Lust . . . or Love?

...When I Was Young And In Love

I couldn’t believe my eyes, yet alone trust my ears as he repeated, this time there was annoyance in his voice, clear as day. “Come here.”
   I took a hesitant step forward, gathering up the strength to take one more, eyes fixated on his body. He was physically perfect, and he knew it. Every toned line, every rounded muscle and smooth surface on his Adonis like figure was the epitome of y.
   “Closer.” He whispered.
   Like a student, blindly following their mentor, I obeyed his command and stepped closer still.
   Suddenly, his hand was clasped around my arm as he pulled me closer and slammed me against the wall next to him, placing both hands on either side of my head. I wanted to feel fear as I looked in his eyes, inches away from me, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. I wanted to push him away and escape whatever spell he had me under . . . but I’d come to find out, spells aren’t easily broken.
   “You never answered my question.” I could feel his breath on my skin as he whispered, surprisingly soft. I felt his hand at my waist, pulling me flush to him as his lips brushed over mine ever so lightly before all gentleness quickly drained from him and he grabbed me again, crushing our lips together. His tongue nudged its way past my lips, forcing me to comply as I stood in a half coma, half heart pounding freak-out. I pushed at his chest in vain, not that I was a wimp, but . . . he was strong. Not to mention, a very large part of me didn’t even want to protest to begin with. And finally, I gave up altogether, gladly accepting the taste of his tongue on mine and how the warmth sent shivers through me as he explored my mouth in pure lust.
   When he finally pulled his head back, my knees were weak. He whispered. “Have you ever ed a man?”
   I shook my head, eyes widening as I was suddenly spinning around. He grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall the opposite way, this time I definitely protested. “Ahh! H-Hyung, andwae!”
   He ignored me. I refused to admit that I was thankful for this.
   Then I felt a firm hand cupping my and was sure my knees would finally give in. I bit down on my lip, already sore from the harsh kiss, and closed my eyes. His hand was replaced by his hips, grinding against the back of my pants. “Have you ever been ed by a man, dongsaeng?” He murmured in my ear.
   I swallowed back another moan, shaking my head again.
   God. He’s gonna think I’m a loser with all this lack of experience.
   Fingertips brushed along the side of my stomach, under my shirt. “Hyung!” I gasped, unsure of what to do anymore.
   His lips were at my ear in a second, breathing deeply. “Shhh,” He whispered. “Just relax.”
   Relax. That’s exactly what I did.
   I focused on keeping my eyes closed as my head fell back as if it was being moved my some other force, allowing him ravage my neck with his lips, only letting tiny moans escape past my lips. My hands stayed at their sides, lazily, while his fumbled with the button to my jeans. I hadn’t noticed how uncomfortably tight they were getting until then. God, what was wrong with me? Instead of fighting him off, I stood there, barely able to breathe as my clothes were suddenly being peeled away from my body.
   I turned to face him, greedy for the soft warmth of his lips on mine again. He kissed me in an instant, reading my thoughts. It was wonderful, his kiss. It was bliss. Perfection at its finest as our bodies tangled in a mesh of heat and lust that blinded me from all else but him.
   Pure attraction.
   That was the closest thing I could think of that would describe it, yet the phrase hardly did any justice.
   Our bodies were on fire, or maybe it was just mine. But I definitely felt something when his hand found its way between our bodies, cupping my junk. He started my whole length, causing me to whimper feebly, only to be cut off by another kiss. I had no choice but to moan against his lips as I felt myself growing stiffer in the warm grip of his hand.
   Just as I was sure my skin had taken in all the sensations I could without completely overloading my system, his lips broke away from mine, making their way down my chest. I blinked down at him curiously as he knelt in front of me, about to ask him what he– I groaned, feeling exactly what he was doing when his lips were suddenly around my .
   “Ahhh– sh-!” I bite my lip, new to the whole thing. “Hyung . . .” I broke off, reaching out for support when my body was flooded with hot pleasure, replacing any words I was going to say with a series of gasps and moans. He looked pleased by this, taking my sounds as encouragement to move his lips along my in a bobbing motion, making sure he took in every bit of me into his hot, wet mouth.
   I was embarrassed by how soon I felt my approach.
   Embarrassed, and disappointed. I wanted this feeling to last for hours, days, forever.
   He stilled his mouth on me and looked at me with wide eyes, I sighed, knowing it was over and bit my lip. “Dongsaeng,” He whispered, his lips. “You . . . came in my mouth.”
   I turned bright red, stuttering until none of the words I said made any sense. “I’m sorry.” I whispered.
   He furrowed his eyebrows in disapproval and I looked away, ready to blurt out a string of apologies. I felt his lips on my stomach then. “You’re too damn serious all the time.” He chuckled against my abdomen.
   I flushed with anger and embarrassment and self pity and arousal and complete lust. “That was so mean!” I was going to start yelling more but he put a finger to my lips.
   “You also talk too much.” He kissed me and I realized that I had clearly been wrong about “it” being over. Before I knew it, he was grabbing my waist and pulling me back with him as he led us deeper down the hallway.
   I was too far off in Junsu-land to pay attention to the details of the room, I only felt something soft at the back of my knee as my brain registered it as a bed right before I was suddenly pushed down, my back colliding with the soft bedding. It was thick and smooth against my body, very warm. Then I saw my reflection on the ceiling and blinked at the mirror over the bed. I’ve only seen those in movies.
