Getting Out of the Box


It hurt so bad.
    Yixing had no idea what they were doing to him, but it hurt, in the head, it tightened around his brain and strangled him from the inside.
    He could hear Luhan finally breaking as he let out death defying scream which echoed in the small room, while Yixing was sure his head was getting numb from the pain.
    For at least and hour, the attackers had put some sort of virus into them, it wasn't Wolf itself, because they couldn't do that (unlike the Exodus Box, Exo were immune to any virus from other planets) but it was like a really bad headache and earache multiplied by one hundred.
    "Tell us where the others are," they hissed into their ears, but the ringing got louder, let alone being able to hear the vile attackers, he wad determined not to answer, but it was only a matter of time before Luhan would break, Yixing could tell.
    Yixing shook his head, although that only made the pain in his head stir like a storm, and he could here more attackers asking the same question to the male next to him.
    It was painful and strangling and tight and it made him sick and... 
    He wandered if the others would ever get out the Box.

Chanyeol looked up, the fire he was holding still dimly lighting up the small section that himself, Zitao and Kyungsoo were sitting in, until he heard a call and all three turned their heads to the owner of the voice.
    It was Junmyeon, no Yifan though, a grin plastered on his face as he ran in their direction with a torch in his hand. Obviously something good had happened, which was music to Chanyeol's ears.
    "We found it! Come on!" He swung an arm in a huge gesture for everyone to get up and follow, before spinning around and heading back to the direction he came.
    As the light started to fade and disappear, everyone leaped onto their feet and started to rush after Junmyeon who obviously couldn't be anymore patient as to wait for them to at least stand up and join him, but no, he ran as if they were chasing him.
    Chanyeol kept at the front with his light that followed after Junmyeon's, who didn't slow down at all, more like fastened his pace, until finally the three caught up as he stopped beside another figure, that being Yifan.
    Chanyeol slowed down as a signal for the other two to slow down too, and as they joined up with Junmyeon it took them a moment to get their breath back before they actually noticed the portal.
    Chanyeol looked up from after staring at his knees as he panted loudly, and saw a shimmering wall of liquid metal, except not as lively as the other one and darker, unless that was just the lighting, but suddenly Chanyeol felt nervous.
    "Is it safe?" Zitao asked, taking the words right out of his mouth.
    Yifan nodded, "It should be okay, but you might feel sick afterward, well, I remember you get some type of uncomfortable feeling, it was either that or headaches," he shrugged, adding, "Who wants to go first?"
    Everybody hesitated, even Junmyeon slightly until he took a step forward, "I will," he announced, but with a hint of casually feel as if he had done it before, or maybe he was trying to hide the fact he was scared?
    Chanyeol reached his hand of fire out for a sense of light as the smaller male passed the torch over to Yifan who took it lightly.
    Junmyeon took in a deep breath, already having to go first twice, the first time ending up with someone left behind, Chanyeol could sense the nervous aura surrounding everyone until Junmyeon took a step and disappeared through the portal.
    Everyone waited for at least a few seconds before Zitao offered to go next and took a step forward and blended with the portal before disappearing. Kyungsoo looked up at Yifan and went next, and then it was Chanyeol.
    Chanyeol also gave a glance at Yifan, letting out a small smile before stepping through.
    Everything went black and he felt his head being squeezed as he lost his sense of direction and felt like he was soaring through space with nothing to hold, nothing to see and nothing to hear, it was horrible yet satisfyingly comforting.
    When he suddenly felt ground beneath his feet though, he panicked and went numb and fell onto his knees, opening his eyes to see black smudges evaporate one by one in his line of sight, and the feeling returning to his fingers and he only just managed to keep himself from collapsing onto the floor.
    Suddenly he felt a large hand wrap around his arm and hauled him up onto his feet.

Jongin banged his fists against the wall, but nothing happened and he finally let himself slide down the wall, either from exhaustion or for reserving the little energy he had left.
    He couldn't believe he had let them catch Yixing, after protecting him for so long and with so much difficulty, they had both him and Luhan and were torturing them, and Jongin could do absolutely nothing about it, because he failed. He knew he should've just let the guardians do their job instead of pretending to be like he knew what was best and could take charge, and so because of his actions he had to pay the price.
    Yixing was so caring, and nice and kind and happy...                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
He couldn't let them just take his life away, he couldn't.

    But then if he even spoke a word in protest, they would torture him more.
    "I don't know what to do," Jongin whispered, flipping around where he sat so he could face the others.
    "I hope they're okay," Sehun explains but then chuckles, "But can't you hear it? The screaming," he says it like no one can hear it, but everyone can hear it as light as day. Time by time, one of them would let out a ear splitting scream.
    Jongin didn't even want to imagine what was happening to them.
    "We can't just sit here and...listen to them being tortured," Baekhyun explained dryly, trying to wobble onto his feet and head for the door, but he took one step and was already greeting the floor once again.
    Jongdae pulled up beside him and helped him sit up, no one saying a word.
    They weren't just draining their powers, but Jongin was sure whatever they had done to them, they were draining their energy reserves too.
    "We need to reserve our energy," Jongin felt like he had finally said something useful.
    "For what?" Minseok asked from the corner of the cell.
    "Minseok! Jongin!" There was a loud bang on the door, a voice Jongin recognised wall and Minseok shouted back in reply, "Yes! Quick, Kyungsoo!"
    Minseok raced to the door to look through the small sliding the compartment, Jongin came up next to him, to see a pair of wide eyes.
    "Stand back! I'm knocking the door down!" He called, and the two did so, bringing the others back into the corner of the room.
    There was silence, until a large bang like that of an explosion erupted by the door and the door flew back into the cell, smashing against the wall opposite. Through the space where the door was supposed to be, Kyungsoo walked through, looking breathless and tired, but looking full of adrenaline nevertheless.
    "Come on," he said, making his way out through the door again.
    Jongin was the first to follow.

