Found and Being Found


OMO, so I haven't said anything in a while so I thought I'd say somethings ^^

Thank you! Everbody, I mean, for subscribing, I really appriciate it, and I never thought I'd get so many! I really didn't think I'd get this many and I can't stop being happy and asddfghjk (oh I also got my brace off yesterday! So I can proceed to smile with perfect straight teeth!)

If you enjoy this please make sure to check out some of my other stories, my most recent one 'Love Me Right' seems to be getting popular quite quickly too, so if you want I'm not forcing you XD please don't hesitate to take a look.

I would've posted this earlier, but I lost the whole thing yesterday (I got a bit upset over that XD) and had to rewrite it, and I was going to post it this morning but the internet went boom boom boom boom, what up? just as I was about to post it -_-

But I got it in the end, I even tried to make it a tiny bit longer because my chapters are always tiny ^^"

Anyway hope you enjoy!~ omo I'm so evil, there really isn't that much to enjoy in this chapter actually XD


The small group waded through the long grass, the tree getting closer and closer and the way it glittered and shined shocked Kyungsoo.
    But the thought that they might not be able to get back home made him nervous, and he was pretty sure that the others were feeling the same way.
    Nevertheless, the five of them pursued on, the grass getting just past Kyungsoo's waist as the ground started to dip, which then rose again in front of them and leading up to the tree on it's own almost mountain-like hill.
    "Do you think...there's anything dangerous?" Chanyeol asked quietly, following it up with worrying looks over his shoulders as if something was going to appear out of nowhere and attack the small group.
    Kyungsoo thought about it, and realised that the tree standing in the middle was abnormally perfect, almost dragging the small group in with it's alluring stance and presence.
    And yet everything around them seemed so calm and quiet, and he felt certain that nothing would attack them, well, not to what he could see anyway.
    The grass got longer and longer as the dip got lower, but they all continued to walk until Kyungsoo answered Chanyeol's question honestly, "I don't know."
    Chanyeol took the answer as he knew nobody else would probably have anything better, and Kyungsoo grew relieved as the dip started to disappear as they started to go up a hill and emerged from the long grass, getting closer and closer to the mystical tree.
    It could all be a waste of time though, Kyungsoo thought.
    But they had to try, and they had to be quick.

Minseok knew he should've knocked on the door, like always his actions always took over his mind, but most of all other people took over both his mind and actions all the time.
    After finding Luhan and Sehun kissing, he knew he should've just left them, but the shock hit him too hard and he stood there hardly batting an eyelid.
    But then, Minseok didn't do any better did he?
    When he was apparently still in a relationship with Luhan, he slept with Kyungsoo.
    No, wait.
    That's still unfair.

    Minseok should've been fuming, he should have been so angry and he should've shouted.
    But what did he do when he saw the two?
    Like always.
    Because he realised, for once, that he couldn't let Luhan step all over him, or anybody else for that matter, because none of it was fair for Minseok, and what had he ever done to Luhan?
    First Luhan tells Minseok he loves him, then he leaves Minseok without any trace or way of contact, then he returns a year later repeating those same words 'I love you,' and then when Minseok tells him he was confused and attempted to actually carry on with his life when Luhan had most certainly left him, Luhan hit him on the head with a glass bottle and started snogging with other guys shamelessly.
    It wasn't fair.
    Minseok didn't know Luhan was going to come back.
    And not only was he hurting Minseok, but he was affecting everybody.
    Minseok was unlucky enough to encounter Sehun's break down when he let out his secret that he was in love with Luhan, later to have his heart broken as the person he had spilled his confession to was dragged away by his love.
    But Sehun took it very well, and said he'd rather see Luhan happy with Minseok than forced to be with him.
    And now Luhan was taking advantage of the maknae, trying to get revenge on Minseok.
    It was cruel and horrible, and Minseok was sure Sehun knew it too, but it must have been such a miracle that he just went with it.
    When he entered the room, Sehun turned around quickly with a face that dropped to the floor, and without another word rushed out the doorway and past Minseok.
    The latter stared at the broken and torn man he had called his 'lover' on the bed, who gave a deep frown that darkened the room, and for a minute or two the two of them had an intense staring battle, except one pair of eyes were fierce and sharp, while the other was nothing but saddened.
    Minseok was tired of being treated like a doll, tired of being stepped on.
    But what did he do?
    Like always.
    Although this time he did do something, it wasn't exactly a big improvement but it was something.
    After a while Minseok began to shake his head, small shakes and slowly he took one step back, and another so that he was out of the room, before dashing to the right of him.
    He didn't know where he was going, but he knew anywhere was better than that room.
    And then once again, he felt his actions take over his mind as he opened the door and rushed out without a second thought.

