Trust Me, Rely on Me


"No! It's still closed," Yifan sighed as Zitao and Chanyeol return after checking up on the portal.
    This was all he needed, and so he turned around to face Junmyeon who was being very calm, but the two could sense that the others were growing anxious.
    Kyungsoo ran up to meet with the other two, and asked loudly, "What do you mean it's still closed? Has it not done anything?!"
    While Chanyeol took a breather, Zitao gave a vigorous shake of his head, his eyes were lined with panic and Yifan turned to face the tree, then at the bottle Junmyeon held to keep the healing water inside, they borrowed the bottle from Zitao although they didn't know if it would change if it was contained in a bottle for too long.
    But it didn't do anything and so they guessed it was okay, but there was no point having the water at all if they couldn't get back.
    "What if we're stuck here forever?" Zitao's words pierce through Yifan's thinking, but he continued to think anyway.
    Another portal...somewhere...
    "I've got it," he hissed, striding forward, he grabbed Junmyeon's hand before starting to walk to the place he was thinking of.
    "What are you doing?! Where are you going!?" Junmyeon asked, feeling flustered by the sudden movement and action Yifan had done, and started stumbling over his feet while the other three followed with the same questions.
    "I know where we need to go, I remember how you remembered the portal, it's faint but I can remember what it looks should be...there it is!" Yifan stopped on the other side of the tree, still standing on the hill, let go of Junmyeon's hand and pointed to a dark cave in the distance, not very far but not very close either.
    "Is there a portal inside of there too?" Zitao asked, squinting to try and see off in the distance.
    "Yes, I remember, but it's not like that one, it doesn't lead to a maze, it get's us straight out of the Box," he explained, and Junmyeon turns around and gave a strong glare, "Why didn't you tell me before!?" 
    "Didn't you listen? I've only just remembered it...and anyway, I don't think it's as pleasant as Jongin's teleportation..."
    "What tells you that?" Kyungsoo asked, looking up at Yifan as he narrowed his eyes at the dark and mysterious cave in the distance, before he answered, "I don't know, I just remember."

Luhan opened his eyes, and as soon as he did so he regretted it.
    Minseok was leaning over him, looking down at the just awoken male with an almost concerned look, but as soon as Luhan fully opened his eyelids he frowned and turned away.
    Once he does, Luhan was surprised to see a concrete ceiling.
    This wasn't the place he was at before...
    He turned to see Jongdae, Baekhyun, Sehun and Jongin as well as Minseok in what seemed like a cell, and quickly the memories of what happened before he was knocked out cold came to him.
    He remembered lying in bed, eyes closed, and then suddenly two hands were on his eyes and mouth and another slipped under his back.
    And then everything just went fuzzy and tiring, and he awoke to see Minseok.
    As soon as he sat up though, everyone turned to look at him.
    Sehun looked at him with a sad expression and leaned further against the wall he was leaning on as if wanting it to swallow him up, and Jongin who was pacing around the cell, stormed over and to no surprise, grabbed Luhan's torn shirt and dragged him up so he was standing on his feet. 
    His face was cut and bruised, along with his hair being a mess, but nevertheless his words were full with rage, "This is all your damn fault, not only did you go outside when I told you not to, but then you act like a bastard and cause Minseok to run out the front door in panic and be caught, leading them all to come to the house," he lets go roughly, sending Luhan to the floor in a big mess, but he didn't stop, "And now not only is Yixing being tortured, but you're going to be next, and then they are going to find Junmyeon and Yifan and torture them too, that is, as long as they don't starve to death in the Exodus Box, BECAUSE I'M NOT THERE TO GET THEM OUT!" He screamed and walked over to the nearest wall and started kicking it with all his might.
    Jongin was right, it was all his fault...all his fault...
    "You," Luhan looks up from the floor to be met with an attacker who suddenly appeared through the door, and Jongin being silently held back, head hanging low.
    Of course he wouldn't struggle, why would he want to save Luhan?
    But then he realised that that's not all, as he tries to move the attacker with his telekenises, nothing happens, and it hits him as he sees the other three straddling in the corner helpessly.
    Their powers were gone.
    The attacker leaned down and grabbed him by the shoulder, with one hand he was able to get Luhan on his feet and puts his hands behind his back as he lead him out of the cell.
    The attackers that were also in the cell leave after Luhan and he starts to walk, taking his is surroundings.
    Everything seemed to be underground, the concrete walls, floor and ceiling had nothing on them but a few cracks and flickering lights, and as he looked up at the lights noticed a small leak on the ceiling.
    The hallway he was forced to walk down had no other doors, and the lights got darker and darker as the continued.
    As he continued to walk, not only having a loss of no powers but also feeling weaker, he started to hear screaming and protesting, and a door in which the sounds are belonging to is edging closer.
    Luhan doesn't even want to go near the door and started to try and push against the large attacker behind him, but the attacker was almost double his size and most probably weight and forced him forwards.
    The door got closer and closer, until finally he was right in front of it and could hear large and desperate panting.
    As he was forced to stare at the door, paint stripping off the edges and a handle that was rusted, an attacker slipped in front of him and opened it.
    The door was open, and he was right, he wasn't just imaging the screaming, as in the middle of the empty room except from a few attackers and a stand in which the Exodus Box was placed on, was Yixing.

