
Nobody & Somebody

Hey Everyone :D Let's not fall in love and zutter came out. The songs are awesome to the max :D Please subscribe and comment <3 thank chuuuuuu for reading <3

You POV~

“Does love feel like this?” I smiled to myself as I thought.

The feeling of fluttering seems to occur even more as the days pass by.

I was waiting in the front of vending machine for that Mr. ert to come.  

We went back to school and we faced the negative thoughts together.

There are some who approved of us, which made us stay strong.

There are some who hated us being together, which made us even stronger.

But nevertheless, we love each other. That’s what all matters, right?

I don’t know what tomorrow would bring or how will this end up but hopefully everything goes well, I am thankful for the times together.



Someone creping on me again, “Jiyong, I know you back there.” I said aloud.

“You are seriously no fun, ahjumma.” He still continued to give me back hug.

He gave a peck on the right side of my neck. I could still feel a shiver down my spine when he did that. It was so soft and loving. He even made the ‘Muack’ sound. It was music to my ears. I love that even though he wants to do more but he held back. During the phone incident, we were fighting over a stupid phone in bed; he only gave me loving kisses, no more, no less. He knew I was not ready for the whole intimate stuff.

I turned around to face him and he gave his usual smirk.

“Mr. ert!!!” His right hand landed on my .

I poked his chest, “Yah stop that!” I started to pout and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I forgot to tell him that I was going to an exchange school trip in Busan to represent the school in a science fair, I will be there for two weeks. * NERD HAS GOALS *

“Jiyong, come sit here.” I pat on the bench to make him sit. He approached me hesitantly.

“You ain’t breaking up with me, aren’t you?” He looked at his shoes.

“Nope Jiyong, I just want to tell you that I will in Busan for two weeks. I will be representing the school. Hehehe. Are you proud of your nerd?” I smiled while he pouted hard.

“But I am going to miss you so hard…” He pouted hard.

“I am going to miss you too my Jiyongie.” I kissed his cheek and said, “But don’t worry, I will be back. It’s just for two weeks. What can go wrong, right?”

“What if you meet another ert like me?” He looked so protective. I am afraid of that Jiyong, that protective side of his.

I caressed his face and lean in to snuggle my nose into his neck.

Breathing in and out, “No one is going to replace you, Jiyong.” I placed my hand on the left side of his chest.

It was beating wildly as if he was going to give me his special round of kisses.

He breathes in and out and ruffled his orange hair, “Alright baby girl, and call me every hour when you are there.”

“WHAT!?! EVERY HOUR? NO WAY!” I hit his chest and pouted hard.

“You are doing it again!” He quickly kissed me on the lips hard.


You POV~

The day has arrived for me to leave to go to Busan. Wohooooooooooo~

“Jiyong! I AM GOING TO HAVE LOTS OF FUN WITHOUT YOU, WOHOO!” I screamed, stretching my arms up high. It felt like being single again.

“What are you saying you, nerd.” His monotonous face showed up.

“Anyway, I helped you pack more clothes for you inside your luggage and put some snack in there too. I also refilled that pepper spray for you in case, here you go.” He said as he slots my pepper spray into my jacket pocket.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, “Thank you, Jiyong. I don’t know what I will do without you.” I quickly tiptoed and peck his lips lightly.  

“Alright students assemble here, stop the romance you two.” My science teacher, Mrs Kim pointed at us. I quickly unwrapped my arms and blushed hard. *Blush Blush*

“Don’t worry; when you are back, we are going to be doing a lot of…..” He whispers into my ear making me blush even harder.

He quickly kissed my ear and walked away to stand at the side.

I waved ‘bye bye’ to my Jiyong.

We all got into the train and slept throughout the whole trip to the train station.

I woke up with 88 missed phone calls and text messages.

I decided to call him, “Yes Jiyongie?” I yawned loudly. It was just so tiring.

“I mean it when you have to call me every hour.” He sounded angry and he was ready to break a door in someone’s house.

“But it has just been a few hours huhuhu” I am going to get spammed every day for two weeks. Holy, welcome to my life.


He hung up. Is he angry? Oh no. I am going to die when I get back to Seoul.

Being at the school in Busan was definitely refreshing.  

Everything was new to me and for the first day, all we did was chat with the students there.

I am partner with a guy name, ‘Woo Hyun’.

He was really sweet and friendly.

He showed me around and everything.


By Day 3, I have gone for some science classes with Woo Hyun and just got the project running.