Yixing felt content with the position he was in, a warm feeling filling the inside of him as he glanced down at Jongin who was sleeping on his shoulder.
    He knew the male would always shake his words off and deny it, but he had to admit, Jongin was sometimes unbearably cute.
    But a desperate sobbing sound distracted his wonder and he turned his head to face the source of it, seeing Sehun crying with his head in his hands, while Jongdae and Baekhyun tried to comfort him.
    Yixing knew he had to help the younger, because they didn't want another dramatic argument in the house like they did last time.
    The male turned to Jongin which made him brake out a warm smile, before trying to pry the latching fingers off of his arm, succeeding at last and gently placing Jongin's head down on a pillow replacement.
    Moments like this made Yixing happiest at the most, when Jongin was quiet and peaceful, despite looking up to his strength, he didn't like to see him, or anyone in fact, get violent.
    Before breaking off with the younger, he slipped a hand through his soft, dark hair and finally managed to step away from the sofa and walk over to the kitchen.
    But then something hit him, quite gentle and subtle but there nevertheless.
    On the left side of his neck was a small breeze.
    But that couldn't be right, all the windows were locked and the door was...
    Yixing turned his head to the left where his eyes met with the small corridor, and down the small corridor was the front door, wide open.
    And standing in it was a dark figure, in which Yixing immediately recognised as it's red eyes glimmered in the shadows.

Yixing didn't even get a chance to protest or warn the others, because as soon as it caught eyes on Yixing it dashed down the corridor like a flash, and Yixing didn't even get a chance to take a breath that he so needed as it wrapped it's large hand around Yixing's pale neck, it's claw-like nails digging into the back and making the dwarfed Chinese male squirm and latch onto it's large arms.
    Quickly there was a sudden gust of wind from the right, making both Yixing and the attacker fall onto their sides, the attacker loosening his grip and therefore giving opportunity for Yixing to kick his way out of it's grasp.
    But then as if one wasn't enough, the corridor started to fill up with more attackers and Sehun defensively put Jongdae and Baekhyun behind him.
    The situation they were in wasn't good at all.
    Since Luhan and Minseok were blocked off and no where to be seen, while Jongdae and Baekhyun still had to rest their powers and Yixing was practically useless, they only had Sehun and Jongin.
    Yixing was pressed up against the sofa and the attacker got back onto it's feet quickly, looming over the male.
    But then a pair of legs stretched out and stood above him, and he looked up to see Jongin towering on top of him, feet on either side of his arms and he said with a surprisingly cool and calm voice, "Please leave."
    And then something no one was expecting happened, "We are not leaving," the Wolf possessed human said, "Without this one and that one," it's voice was a low and unnatural growl, and he stood back to reveal Luhan carelessly draped over another attacker's shoulder, another attacker standing next to him with Minseok as well.
    Both looked dead.
    But obviously if they needed Luhan, then he wasn't dead.
    "Why take Minseok then?" Jongin asked, a hint of anger and frustration leaking into his voice and he gestured to the said male.
    "Because he protested, if you do the same then you will be taken too," just as he said that, the strong wind current barrier Sehun was keeping up was defeated by one of the attackers who pushed through and grabbed Sehun by the neck, leaving Jongdae to try and start hitting it while Baekhyun smashing a glass bottle on it's head, but that only lead to the two of them being captured too.
    "No one is going any-" the attacker didn't even bother to hear Jongin's protests as it lurched forward and grabbed him by the arm and slung him effortlessly to the side where an attacker grabbed him and pushed him to the floor.
    "We had heard you were trouble," it growled, before turning back to Yixing, the glare sending shivers down his spine.
    "Tell us where the Exodus Box is," it hissed.
    "Never," Yixing spat back, but let out an almighty scream as the attacker simply bent down and dragged Yixing to his feet by his hair, Yixing bringing up his arms to grab onto the large hand of the attacker, and when he was finally on his feet, legs shaking, his head was forced to watch the scenario in which he didn't want to see unfold in front of his eyes.
    As soon as Yixing was looking, the attacker holding Jongdae down with his foot gave a hard kick, and another, and another, while another and grabbed him by the hair, punching him the face, and lastly another came up and pressed his hands on his back, obviously draining his power away, and blood started to poor with hardly any effort.
    He tried to close his eyes and not look, but he could still hear the whimpers from Jongin and the yelling from the others and...
    "If you do not tell us, your friend will die, we do not need him," it hissed into his ears.
    And the words got to him too.
    Sorry Jongin.
    "I'll tell you...but only I can get to it," Yixing explained hesitantly, the attacker giving no restraint as it pushed Yixing away and hissed, "Get it."
    Once Yixing was free, he looked down at Jongin's body, who shook his head slightly.
    But Yixing couldn't bare to see Jongin in that state, it burned, everything, his eyes, his ears, even breathing as he took in a deep breath and limped over to the bookcase, the limp surfacing from being blown of his feet, and started searching through all the books until he came across the velvet bronze one, slipping it out of it's place, hands shaking and his grip loosening, before he dropped the book in his right hand to the floor.
    It was all happening so quick, at one moment he was so close to Jongin...
    "Jongin," he whispered under his breath, before reaching out his left hand and and gently brushing the end of his fingertips on the special wood, until firmly placing his whole hand on the square of wood, and his eyes started to glow as he worked his power.
    Finally he released his hand and felt like he was going to reduce to tears as the wood was nothing but shriveled and weak now. The attacker came up and pushed Yixing out of the way with a broad shoulder, and with one swing he smashed the fragile wood and brought out the Box, looking over it, running it's fingers over the metal rim and eyeing it with glinting and hungry eyes.
    Yixing looked at Jongin over the attackers shoulders and felt cold tears run down his face.
    Once again, he'd failed everybody.