Yifan gasped as his sensed regained and he felt a strong arm pull him up to his feet, and turned to see the angry face of an attacker, yet seemingly pleased.
    "This one we also need," it hissed, and Yifan snapped his head around to see Junmyeon being strapped down in a chair next to Luhan, thrashing and struggling in a desperate attempt to get away.
    Yifan pushed off his feet, his powers not being drained yet, and so as he pushed off his feet he went up and up, the attacker surprised and not being able to hold on to Yifan who slowly rose into the air, and finally let go.
    Yifan flew over to Junmyeon and kicked the attacker full on the face, sending it to the ground, and landed in front of Junmyeon where he started to unbuckle the straps which were only just fastened.
    Without a word he helped Junmyeon up and they watched as Kyungsoo easily broke free with his strength from an attacker, knocking him out with a simple kick to the gut and a punch to the head, and once he was free Junmyeon shouted, "Go get the others!"
    Kyungsoo nodded and headed through the door.
    Yifan turned to the attackers around Chanyeol and Zitao. Chanyeol easily set his on fire, making it let go and struggle in pain, thrashing of the floor before finally letting go of it's life, and Yifan prepared himself as time stopped, gentle for just a moment, as Zitao wrenched the arms around him apart and then gave a firm push, sending the attacker to the floor and cracking his head against the stone in the process.
    Time resumed as normal as the attackers were on the floor. Yifan had never had guessed they could do so damage, but obviously everyone was so frustrated they didn't hesitate.
    Junmyeon ran over to Yixing while Yifan turned to Luhan and started to unbuckle the straps, his eyes rimmed red and his face as pale as a ghost.    
    As soon as Yifan unbuckled the male, he dropped to the floor at his feet and cried in pain, "Make it stop!"
    Yifan turned his head to see Yixing trying to stand up, but ending up sniffling some tears and falling onto Junmyeon who held him in his arms, trying to get the male to stand on his two feet again. The pain should've worn off, Yifan thought, if they killed the attackers, but obviously not.
    Yifan whipped out the bottle, about the size of his hand, and pulled out the cork before passing it to Luhan, "Drink only a little!" He pressed the words firmly and Luhan took the bottle with a shaking hand, taking a few sips before his eyes widened and he coughed, passing the bottle back.
    "Is it doing anything?" Yifan asked.
    Luhan nodded, gasping for breath, before it slowly started to slow down until finally, his shaking stopped and his breathing was back to normal rate.
    Yifan passed the bottle to Junmyeon, who the repeated the same words and passed it to Yixing.
    Yixing pressed it against his lips, but as soon as he took his first sip, he shook his head and passed it back to Junmyeon.
    "I-I can't...I can't d-drink that," he whimpered, still writhing in pain.
    "What?! Why?!" Junmyeon asked, looking at the bottle.
    " clashes, w-with my...power," he explained, Junmyeon turning to Yifan and then resting a hand on his shoulder, " you think the pain will go away eventually," he asks. Fortunately he nods, but continues to cry and a large shout interrupts them, "Yixing!"
    Jongin rushes up form the door into the room and skids onto the floor next to Junmyeon, picking Yixing up who had stuck himself to the floor and held him in his arms, making Yixing cry more and more.
    Then beneath the crying, Yifan could hear footsteps far down the corridor.

Aish, I'm sorry T^T I've been busy with this School Musical (even though I'm only in the choir and not a main part it tires you out) and it finished last night, so finally I can get some work done! I should've done this ages ago (along with PLMR, in which I am going to update when I get back from school today) but not only have I been busy but I got a good idea for a story and so I have wrote another story, it's very different from this, except from the pairings, my two favourite pairings are in it (ChenBaek and Kailay) and it's called Questions, Theories and Wonders ^-^ I noticed some of you subscribed to it already so thank youuu~

Anyway, here is da link if you want to have a look, unlike this it isn't an action story, but then I myself (believe it or not) am actually not a fan of Adventure stories, unless they're really good, I prefer the simple life B<

Oh yeah, da link XD

Oh and Please Love Me Right, if you are also interested in bwsdefgnhe

(I really need to update PLMR T^T)

Anyway sorry if this chapter was too, violent? I'm kinda like that XD 

But sadly this story is coming to an end soon, I have the ending all planned out (I'm so evil) and I hope you enjoy it ^^ what am I kidding I'm going to get killed after I write this ending

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2436 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)