You Should Have Told Me

A Collection of Kyumin One Shots

A/N: Hello, hello.  I’m really sorry, but I’ve been busy with my other fic.  However, I’m really happy to be putting this one out, no matter how extremely rushed this is.

It was inspired by a tumblr post where it said to imagine your OTPs doing certain activities.  One of them had something to do with dancing and I had a sudden thought that Kyuhyun and Sungmin dancing together would be cute.  So, here you go!


“I cannot believe that I am actually doing this,” I muttered angrily, glaring at my sister.

            She gave me a small pout.  “But Kyukyu,” she said, baby talking.  “I’m missing one of my bridesmaids and Minnie needs a partner for the meantime.”

            “But why do I have to be the girl,” I grumbled.  “Don’t you have a bunch of other girl friends?  Plus, I had to leave work early for this.  Do you have any idea how behind I am now?”  I rolled up my sapphire blue sleeves.

            “Because, my dear brother, you actually know the moves to this dance, whether it be boy or girl,” she muttered, gently patting him on the back.  “You weirdo dancing machine.”

            I rolled my eyes.  “You know I’m bad at dancing, especially ballroom dancing,” I whined, gently stomping my foot as she stuck her tongue out while walking to her future husband.

            Why does she even have to have a group dance?  What kind of sane person has a group dance during a wedding?  Cause I’ve honestly never seen one.  I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated.  Now, who was Sungmin and why did he sound familiar?  I looked through the group of people, trying to find one without a partner.  I managed to catch a glimpse of some of the girls, who winked and waved at me.  I rolled my eyes again and ignored them. 

            Were they unable to understand that I was not interested in them?

            A gentle tap landed on my shoulders and I was met with a shorter guy dressed in a casual pink button up and khakis.  His blonde hair was parted on his left and was complimented by rosy pink cheeks and ‘M’ shaped lips.  Gosh, he was breathtakingly good looking.  “Hey, Kyuhyun, right,” he asked, his voice whisking its way into my ears.

            I smiled.  “Yes, I am.  And you must be Sungmin,” I said, giving out my hand.

            He smiled back and shook my hand.  “I’m sorry you have to be my partner for today,” he muttered, messing with the hem of his shirt.  “Sunny had a previous appointment.”

            “I really don’t mind,” I said, trying to get rid of the smile on my face.  Since when did Ahra have a friend like this?

            “Thanks,” he muttered, before turning to face the instructor.

            “Okay everyone,” the instructor said when she finished clapping to get our attention.  “Get with your partner and I shall start off the music.  This is our last rehearsal so let’s work super hard!”

            I placed my hands on his shoulder and his other hand as he placed his on my waist.  I felt a little tingle on my waist but ignored it, trying to focus.  The music played and we were off.  He was twirling and turning me expertly, but there were moments where I completely goofed up.  I felt my cheeks slowly heat up as I stepped on his foot for the hundredth time.  “I am so sorry,” I muttered under my breath, trying to hide my face.  Though that was near to impossible as I was taller than him.

            “It’s fine, take your time,” he whispered into my ear.

            My ears felt tingly.  “You’re really good,” I muttered.  “Or at least better than I am.”

            “Thanks for the compliment,” he said, chuckling.  “You’re not too bad yourself.”

            I chuckled before shaking my head.  I knew he was lying.  The dance continued on for another half an hour and I was close to dying by the end of it.  He let go of my waist and I sighed, sadly, at the loss of contact.  I wiped the sweat from my forehead and glanced at him before looking back at the instructor.

            “That was great everyone,” she said, clapping.  “I hope this all goes well this Saturday!”

            She dismissed us and I quickly turned to Sungmin.  “Hey, would you be interested in getting some dinner with me tonight,” I asked, fanning myself.

            He looked over at me and smiled before frowning, as if disappointed.  “I would love to but I have previous plans with a friend of mine,” he said, running his hands through his sweaty but perfect hair.

            “Oh, that’s fine,” I said, waving him off.  Though, I felt kind of bad at being rejected.

            “But, I will see you at the wedding won’t I,” he asked, his smiling coming back.

            “Yeah, you will,” I muttered, giving him a smile back.

            “Good, then I’ll see there,” he said, winking.  I couldn’t help but catch the words under his breath.  Something along the lines of not knowing it would be this easy.  I shook my head and went on my way.


            The wedding had gone so smoothly.  My song during the reception was very well accepted as it was the perfect love song for the two.  Donghae and Eunhyuk’s song was slightly awkward, but was still loved by everyone there.  It was now time for the group dance they had prepared.  The bride and the groom walked towards the middle and six other couples walked around them to make a circle.  Leeteuk sat behind the piano and began to sing ‘She’ as the couples began their dance.

