Chapter 5

The Day I Met You

Since that day, I didn’t get to meet them as they are busy with their comeback and concerts around the world schedules. I didn’t dare to text him because I don’t know what to say and don’t want to disturb him. But the little that I know, Leo was actually waiting for me to text or call as he also didn’t know what to say or even can't help to think on how will you react if he contacted you so he decided to wait.

It’s been so long which both of you started to think that your friendship already falling apart as both of you didn’t dare to say or asked anything to one another. As I attend my classes as usua, the rumors never go away even though it’s only once that I join them for lunch at the college.

‘Yah Laena!’ someone called which I turn around to see a group of girls who I don’t know any of them, ‘Yes?’ I said still confused. They walked towards me and said ‘You’re that who is flirting with our oppa’, ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what are you talking about’ I said a bit piss off, who wouldn't feels like that when they were called the B word without knowing the person who calls you that or even the reason.

‘Don’t play dump with us. Everybody knows you had lunch with VIXX oppa the other day’ the girl with a short hair said which I finally knows who they are. ‘You better back off before bad things happen to you. Plus we don’t want any scandal occurs to our oppa understand?’ she continues which I didn’t say a word as I don’t want to cause any trouble and they walked pass me intentionally bump their shoulders with mine which I almost lose my balance. I sigh heavily as I continue walking to my class which I have a hard time concentrating, “It’s going to be rough if this continues” I thought.

That night, I have a hard time sleeping as I keep on having this weird uneasy feeling which it's already 3 am. Not long after that, I got a call from my mom.

Me : Hello mom.

Mom : Hi sweetheart (Shaky voice)

Me : Mom, are you okay? Is something wrong?

Mom : Honey, can you come back home A.S.A.P?

Me : Huh? Did something happen? (heart beat raising)

Mom : It…it’s your dad (crying)

Me : Dad? What’s wrong with him mom? Tell me!

Mom : He got hit by a car… He didn’t make it

Me : … *phone fall off my hand*

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hoodiee #1
Chapter 1: I really like this story! But I would like to point some grammar mistakes;

At the very first paragraph of the story, I've noticed that there are a lot of run-on sentences. Run-on sentences can be a little overwhelming to read, so I hope you can fix that, but overall the plot was on point.

I just wanted to point this out! I enjoyed reading your story. :)
HappyVVirus #3
Chapter 9: Thankyou for the update Author-nim *blows kisses* yay! They met!! Whooot Whooot
Fighting on ur studies Author-nim!!!
HappyVVirus #4
*shocked face* ^o^ how are there no comments? I've been a silent reader for a while now but never noticed there were no comments!
well i will let you know Author-nim that i have read each of your chapters several times while waiting for an update, and you know what your story has an amazing concept! thank you for writing it!! Fighting!!! ^-^