They started to get closer and closer, Yifan leading the group to the mysterious cave in which he was consent on keeping a secret until they got there.
    When they did arrive at the large cave, they looked inside to see nothing but a black abyss.
    "Are you sure about this?" Junmyeon asked, eyeing the open mouth.
    Yifan didn't say anything and walked forward, the others hesitated from behind, but he continued with a determined stride. He did expect it to get a little lighter as he ventured into the cave, but it only did the opposite until he stopped just as he was about the be swallowed up in the darkness.
    It was extremely hot and he could hear a large breathing sound.
    And then he remembered.
    Quickly he turned tails and ran out of the cave, following behind him was a screeching roar, but he didn't dare to turn around, despite hearing large noises from behind, smashing rocks and more roaring.
    Finally he escaped out into the sun and right back into the crowd, all huddled together.
    "What on earth was that?!" Junmyeon asked, before Yifan watches as his face turned to pure terror as the smaller male looked over his shoulder, and slowly turning on his feet, he turned to see the owner of the terrified faces.
    Emerging from the darkness was a dragon, rippling different-shades-of-red scales on display and long sharp teeth baring the size of Yifan's forearm. 
    It's eyes were a deep gold and looked sharper than the teeth.
    It didn't spread it's wings however, but glared at the small group with it's large eyes.
    Everyone stood still and rigid, as if they had all turned into stone, until after a while of having a staring contest with the mystical creature, Kyungsoo whispered, "It's not doing anything," under it's breath.
    "You only just noticed," Chanyeol hissed back in reply, before Zitao suddenly pushed Yifan forward, "You're part something..."
    Yifan was shocked by the sudden push and stumbled on his feet before craning his neck to look at the large creature.
    "We...we need to use...the is in here...right?" Yifan asked, nodding his head to the cave in which the dragon stood in front of.
    The dragon tilted it's head, and Yifan sighed and started again, "We wish to go inside the-"
    But he was suddenly cut short as he felt a burning sensation inside of him and his spirit suddenly projected out of him in a large flash of flames, flying above his head and taking over his body for a moment.
    Everyone watched as Yifan's dragon spirit started to almost speak with the dragon protecting the cave, as if trying to persuade the other mystical being. In the end, the dragon almost sighed in a way and gave a nod, and the spirit disappeared back into Yifan's body.
    Yifan took a deep breath, mainly because he didn't know it was going to happen and his spirit had almost taken over his body, but when he opened his eyes and was brought back to reality, the dragon had stepped to one side.
    He looked up at the beast, smiling, he turned around to the others and explained, "I think we can go through..."
    "You think?" Kyungsoo asked cautiosly, but the others seemed convinced on the conversation the dragon and the spirit had and walked right ahead.
    Sure enough, they passed the dragon with no problem and were enveloped deeper into the depths of the cave.

