A World Without Junmyeon


It got louder and louder and Jongin tensed up.
    It was loud, almost thunderous steps, and by time they got louder and louder and closer and closer...
    "Yixing..." he whispered, knowing and understanding how much pain he was in, but also wanting to silently make the older realise that if he kept crying too loudly, they would all go through even worse pain.
    Whatever it was that was approaching them didn't sound good.
    Yixing stopped, sniffling away tears and gripping firmly onto Jongin's torn shirt while the said male gently caressed his fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down and maybe even help the pain.
    Junmyeon pressed a finger against his lips in indication for everyone to be absolutely silent, and then passed the bottle around after having a small sip himself. Everyone silently took it, but at the same time quickly, as if rushed, as the footsteps got louder and closer.
    The bottle finished at Jongin, who took it from Zitao and sipped some of the liquids quietly, leaving some just in case, and just as he tucked the bottle away in his pocket, the footsteps stopped.
    Everyone froze, it didn't even seem like anyone was breathing for a moment.
    Jongin breathed out, staring at the door, which had paint peeling of and stared at him right back in the face.
    Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the door smashed open, not very far from where Jongin had Yixing in his arms, and the others formed a line so that Jongin could pick Yixing up and take him to the side.
    Jongin couldn't see what it was, but when he did turn around he was more surprised than what he had expected to be, and the seemingly most different and worst enemy was standing by the door.
    It was a wolf.
    It was jet black with snarling, shining teeth on display, sharp red eyes, and was bigger than the average wolf, looking like it could topple Yifan down without a struggle. Around it were attackers, looking less scary than before as they were compared to the wolf. 
    "Get the Box!" Junmyeon shouted in an order, and while Jongin tried to see if there were any doors for himself and Yixing to escape through, the medicine not quick enough to give him back his powers straight away (or at least that was why he guessed the water was for), Yifan raced over to the box that was still on the stand and wrapped his arms around it, scooping up the Box and turning around to face the wolf.
    But it didn't go on for very long as suddenly he fell over like he was being dragged, that is until everyone realised he was being dragged.
    Shadow manipulation.
    It seemed the wolf had powers they didn't, and with most of their own power still recovering back to them, they didn't even have enough to fight anyway.
    As Yifan was dragged from the corner of the room towards the wolf, thrashing and kicking, trying to fly off the ground but failing, but most of all holding onto the box no matter what, Junmyeon screamed, "Let him go!" While Chanyeol stooped down and sent a line of fire going in the direction of the wolf.
    But as soon as it reached the wolf, a ripple in the air, almost like what you see in a heatwave, stretched out from the wolf and out to the corners of the room, and as soon as it hit each member, instead of falling backwards or forwards or being injured in any physical way, Jongin heard them scream one by one and grasp at their ears, and without a second thought he knew what was going to happen as the wave passed over him and Yixing straddled in the corner, and he wrapped his arms around Yixing protectively.
    It flew over them quickly, but even though it was quick it was like someone had shot a gun right beside his ear and then prodded the inside of the ear with a sharp needle, the pain spreading to his neck and his head and it hurt so bad.
    Yixing's scream was muffled under Jongin's arm, but it was still the loudest.
    Jongin didn't even want to imagine what pain he was going through.
    The fire Chanyeol had sent was gone and left nothing but a trail of black to the wolf, which turned his attention back to Yifan who was almost right up close to the creature.
    And then suddenly, he heard a voice.
    "Give me the box," it was...the wolf.
    "Give me the box, now, and no one will get hurt..."
    The shadow slid over Yifan's body as he was right up against it's paws, and silently it slipped onto his neck, and before everyone knew it he was being dragged upwards by the shadow.
    "No," Yifan spat back in reply, holding the Box tightly in his grip, but having trouble breathing.