Jiyong has still not called me or texted me.

I was in my own dorm room, it was really comfy and all with a toilet all by myself. I had a lot of privacy and determination to finish my project. * I CAN DO THIS *

I was at my study table with the blue prints of my project.

“Yes, if I pull an all-nighter, it would be done in a few days.” I stretched my arms high up.

But first, I need coffee, lots of coffee.

I got out of my room.

I went towards the coffee vending machine. “I need a latte.”

Inserting the money in and waiting for the coffee to be ready.

I stood there when someone hugged me tight from behind.

I almost got a shock of my life.


I knew that scent too well. * Sniff Sniff* It can’t be. ANNIYO.  

 “Jiyongie!!!!!!!” I screamed as I turned around and hugged him tight.

“Did you miss me that much, baby girl?” Jiyong smiled as I looked up at his face.

“Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Jiyongie, I am sorry I did not call you back....because I am busy.” Before I can let him talk, I cut him.


“I guess I will have a self-declare holiday?” He said smiling.

“NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEED TO GOOOOOOOO” I pushed him even further away.

I ran off and went into the dorm room.

I shut the door and said, “NO JIYONG NO! GO BACK! You need to study you crazy!”

From outside the door, he said, “Please let me in baby girl….”

“I will go back, just open the door. I have your coffee with me.” He continued to convince me and my coffee I forgot to take it with me.

“Alright. Give me that coffee!” I opened the door.

Jiyong stepped in looking around the room and placing the coffee on my study table.

“So I am going to continue on the project. You can go to the bed and rest.” I said to him as he sat on the bed.

I quickly sat down at my study chair and continue what I need to do. I PRAYED, ‘PLEASE LET ME DO MY PROJECT IN PEACE WITHOUT ANY DISTURBANCE AND DISTRACTION.’

I could sense he was staring at my back.

I turned around and said, “Jiyong rest, I mean it. Don’t sit there, please lie down.”

“No baby girl, I will wait for you until you are done then we can sleep together.” He smiled.

He sat there smiling ever so sweetly. My heart felt so pain that I could not go and sleep with him right now; his eyes were swollen and red. I guess he has not been sleeping well.

I turned around and continued to write on my blue prints. I CAN’T, I need him to rest.

“Jiyong, Please sleep” I kept saying but he was not listening to me.

There was no reply so I turned around again to see him looking down at his toes.

“You are so stubborn…” I whispered softly.

He was still not listening to me. He was still awake and staring at me.

I had no choice but to turn around and say, “Let’s sleep….Jiyong…you are making me worried…” It was less than 5 minutes and I succumbed to his plead to sleep with him.

“I can’t sleep well for the past two days without you baby girl.” He pouted as he saw me get more blankets and pillows.

“It’s alright Jiyong, I will just continue tomorrow.” I smiled back to him and breathe in. I took my coffee and placed it in my mini fridge.

It was a single bed. He lay down and moved back so I could squeeze in with him.

He back hugged me and snuggled his nose into the back of my neck giving a few good kisses. “Jiyong….” I turned around to face him, “Hmm….” He replied giving me a kiss on my lips. “I was just wondering what if I move to this school.” It was an offer that the school has given me.

“Then I will move in with you.” But the problem was, the school only allows nerd like me to be in it. With Jiyong self-declare holiday, it would be hard for him to get in. I guess I will choose love over success.

In the morning~

Waking up with the person you love the most hugging you to death is one of the best feeling in the world. His toned arms wrapped around me, his face was just one centimetre away from mine, our legs are tangled together and his nose clashed with mine. I love the feeling.

His breathing was steady and even. His lips were so plumpy that I would give him a kiss right now and I did. Pecking a few times on his lips, he move slightly but failed to be awake.

I slowly took his arm off and slid off the bed. I bathed and changed into new clothes and saw him still sleeping on the bed cutely. His leg is now sticking out of the bed.

I took my bread and packet of milk, placed it on my study table. Writing a note saying, “Hey baby, here some bread and milk for you. Eat well!!! See you later!!! Hug and kisses from your baby girl * Wink *” So much cuteness, I cringe when I read my own letter but I love him.

I went to class as usual and sat beside Woo Hyun.

“Hey Woo Hyun! Have you done your assignment that you asked for help yesterday?” I asked when he was playing with his pen.

“Yes, thank chu!!!!!! You are really sweet to help me with my work!!!” He smiled and said, “Maybe I should treat you to lunch later.” He winked at me and I could not help but blushed. He was handsome but less handsome than my Jiyong. Jiyong is the epitome of handsomeness.