            The whole dance was beautiful, but my eyes couldn’t part from the blonde man who was dancing with Sunny.  Sungmin was so elegant and graceful.  He really should be a professional dancer.  I clapped by the end and the reception went on.  He never approached me like I thought he would.  I was slightly hurt, but was distracted by Siwon’s attempts to videotape the happy couple and Eunhyuk’s and Donghae’s constant embarrassment as people continually approached them to tell them how much they loved their song.

            “And now it’s time for the couple dance,” my dad happily announced.

            The quartet began their collection of songs as the newly married couple made their way to the dance floor.  Soon, couple after couple made their way to the floor.  Even Eunhyuk had enough guts to ask Donghae onto the floor.  I glanced around at the rest of the tables, trying to find Sungmin.  But all I could spot were elderly people watching the others on the brightly lit floor.  Finally, I found a lonely Sungmin at his table, watching them dreamily.

            I stood up and walked over, taking a seat beside him.  “So, you’ve rejected my dinner proposal,” I said, grabbing his attention.

            He abruptly turned around and looked at me innocently.  “I really didn’t mean to,” he sputtered out.  “I’m sorry.”

            I laughed at his reaction.  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, winking.  “But, I mean, if you’re really sorry about it, how about letting me be your dance partner?”

            His pinks slowly started to turn pink and he quickly glanced to the floor.  “Y-yes,” he stuttered out.

            I stood up and gave out my hand.  He slowly reached for it and I pulled him up.  “I lead,” I whispered into his ear.  I heard him giggle as our position from two days ago changed.

            This was indescribable.  But, all in all, it was really, really nice.

            His blonde hair would brush against my neck every once in a while and I could feel him giggle against my chest every time I flinched.  “I can’t believe that this was all I had to do to get you to notice me,” he whispered against my chest.

            “What do you mean,” I asked, stopping our slow dancing.

            He wouldn’t look into my eyes, but I knew he was blushing.  “I’ve liked you since high school Kyu,” he whispered out. 

            “Wait, wait, what,” I asked, my eyes widening.  “But that was, like, years ago.”

            He took his hand and gently rubbed his neck.  “I could never find the right time to tell you and you never looked my way,” he muttered.  “You didn’t even recognize me during the rehearsal.”

            I scrolled through my high school days.  Sungmin.  Sungmin.  I knew I recognized him from somewhere.  I scrunched my eyes and looked at him.  And I mean really looked at him.  “Lee…Lee Sungmin,” I whispered before it clicked.

            He was the boy who always stood behind Ahra during their meetings.  I only officially met him once and I thought he hated me.  I guess I was wrong.  “Yeah,” he said, rubbing his neck again.

            “Gosh, you should have told me a long time ago,” I whispered.  “You silly, silly boy.”

            He could only laugh at my comment and I watched his eyes twinkle on the dance floor and wondered what took the two of us so long.


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leeaida #1
Chapter 1: i love ittttt
thanks for sharing
sweety23 #2
Chapter 10: This is epic! It would be nice if it really happened... Everyone will be happy! Cant wait for the next story :)
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 8: Why Kyuhyun die? The letter make me think he commit suicide, but why?? ㅠ_ㅠ

Thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 9: If I were sungmin, I would've slapped kyu too hihihi

Thank goodness the last chapter is fluffy. After reading the first update and after what happened during ss6 encore, I don't think I still have more tears to shed.

Thanks for the double update! ^^v
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the unrequited love is not really unrequited after all. He should just confessed. XD

Thanks for the update.. ^^
sweety23 #6
Chapter 7: This is really cute but how can Kyu no notice the cute Min.... Love this as usual...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 6: Hahahaha.. I amazed at your effort counts how long Kyuhyun had been fall in love with Min. XD

Now... Aren't Min a little bit too much here? He knew Kyuhyun was love him. Why he didn't say or do anything first if he also love Kyu? Or he didn't love Kyuhyun back?

Thanks for the update... ^^

I would love SuJu to lasts for 25 years, and still in touch after that. But imagine two ahjussi in the cafe, in the daylight, confessing their love behind the wive back make me cringe. Even if the ahjussi as cute as Sungmin. Hahahaha.. Because, yeah, 20 years from now Sungmin will be almost 50, and Kyuhyun will be 47. >_<
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ fluffy!!!

Kyuhyun's cheesiness made me cringe though. Hahahaha...

SuJu reach their 25th anniversary. Wish that will happen in real life..

thanks for the update.. ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 4: This is sad.... All that because of stupid. min!! ㅠ_ㅠ

Why he don't realized if he couldn't protect Kyu by hirting him that much??!

Thanks for writing and for the updates.. ^^

Ps. Sorry i took too much comment space. >_<