    Jongin couldn't watch, but before he could say anything, Yixing cried in his arms, "Someone...do something..." his voice was trembling, and Jongin didn't know whether it was because of the pain he was going through, the pain Yifan was going through, or the fact that he knew, as much as everyone else staring and watching, that they couldn't do anything.
    Jongin's eyes turned to Zitao, who suddenly collapsed to the ground and yelled in pain, clenching at his head.
    "Zitao!" Sehun dropped by his side, while he cried to the ground.
    "You said you wouldn't hurt anybody!" Junmyeon yelled, but the wolf didn't even turn to look at him, but kept it's gaze clearly fixed on the Box.
    "He is dangerous, and you're not giving me the Box," it's voice was calm and clear, despite it being a growl more than anything, but the most annoying thing was how it had a neutral tone, not even lined with the slightest bit of anger. It's mouth didn't move, it's words almost drifted in the air in a menacing way.
    Kyungsoo then dropped to the floor, followed by Luhan.
    One by one, they were screaming in pain, yelling and crying like Yixing was before.
    All the more powerful ones were seemingly picked first, and Jongin didn't know what to do.
    He knew soon he'd be next, even though his power hadn't come to him yet, as it most probably took longer, he knew very soon he would be undergoing the same pain.
    No, he couldn't, he needed to protect everybody, he needed to protect Yixing, it couldn't all just end.
   It couldn't.
    "Yifan, give me the Box," Junmyeon's words cut like a knife within the screaming, but were cool and collected.
    Yifan hesitated, despite being choked to death, and the wolf finally turned it's attention to Junmyeon, although it didn't say anything.
    "Yifan, trust me," Junmyeon spoke like trying to calm a wild beast down, and finally Yifan slipped the Box out of his cradling arms and into a hand, and with as much effort as he could put in, he threw the Box into Junmyeon's direction.
    What was Junmyeon going to do?
    As he lurched forward and grabbed it before the wolf or the attackers had a chance, he then took hold of the Box, then seemed to have murmured some things under his breath, before taking a few steps towards the wolf until he was almost right up in front, and stretched both arms out with the Box in it.
    His face seemed to have grown pale rapidly and his arms shook, yet his words were still firm.
    "Take it," he whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
    Jongin felt his insides churn and he gently let Yixing loose, standing up abruptly afterwards though and staring holes into Junmyeon's back.
    "No! What are you...doing?!" Yifan rasped, reaching his hands up to his throat as his air supply was slowly being drained.
    Junmyeon said nothing, he ignored the screaming of pain, and the others of protests, and his arms continued to shake, gradually more and more.
      The wolf did nothing but stare at the Box, until being seemingly satisfied as he let Yifan go, letting him fall and let out a large grasp for breath, and directing the shadow towards Junmyeon's outstretched hands.
    But just as the crawling fingers of the shadow reached up from the ground towards the Box, Junmyeon suddenly rose his arms and threw down the Box towards the wolf in a violent matter, and the attackers behind took a step back as there was a loud noise of something breaking and shattering, while the wolf made a horrifying howling noise.
    What was he...
    "Junmyeon!" Jongin called, trying to run forward, coming up between Chanyeol and Sehun, only to see nothing as around the area the wolf, Box and Junmyeon was, there was a blasting, shining light. 
    Jongin took a step back, hands over his eyes in an attempt to shield the light.
    What was happening? He wasn't doing that thing he had said he'd never do was he?
    Junmyeon had promised he'd never use it, Yifan did the same, but it was the only explanation...
    The light started to die down, but Jongin didn't want to remove his hands because he had a strong feeling he knew what would be awaiting him.
    Nevertheless, his instincts and body moved on their own, and he pulled his hand away to see the exact thing he had been expecting, and yet seeing it made his eyes fill with tears.
    The wolf and attackers all laid on the floor, not breathing and so most probably dead. The Box was shattered, pieces of it scattered around in the wolf's fur, and black blood seeped out of the creature.
    Junmyeon lay on his back while breathing heavily.