"How did we get here?" Jongdae asked bluntly, to no one in particular as he stared at the blank walls of their cell.
    His expression was dull and he looked half dead.
    "Does it matter?" Sehun replied on the other side, sighing and sliding his back down the wall before sitting himself down.
    "It was bound to happen," Baekhyun whispered, sitting next to Jongdae, he brought out his hand and searched for Jongdae's, and when he found it, he curled his long and delicate fingers around Jongdae's and then tightened the grip on his hand.
    He thought Jongdae wouldn't hold his hand back, but Baekhyun felt a rush of relief and even a small amount of hope as he did so.
    "I'm sorry," Jongdae whimpered, and Baekhyun felt the only energy he had run dry as he whipped his head around to glance at Jongdae, "What for? You didn't do anything..."
    "That's the point," his voice rose a little higher, and Baekhyun could see his dry eyes turn glassy.
    "You don't need to feel bad Jongdae, it's fate, we were going to bound up here anyway...I just wish..." he leaned his head against the other's shoulder, "I wish I could've spent more time with you..."
    As Baekhyun rested his head on the males shoulder, he caught a glance at Sehun, who's face saddened as he watched the two before turning away quickly when he caught eye contact with Baekhyun.
    "We will get out," Minseok explained boldly, walking up to the door and banging on it ferociously. 
    There weren't any bars, like how a normal cell was planned out stereo typically, the cell was a concrete wall with a large steel door in the centre.
    The sliding compartment slid to reveal a pair of red eyes, the voice on the other side threatened, "The louder you hit that door the more your comrades will undergo pain," and then disappeared once more.
    Minseok gave one last bang before sliding down the cell door.
    "I thought you'd bang louder if it meant Luhan was in pain," Sehun broke the silence and Minseok's small whimpers, and Baekhyun opened his eyes to see Minseok glaring at Sehun from the door.
    "I'd never want Luhan to be in pain Sehun," he said firmly, as if making it very clear, but Sehun pushed further, "After what he did to you? After wanting to hurt you by kissing someone else?"
    Minseok tensed, and then slowly raised to his feet, eyes wide as he asked, " knew..."
    "I knew he didn't really love me, he just wanted to hurt you for some reason, but you know what, I didn't care, because that was probably the closest I was going to get to him..."
    Jongin sat the end of the cell, eyes closed, but he wasn't sleeping, Baekhyun could tell, he was thinking, and like everyone else in the small room, enduring the sudden screams from the other room that gradually got louder.

The group of five continued walking in silence, their only source of light was Chanyeol's fire once more, but Yifan and Junmyeon led on.
    Yifan stopped Junmyeon for a moment, who then raised his hand to halt the others.
    Yifan bent down and picked up a large, thick stick and passed it to Junmyeon, who took the stick and watched as Yifan ripped some of his shirt off, gesturing for Junmyeon to pass back the stick, which he did so and Yifan wrapped the cloth around the end, being satisfied with his work, he turned around to Chanyeol and stuck the handmade torch out, explaining, "Me and Junmyeon are going to continue the way down, Junmyeon will make it rain and that will be a signal for you to run after us, I just want to check that the portal is still there."
    The three nodded and Chanyeol passed some of his fire onto the end of the torch, which set alight easily and Yifan turned to Junmyeon and the two started to walk, leaving the others behind.
    Once they were far enough away, Junmyeon asked jokingly, "Who said I was going to make it rain?"
    "I did," Yifan answered firmly, not looking down at the younger.
    "I was joking," Junmyeon laughed, hoping Yifan would at least break out a smile, but the said male did exactly the opposite.
    "This isn't a matter laughing Junmyeon, who know's what chaos is happening at home?" He explained, and Junmyeon asked, "Do you think...something's happened?"
    "Well you never know..." Yifan said.
    Junmyeon stopped in his tracks, letting Yifan continue without him for a few steps before whipping around and saying coolly, "Junmyeon we don't have time for thi-"
    "We have plenty of time for this Yifan, I'm not starting an argument, but I want you to know that sometimes you should put a little more trust in people..."
    "Trust?" Yifan played with the words in his mouth, before shaking his head and turning away, "I trust you Junmyeon, but there's no reason why I shouldn't be extra careful-"
    "No! See, that right there, that isn't trust," Junmyeon walked forward so he was standing next to Yifan and explained, "Lack of trust, you're thinking things over too much, worrying too much, you-"
    "It's because I care about you!" Yifan interrupted Junmyeon and snapped his head around, full and lifeless eyes suddenly filling up with passion, and these eyes made Junmyeon shocked, but his words after shocked Junmyeon even more, "Let someone care about you for once, don't think just because your a guardian, that the other guardian standing right next to you can't help you for once in a while, alright?"
    Junmyeon was in such a state of shock that words couldn't roll out of his mouth, but he then noticed Yifan wanted an answer and nodded his head.
    Yifan sighed and opened up his arms, swallowing Junmyeon into an embrace out of nowhere, but making sure the torch wasn't near him.
    "You don't realise it, but it's the other way around, it's not that I'm not trusting you to look after yourself, it's just you don't trust me enough to help you, you want to hold all all the responsibility, like Jongin and Jongdae...but you can trust me," his embrace tightened and Junmyeon felt himself grow hot, "Just rely on me for once."

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2436 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)