mingyu ran off to. Probably the rest of Seventeen was over there too, he preferred to stay away from the fire and in the dark anyway.


Haneul quickly came walking back to where Jihoon was with two cups in his hands. He handed him a hot chocolate and Jihoon gratefully took the drink. Haneul pulled up a chair next to Jihoon, and they silently sat together. Well, for a few minutes they did. Jihoon suspected that Haneul was quite the talker.


“What’s your last name? You’re not the Jihoon that everyone’s been talking about, are you?” Haneul asked curiously and sipped away at his drink. Jihoon nodded his head at Haneul’s inquiry. “Ah...so it is.” He laughed softly to himself and then continued to drink his hot chocolate. Jihoon suddenly squinted his eyes as he had a bad feeling come over him. In the distance was a familiar figure.


. Jihoon cursed and he looked away from the scene in front of him. Haneul, oblivious to the situation, began to talk about the stars. Jihoon looked back by the fire to see that same guy from the bathroom earlier. The one with the hat.


Seungkwan came over with hot chocolate and some kind of pastry. He sat next to Jihoon in an empty chair. “Uh oh.” Seungkwan immediately whispered as he noticed the same thing that Jihoon did. “Why is Jaewon here?” He asked and Jihoon looked over to Seungkwan who looked completely concerned.


“Jaewon...” Jihoon whispered to himself quietly and instead of fear he felt immense anger. He glared at Jaewon who sat near the fire. Jihoon could clearly see his face and it was lit up in happiness. Jihoon wondered why he was smiling and that was when he noticed a young kid who sat next to him, laughing with him.


“Oh...Samuel’s here.” Seungkwan groaned and Jihoon felt his features soften when he witnessed Jaewon ruffle the younger’s hair.


“Samuel…?” Jihoon questioned and he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from the scene. Jaewon laughed freely with the kid and Joshua was nearby, playing on his guitar and was even seemingly amused by their antics. Why the hell was everyone getting along so well?


Jihoon let the scene in front of him sink in and he quickly realized that things were never as they seemed.


“I’ll be right back.” Seungkwan grumbled and then he stalked off in another direction.


“Where are you goin-”


“Probably to talk to Hansol.” Haneul interrupted and leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed. Jihoon didn’t know whether to ask how Seungkwan knew Hansol, or why he was going to talk to him. “Did Jaewon do something again?” Haneul asked and cracked an eye open. Jihoon watched him in disbelief.


“What do you-”


“It’s nothing new.” Haneul interrupted again. He yawned and then stretched. “Nothing is ever new. Not even you, Jihoon.” Haneul laughed loudly to himself and Jihoon felt his stomach twist into a knot. “If Jae did something to you, then Seungkwan is probably pissed off. He’s going to talk to Hansol to get Jaewon to leave, since Hansol is mighty Coups’ little sidekick and S.Coups organizes this whole . Got it?” Haneul sarcastically asked and Jihoon could barely keep his mouth closed. “Let’s see, what else can I explain to you.” Haneul pretended to think, “Oh, right. Samuel is Jaewon’s little brother, and no, not his real little brother.” It was quiet. “So is that it newbie? Or do you got any other questions I can answer.”


Jihoon narrowed his eyes. Since Haneul was trying to play that game, he would too. “Yeah, how does Seungkwan know Hansol.”


Haneul grinned widely and sat up straighter. “Ah, now that’s an exciting story to tell. Should I spoil it for you?” Jihoon stayed silent and waited for him to answer. “Okay, I’ll tell you. Once upon a time, Seungkwan and Hansol were inseparable. They were best friends when they were younger and-”


“What? No way. Seungkwan is way different than that kid, stop lying.”


“Yeah? You think I’m lying? Try bringing it up to innocent Seungkwan, see how he reacts.” Haneul chuckled softly and paused to let Jihoon challenge him, but he said nothing, “I don’t blame you for saying that I’m lying because that’s what everyone thinks, but I guess opposites attract right? And anyway, they were only friends when they were younger. Now it’s just awkward.” Haneul glanced up when he spotted Seungkwan coming back from wherever he was. “I love places like this. It’s nice isn’t it? Who knew such a place was right outside those walls.” To Jihoon’s dismay, Haneul changed the subject and he wasn’t able to ask what had happened to the so-called ‘best friends.’ Haneul sighed and glanced up at the sky. As he did, a rain drop landed on his right cheek. “Oh? Just in time.” Haneul smirked to himself and opened up his umbrella just as a downpour began. “Time to go. See you around Jihoon.” Haneul called and then started off down the pathway back to the school. Seungkwan finally reached Jihoon just as Haneul left and he complained about the sudden downpour.


“What the hell?” Jihoon grumbled and put his hood up.


“This , we just got here!” Seungkwan mumbled as they both watched the heavy rain put out the fire in no time. “I guess the party is over anyway.”


Chaos soon began while Jihoon and Seungkwan stayed put. Students began to make their way back down the hill. Pretty soon there was only a few groups left. There was no way in hell Jihoon was going to try and make it all the way back by himself so he waited with Seungkwan. At that moment Jihoon was just glad Jaewon had left with Samuel.