    He didn't, he did, but why?
    Why did it have to be him?

    Despite being almost choked unconscious,  Yifan forced himself to make his way to Junmyeon, who lay on his back, breathing loudly.
    The screaming stopped, the crying didn't, but the screaming did, and Yifan realised that the wolf must have been the source of the pain.
    Yifan crawled his way in the dim silence to the other guardian, and when he finally did reach him, he could see the life slipping through the youngers' eyes.
    "Why did you do that?" Yifan couldn't hide the frustration and...sadness, over the decision Junmyeon had made.
    When they had been first informed they were the guardians, they were told that if ever the Exodus Box was in danger, then if the time was desperate, they would have to pray special words to the tree of life, and all their life force would be out of them as a vessel for the powers of the Box to go and regenerate, as the current one had to be smashed, to give it the power to leak it's powers out, and the power of the Box would go and find somewhere else to stay.
    But the life, all of it, was carried away from the guardian.
    The two had swore, Junmyeon had swore, to Yifan, that he would never use it...unless...
    Unless it was in extreme danger of getting caught.
    Yifan awaited for an answer, and felt everyone crowd around their two guardians and stare, some where crying, some couldn't bare to watch.
    Yifan gripped Junmyeon's hand; fragile and pale, he didn't want to hold it too tight in case it broke.
    Junmyeon opened his dry mouth to speak, but instead let out a painful breath and slowly his eyelids descended.
    "No...Junmyeon," his voice grew shaky, higher and panicked, but Yifan didn't care, "Junmyeon," he smiled, the brightest smile he could offer to Junmyeon, because he knew he liked it when he smiled, "Junmyeon...red,but...but don't sleep, not yet, just hang on," he tried to keep his voice gentle and kind and soothing, but the tears started to roll out and he couldn't control the fear, all the fear, it was coming in one large tidal wave and Yifan tried to keep strong, but his walls were being knocked down.
    Junmyeon smiled at Yifan's own pathetic attempt of a smile, even if his face was decaying away and all life was bleeding out, he smiled.
    "Now I expect you to...to make sure Sehun doesn't get bullied by his hyungs..." Junmyeon started, taking in a deep breath as Yifan's smile started to brake away.
    "That...that Jongin...stays strong and...and Zitao grows stronger-"
    "Hyung, stop," Jongdae whimpered in the background, but Junmyeon just smiled more and continued, using all his strength, "Make sure that Kyungsoo...that Kyungsoo cares about everyone and makes them food...and that Chanyeol keeps on smiling and Jongdae...that Jongdae, continues to protect whoever he can and...and Baekhyun, continues to make everyone happy-" he's interrupted by a cough, but Yifan doesn't stop him, merely let's him grip onto his hand tighter. 
    "But...but hyung, you'll be here to make sure of that...right?" Kyungsoo whispered in the background, but it was more to himself than anything, and yet as he said it Junmyeon didn't answer, but broadened his smile.
    "Yixing...let Yixing care and heal everyone like he usually does...and...I understand you and I hope you can forgive Luhan...and let Minseok continue to have a warm heart..." he takes in a large deep breath, his face being reduced to white skin and bones.




    Yifan didn't want Junmyeon to go.



    He was wrong, so, so, so wrong.

    He wanted Junmyeon to rely on him more but...he didn't want him to leave Yifan.
    Yifan couldn't imagine a world without Junmyeon in it.



    "And I did it," his grip tightened, "Because I love you, and I trust you."











    Junmyeon's grip loosened.















    Yifan's smile broke down completely, reducing him to choke on his tears.














    Because at that single moment, when something so precious was gone, he had only just realised.












    Yifan loved Junmyeon.


I'm sooooorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy DX

I thought that because this story needed a big impact in the end, it needed a death.

At first I thought I would do Yifan, but then I ditched that idea because it was too close related to real life affairs.

So then I was going to have Luhan save Minseok and die because of it, but I wanted to the two to have a second chance in their relationship totally not a spoiler and ditched that idea.

So I was gonna kill of Yixing, but he's already gone through enough pain I decided, and then I thought about Jongin, but Jongin's too important for the team, so then I was gonna choose Jongdae, but Jongdae has already had a near-death experience and Baekhyun was out of the questions and swasefdghyujhjnbgfdweq3rw4t35yhtengbdv

So yeah

Sorry T^T

Anyway, if you don't hate me, I hope you enjoyed it! 

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2442 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)