
A Collection of Kyumin One Shots

A/N: Hello again!  This was written rather quickly, but I hope you enjoy it.  This is based on the song "Coagulation", sung by our very own Super Junior K.R.Y.  A/N continues below :)


           I slowly opened my eyes and groaned.  I sat up ever so slowly, trying to ignore the pain that seemed to be banging on my head.  It felt as if I had just awoken from a coma, again.  And let me tell you that the first time wasn’t exactly a merry ride.  My eyes were fully open, but even so, my eyesight was still blurred as I had been wearing my glasses.

            That’s right.  My glasses.  Where were they?

            I started to feel around me.  Am I on cement?  I finally found my glasses and put them on.  It took a while for my eyesight to adjust since there were cracks here and there.  I put my hand back down only to realize that there was now blood on my hands.  Or better yet, there was blood everywhere on me.

            What’s going on?

            My hearing seemed to come back again as I heard flames in the distance.  I looked up and saw two upturned cars burning from the back.  Pieces of glass and metal were strewn across the pavement.  I quickly examined the cars from the distance, unable to move myself so suddenly.  The first car seemed to be empty, the passengers had seemingly ran.  I then looked at the second car.

            And it broke my heart.

            Sungmin was belted into the upside down car, seemingly unconscious except for the fact that he continually coughed up something red.  My heart stopped for a second.

            It was then that I remembered what had happened.


Approximately 30 minutes ago…

            “Sungmin,” I sighed, gazing at him as he focused on the road in front of him.

            “Yes Kyu,” he asked, not taking the time to look at me.  Though I knew he was paying attention by the light glint in his eyes and the little smirk he had started to get on his pink lips.

            I continued to look at him, admiring his beauty.  “I love you so much,” I whispered, reaching out to touch his pale cheeks.

            He started to giggle at the touch and turned to glance at me.  “I lo…”

            Sungmin never finished his sentence.  It was then, I remembered, that the sleek black Toyota, which had swerved onto our lane, had hit us and spun us off our course and into this horror show.


            “Sungmin,” I tried to yell out, but nothing seemed to come out.  I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t seem to move my legs.  However, that wasn’t the source of my panic.  I don’t care if I never walk again, just as long as I could make sure that Sungmin was all right and safe.  But all I could do was sit on the sidelines and watch.

            Tears started to form in my eyes and drip down my cheeks.  I could taste the salty and metallic mixture of tears and blood, something that I always thought of as being metaphorical.  What can I do?  I need to get to him.  I continued to watch as he coughed and struggled against the belt around him.

            I need to help him.  No matter what.

            As I tried to figure out a way to get to him, I suddenly heard a slight squeal.  “Kyu,” Sungmin had managed to yell out.  He had finally spotted me.  “You’re finally awake.  I was so worried you had stopped breathing!”

            I smiled slightly and thought it ridiculous that he was more worried than I was.  After all, he was the one in the buried car.  My smile disappeared when I saw him coughing again.  “I’ll get to you Sungmin, hold on,” I managed to yell out, straining my voice.  I looked around again, trying to figure out how to get to him without standing up.  As the thought occurred to me, I laid on my stomach and started to drag myself to him.

            “Wait, no Kyu,” Sungmin yelled out.  “Don’t you dare come over here!  The car might blow up any second now!  It’s a ticking time…”  He couldn’t finish his sentence as a coughing fit hit him again.

            “I need to get to you,” I whispered, knowing that he couldn’t hear me.  I need to get to you.  I need to hold you, especially if this is the last time I’ll ever be awake.

            I got closer and closer to the car and sighed in relief as I reached the passenger side.  “Kyuhyun,” Sungmin whispered, holding out his hand.  “You need to leave.”

            I pulled my self through the passenger’s window.  “Not in a million years sweetie,” I muttered, ignoring the pain that continually struck my back.

            Tears started to flow out of Sungmin’s eyes.  “Please Kyu,” he begged.  “I need you to live.  I need to see you live.  I need to die seeing you come out of this alive.”

            “No one is dying,” I said, holding his hand.  “Especially not an angel like you.”

            “Kyuhyun,” he said as he sobbed and coughed simultaneously.  Blood spattered out of his mouth and onto the steering wheel.  “Please!”

