Extra Kaixing #1: Hold Me


There's nothing around me.















Black, it's all black.







I'm facing a grave, it's new but it's got cracks in it.














"Such a shame," a voice speaks gently in my ear, it's so soft I'm not sure if it's the wind or not.








"Such a waste," it continues.











"No one saved me, why? After I looked after you, no one saved me, but then, maybe no one could save me."












I can't turn to look at him.














I can't.













I can't.















"No, wait, there was someone who could have saved me..."













Everything starts to buzz, in my ears, and in my eyes, everything starts shifting and the gravestone starts cracking more.








I turn my head to the right.
















Junmyeon's pale, bony face, the one I saw as he laid dead on the floor.










His eyes are red.































And then it all disappears.

Yixing woke up gasping for breath, as if he had been drowning.
    When he took in his surroundings, he was pleased to find out it was all a dream, no, a nightmare, but that didn't mean he liked it.
    Junmyeon had...passed away, the day before yesterday, and everyone was brought back to the house by Jongin, and no one were like they were once upon a time, especially Yifan.
    Jongin, where was Jongin?!
    Yixing started to panic, thrashing left and right until he realised he was on the floor, and the sofa he had been sleeping on was by his side. 
    "Yixing?" A hushed voice brought him to tilt his head up, to see Jongin leaning over and looking down at the floor from the sofa, half the blanket draping over the edge, and his eyes were tired yet worried.
    Yixing felt himself tear up, he didn't know whether it was with relief or with fear from the nightmare, but he suddenly had a desire to be held, tightly, by Jongin. He slowly brought himself to his feet so that instead of looking up at Jongin he was looking down, and diverted his gaze to his feet, mumbling, "I had a nightmare."
    He felt like a child, he was a child, why was he like that all the time?
    "Come here then," Jongin shifted so that he was pressed up right against the back of the sofa, moving the blanket so half of it was covering him, and the other half was open for the smaller to squeeze in.
    Still not looking at Jongin, Yixing slipped into the blanket, up next to Jongin, but once he was enveloped into the blanket and Jongin's warmth, he turned so that he was facing away from Jongin, and to the darkness of the room.
    He wanted Jongin to hold him, and yet at the same time he didn't, because the guilt stabbed him and wrapped around him so much that he thought it would rub off on Jongin, and Yixing didn't want that. 
    Yixing wanted Jongin to be happy, and quickly he realised, that if he stayed by his side, he wouldn't have that.
    He was greedy.
    "Yixing...what's wrong?" Jongin pulled lightly on the older's shoulder, trying to get him to turn around face him, but it didn't happen, in fact it made him tense up even more.
    "Please Yixing...did I do something wrong?"
    The curled up male shook his head, but already he could feel the tears start to build up, and as quietly as he could, he gave a light sniff to try and reduce them, but Jongin heard nevertheless.
    "Yixing, don't cry..." Jongin was getting more worried and sat up, but as he did the crying male whimpered quietly, "It's all my fault, I could've saved Junmyeon..."
    Jongin didn't say anything, until he continued to try and get Yixing to turn around, in which he whispered, "Junmyeon didn't die because of you Yixing, he would've died anyway, not even your capabilities could have saved him, so don't ever think for a second that this was all your fault..."
    "But," Yixing tried to lower his voice, "I keep getting nightmares, I feel like he's haunting me," Yixing breathed out to try and control his breathing, but it wasn't working and he ended up breaking in tears and breaking internally too.
    Finally he had become so weak, that Jongin had turned him so he was facing the younger, and wiped away his tears.
    "Nothing will haunt you, Junmyeon would be proud of how well you've held out," he sat back down so they were facing each over, their faces only centimeters apart.
    Yixing moved without thinking, wrapping his arms around the tanned Korean and pulling himself up against him, because he wanted to hold him, and he wanted to be held back.
    Jongin seemed a little shocked for a moment, and when he started to gently push Yixing away, he realised what that meant.
    Jongin didn't feel the same way.
    He understood quietly and let go, to suddenly have arms wrapped around him and pulling him up slightly, Jongin's head moving forward and placing his lips firmly on Yixing's.
    Yixing didn't know what was happening, it all went by so fast, but when Yixing came to understand and accept it, it felt like the best thing in the world.
    Yixing went back to wrapping his arms around Jongin, except this time around the neck and arms, and he felt himself being drawn closer and closer, wanting Jongin to hold him and kiss him more.
    After a while Jongin pulled away, the two breathing heavily, but the warmth stayed with Yixing, and he was brought back into a tight embrace.
    "I'll never let them hurt you again, Jongin."


Koncha! ~

So, like I said, the extra's would be a long time and also quite short, but I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. This was from a request from yixingchen, but I will add more of their request into other chapters related to kaixing (i.e one of the requests being about kaixing living together, so I'll probably have some nightmares and being scared etc in that too), I will try to write them a little faster, just because there's more requests than I expected XD 

If you do have more requests however, try to post it on my tumblr, just to make it more of a surprise and such ^^"


So I hope you enjoyed this little extra, thanks for the request yixingchen! It wasa really cute idea ^.^

Also if you haven't ntoiced, I'm going in order of the comments, so if you were one of the last people to requests then I apologise and thank you for your patience!

Wuv you~

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2436 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)