Because I Love You

A Collection of Kyumin One Shots

A/N: Hello again!  Yes, this was extremely quick.  However, I was listening to some Super Junior K.R.Y. ballads and “Growing Pains” and had a quick thought.  Sorry it’s short, but it’s meant to be.  Quick and painless…kind of…but I do so hope you enjoy!

And yes, with this, I realized how much of a failure I am with fluff and how much I love writing angst and tragedies…whoops /.\

By the way, I’m so excited for Yesung’s recent comeback!  Their live performance in Japan was just so beautiful…and now I sit here patiently for their August comeback ^^


“What do you mean you don’t love me anymore,” Kyuhyun whispered ever so gently, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to flow out.

            Sungmin gazed at him sadly.  “You and I both know that I don’t need to explain it,” he whispered back, reaching out for Kyuhyun’s hands.

            He flinched and stepped back.  Suddenly, a small smile spread onto his face and he started to laugh uncomfortably.  “You’re joking, right Minnie,” he asked, unable to look at Sungmin’s face.  “Please tell me you’re joking.”

            Sungmin took a step forward, again reaching out for Kyuhyun’s hands.  As if on cue, Kyuhyun stepped back again.  “Kyuhyun, I would never joke with you about this,” he said, pulling his hand back, but still trying to find a way to get closer to him.  Please Kyuhyun, accept the words and let’s just drop this.

            Kyuhyun finally looked into Sungmin’s eyes, his own filled with tears.  “Minnie, tell me you’re joking,” he begged again.

            I really wish I was.  “Kyuhyun,” he said firmly.  “Do I have to keep repeating myself?”  Please, just accept it so you won’t see me cry.  I need to do this.  Not just for me, but for you too.

            “But,” Kyuhyun managed to choke out as he tried to control his breathing.  “You told me you would be with me.  Forever.”

            I know I did.  But I also promised to protect you no matter what.  And I am not risking your career or your life you silly boy.  “Those were all lies,” Sungmin whispered, flinching at the sight of Kyuhyun slowly breaking.  He had never seen him in such a state before and it was breaking him down on the inside too. 

            Kyuhyun could feel his legs tremble beneath him and he knew, any second now, that he would soon collapse onto the floor.  “B…,” Kyuhyun said, taking in a deep breath.  “But I love you.”

            Oh Kyu, I know you love me.  But I love you so much more.  And I’m proving it right now.  Sungmin took a step forward again, reaching out to Kyuhyun’s hands.  This time, Kyuhyun didn’t step back.  This time, Kyuhyun took a deep breath and held onto Sungmin’s hands as if he was his life line.  But all came crashing down as Sungmin leaned in to the ever hopeful young man in front of him.

            The young man who believed in love at first sight.  The young man who woke up every morning with a smile on his face simply at the sight of Sungmin.  The young man who believed in faith.  The young man who comes home tired every night but never forgets to wish Sungmin good night.  The young man who always brings flowers home, especially on completely random days because he knew Sungmin loved them.  The young, innocent, hopeful man that had fallen deeply for Sungmin.

            And now it was the young broken man who had lost all hope in faith, in love, and in hope as soon as Sungmin opened his mouth.

            “But I never loved you back,” he whispered ever so painfully.  “Why do you think I’m getting married?”

            Kyuhyun gripped Sungmin’s hands tightly before collapsing onto the floor, gasping for air as tears flowed out non-stop.

            Sungmin let go of his hands and watched his lover fall to the floor.  No, he couldn’t cry now.  He could never cry about what he just did.  Please Kyu, I didn’t want it to go this far.  I didn’t want to see you cry.  “It was fun while it lasted,” Sungmin whispered, forcing a painful smile onto his face.

            He glanced at the boy that had fallen onto the floor one last time, pain flashing through his eyes, but glad that the boy couldn’t see his face.  He turned away and walked out their dorm room.  As soon as he shut the door, he collapsed onto the floor too, leaning against the door.  He listened to the wails that came from his old dorm room and silently cried himself.  He was glad that the rest of the group wasn’t at home.

            Kyuhyun, please, please live your life out well.  Fall in love again and make sure they’re worth it this time.  Make sure that they don’t hurt you like I did and that they protect you as much as I did today.  Let me be the one that continually lives with the pain, not you.  Forget me.  Please, please my dear, forget me. 

            As soon as the wailing stopped, Sungmin picked himself up from the floor and wiped away his tears.  He didn’t leave right away, knowing Kyuhyun wouldn’t leave his room.  He turned around to face the door and leaned his forehead in.  He touched the door ever so gently, imagining Kyuhyun’s beautiful face.

            “I love you so much,” he whispered, closing his eyes.  He left right after.

            The broken boy inside the room could do nothing else but stare at the door, trying to pick up the broken pieces of himself and reach towards the piece that he knew he had lost forever.

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leeaida #1
Chapter 1: i love ittttt
thanks for sharing
sweety23 #2
Chapter 10: This is epic! It would be nice if it really happened... Everyone will be happy! Cant wait for the next story :)
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 8: Why Kyuhyun die? The letter make me think he commit suicide, but why?? ㅠ_ㅠ

Thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 9: If I were sungmin, I would've slapped kyu too hihihi

Thank goodness the last chapter is fluffy. After reading the first update and after what happened during ss6 encore, I don't think I still have more tears to shed.

Thanks for the double update! ^^v
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the unrequited love is not really unrequited after all. He should just confessed. XD

Thanks for the update.. ^^
sweety23 #6
Chapter 7: This is really cute but how can Kyu no notice the cute Min.... Love this as usual...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 6: Hahahaha.. I amazed at your effort counts how long Kyuhyun had been fall in love with Min. XD

Now... Aren't Min a little bit too much here? He knew Kyuhyun was love him. Why he didn't say or do anything first if he also love Kyu? Or he didn't love Kyuhyun back?

Thanks for the update... ^^

I would love SuJu to lasts for 25 years, and still in touch after that. But imagine two ahjussi in the cafe, in the daylight, confessing their love behind the wive back make me cringe. Even if the ahjussi as cute as Sungmin. Hahahaha.. Because, yeah, 20 years from now Sungmin will be almost 50, and Kyuhyun will be 47. >_<
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ fluffy!!!

Kyuhyun's cheesiness made me cringe though. Hahahaha...

SuJu reach their 25th anniversary. Wish that will happen in real life..

thanks for the update.. ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 4: This is sad.... All that because of stupid. min!! ㅠ_ㅠ

Why he don't realized if he couldn't protect Kyu by hirting him that much??!

Thanks for writing and for the updates.. ^^

Ps. Sorry i took too much comment space. >_<