

London 15:03 Day 1



They were coming for him.
    Already so close, he could sense it.
    But he had only just teleported there, he had to rest.
    No, no time to rest.
    He kept on walking, walking and walking, but he knew they were following not far behind.
    Jongin finally came across some steps and walked up them, hoping he didn’t look too suspicious; he didn’t want to attract any more attention.
    Finally he was up them, but the vibrating in his coat pocket made him pause for a few moment, and he flipped out his phone, there was a simple message which read.
    ‘I’m here.’
    Putting his phone away, he remembered the place, imagining it all perfectly in his mind, all he had to do, was imagine he was there.
    And he was gone.

                                                                                       Edinburgh 15:05 Day 1


 Sehun turned, they were near.
    He remembered the place he was earlier, he knew he should’ve stayed there, and quickly started to run.
    “Stop him!” He heard the shouts run throughout the house, and before shutting the door he swayed his arm, sending a wave of wind knocking the men off their feet, before sprinting out of the house.
    He ran and ran, remembering the place Jongin had told to meet him.
    Initially Sehun had returned to his house in order to pick up some things, but it was too late as they had already found him.
    He was surprised Jongin still had his number in his phone, but then he remembered, Jongin had the Exodus Box, he was looking after it, if anything happened, then he would have to make sure everyone knew, so he probably had everyone’s numbers.
    But why did he call for Sehun?
    Sehun kept running, turning around to glance a few times, realising they weren’t there and giving off a sigh of relief, even as he ran with a 
panted breath, because he had lost them.
    Finally he came to the bridge and reached down for his phone, making sure he was hidden by the large metal pillars as he quickly sent a rushed
reply back to Jongin.
    Without being shocked at all by his sudden rush, Jongin appeared a few steps away from Sehun, out in the open.
    “Come here,” Sehun hissed, Jongin’s eyes widening before he ran over to stand next to Sehun.
    “Have they already found you?”
    “At my house,” he explained with a sigh, shaking his head.
    It wasn’t that special of a house, a small one he was renting, but it was a nice house, the type he would have paid to properly live in if he had the money and live a normal life.
    “You sure you lost them?” Jongin asked sharply.
    “No, why do you think I’m hiding? Idiot,” Sehun gave a playful slap on the others shoulder, before breaking into a grin and giving a light hug to the male.
    “I thought you wouldn’t answer,” Jongin explained before pulling away.
    Sehun shrugged. When he first got the text, since he didn’t have Jongin’s number, it was just a stranger to him, but when he said the words 
    ‘Exodus Box’, then he understood fully.
    “I’m thinking you have everyone’s numbers?” Sehun asked, but surprisingly, Jongin shook his head.
    “I only have Luhan’s, Chanyeol’s, Yixing’s, Kyungsoo’s, Junmyeon’s and Baekhyun’s, but I’m hoping that they’ll be able to contact the
others,” he explained, running a hand through his messy hair.
    It must have been difficult, getting them all to meet in one place.
    “Where did you tell them to meet?” Sehun asked.
    “I have a place set up in Glasgow, I’ve given them places to wait for me before I collect them, we’ll just have to keep as low as possible at my 
home though, understand?”
    Sehun nodded, before Jongin grabbed him on the arm.
    Another nod.
    And they were gone.

