The Lucky One

A Collection of Kyumin One Shots

A/N: Hello everyone!  Lookie!  I have attempted to write some fluff after bombarding you with two not very fluffy updates (/.\)

I’m sorry it’s short, but it needed to end there or else it would have dragged on and on.  I hope you like it!  By the way, comments make my day ;)


Like a fool, I stared at the beautifully handsome man who sat in front of me.  He wasn’t looking back, but I could see the little glint in his eyes as it roamed at the pages of the book in front of him.  His lips were shut tight, but turned every now and then when something interesting seemed to have happened in the book.  The sun light slipping through the white curtains could do him no justice, but it certainly did well to reflect off his hair, making it seem like it was glowing.  His slim and soft fingers touched the pages of his books, changing the page.

            How did I get so lucky, I asked myself, settling my head on my palm.  I took the cup of tea sitting in front of me and sipped it carefully, trying all I could to prevent him from getting distracted.  I smiled to myself when he started to giggle about something I could only imagine.  He didn’t spare a glance towards me and I was getting jealous to say the least, but was happy to be able to continue looking at the beautiful masterpiece in front of me.  It allowed me to reminisce.

            I could still remember everything, all the way from the beginning when he had been the first to fully accept me into Super Junior.  How he lent me his extremely fluffy pink blankets and rose colored pillows.  Then to the middle when I had proposed to him back in our old dorm and he had said yes.  How his eyes twinkled with hope and the wide smile onto his face as he tackled me onto the floor excitedly.  All the way to now, when we had recently disbanded as a group after our 25th anniversary and he had comforted me after being unable to stop crying at Leeteuk’s last words.  The ending of the group had been bittersweet, but it was the right time.  We had succeeded in covering the whole world in sapphire blue and the fans had accepted and supported our decision in ending and going our separate ways.  We, of course, haven’t lost contact.  We still met up weekly, no matter how busy we were.  We were family and nothing could break our bond. 

            Leeteuk had stayed at the company to lead new and upcoming groups, while Donghae and Eunhyuk decided to mentor the rookies in their newly standing dance studio.  Kangin went to live a quiet life with his newly married wife in the country side.  Ryeowook and Yesung had started a production company together, working well with the company.  Heechul and Zhou Mi went off to China, Heechul continuing his legacy with Hangeng while Zhou Mi had started a new brand of clothing.  Shindong had gotten married and moved to Jeju to spend some quiet time with his wife, though I believe he was coming back to host some variety shows.  Siwon, Sungmin, and I had companies to manage after our end.  Sungmin and I lived near our companies, happily married.  However, I still performed as a ballad singer.  I would never give that up.  And yet, even though we were all so far away or our schedules were full, we never forgot to meet up every Saturday at 6 p.m. in our usual restaurant to talk and eat.

            I shook my head and smiled at our silly little family.  I hope it can stay this way forever and ever.  I glanced at the man sitting in front of me again and gazed into his eyes.  It took me a while to realize that he had put his book down and had been watching me as I dozed off, a small smile on his face.

            “Do I have something on my face,” I teased, patting my face.

            He shook his head and set his face between his two hands, making him look even cuter.  His baby face had stayed throughout all these years.  He really hadn’t changed a bit.  “Then what is it,” I asked, smiling at him, tilting my head.

            He continued to smile and sighed happily.  “How did I get so lucky,” he whispered, a slight tint of pink appearing on his face.  He was blushing.

            “That’s what I’ve been asking myself all day honey,” I whispered back, winking at him.

            He reached over to touch my face and leaned in, pressing his lips softly against my own.  I held my breath.  We’ve been married for 14 years and he still managed to make my heart skip a beat.  What’s wrong with me?

            He pulled away, but didn’t drop his hands from my face.  He gazed into my eyes and a smile appeared on his face again.  “Kyuhyun,” he whispered.

            “Yes Sungmin,” I asked, unable to stop the smirk that was forming on my face.

            He lifted up his other hand to move a piece of hair away from my forehead before speaking again.  “You know that I love you very much, right?”

            “Of course I do,” I said, placing my own hands on his face when he dropped his.  “But you know I love you more than you love me, right?”

            Sungmin couldn’t help but giggle as he took a seat.  “Of course I do,” he said, “that’s why I’m the lucky one.”

            I couldn’t help but smile back, knowing that even though he was the lucky one, I was the one who had won it all.

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leeaida #1
Chapter 1: i love ittttt
thanks for sharing
sweety23 #2
Chapter 10: This is epic! It would be nice if it really happened... Everyone will be happy! Cant wait for the next story :)
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 8: Why Kyuhyun die? The letter make me think he commit suicide, but why?? ㅠ_ㅠ

Thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 9: If I were sungmin, I would've slapped kyu too hihihi

Thank goodness the last chapter is fluffy. After reading the first update and after what happened during ss6 encore, I don't think I still have more tears to shed.

Thanks for the double update! ^^v
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the unrequited love is not really unrequited after all. He should just confessed. XD

Thanks for the update.. ^^
sweety23 #6
Chapter 7: This is really cute but how can Kyu no notice the cute Min.... Love this as usual...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 6: Hahahaha.. I amazed at your effort counts how long Kyuhyun had been fall in love with Min. XD

Now... Aren't Min a little bit too much here? He knew Kyuhyun was love him. Why he didn't say or do anything first if he also love Kyu? Or he didn't love Kyuhyun back?

Thanks for the update... ^^

I would love SuJu to lasts for 25 years, and still in touch after that. But imagine two ahjussi in the cafe, in the daylight, confessing their love behind the wive back make me cringe. Even if the ahjussi as cute as Sungmin. Hahahaha.. Because, yeah, 20 years from now Sungmin will be almost 50, and Kyuhyun will be 47. >_<
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ fluffy!!!

Kyuhyun's cheesiness made me cringe though. Hahahaha...

SuJu reach their 25th anniversary. Wish that will happen in real life..

thanks for the update.. ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 4: This is sad.... All that because of stupid. min!! ㅠ_ㅠ

Why he don't realized if he couldn't protect Kyu by hirting him that much??!

Thanks for writing and for the updates.. ^^

Ps. Sorry i took too much comment space. >_<