            I shook my head as I began to work on the belt around him.  “Sungmin, have a little faith in me,” I muttered.  I groaned as pain struck my back again.  I stopped for a second to take a breather.

            “Kyuhyun,” Sungmin continued to beg.  “Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun, please.  Please leave me here.  There’s no chance.  I’m stuck.  You’re too weak.  It’s too late.  Please.  Just please save yourself.” 

            “No, no, no,” I repeated, struggling to work on his seatbelt.

            Finally, it broke free.  I sighed in relief.  “There we go, let’s go Sungmin,” I said, pushing him towards the opposite window.

            A small explosion from the other car interrupted our thoughts.  I quickly glanced outside and saw the flames getting larger and larger.  “Quick Minnie,” I yelled out.  “We have to go!”

            I looked at Sungmin, who had stopped crying and had a smile spread across his face.  He then glanced down at his legs, which were crushed under pieces of metal.  And I knew what he was trying to tell me.  “I told you to stop,” He whispered gently, reaching for my hands.  “I didn’t want you to notice that part.”

            “Minnie, we have to try,” I choked out, attempting to let go of his hands.

            He gripped my hands tighter.  “Kyuhyun,” he whispered, caressing my cheeks.  “My sweet little Kyu.  I’m so sorry that it had to end this way.”

            “Please no,” I said, feelings my tears rush down my cheeks.

            “But you know what,” he said, ignoring my comments.  “I really love you too.  I mean it.  Though I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep my promise of forever.”

            “Sungmin,” I sobbed, gripping onto his hands.

            He suddenly let go and I felt myself being pulled away from him.  I was suddenly in the arms of another man.  It was a fireman.  I glanced around, noticing the large amount of police cars and firefighters surrounding the car.  I hadn’t noticed them this whole time, but I was relieved to know they were here.  They can save him.

            “Please,” I begged the fireman as he carried me bridal style to the ambulance.  “Please save my husband!”

            The fireman looked at me and nodded his head.  “We’ll do our best,” he said.  “Please rest.”  He laid me down on the stretcher and the medics immediately began to do their work.  IVs were set into place, oxygen masks were placed on me, and whatever else they could do to stabilize me.

            The doors to the ambulance shut and I panicked.  “Relax, we need to get you to the hospital first,” a medic said.

            I relaxed for a second, knowing that Sungmin was in safe hands.  The sirens blasted through the air and we descended away from the car crash.  Just then, a flash of red covered the sky from the window and a loud boom spread across the ambulance. 

            My heart stopped and all I could do was scream in my head and let my tears do all the talking.


1 week later…

            “Are you ready Kyuhyun,” Leetuek asked from the kitchen.

            “Always am,” I muttered, managing a small smirk.

            He walked behind me and started to push my wheel chair out of the dorm and into the elevator.  “Have your therapy sessions been helping you,” he asked, trying to make small talk as the lights blinked every time we passed by a floor.

            “Of course they have been,” I said.  “The doctor has hope for me, though he says it might take a year to fully recover.”

            “At least we have that,” Leetuek muttered, patting my shoulder.

            The elevator stopped and we got off, meeting up with the rest of the members.  We made our way to the cars, Siwon helping me into one of them.  We drove carefully and silently. Nobody dared to break the silence.  It’s been going on for weeks and I didn’t know what I could say to make anything better.

            “So, for Sungmin’s arrangement,” Siwon said, finally breaking the silence.  “Have you thought about it?”

            I nodded.  “I have and I think I know what to do,” I whispered, hugging myself to provide the comfort that had once been Sungmin.  But it was doing me no food.

            We stopped in front of the hospital and Siwon, again, carefully helped me out the car.  As we made our way to the second floor, I felt as if I was in a daze and I felt so alone.  I really shouldn’t be, I at least have everyone with me for this.  Though it didn’t stop me from feeling that a huge part of me was missing.

            Doors hissed open, revealing a seemingly mummified man on a cot.  He wasn’t moving and you probably wouldn’t have thought he was breathing either if not for the machines that beeped with his heartbeat.  But that man, believe or not, was Sungmin.  My precious and beautiful Sungmin.  Donghae placed me beside the bed as the rest of the members scattered around the room, waiting.

            I reached for Sungmin’s hands and squeezed them tight.  “Minnie,” I started, taking a deep breath.  “My Minnie.  It’s been a week now.  Please give me a little hope and open your eyes.”

