A Mess Up With Consequences


                                                                                                                        Arizona 17:30 Day 4
"Chanyeol! Try to calm down!" Yifan shouted over the crackling flames, but the spirit was taking over, all the frustration had left Chanyeol, but instead it was being stored inside the blazing spirit, which flew just above him and was setting fire to anything flammable, and what better place to be than a forest?
    He took in three deep breaths and started to count to ten in his head, to get the spirit to disappear.
    Please, please, please, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, please, 10.
    There was a loud screech from the Phoenix and in a burst of flame it was gone, while Chanyeol opened his eyes and smiled, but his smile quickly sunk as he realised that the forest was still on fire, and still spreading.
    "Junmyeon, make it rain," Yifan ordered, but Junmyeon shook his head, "I can't," genuinely looking worried, and Chanyeol passed a worry glance between Yifan, who walked over and hooked his arms under Junmyeon.
    "What are you doing!?" He protested, but Yifan ignored his wriggles and protests and bent his knees gently, before jumping in the air, but instead of landing back on the floor, slowly rose above the flames and trees, and hovered just above the forest fire.
    Chanyeol was okay staying near the fire, it didn't effect him, his clothes though were another matter so he tried to stay in the bare clearing, although only a few feet away from the blazing trees, he stayed calm.
    Yifan explained to Junmyeon, "Please try to regain as much energy as possible and make it rain again," he sighed, surprisngly though, Junmyeon laughed, asking, "Is that a request?"
    "This isn't a joke, if we don't stop this fire it will be a massive sign to Wolf saying 'here we are'," Yifan scowled the younger, and to Yifan's comfort, he shut up.
    Then, the heavens opened.
    It rained, lightly and weakly at first, like drizzle, but gradually got heavier and heavier, and expanded just as the fire did, reaching out to all the parts were the fire was, which was very vast.
    Chanyeol watched as the large forest fire died down, and was relieved and quickly brought out his phone which he had been protecting under his coat so it wouldn't get wet, and texted Jongin.
    Yifan slowly descended, realising that maybe he had took Junmyeon for granted as he had made it rain on almost the entire forest, and whispered under his breath, "Thanks," tensely, expecting a sharp remark back, but was pleasantly surprised by none.
    But that pleasant feeling soon disappeared as he grew concerned, and as he gently landed on the damp forest floor, he was about to remove his arms from under Junmyeon's, but as soon as he loosened his grip, Junmyeon's body went limp and he held it up again, flipping him around to see his front.
    He was sweating intensely, breathing just as badly, but at least he was breathing.
    Chanyeol ran over, laying a hand on his forehead, explaining with a sigh, "He's worked himself too hard."
    Just as he said that, Jongin appeared, his face quickly changing to a devastated look as he spotted the appearance of the coal black forest.
    "What the heck happened!?" He asked, then spotting Junmyeon, his face sunk.
    "Junmyeon and Yifan had a fallout," Chanyeol explained simply, voice lower than usual and dull, shrugging and explaining, "We can sort it out when we get back to yours right?"
    "No, no, no, wait...you were supposed to be with Yifan and Zitao," Jongin explained, and Chanyeol's eyes widened.
    "I don't have Zitao's number Jongin, I told you that," he answered and pointed to his phone.
    Quickly Jongin snapped out his phone and checked his messages and almost felt sick as yes, he had been sent a text from Chanyeol saying he didn't have Zitao's number but he did have Junmyeon's, then saying he was pretty sure he could calm the two down if they got into a fight.
    Obviously not.
    Jongin put his phone away and sighed, running his hand through his hair.
    He'd made a massive mistake, and turned to look at the three, storming over and saying, "The two of you hold onto Junmyeon and me," Yifan and Chanyeol obeyed, one hand each keeping Junmyeon up, and another on Jongin's shoulder.
    And then they were gone.

"I have to go now, look after them, and if they start a fight, just," Jongin sighed, slinging his arms in the air in frustration, "Just do something, I am not having this house blown up," and quickly he teleported to the place which Yifan told him about.
    Yifan had managed to text Zitao, having his number, and lucky for Jongin it was a place he'd been before.
                                                                                                                           Barcelona 17:37 Day 4
Jongin appeared behind the building of the cafe and slowly walked down the alleyway as if he had walked that way, walking out onto the street and seeing no one but normal people, no Zitao in sight.
    Yifan told him that Zitao was waiting in the alleyway of an old, small, grey and blue block of flats, and so trying to not look like he was in a hurry and with his head down, he strode down the street.
    After a few minutes of walking, he internally smiled as he spotted the flats and made a small sped up, that speed up though, was what he exactly shouldn't have done as there were shouts behind him, and he knew they were directed to him.
    "Eh, tú! Deténgase!" The shouts got louder, and Jongin sped up before finally breaking into a full on sprint.
    He pushed people out the way and dodged others, finally arriving by the block of flats and swiftly turning in, just as he did, he almost ran into Zitao who awaited in the shadows.
    "Jongin-ah!" Zitao smiled, but quickly Jongin grabbed him by the shoulder and said quickly, "We have to go," and before Zitao could even utter a word, they teleported away.