“So...do you have it now?” Sehun asked, as he casually let himself relax and made himself at home on the single sofa in front of the roaring fire.
    Jongin stripped off his coat and flung it to the side, answering in his actions as he walked over to the small bookcase, yet still packed to the 
brim, and pulled out a book, a very big book, behind it being a small compartment, a square of wood that was different from the initial wood 
from the bookcase, and he tapped his finger on it, although it made no hollow sound.
    “The only one who can open it is Luhan or Yixing,” he explained, before setting the book back and settling himself down in the sofa opposite 
    “How Yixing?” Sehun asked curiously, he understood Luhan, with his amazingly strong power, being able to move anything with his mind, 
even things he wouldn’t be able to move with his normal body strength.
    “The wood is extra strong because it is a tiny part of the tree of life, if Yixing touched it and uses his power, he can make it a million times.
newer and younger, to the time when it was weaker, it strengthens by age,” he explained.
    Sehun nodded, then went on to ask another question, “How did you gets such a nice apartment?”
    “I saved up,” Jongin answered simply, releasing a stretch and a yawn.
    “You can borrow my clothes to sleep in, unless you want to sleep in your clothes?”
    “No, it’s fine,” Sehun smiled before standing to his feet, following Jongin before asking, “So, when are you getting the others?” 
    “I’m collecting Yixing tomorrow, Luhan and hopefully Minseok and Kyungsoo the day after, 
then Chanyeol with hopefully Yifan and Zitao, then Junmyeon, 
and then Jongdae and Baekhyun,” he answered as he opened an old wooden door which led to a small and plain room.
    “You’re going to risk waiting that many days here?” Sehun asked, leaning against the door frame as Jongin rummaged through his things.
    “I’m the untraceable, remember,” he laughed, before shutting a drawer and turning around to reveal a set of clothes which he flung over to 
Sehun, who caught the pile of clothes just by his fingertips.
    “I’m what about the others, do you think Jongdae and Baekhyun can wait that many days, what happens if they get caught?” Sehun asked, since by the order of people Jongin had mentioned, Jongdae and Baekhyun would have the longest time to try and fight off any attackers.
    “Jongdae and Baekhyun are strong, and besides, the Box will send out messages throughout any device possible to try and warn them,” he 
explained, walking out through the door, shutting it behind him before leading Sehun to another room opposite.
    “How can it if it’s infected again?” Sehun asked from behind, Jongin explaining with a sigh, “It may be infected again Sehun, but there is still 
a defence mechanism inside of it that will remained untouched until the very end,” he explained, opening the door.
    “And how long will it take for that to be infected?”
    Jongin’s shoulders slumped, before he turned around to face Sehun and answered, “A week, maybe less.”

“I only have one more small room which Yixing can stay in when he comes tomorrow, but then we’re going to have to start sharing rooms,” Jongin explained, locking all the windows in Sehun’s temporary room.
    “So you’re telling me to be grateful to be having this room all for myself for two days?”
    “I’m telling you exactly that,” Jongin laughed, before dusting down the bed sheet and explaining, “You better get some rest,” Sehun agreed with a nod, eyeing Jongin and asking, “You’re going to get some rest too right?”
    It wasn’t the best answer he wanted, but Jongin gave a hazy nod before leaving the room and shutting the door with a simple, “Have a good 
    Sehun turned to the room he’d be staying in, it wasn’t as nice as the house he had rented, it was old, cold, but big and had a comforting feel to it, not to mention the amount of locks on the windows and doors, making him feel very secure.
    Sehun slipped into the clothes and wrapped himself in the warm necessity of the sheets. Sehun didn’t mind the cold that much, but today he was tired and wanted a warm night sleep.
    And then he started to think about past events.

It was three years ago, thee Earth years anyway, when planets started fighting for the claim of the Exodus Box.

    The Exodus Box is a box that is filled with anything you desire, if you want to destroy something and can open the Box, it will destroy whatever you want for you, if you want to receive something and can open the Box, it will give it to you.
    In short terms, if you can open the Box, then it will serve you.
    And so when planets from all around the Galaxy heard about this Box, wars broke out, and Exo Planet was flooded with intruders trying to get
The Box.
    That was where Exo came in.
    The twelve of them were originally from Exo Planet, but all were having normal lives on Earth, not having a clue about being from Exo Planet, and when they were needed, their powers were activated, messages sent, and as soon as they could accept it all, some taking longer than others, they were transported to Exo Planet.
    They it wasn’t safe, so they took the Exodus Box back to Earth.
    And Junmyeon looked after it.
    The next year, they ran into more trouble, a virus, that Exo later named Wolf, from an unknown planet, tried to corrupt the box, but luckily 
    Yixing managed to help boost the Box’s healing powers, and Yifan took the Box to look after it.
    Another year later, they had their biggest fight yet.
    Wolf corrupted the Box, but faster than before, and Yifan was unable to to get to Yixing in time, and in their sleep, everyone was transported 
into the Box and trapped there.
    It was horrible, everyone started to fight and argue, not just about who would protect the Box from the outside, but also about personal affairs.
    In the end, Luhan managed to use his powers to it’s full extent and protected the Box from the outside while Jongin managed to teleport out 
while borrowing extra energy from Kyungsoo, and they managed to fix the power, this time Jongin looked after the Box.
    But now, Jongin had confirmed that Wolf was back, except this time, the Virus had also managed to infect humans, and those, were the people 
that were chasing them.

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2442 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)