            I waited for a second, knowing that no matter what I did, there would be no response.  “The doctor wants to know what I want to do and, honestly, I have no idea.  I’ve spent days thinking about it, but I’m still not sure.  You know how indecisive I truly am,” I continued, feeling tears forming in my eyes.  “I need you to help me this one last time.  I need you to tell me what to do my opening your eyes.  Or talking.  Or whatever.  Just please, do something.”

            I heard the others starting to tear up, but I knew I couldn’t comfort them since I couldn’t even comfort myself in the first place.  I continued to wait for a response, slowly accepting that there would never be one.

            The doors hissed open again and a tall, lanky man with a white coat walked into the room.  “Dr. Park,” I heard Leetuek greet.

            “Hello,” Dr. Park muttered.  I heard him walk towards me and felt his arms around my shoulder.  “Have you decided on what you want to do?”

            I looked at Sungmin one last time and managed to place a small smile on my face.  “I love you Sungmin,” I whispered.  Forever and always.  I glanced at the doctor and nodded.  “I think it’s time.”

            “It’s fortunate that you have finally made a decision,” Dr. Park said, walking away from me and towards the monitors that were practically Sungmin’s life.  “Are you ready?”

            I looked back at Sungmin and my heart seemed to be cold and non-existant.  I couldn’t bear to watch the love of my life slip away from my hands.  Not then and definitely not now.  “I can’t watch,” I managed to choke out through the already flowing tears.

            “I got you Kyu,” Siwon whispered, pulling my wheelchair away.  “We’ll be outside.  Tell us when it’s over.”

            I looked at Sungmin one last time.  Good bye my love.  I looked away and stared at the doors, which again hissed.

            However, time seemed to stop when I heard the all too familiar voice echo throughout the room.  My once in a lifetime miracle.

            “Kyuhyun,” a voice struggled to say.  “Don’t go.”

            Siwon stopped in his tracks and I turned my body around to meet the eyes of my lover, who in turned gave me a small smile.  “I kept my promise,” he whispered.

            I smiled and continued to bawl.  “Sungmin,” I whispered back.

            With that, he groaned before closing his eyes and I felt my heart come back to life.


A/N: Please don't hurt me.  I was originally planning on killing him, which I just might later.  So, pardon the ending.  Also, the medical portions, I know they're probably dead wrong.  Sorry >.<

But please comment and tell me what you thought.  They make my day :)

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leeaida #1
Chapter 1: i love ittttt
thanks for sharing
sweety23 #2
Chapter 10: This is epic! It would be nice if it really happened... Everyone will be happy! Cant wait for the next story :)
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 8: Why Kyuhyun die? The letter make me think he commit suicide, but why?? ㅠ_ㅠ

Thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 9: If I were sungmin, I would've slapped kyu too hihihi

Thank goodness the last chapter is fluffy. After reading the first update and after what happened during ss6 encore, I don't think I still have more tears to shed.

Thanks for the double update! ^^v
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the unrequited love is not really unrequited after all. He should just confessed. XD

Thanks for the update.. ^^
sweety23 #6
Chapter 7: This is really cute but how can Kyu no notice the cute Min.... Love this as usual...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 6: Hahahaha.. I amazed at your effort counts how long Kyuhyun had been fall in love with Min. XD

Now... Aren't Min a little bit too much here? He knew Kyuhyun was love him. Why he didn't say or do anything first if he also love Kyu? Or he didn't love Kyuhyun back?

Thanks for the update... ^^

I would love SuJu to lasts for 25 years, and still in touch after that. But imagine two ahjussi in the cafe, in the daylight, confessing their love behind the wive back make me cringe. Even if the ahjussi as cute as Sungmin. Hahahaha.. Because, yeah, 20 years from now Sungmin will be almost 50, and Kyuhyun will be 47. >_<
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ fluffy!!!

Kyuhyun's cheesiness made me cringe though. Hahahaha...

SuJu reach their 25th anniversary. Wish that will happen in real life..

thanks for the update.. ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 4: This is sad.... All that because of stupid. min!! ㅠ_ㅠ

Why he don't realized if he couldn't protect Kyu by hirting him that much??!

Thanks for writing and for the updates.. ^^

Ps. Sorry i took too much comment space. >_<