"This is my fault, I'm sorry, I-" Zitao placed a hand on Jongin's shoulder, saying sternly, "It's not your fault, you're trying to get everyone here without getting caught, and I didn't get hurt, so it's okay," he explained and gave a small smile before sitting down.
    Jongin nodded, running his hands through his hair again, which seemed to have started to be something he did when he was stressed.
    "Tomorrow I'm going to pick up Jongdae and Baekhyun...how's Junmyeon Yixing?" He turned to the Chinese male, who gently had his hand placed on the other males chest, his eyes lighting up like two weak suns, the iris and pupil of both his eyes covered by the light that reflected from his eyes gently.
    "He's just strained his body, once I'm done he needs a lot of rest," he then gestured towards Yifan and Chanyeol, "You two need rest as well if you've been using your powers a lot, or you'll end up like Junmyeon," he explained, Jongin nodding towards the hallway, "Junmyeon and Zitao, you're in Sehun's room, Chanyeol your in a room with Kyungsoo and Luhan, Yifan your in my old room," as soon as Jongin explained, just about to go and show them, Kyungsoo and Minseok sprouted up and Minseok gave a pat on Jongin's back, "You get some rest, we'll sort it out," and led the three new comers to their rooms.
    Jongin went to go sit down on his temporary bed, still having blankets in it from last night, and then he remembered sleeping with Yixing last night.
    Why did he feel embarrassed just thinking about it?
    Luhan and Sehun started playing around on the floor, Sehun twirling his finger around and around until a tiny tornado appeared, and gently he placed it on the floor were it  spun around on the floor like a spinning top.
    Luhan laughed like a kid and watched as it went around and around until disappearing in thin air, and Luhan clapped his hands, repeating 'do it again, do it again'.
    Jongin had no idea how they could be so relaxed and happy when Wolf could come and attack them at any moment.
    "Be careful Junmyeon..." Jongin turned his attention quickly to Yixing who slowly helped an awaking Junmyeon up.
    "Where's..." Junmyeon yawned, before asking, "Where's Yifan?"
    That was something Jongin didn't expect, Yixing too.

Yifan heard a knock on the door and called the mysterious person in, not expecting anybody to see him.
    The words Junmyeon said still stung in his head, all the comments, but then, they were most probably true, everyone probably did think about him that way.
    When he arrived with Jongin, everyone gave him hugs, but unlike Zitao, they were tense, uncomfortable.
    And then the person who he never expected came in.
    Slipping through the door as if opening it too wide would harm, Junmyeon quietly shut the door behind him and then stuck his back to it, head low as he said quietly, "Hello."
    Yifan started to evaluate the strange acting male, he didn't smirk, didn't laugh, didn't make any comments, what was wrong with him?
    "Hello?" Yifan sat up on his bed, but as he did so Junmyeon pressed himself even further to the door, and Yifan laughed, "I'm not going to hurt you," he commented, but Junmyeon frowned and said quietly, "You almost did..."
    Yifan didn't say anything, mainly because he was right.
    "And I want to...apologise...for my childish and stupid and immature behaviour...I'm sorry," he finally managed to push the words out. Yifan didn't say anything, he was lost for words, and finally Junmyeon managed to peel himself of the door and gave a small bow of his head.
    "Please say something, hit me, I dunno, something..." he whispered under his breath, and finally Yifan came to his feet, and as he approached the male, he realised he was shaking.
    "You weren't...forced, to say this, were you?" Yifan asked, not exactly shocked if that was it, but knowing he would feel very disappointed if that seemed to be the real reason.
    Junmyeon shook his head fiercely, "Of course not," he answered.
    "Look at me then," Yifan said strictly, but gently.
    Junmyeon tensed, then finally craned his neck so that he could look the other male in the eyes, and Yifan explained, "I would never hit you Junmyeon, I get annoyed with you, and I admit, recently our relationship isn't good, but it's childish, we need to stop this now, I understand we said some bad things in the maze but," he rested a hand on his shoulder, "We need to fix it now, otherwise we'll never get anywhere," he even managed to push a smile out, "Okay?"
    Junmyeon nodded, he didn't smile, but his eyes widened and shone like he'd just seen something amazing and he turned back to open the door, frozen suddenly by a hand that was gently placed on his head.
    He was expecting a whole load of things to happen next, but of course, Yifan just simply ruffled the others hair.
    Junmyeon broke a small smile and left the room.

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2442 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)