"There," Junmyeon pointed to a leaf that hang from the golden tree, the leaf he was pointing to in particular glowed more than the rest and was opaque, while a little drop of crystal clear water dropped off the leaf, and if you followed your sight downwards, you could see a small little puddle.
    Junmyeon didn't know where the source of water was coming from, as it defiantly hadn't rained anytime soon, and he felt certain that it must have come from the tree.
    "That's just water Junmyeon," Yifan grumbled, walking up next to him and giving a glance at the leaf then the puddle with a very unimpressed look.
    "No, it's not, I think I can tell what's water and water isn't," Junmyeon explained, and he could, there was this particular feel that the water gave off, a scent, like the mix between roses and lavender and when he came close to the puddle, it made him feel lighter and freshened.
    It wasn't just water.
    Junmyeon walked over and bent down, dipping a small and pale finger in the puddle before quickly retreating.
    "Come here," he gestured for the taller male to drop down beside him, in which he did and copied the same action, even retracting his finger as quickly as Junmyeon did, and his unimpressed look soon disappeared.
    "Yes...I can feel that..." He whispered.
    The lightened and freshened feel multiplied by about ten when the two men touched the water, but their observation was cut short as there was call of joy from behind.
    "'s beautiful!" Zitao chanted, and the two turned to look behind to see a beautiful grey unicorn, being petted by it's three fans.
    "Do you think..." Junmyeon stopped himself as Yifan knew exactly what he was going to say and turned back to the puddle, his large hands cupping the water and making him feel extremely good, and for a moment he wanted to keep it for himself and drink it, but shook the idea out of his mind and jumped onto his legs and went to go approach the unicorn and the small group.
    The others went silent as he carefully approached the hesitant creature, and brought out his hands with the water in.
    The unicorn looked at Yifan, then the water, and took a step forward and lowered it's muzzle and started to drink at the liquids.
    As it did so, it's eyes glowed in fading flashes, quite similar to Yixing when he used his power.
    When the unicorn was done, it took a step back and the others asked with wide eyes towards Yixing's hands which were dampened by the water, "What was that?"
    "It's what we need," Junmyeon leaped up onto his feet and joined the others, giving a small smile, and finishing, "To help the Exodus Box."

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Chapter 18: Sniff this was good, and sad :/ but thank you for this!
ilangilang #2
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for finishing it.
ilangilang #3
Chapter 16: It's so beautiful. I love stories thrilled and dramatic like this.
Chapter 17: Hmmmm i woulf as for krisho but certain writer killed him.. >.>

Sooooo maybe a xiuhan and kailay and backchen and maybe taohun for a make up...

Ps good luck with your school stuff!
chahun- #5
Chapter 17: since you're asking for a request lol so i was hoping theres an extra chapter about kailay~ did they lived separately after that? bc you mentioned that all of them were separated for once again so i was curious abt kailay hehehe...
and also i want to know what happened between xiumin and luhan!! and sehun too omg ;____;

ooh btw thank you for writing this amazing story and yes its true that you made me cry lol xx
love you~~~
Chapter 17: I would like to see an alternative ending with YiXing dying instead of JoonMyeon. You said you were gonna kill YiXing but you didn't and I'm curious on to what will happen if YiXing was the one who died instead of JoonMyeon. XD
bubbles3104 #7
Chapter 17: I finished reading it in one night ㅠㅠ tbh I'd never thought you would kill Junmyeon at the end ㅠㅠ
Since you said we can request for extra, I want you to write extra for baekchen. It can be anything, I won't mind XD (And I know you didn't use chansoo tag here but I feel so happy when you let them both together at the end lol sorry I'm a desperate chansoo shipper)
yixingchen #8
Chapter 17: I was hoping you could make an extra chapter about Kaixing/Kailay. Maybe Kai taking care of Yixing after the attack like Yixing having nightmares about it and begin scared all the time. Thank you for the wonderful story and I hope you keep writing because it was amazing.
chahun- #9
Chapter 16: this chapter actually made me to cry even more... and how you described them all crying over joonmyeon was just... touching and.... i just... cry... idk im quite not stable after reading this but i have to say that you have done a pretty good job for this story!!! congrats~ (for making me cry) ;;;;
2442 streak #10
Chapter 16: aigoo... how sad...
i thought PLMT was the sad one?
at lteast it's over now, Joon wouldn't have made that decision if it wouldn't benefit the majority... Yifan just has to live with Joon's choice now...

this is a nice story! i really loved how you incorporated the pathcodes!!! it was really a nice read :)