Class was going to end when my tummy grumbled so badly. I have not eaten anything for the whole day and lunch time is coming. When the bell rang, I ran to the canteen. I saw, ‘Spicy chicken with rice’ or Bread. I had to save money too.

Well bread it is. I got the bread and walked to the pond outside, eating at the bench. I was super hungry that the bread felt like it was my only hope.

“Ahem! You forgot that I asked you to eat lunch with me.” He said as he sat down beside me with a bag.

“Oh I thought you were just joking around Woo Hyun. Hehehe.” I said to him as he took out containers from his bag. It was side dishes and there was spicy chicken. He revealed one by one. My mouth did not fail to water as he said, “My mom cooked them, let’s share!”

So we did and soon he asked, “Why do you always eat bread?”

“I am saving up for something.” I winked at him and coughed when I was eating too fast.

Woo Hyun pat on my back and said, “Eat slowly….” He took some chicken, “Say AHH!!” So I did and he fed me. “We can eat together every day. By then you can save a lot.”

“Thank you Woo Hyun, you are the best!!!!” I hugged him tight and continued to eat.


Jiyong POV~

I woke up to bread and a packet of milk. THE NOTE WAS CHEESY OVERLOAD but I love her too much. I admire all her efforts. I keep smiling to myself. I saw her timetable and she should be having lunch now. I walked out and around. I walked pass a pond, nerd loves to eat near the pond.

But I saw something that made me crash down into the sea. SHE WAS EATING WITH ANOTHER GUY, he looks like a ert.

I sneaked up on them and kept watching them eat together when I saw her hugged him tight. NOOOOOOOOOOO, the hug is only for me alone. WHY!?! I was so angry, my blood was boiling to the max.

I saw her running off and I follow her quietly. She walked into her dorm room and I followed suit, closing the door behind me quite harshly. “JIYONG!!!!!” She smiled and hugged me tight. My jaw was clenching tight and I gave her a little push.


You POV~

He pushed me away, did I do something wrong?

“Jiyong? Are you alright? Why did you push me away?” I asked him using my soft voice.

“No, I am not alright because I just saw you with a guy and you are hugged him. Are you cheating behind my back?” His voice was controlled with anger. He was crossing his arms and I could see his face was turning black like charcoal.

“Oh you mean Woo Hyun? He is my buddy in this school. He is nice. I was just eating with him because he asked me to join him.” I said back to him.

“Oh. So you hugged him because of the food. Should I understand it in that way?” He was still angry and my rising fume was on the go.

He continued, “U SHOULD HAVE NOT HUGGED HIM AT ALL! I trusted you…”


“He was giving me food because I helped him with his work. I forgot at first but he found me and saw me eating bread. I told him I was saving up and he gave me food. He said that we could eat everyday together so I could save. BUT NO YOU HAD TO THINK OF ME CHEATING WHEN IT WAS JUST TWO FRIENDS HAVING LUNCH TOGETHER!” I said to him when he kept staring at me. “Jiyong, I need some rest, please I am tired of this….i was alright with you not trusting Seungyoon because we were much closer but Woo Hyun is just a friend compared to you, you are my everything.”

He stood there silent when I took out a box and placed it on the study table, “this is for you. I got it using my saving and this is why I ate bread and milk every day. I can’t be bothered anymore.” I was about to walk out when he grabbed my hand, “I am sorry baby girl…I did not mean to…” when I replied him, “Save it Jiyong. I need some air. I will be back, don’t worry.” I walked out and for the first time in a few days, I saw more darkness than light. 

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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 14: Omg!! Update soon. But they shoukd get back together!! And that woohyun guy, hope he doesnt harm their relatioship.
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 14: They should get back together but with a condition. He should go for anger management. I don't know why but I don't trust woohyun.
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 10: update soon...........
SuJuShinee #4
Chapter 10: Yay!!! ^.^
Sweet Woohyun + Jealous Gd
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 9: update soon.............
Chapter 9: kekeke...Jiyong,please control your self....
Chapter 8: poor Jiyong oppa... omg...
karakayah #8
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: I'm in love with your writing. Update as soon as you can :D
karakayah #9
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Nice!!!:D Update soon,pretty please :D
Chapter 4: OH MY GAWDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jiyong.... wht are you doing????? kekekeke..... i love it!!! writer-nim ,,, <3 <3 <3