   My sight was cut off by him towering over me, every muscle in his upper body seemed to be tensed as he held himself over me with one arm, reaching into the drawer on the side of his bed with the other. He leaned back, nudging my legs to open and I complied slowly.
   Okay, I’ll admit I was nervous as hell.
   This was a lot to take in, no pun intended.
   No more than half an hour ago, I was sitting on the chair in his living room, debating on leaving. Now I was on my back, heart pounding and body aching with desire as I watched him flip the cap off the palm sized bottle of lube as he sat on his knees in between my legs. He eyed my face. “Are you scared?” He asked.
   Yes. I rethought that answer and took a deep breath. “No.” Why should I be nervous? It’s just .
   But then he pushed his boxer briefs off and I gasped, really seeing him for the first time.
   To say he was big was an understatement.
   Holy . I blinked up at him, only to meet his cocky chuckle as he reached forward and squeezed a glob of the lube onto my skin. My body naturally tensed at the cold, quickly becoming more and more aware of the sensation when his fingers rubbed around my tight hole in a circular motion. And then there was the tingling heat, not enough to burn but just enough to send shudders of pleasure through me as he held on tight to my waist. When our lips touched again, I was slightly relieved that I wasn’t the only one breathing heavily. I noticed his hand cup around my cheek; it had the faint scent of strawberries. Was it weird that that even more? Then in one swift movement he grabbed my leg, as if to hold it around himself, and forward.
   I had to scream. But it wasn’t a scream. It was more of a hot moan that gotten caught in the back of my throat before I even knew I was . His lips were sealed against mine in a heartbeat, as if he could absorb the sounds I made every time he moved even the slightest bit. As if his kiss could drench the fire blazing in me, causing my whole body to flutter and tighten around him.
   He unexpectedly pushed deeper into me and I closed my eyes tight as I fought away a shiver. “A-Ahh . . . hyu–” his hand covered my mouth and before I could open my eyes I felt his grip on me tighten, almost holding me in place as he slid back– away from me, only to plow even deeper inside my unwilling body.
   It was painful . . . and sweet. Delicate and violent. Slow and then fast. Every cry and moan would fuel him to keep going stronger and harder. Until finally, I was left under him in a shuddering mess of troubled breathing and quiet whimpers; crying out every time the rough of his hips sent a shockwave of pleasure through me, numbing every inch of my body cupped his hand around my crotch, caress my stiff length.
   When he was done, he took me again, from behind.
   And again, against the headboard.
   With his hand clasped tight around my , my body ached as my over taxed muscles started to fail, giving in to my every desire as I reached my with a shill moan. I fell forward in his lap, laying my cheek against his sweat covered chest, breathing heavily. My eyes closed, and for some reason, I smiled.
   It was a stupid smile, dazed, no doubt dorky looking. But it was real. 
   His lips touched my forehead lightly, just as a hand brushed all the way down my back. It was comfortable, so I hugged his waist. I wonder if I could just pause time and stay like this forever . . . But then he was suddenly moving under me. I squirmed, trying to will him to sit still but he just chuckled, moving us so that we were lying down, quite comfortably, actually.
   I opened my eyes to peek at him, almost feeling bad at how tired he looked. “Hyung?” I whispered when he closed his eyes.
   “Thank you . . . for . . . uhh–”
   “Rocking your world?” He cut me off with that smug smile of his.
   Of course I blushed, hitting his arm a little harder than expected. “I was going to say thanks for inviting me over!”
   He laughed, looking over at me. “Well yeah, but you were thinking about the awesome I just gave you.”
   I narrowed my eyes. The nerve of this . Who did he think he was? I mean, really? I’d met some cocky guys before but he was just– I lost track of everything when he kissed me, sighing in defeat. It was becoming very clear that I would turn into mush every time his heavenly lips were anywhere near mine. He pulled his head back, smiling at me. “R-Rain . . .” I mumbled.
   “Ji-Hoon.” He corrected.
   I cocked my head to the side, confused. “Huh?”
   “My name, silly.” He laughed, pinching my nose between his knuckles playfully. “It’s Ji-Hoon.”
   Ji-Hoon. I smiled like an idiot again, saying his name over and over in my head, letting the sound sink in. I laid my head back on his chest, forcing my eyes to stay open. His soft hand my back was just what I needed to lull me to sleep.
   “Junsu,” He whispered. Maybe he thought I was asleep already, because he didn’t wait for me to respond before mumbling. “I’m glad I invited you over.”
   Then he was quiet for a long time, long enough for me to fall asleep, still smiling.

To be continued. . .

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Chapter 23: Omg I had feeling Rain would be there...
Chapter 2: What do we call a junsu rain otp? Rainkay? Jun may? KayBi?
can't believe I'm reading this for the first time ever...where was I from this amazing story?!
MeiliBeth #4
Chapter 33: I loved it!
Chapter 32: First time reading a Jun K and Rain pair up together but it was great!! and Chansung so sweet. Thank you
I'm going to re-read this story again. It was soo good, I need to read it again. The way you set the problems and the characters, love!
panda's not alone I have a crap ton of homework and work from my actual job to do and I' re-reading this amazing fic as well.
I know I'm really late in writing this but This story is so beautifully amazing! So cute and perfectly written ^.^" I wasn't really one to read chartered stories (I usually just go for ) but this has pushed me to read complete stories now! :D thank you so much for writing this <3