“Hey, hey, hey! Watch out!” Seungcheol yelled and they all heard a female scream as mud and rocks began to slide down the higher side of the mountain. “. Let’s get this all gathered up quickly.” Seungcheol commanded. Jihoon had a hard time seeing but he was sure that most of Seventeen, if not all of them, stayed with Seungcheol as they tried their best to clean up the mess that everyone left.


“Let’s help.” Seungkwan ran through the downpour and to the mess in front of them. Seungkwan helped get the lamps and lights down off of the tree. Jihoon followed suit and he quickly helped some guy gather up chairs and lean them up against a tree. The guy he was helping looked oddly familiar and Jihoon could have sworn he looked just like the guy in the campus store. What was his name again? They both pulled a prepared tarp over the chairs and secured them down.


“Get off the mountain!” Seungcheol yelled to a few other stragglers who were loitering around underneath the tree. A few more frightened shrieks were heard as larger rocks began to tumble down the mountain and loud thunder was heard.


“Who’s left? Were not missing anybody are we?” Seungcheol asked Hansol, who struggled to see in the dark.


“Seungkwan, who was with you!?” Hansol yelled over the loud thunder and rain.


“I came here with Jihoon, Mingyu and Wonwoo! Everyone else left already!” Seungkwan yelled back.


“Seventeen, Seungkwan, and…” Seungcheol glanced over, “Jihoon. Stay close. I don’t want anybody to get lost out here. Do you understand me?” Seungcheol asked and everyone agreed. “Hurry, hurry.” Seungcheol ushered everyone on the same path, he walked behind and Seungkwan grabbed Jihoon’s hand to keep him in sight. The mud was ridiculous and although the area was flat, they all had a difficult time staying upright over the slippery ground. The rain was getting heavier as more time passed.


“, I hope nobody gets hurt.” Seungcheol mumbled to himself. “This was a bad idea.”


They all made their way through the heavy rain, the thunder caused Jihoon’s heart to jump with every sound it made. When they reached the area where they had to navigate down the slope, everyone nearly slid the whole way down. Jihoon’s clothes were now all muddy and although it wasn’t the time to think about it, he could kiss his jacket goodbye.


They finally reached the bottom of the mountain and they hurried across the road to the walls. Jihoon could hear Seungcheol counting as everyone stood by the wall. Hansol made it over first and he sat at the top of the wall to help pull people over. The rain made the walls slippery but Mingyu and Wonwoo made it over, along with two people that Jihoon was sure were the students from the campus store. Jihoon noticed that Jeonghan was nowhere to be seen, but Joshua was there and he threw his guitar up to Hansol, who then passed it on to the other side. Joshua climbed over.


Jihoon watched them climb over one by one, he was freezing and his teeth chattered as he waited for his turn. After Joshua was a guy that Jihoon didn’t recognize, he climbed over with no help, but Seungkwan needed to be dragged over the wall by Hansol. Jihoon was next, he took a deep breath and tried to grip onto the slippery wall. Hansol reached down to help but he wasn’t close enough to grab his hands.


“Here.” Seungcheol quickly grabbed Jihoon’s waist and hoisted him up, Hansol grabbed his wrists and pull him over. Jihoon let out a cry of pain as Hansol gripped his arms but he ignored the sting in his wrist and jumped down to the other side, cradling his now burning injury.


Seungcheol then climbed over with ease and both Hansol and Seungcheol jumped down from the wall. Seventeen and Seungkwan were waiting on the other side for everyone and they all began to head back safely to the dorms. Seungcheol remained behind with Hansol as they made the cold trek back to the houses. They all followed the muddy footprints from the other students who had returned. Everyone now felt fatigue settle into their bodies. Jihoon began coughing heavily, he shook it off and hurried along. He suddenly felt dizzy but ignored it. They nearly made it back to the houses but before they could Jihoon swayed on his feet and stumbled off to the side, hitting a nearby tree.


“Wait, wait. Stop!” Hansol called and everyone turned around to look. Jihoon leaned against the tree to regain his bearings but the dizziness was too much and he dropped down to his knees, the cold water and mud sunk into his jeans. He coughed heavily once again and he barely noticed that everyone had stopped to surround him. He spit up some kind of liquid into his hand and he cringed when he realized what it was.








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Skdjcjsjeb #1
I just read this story and... it's a huge range of emotions. Seriously, this is the first time I've felt like heroes, although I usually just regretted and sympathized with them.
I can't describe how much I felt reading this. I was both sad and fun with the characters; I laughed and cried with them.
think the ending is exactly what it's supposed to be. even though I still feel a little understated in every way, I'm happy with the characters.
love this story since chapter one and to the last.
just want to thank you so much.
I'm going to read it again soon ♡
Chapter 37: aaaaaa what a story!!
thank you so much for sharing this to us 🥺🩷🩵🩷🩵

Chapter 33: oh jihoon :(((
Chapter 32: aaaaaaaaa this chapter 🥺🥹🥹🥹
jeonghan & jihoon laughing together and jicheol having a clear communication with each other's feelings 🥺🥺
Chapter 28: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😤😤
Chapter 27: JAEWON YOU MF 😡😡
Chapter 23: samuel 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 22: wow... being alone and feeling lonely is really a different feeling.
this chapter is just so so good to read, i felt each characters' emotions 🥺
and FINALLY, a longer jicheol moment with a long conversation as well 🥺💕